Disengagement 2005 – The Drama of Jews Expelling Jews | VOL. 51 * SPECIAL EDITION * AUGUST 17, 2005 |
Dear Friends of Israel and “Or Tzion”,
Today, August 17th, 2005, two days after Tisha B’Av, the black day in Jewish history, another disaster is being added to the list of the Jewish drama.
I am astonished beyond measure how it is that the Body of Messiah, both in Israel and abroad,whether Jew or Gentile, seems not to grasp what is happening before our very eyes, except for a very few, not to say – a mere handful: Nils Peter Hansen, 54, a believing Christian from Sweden, came to Israel in order to support the settlers. Shocked by the thought Jews are again being expelled while the world remains silent, he and his wife felt that they needed to do something. “So I came to sit with my brothers, here in Israel, to share in their pain, support and comfort them, and pray with them,”said the civil aviator, who views himself as a genuine friend of the Jewish nation. “We’ve seen expulsion of Jews before, and we know how it ended,” he said1.
Another non-Jewish Christian felt the same way: Dov Hikind, an Assembly of G-d man from New York (D-48th District), said he came to stand in solidarity with the residents of Gush Kativ in their most difficult hour and snuck into Gaza through the IDF roadblocks2.
Only two? Where are the millions – or at least hundreds of thousands – of “believing” Christians from the well-to-do Western countries who could afford to come? What an incredible opportunity – alas missed! – for demonstrating Yeshua’s love, to let His light shine among the Israelis, whether residents of Gush Kativ, or soldiers and police.
Without G-d’s people regathered into the covenanted land as a sovereign people, with Jerusalem as their capital, Yeshua can’t and won’t return. This in turn would delay the “rapture” and the wedding supper of the Lamb, for He won’t “transfer” to Rome, taking His seat in the Vatican. There is only one place on the whole earth His feet shall touch ground – and that is the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem, capital of the reborn sovereign nation of Israel!All hell, from Satan down to the least of the devils, know – and FEAR! – what that means for them! The prospect of getting bound and thrown into a bottomless pit where he won’t be able to rest for a thousand years does not thrill Satan nor his host of demons who shall get bound as well.
Hence they are extremely anxious to annihilate the Covenant people of G-d, wipe out their sovereignty and have the land of Israel given to a people readily doing his bidding to plunder and destroy it. To achieve his aim, Satan launches his offensive from several angles, in case one or the other should fail.
A house divided cannot stand, Yeshua already said. Pitting Jew against Jew, religious against secular, by dividing them in their beliefs and way of life could destroy them from within. Better yet, by Jews expelling Jews from their homes, destroying the communities they built and hand them over to Israel’s enemies may prove an even more effective way to disband the Jewish nation.
Secular Israelis wish to think of Israel as just another democracy, wanting to be like all the other nations, rejecting the epitaph “Chosen people of G-d”.However, G-d speaks by His prophet Ezekiel in ch. 25:8-11 saying, “Because Moab3 and Seir4 said, ‘Behold, the house of Judah [i.e. the Jews] is like all the other nations,’ THEREFORE I will lay open the flank of Moab… and I will execute judgments upon Moab. THEN they will KNOW that I AM the L-RD.”
G-d repudiates having Israel labeled as being “like all the other nations.” Moses said, “Although you were the smallest of all peoples, because the L-RD loves you, He is keeping the OATH which He swore…”5 Therefore G-d Himself commanded Israel to be SEPARATE UNTO HIM from all the other nations6 because He chose them to be His own portion7.
Yet secular Israelis, in the hope to no longer be a rock of offense due to the “chosen” status, see Israel as just another democracy among the “family of nations” in order to be accepted as “one of them.” But the “familiy of nations” not only rejects Israel’s “chosen” status but also her being “one of them”, treating Israel with contempt.
Worse yet, the majority of Christianity feels the same way because they regard themselves as being the “true Jews”8, G-d’s “chosen people”, the “new Israel of G-d,” because ignorant and unstable people twisted Paul’s teachings to their own (and others’) destruction9. They excised Yeshua from the Jewish people as though Him being of this people according to the flesh was no longer relevant.
This, in spite of Yeshua’s pledge that until heaven and earth pass away not so much as one single vowel sign (dot or tittle) of Torah (the Law) and the prophets will be dropped until ALL is accomplished (and this will only be the case as recorded in the last chapter of the Book of Revelation). Yet millions of Christians deem only the New Testament as pertinent, treating the two thirds of Scriptures labeled as “OLD Testament” mainly as historical records.
But the Lord warned, “Whoever then RELAXES [or abolishes] one of the LEAST significant of these commandments and so TEACHES the people, shall be of LEAST significance in the Kingdom of heaven.”10
Nevertheless most Christians believe that since Jesus Christ came and established the New Covenant, nothing of the former dispensation and what is written and commanded in the “Old” Testament is relevant for the believer. Hence, whatever is done to and happening to Israel, the “good” Christian may feel sorry for it, but that is as far as it goes. He neither considers it relevant for himself as believer, nor that it has anything whatsoever to do with the Lord’s Return.
Satan is truly a master deceiver!
1 Articles by Arutz Sheva http://www.israelnn.com; and Israel Insider http://web.israelinsider.com/home.htm, no longer listed. 2 See article in The Jerusalem Post Internet Edition: “NY assemblyman sneaks into Gaza,” by Tovah Lazaroff, Aug. 15, 2005 3 Which in our days, geographically, is part of the artificially created nation of Jordan – cut off from the land of Israel by the British during the Mandate period. 4 Mount Seir refers to Esau, which can have 2 interpretations: 1. Esau is representative of the usurping, anti-Semitic Christianity led throughout many centuries by the Roman Cath. Church, followed by the anti-Semitic stance of Martin Luther, one of the early fathers of the Protestant (protesting) churches; 2. Saudi-Arabia, because the royal house of the Saudis claims to be descended from Esau, “Saud” meaning “Esau” in Arabic. 5 Deuteronomy 7:6-8 6 Leviticus 20:24, 26 7 Deuteronomy 14:2 9 2 Peter 3:16 10 Mt 5:18-19, Mod. Language Messiah the Promised Seed is Inside Israel and hence also His Body
Page 2 Yeshua emphatically stated that, “WHATSOEVER you have done even to the LEAST of these MY brethren you have DONE UNTO ME!”During the years of my ministry I have come to KNOW the absolute reality of this saying. For this reason I frequently admonish the saints to treat each other (as well as the Jewish people) the way we would treat the Lord Who lives in us, and moreover is the King of ISRAEL whom we claim to love and follow! And He will return to this LAND AND PEOPLE even though not every Jew will be saved.
As an embryo may not be severed from the womb and made to grow in an artifical, external place, likewise the Promised Seed, Yeshua HaMashiach, must not be severed from the womb inside which G-d planted Him — the Jewish people, the people of Israel.
THE BODY OF MESSIAH GROWS INSIDE ISRAEL AND NOT OUTSIDE!!! The branches cut off from the wild olive tree are not placed into a vase but are grafted into the cultivated olive tree, Israel!11 Gentiles may join Israel but Israel may not join the Gentiles!
Rome is not the womb within which the Body of Messiah grows. It was, is and remains the Commonwealth of Israel until all has been accomplished, and we will hear the third and final, “It is finished!”12 from the divine mouth.
The birth pangs have already begun, for we can see the “womb” Israel in ever more frequent and more painful “labor pangs”. And when the “birth” has taken place and the Body of Messiah is assembled into heaven, the natural Israel – though judged and diminished – is still not rejected! For they will constitute G-d’s congregation and the “chief of the nations” for the thousand years of the Messianic Reign13. The Body of Messiah, on the other hand, will serve G-d as His priesthood, together with Yeshua.
And ALL of Israel and ALL of the children of G-d shall be living in the land of Israel and in Jerusalem, serving G-d in His new Temple! None of the other “Christian” centers are relevant in regard to the Body of Messiah, Messiah’s Return and His Millennial Reign. What IS relevant to the above is this land and nation of Israel, and their capital, Jerusalem!
How can we say, “I love you, Jesus!”, yet NOT understand these things?! How can we think the great evil that is presently being perpetrated against the Jewish people in Gush Kativ and Samaria does not concern us because we are in Yeshua? How can we say, “This also shall pass,” in the face of unspeakable pain and anguish, as though this was just another wound inflicted upon the Jewish people accustomed to getting wounded? Sure, the Nazi Holocaust has “also passed”, but it has remained an “incurable wound” in our people. It has passed, yes, but could not render the suffering of my childhood irrelevant, nor meaningless the loss of my whole family and all that we owned.
Even heaven and earth, our Milkyway galaxy, shall “pass away” with a loud bang, and all that ever took place in this world will be rolled up like a scroll into a tiny spot of unimaginable density14. And no one will remember anymore the wars and tears, sin, sickness, disease, destruction, catastrophes, terror. No one will even have anymore the “knowledge of good and evil.”15 Does this remove the sting of pain from the present tragedy and injustice? Will our people, including the soldiers and police, not suffer for many months to come from the trauma imposed upon them?
If one member of the Body hurts, ALL members hurt! If one part of natural Israel is injured, ALL of Israel is injured! And since the Body of Messiah is WITHIN Israel and not outside, the Body hurts as well.
If I kick a pregnant woman in the stomach – does then only the woman hurt? Is only she injured? Or does the child growing in her womb get injured as well? It could even trigger the child’s abortion!
At the time of the fall of Jericho, only one single man of all of the people of Israel violated G-d’s commandment NOT to take of ANY of the treasures of Jericho. Nonetheless ALL of Israel suffered for this man’s breach of G-d’s commandment.
11 Romans 11:24 12 Rev. 21:6 13 Jer. 31:7; see https://www.ortzion.org/images/rapture@14.html 14 2 Pe 3:10; Isa. 34:4; Rev. 6:14; 15 Rev. 21:1-5; Isa. 43:18 The Covenanted Land from the Great River Euphrates to the River of Egypt
Page 3 G-d covenanted a land to Abraham with an oath, confirmed it to Isaac and established it with Jacob. By Joshua G-d allotted with precise boundaries the COVENANTED Land, and strictly forbade to cede or transfer any part of this inheritance, whether among the tribes themselves or to strangers16. He calls this land MY land, Israel’s OWN land!17Yet here we have the “violaters of the holy covenant”18 who defy G-d19 and break His strict commandment, by forcing our own soldiers and police to expel the best of our people from the communities they built on the covenanted land and then “transfer” it to the people who plot our genocide and the take-over of all of the land of Israel.
We see with our own eyes the “womb” Israel getting severely kicked. Does this NOT hurt all of Israel? Does this NOT wound all of the Jewish people? Does this NOT effect Yeshua our Lord, nor His Body, His Return and inheritance?
Who is blind but His people? Who is blind but the Body of Messiah? Whatever is done to the least of these His brethren is done UNTO HIM, is done unto ALL of Israel, is done unto the BODY OF MESSIAH!
G-d commanded Ezekiel, “Sigh therefore, son of man; sigh with breaking heart and bitter grief before their eyes… because of the tidings.” Again he commanded, “Cry and wail, son of man, for it is against MY people…”20 Has this Word no more relevance for us because we are in Yeshua? Are we now no longer to weep with those who weep, cry and wail because He lives in us?
I am so weary, so worn out by believers in Yeshua still not grasping that what is done to the natural people of Israel is done to the Promised Seed within them, Yeshua HaMashiach. And what is done to HIM is done to the whole Body of Messiah!
How true the Lord’s saying that, “Many are called [eligible], but few are chosen [qualify]!”21 For only a remnant has eyes to see, ears to hear, a mind to understand and the love and faith to take their stand on and with the truth. My prayer is that the Lord open everyone’s eyes to see that apart from the cultivated olive tree Israel we are not G-d’s “true” Israel. And if we do not share in Israel’s – and therefore the Body’s – suffering and loss, discloses that we are not truly members of either Israel or the Body.
You think I am a fanatic? An extremist? So was Yeshua, for the zeal for the House of G-d consumed Him. And it is the zeal for Him, His coming Kingdom, for His Land, people and city that consumes me as well. It has NOTHING WHATSOEVER to do with POLITICS, which is a modern term. Samuel was not into “politics” when he anointed, and later rejected, Saul from being king over Israel. Elijah was not into politics when he warned king Ahab and killed the priests of Baal. Elisha was not into politics when he led the Syrian army to the king of Israel. And Jeremiah was not into “politics” when he warned the king of Judah of the pending exile.
For me and the people in Gush Kativ and the settlements in Samaria it is all about G-d, His covenant, His promises, His oath, His land that He has given to our forefathers and their descendants, and about Messiah being the heir and King over this land and people! Sharon, Peres, Mofaz, President Bush, Condoleezza Rice, Mahmoud Abbas – THEY are into politics, manipulating, scheming, plotting and doing what seems right to THEM and not what is right in the EYES OF GOD!
Today the world should see who Am Yisrael is, of what fabric it is made. For the people to be expelled and the expellers pray together, weep together, embrace each other and demonstrate that despite this evil decree imposed upon our people, we are still ONE. But this the foreign press does not record, for showing the tears, the anguish and prayers, the nobility and oneness of our people is not “politically correct.” Rather, like bloodthirsty hounds they crave to film clashes, running with their cameras wherever they see border police and youngsters clash, the police preventing them from entering the settlement and the youngsters struggling to get in. CNN called these youngsters “right-wing religious militants,” as though they were of equal villainy with the Palestinian terrorists whom they also call “militants”, evoking in the minds of people hostility toward “settlers” as though they were the evil ones.
Let me tell you: if a Palestinian falls wounded among Israeli soldiers, they will treat his wounds and get him into a hospital. If an Israeli Jew falls wounded among Palestinians, they will lynch him until unrecognizable. The beautiful communities of Gush Kativ and Shomron built in 30 years are being uprooted, destroyed and handed over to the Palestinians who do NOT want peace with us as is evident by their burning the Israeli flag, models of settlements and buses amidst shouts of triumph. And they wear T-shirts and wave flags on which is written: “Today Gaza, tomorrow Jerusalem!”
The curse of Genesis 12:3, 27:29 and Numbers 24:9 be upon those responsible for imposing this evil decree, calamity and trauma upon the Jewish people replanted in the Land of Israel.
Am Yizrael chai! Am Yisrael Am echad! The Holy One of Israel be glorified, and His Yeshua revealed in Israel and among the nations both near and far. Amen and Amen.
16 See https://www.ortzion.org/images/10days_awe.html through decisvyears.html 1 7 Joel 3:2; Isa. 14:1; Ezek. 34:13; 36:24; 37:14, 21-22; 39:28 18 Daniel 11:32 19 Jer. 50:24, 29 20 Ezek. 21:6, 7, 12 21 Matt. 20:16; 22:14 - AM YISRAEL CHAI! AM YISRAEL AM ECHAD!
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Once again the best of our people have to give up their beautiful homes and communities to please the world and an insatiable enemy. Jewish survivors of the Russian Pogroms and the Nazi Holocaust returned to the Land with mostly nothing but their clothes on their bodies. Yet with sacrifice, innovation and perseverance they rebuilt and replanted the barren land, rock-strewn and swamp infested, creating in less than a century a marvllous infrastructure.
The Palestinians on the other hand have remained
in the squalor of their refugee camps, waiting for the hand-outs of UN
and UNICEF, from the EU and USA, but none rolled up their sleeves and began
to imitate the Jews — building, planting, creating enterprises right there where they live.
Now, like a cuckoo-bird, they want to set themselves in the beautiful nest they did not build.Like a phoenix out of the ashes the Jewish people rose again as on wings of eagles,
renewed in hope, in faith, in beauty. Having survived the Crusades, the Inquisition,
the Pogroms, the Nazi Holocaust, they rebuilt the cities and planted fields
and orchards and forests. Jerusalem was but a dirty village
when the Jews returned. Today she shines in copper
and in gold, a princess among cities.But her leaders have become weak and corrupt: stalwart Menachem Begin bowed
to the American President Jimmy Carter; YitzhakRabin bowed to President Bill Clinton as did Ehud Barak; and now the former man of steel, Arik Sharon, bows to President George W. Bush, being ordered around by him as though we were his subjects and not a sovereign nation.It is time for the monarchy to be re-established in Israel, to prepare the throne for
Messiah Yeshua. The time has come for Israel to put off the Galut (exile) mentality.
When they say, “Bow down, that we may pass over,” Israel must learn to say “no!”,
and no longer make our back like the ground and like the street for them –
USA, UN, EU, Arabs – to pass over22. The time has come for Jacob to stop
bowing to Esau and Ishmael, but before the Lord our G-d,
the Holy One of Israel, alone.The time has come when Israel shall say, “Enough is enough!
The time of our sacrifices has come to an end. We shall rally to the banner of the Lord,
for He alone is our salvation. Blessed is He that comes in the Name of the L-RD!”Even so, come Lord Yeshua, and wipe away the tears of your people!
Come, and pour the balm of Gilead into your people’s many wounds,
and bind up the brokenhearted. Comfort the young and old, the mother with her suckling,
the husband and wife, the bridegroom and bride. Comfort all who mourn, give them a
garland instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, the mantle of
praise instead of a faint spirit. Turn their mourning into dancing, and their fast days
into days of feasting, and pour out your Holy Spirit upon the whole regathered nation 23.Hear O Israel, the Lord our G-D, the L-RD is One!
Let us order our steps aright that He may show us His Yeshua /(with an “ayn” = Name)!
Heavenly Father, draw us into your yeshuah /(with a “heh” = salvation), and give us
new birth through faith in Your Son24, whom You have already set as King upon Your holy hill!
Amen and Amen.22 Isaiah 51:23; Gen. 33:3, 6-7 23 Isa. 61:1-3; Jer. 31:13-14; Zech. 8:19; Ps 30:11; Ezek. 39:29 24 Prov. 30:4; Ps 2; 110:1; Isa. 7:14; 9:6-7; Jn 1:1-5, 9-18; 1 Jn 5:6-12; Rev. 21:22-24 The Disengagement Plan in Pictures
Page 5
When I asked G-d why He allowed the Disengagement to progress He answered me as
recorded in newsletter # 50, pages 3 and 4. However, I just could not believe that the fate of our people in Gush Kativ was entirely dependent on what the Body of Messiah
would do or not do. I know G-d loves His people with an everlasting love, and that
He is very jealous for His Land. So why were the fasts and fervent prayers of millions,
of both Jews and engrafted Gentiles, not answered?Tisha B’Av March around Old Jerusalem’s walls and ramparts.
Har Ha’Beit – the Temple Mount – belongs unto G-d and Israel forever!In the morning of August 19, the Lord also anwered this question: Scripture cannot be broken! What is written WILL come to pass! G-d is allowing for the nations to fill up the cup of wrath
as they defiantly violate the “holy covenant,” choosing to divide up His Land.Does “Peace” look like this? Palestinians burning Israeli flags and model of Gush Kativ in celebration of their victory for 4 years of terror waged against Israel. Financed by the UN the Palestinans wear T-shirts and hang flags everywhere with the slogan, “Today Gaza, tomorrow Jerusalem, then all of Palestine!” We were praying against what is WRITTEN! Hence, while the Body of Messiah may have “allowed” this to happen because of passivity, G-d also “allowed” their choice and that of President Bush and Arik Sharon to take its course. He knew what they would choose to do before the foundation of the world and made it known in His Word, as well as what the consequences would be. And what is WRITTEN cannot be reversed! The A rafat B arak C’s linton of Israel’s demise – agreements signed how to wipe Israel off the map (Ps 83), “piece for peace.”
The A rik B ush C’s ondoleezza of Israel’s destruction:
We can only effect the fate of individuals with our prayers within the scope of man’s
history written by their own choices, and recorded in Scripture. Yet the Almighty
has the final Word, and His plan and purpose shall stand and be fulfilled.However, in the Day of Judgment the Church will have to give account for choosing
to remain passive. But the Lord WILL comfort His people in due time and lavish on them
His goodness and kindness in a measure they never even imagined. And He WILL show
them His yeshuah with a “heh”(that is salvation), and draw them unto Yeshua
with an “ayn”, that is the Son Who saves. Blessed, praised and exalted, lauded and
extolled, honored and revered be His Name forever!
The Price Israel pays for the West’s economy and their need for Arab oil!HOWEVER… ! Yeshua HaMashiach comes again on the clouds of heaven
with a multitude of angels. He comes as King of Israel
and Judge of all the earth. He is King of kings and Lord of lords
and will rule and reign from Jerusalem!
Hallelujah! Amen and Amen!- Israeli Goverment admits: US Pressures Determine Retreat Policy
page 6
END NOTES To Special Edition Vol. 51 a An E-mail received August 15, 2005:From: Sandra L Chesser <sjches@juno.com>
Date: August 10, 2005 7:19:24 PM EDT
Subject: Israeli gov’t admits: US Pressures Determine Retreat PolicyU.S. PRESSURES DETERMINE POLICY David Bedein, Bureau Chief, Israel Resource News Agency, Beit Agron Int’lPress Center, Jerusalem. Tel. 02 5300125Israeli gov’t admits: US Pressures Determine Retreat Policy The U.S. Department has made it clear to Prime Minister Ariel Sharon: It wants the Jews out of the Katif district of Gaza by August 15th, with no excuses.The Chief Rabbi of Haifa, Rabbi Shear Yashuv Cohen, came to Jerusalem and pleaded with Sharon to reconsider his plan to retreat from Katif, which involves Israel’s obliteration of the 21 Jewish communities there, including 325 thriving Jewish farms and 86 synagogues and Jewish study centers.
Sharon’s answer to Rabbi Cohen: “This is what the U.S. State Department is demanding that I do, and I must do it”.
It does not matter that half of the 9,000 Jews who live in Katif have nowhere to go, with their relocation plans still left up in the air.
It does not matter that the Israeli government cannot offer more than two containers to each family to help them remove their possessions.
It does not seem to matter that the experts in Israel’s security establishment are warning that the result of Israel’s hasty retreat will be the creation of a new Islamic terror base.
Sharon is now making it clear that he is under pressure from the U.S.government, and that is that.
Yet one of the common assumptions over the past two years is that the Sharon government’s plan to expel Jews from Gaza and the Northern Samaria and unilaterally hand the area over to an independent Palestinian entity had been an entirely autonomous Israeli decision.
Yet it can now be determined that the US government was behind it all along.
In meetings with concerned American citizens, Danny Ayalon, Israeli ambassador to the U.S, clearly states that Sharon’s disengagement plan is part of an overall Israeli-American agreement.
In late June, Ayalon met with representatives of the Orthodox Union, one of the largest contingents of United States Orthodox Jews, and told them clearly that “Prime Minister Sharon is left with no choice. He is doing exactly what the U.S.expects him to do.”
In an interview with the Jewish Journal of Greater Los Angeles published on June 22nd, 2005, Ayalon reversed earlier Israeli government statements, saying that Israel does not expect the Palestinian Authority (PA) to dismantle terrorist infrastructure until after the planned expulsion, mentioning that ending terrorism and anti-Israel incitement had been conditions Israel had demanded from the PA before carrying out the plan. However, Ayalon indicated that the agreement with the U.S. was more important than an agreement with the PA.
Furthermore, the Israeli ambassador asserted that “Disengagement has to be viewed in the context of Israel-United States relations. This pullout did not follow an agreement with the Palestinians, but it followed something which is much more important, an agreement with the United States. Disengagement is something that creates a common agenda between us and the United States.”
When asked how much the withdrawal depends on the Arabs, since the Israeli agreement is with Washington, Ayalon altered previous Israeli government demands that the PA control terrorism before the pullout.
This week’s sudden announcement of the resignation of Israel Finance Minister Netanyahu was aimed at the US State Department more than the Israeli public.
In the final interview given by Netanyahu to the Jerusalem Post on August 5th, 2005, two days before his resignation, he indicated that the current policy pursued by the government of Israel should be perceived as a threat to the security interests of the U.S. and of all western countries, since it creates a terror base in Gaza, since the Palestinian Authority has incorporated the Hamas and other Palestinian terror organizations instead of dismantling them.
Yet the position of the U.S. State Department remains undaunted: Prime Minister Ariel Sharon must dismantle and withdraw any and all Israeli presence from every Jewish community in the Katif district of Gaza by mid-August.
Sources in the Palestinian Authority and the U.S. government confirm that the U.S. now urges that Palestinian armed forces be immediately moved into these Jewish communities in mid-August, as Israel forcibly removes Israeli Jewish citizens who have lived there for more than thirty years. That could mean that the Palestinian Authority armed forces will be allowed to pursue and punish any Jews who cling to their property as the Israeli army is retreating.
U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice also demands that Israel find a way to assure Palestinian Arabs some kind of safe passage that will enable Palestinian Arab residents of Gaza to traverse Israel in order to reach their fellow compatriots in the other parts of the Palestinian Arab self-ruled areas in Judea and Samaria.
Rice is also demanding that Israel allow additional arms and ammunitionto flow to the Palestinian Authority, ignoring the fact that the arms and ammunition supplied to the PA between 1993 and 2000 were turned against Israeli citizens since the fall of 2000, with a human toll of 1,073 people murdered in cold blood by armed Arab terrorists. And when special U.S. presidential envoy, General William Ward, was asked two weeks ago by the U.S. International Relations Committee if the U.S. could account for the weapons that it had supplied to the Palestinian Authority in the mid-nineties, Ward’s answer was in the negative.
Rice seems to not know or not care that the Palestinian Authority and its ruling Fatah organization, remain at war with the state of Israel, with one purpose in mind: the “liberation” of Palestine, from the Jordan River unto the Mediterranean Sea.
When Israel Minister of Defense Shaul Mofaz objected to Rice’s demand for a safe passage for Palestinian Arab residents from Gaza to the Westbank, sources at the Israel Ministry of Defense confirmed to the media that a screaming match occurred, with the U.S. Secretary of State clarifying that she will not accept “no” for an answer in this regard.
Another recently resigned Israel government minister, Natan Scharansky, confirms that the motivating factor for Sharon’s retreat remains the pressure that he is under from the American government and the other democracies abroad.
Sharansky wonders why it is that the world’s democracies, led by the United States of America, are so keen to witness the creation of a new anti-democratic and anti-western and anti-American Islamic state in the Middle East?
Questions to the U.S. Embassy in Tel Aviv as to why the U.S. State Department would push Sharon in this direction have remained unanswered.
Israeli government officials do report that they are inundated with calls and e-mails from thousands of American Jews and Christians who question the judgment of Israel’s Prime Minister in regards to the inherent dangers of his disengagement policy.
The time has come to ask the question: Why do U.S. citizens not challenge the pressures that the U.S. State Department brings against Israel in this regard?
If the U.S. State Department relents on its pressure against the government of Israel, Israel will reconsider its plans for a hasty retreat from its Jewish communities in the Katif district of Gaza.
The ball lies with the citizens and the Congress of the United States of America.
Annelore’s commentary: Could there be any connection between the U.S.-Israeli agreement (whatever that may be), the expulsion of the Gush Kativ residents (in such a haste that they have to be put up in hotels all over the country because the new housing is by no means ready; the families with children do not know where they should register them for the new school year; and no one knows where they will find a new job, where to open up a new bank account, how long they will have to stay in 1 hotel room with all their children), and the hasty building of a gigantic American army base?1
There is a great threat of disaster looming over America as a consequence of the American Administration’s action against Israel, effectively dividing up G-d’s OWN Land by demanding the expulsion and deportation of Jews from their own, rightful land, and having them dispossessed. I pray that the vision I frequently get when closing my eyes is only the result of the deep empathy and compassion I feel for our people, sharing in their pain and anguish with a broken heart. For I keep seeing a disaster far greater than the one that descended upon New York City’s twin towers and on the Pentagon. As the best of our people are being robbed, maligned and literally forcibly dragged out of their homes and synagogues, likewise the finest of the American people will become the victims of a terrible diaster. I hardly dare say it – indeed, perhaps I better not…
However, the recompense of the Holy One of Israel will inevitably descend upon the nation that is leading in dividing up His land. All that fervent prayers will be able to achieve is that America will not get totally destroyed. She sits as a queen now, but the Lord will bring her down upon an ash heap of mourning. Saints, take heed, don’t take offense at the truth and my honesty and directness, but be alert and seek the Lord what you should do. Then DO it and do NOT procrastinate! Sometimes we do not get a second chance!
1 See Newsletter # 51, page 5 UN funds ‘Palestinian’ Victory Banners
page 7END NOTES To Special Edition Vol. 51 a JNW (Jerusalem News Wire) HEADLINE NEWS:
UN funds ‘Palestinian’ victory banners By Jerusalem Newswire Editorial StaffAugust 17th, 2005
The Gaza-based United Nations Development Program last week transferred funds to the Palestinian Authority to pay for the production of banners, flags and bumper stickers suggesting Israel’s withdrawal from Gaza is terror’s success, and that Jerusalem is next.
Banners declaring “Gaza Today, the West Bank and Jerusalem Tomorrow” have been prominently displayed throughout Gaza since last week, as the Palestinian Arabs revel in the Jews’ departure.
The tag line on the banners reads “Paid for by the United Nations Development Program,” and bears the official symbol of the world body, reported The New York Times.
The PA is engaging in an aggressive public relations campaign to convince those who live under its rule that Israel’s withdrawal is not a unilateral action, as Prime Minister Ariel Sharon insists, but rather the direct result of “Palestinian” efforts.
Amy Goldstein of the Washington-based Jewish organization B’nai Brith told The New York Sun the message the UN is funding is basically that “the intifada worked.”
That message, critics said, will only encourage further Arab violence against Israel’s Jews.
UNDP representative Timothy Rothermel admitted to Fox News that his organization had indeed provided the “Palestinian Withdrawal Committee” with financial aid to communicate its propaganda to the general population.
The banner suggesting the Palestinian Arabs would soon “liberate” Judea, Samaria and Jerusalem from the Jews “was prepared by the disengagement office with financial support from the United Nations Development Program,” Rothermel said.
Rothermel argued that the slogan is “consistent with the relevant UN resolutions and Security Council resolutions about the status of Palestine.”
Jerusalem and the “West Bank” are in fact “disputed territory under UN Security Council Resolution 242,” the status of which is yet to be determined, noted former Israeli Ambassador to the UN Dore Gold.
In the meantime, “the UN has no business getting involved in [pro-Palestinian] sloganeering,” Gold told Fox News.
Annelore’s comment: Does this sound like “Peace” to you? The cuckoo bird and the adder have united to empty out the nest G-d’s dove, Israel, has built. Maranatha! Come, Lord Yeshua, and throw out the usurpers!
1 See Newsletter # 51, page 5