Pope Benedict XVI Claims Church Of Rome The Only True Church | VOL. 56 * NEWSLETTER * JULY/AUG. 2007 |
Dear Friends of Israel and “Or Tzion”,
Shalom shalom in the wonderful Name of our Lord and Savior, Yeshua, from the Southern most town of Israel, Eilat, where I am staying to regain my health and strength, and write my and my family’s life story. A whole year has past since my last newsletter. As there are many others to update you about daily events here in the land, I don’t feel the need to add to them.
However, very important matters have occurred in such rapid succession that I must address those issues prophecied thousands of years ago.
Let me begin with Pope Benedikt XVI’s1 attempt to take the Roman Catholic Church back into the dark ages.
G-d’s move in the Catholic Church began first with Pope Johannes XXIII who established Vatican II, and then with the Charismatic Renewal. The Italians loved and adored Pope Johannes XXIII and followed closely the dramatic changes “Papa Giovanni” brought about, breathing “new life” into a Church smothering with man-made-doctrines and traditions.
But he lived all too short. Papa Giovanni died amidst rumors of “poisoning” before he could bring in more changes. Nevertheless, the ground work had been laid and the ensuing Catholic Charismatic Renewal swept throughout the world with an “awakening” of millions of Catholics that was doubtlessly one of the most outstanding moves of the Holy Spirit. Thousands were born again and filled with the Holy Spirit as their new found freedom filled them with a contagious, boisterous joy, their worship and praise being euphoric beyond anything I’d ever known. New, fresh teachings sprang up in the power and love of Messiah and the Holy Spirit while all the gifts of the Holy Spirit blossomed and bloomed with a love, a spirit of unity and brotherhood as I had never encountered before.
But the wolves in sheeps’ clothing were quick to infiltrate. Gradually there was a returning to the shackles of former traditions from which they just had been freed. By putting the “brakes” on the Renewal, Pope Paul VI, John Paul I, and the “traveling” Pope John Paul II (who signed a covenant between the Vatican and the PLO concerning the Land of Israel and the holy places2), prepared the way for this present Pope to put an end to the work of the Holy Spirit in that vast Church.
See the Vatican web site and click on “Latest Updates” for “Responses to Some Questions Regarding Certain Aspects of the Doctrine on the Church” (June 29, 2007).
Pope Benedict XVI’s letter contends that there is only one “true” Church – the Church of Rome. All others are splinters. While non-catholics may be credited with being believers in Messiah, they are outside of “Christ’s true ‘Catholic’ Church He instituted on earth” if they are not members of the Church of Rome with her doctrines and traditions a.
He is raising up again the old divide between Christians, and Christians and Jews. The “one new man” of Ephesians 2 is negated by his doctrine. Although there is not as yet enough evidence to state that he might be this “beast that rose out of the earth” in Rev. 13, which has 2 horns like a lamb but speaks like a dragon, we will do well to watch whether or not he is that “false prophet” who, beguiled by Satan, will deceive many to embrace a false messiah, a certain man as the returned Christ.
Pope Benedict may be the last Pope and this false prophet. Then the times for Jews, for the nation of Israel and all true followers of Yeshua will get very harsh, the testing fires of persecution looming at the horizon.
With the whole world focused on Islam and its violent, bloody expansion and not on Rome, no misgiving is directed toward this meek, soft spoken new Pope – a German, native of the State of Bavaria – who, while professing faith in Messiah is actually proclaiming the Catholic Christ of the Church of Rome, in whose name millions were persecuted and innocent blood shed.
Many years ago I gave warning about these developments3.
1 Ratzinger attended the boy’s highschool in Traunstein, called Gymnasium, where besides the German language Greek and Latin were required subjects. It is the same school whose principal offered Annelore to attend there as a young girl when she had been maneuvered out of the girls’ highschool, the Real Gymnasium, by the principal, Frau Back, because Annelore was Jewish and her mother divorced. Annelore’s mother did not accept the offer. 2 See https://www.ortzion.org/images/news39_2.html 3 See https://www.ortzion.org/images/unichurch.html, which is page 31 of The Unchangeable Calendar of G-d. Read also pg 32. Alliance of Civilizations, Hate Crime Bill, Immigration Reform Act, and RFID Spy Chips
Page 2 A further development is the newest initiative by the UN – the logical outgrowth from the 5 UN summits in 20004 – termed “Alliance of Civilizations”. Although seemingly “beneficial” by countering “religious extremism” (such as carried out by the bloody and violent factions of Islam), it is the next step toward world ecumenism, uniting all religions under one “peaceful” umbrella thereby creating a “world religion” that fosters tolerance toward all faiths.It’s the Masonic Creed.4a
This will immediately affect the preaching of the Gospel of Messiah Yeshua – Son of the only true God and Savior of mankind – by being viewed as sectarian and intolerant; it will be reprehensible to other faiths.
This upheaval of things is already observable in the United States with the “Hate Crime” bill. Any preaching against homosexuality, lesbinaism, transvestites, abortion, etc. would be labeled as promoting “hatred” against a minority group, fostering crimes to be committed against them. Hence, preaching G-d’s moral standards which oppose all these sexual perversions would be classified a “criminal act”. Senator Ted Kennedy has rendered this foxy political maneuvre even more insidious by shrewdly attaching the “Hate Crimes” legislation as a rider to the Defense Appropriation bill. Not only will free speech get censored, preaching G-d’s standard of morality will make “criminals”of faithful, G-d fearing Christians and Jews5.
Despite prayers and actions taken, G-d may allow it to proceed because His judgment is pending over the nation. David Wilkerson warned already many years ago that persecution of Christians has been ordained, because G-d WILL divide the chaff from the wheat. It looks like He is preparing the threshing floor.
While America’s immigration laws needed desperately amendment to stem the flood of illegal aliens, the Immigration Reform Act of 2006, which was to rectify the problem, has produced a different problem – not for illegal aliens, but for U.S. citizens: “Under this already flawed program no one would be able to work in the U.S. without DHS approval – creating a ‘No Work List’ similar to the government’s ‘No Fly List.’ We need immigration reform, but not at this cost,” said Timothy Sparapani, ACLU Legislative Counsel.6
One blogger on the site comments: “America: Land of the free – But you need your government’s approval to:
1. Get on a plane
2. Leave the country
3. Re-enter the country
4. Get a job”America’s freedoms are being eroded, the “threshing instruments” are in preparation!
What is the RFID (Radio Frequency Identification Technology)? To explore the impact of radio frequency identification (RFID) technology in manufacturing, Intel’s Technology and Manufacturing Group deployed an RFID pilot within Intel’s largest semiconductor assembly and test facility. The pilot tracked 80,000 microprocessors from the end of the manufacturing line through Intel’s warehouse, into a major customer’s warehouse, and onto the customer’s factory floor…oy!7
Where will one be able to hide from such a RFID in a spy chip? No need to hide out in the Rockies, or underground, or under the sea – that spy chip RIDF will track down anyone who has it, implanted or undetected in an item of every-day use.
Are spy chips already in use? Try this one – it’ll track it right into your home!8
“One Nation Under Siege” is the title on the Conspiracy Planet web site9. It could not be said any better. There is a covert, very cunning and strategic war going on to undermine America’s civil liberties, privacy laws, freedom of speech, etc., just as the American Administrations have been undermining Israel’s sovereignty and freedom. Wal-Mart is once again a partner in this effort of eroding the very foundations of the United States of America.
Here is a picture of a spy chip. Buy Gillette Mach3 razor blades and have your picture taken – and yourself i.d. – without knowing it10.IN THE FUTURE WORLD OF TOTAL SURVEILLANCE A documentary by National Geographic on Monday, August 13, 2007, entitled “SURVEILLANCE”
The documentary shows how electronic surveillance is already in place worldwide. It can and does invade every aspect of our lives. Privacy will be a delusion, having become non existant.The mouse-trap of the one-world government is about to snap!
4 See https://www.ortzion.org/images/news40_5.html, through page 6, with the additional p. 9 4a The “creed” on these pages sounds so noble, yet just look at the various symbols of different faiths and understand that Freemasonry embraces them all. This has the semblanceof tolerance and acceptance, yet it robs the people of the one single truth that leads to life everlasting in G-d’s Kingdom. The truth about the deep secrets of Masonry have been revealed by those who managed to get out of this organization and live to tell the truth, such as this freemasonrywatch website that clearly shows the pagan symbolism embedded in Masonry and its meaning and application. 5 You can read more about this by going to the web site of Rusty Lee Thomas ?http://www.elijahmin.com>, who has been fighting for the survival of moral standards, Christian beliefs and America’s freedom for many years. 6 http://pressesc.com/01180202266_eevs 7 http://www.spychips.com; http://www.spychips.com/blog/big_brother; http://www.spychips.com/sterling-foreword.pdf – you may want to read this as well, although the language is not the style I would use 8 http://www.spychips.com/protest/walmart/spychip-slideshow/pages/can-you-spot-the-hp-spychip.html;
http://vtcommons.org/node/366;9 http://www.conspiracyplanet.com/channel.cfm?channelid=74?contentid=2888; 10 http://www.boycottgillette.com/aboutrfid.html; http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk_news/story/0,3604,1001211,00.html President George W. Bush – Whose Interests Does He Serve?
Page 3A Report: U.S. To Deploy International Force Of 20,000 In Judea, Samaria [Quote]: While it is commonly assumed throughout Israel that the plans for an international force would only apply to Gaza, the Jordanian newspaper A-Doustour reported on Sunday (July 1, 07) that the United States plans to deploy an international force in Judea, Samaria and Jerusalem, in addition to Gaza, in order to “keep the peace and build the Palestinian state.” The paper said it has all the details of the American plan.In regard to “keeping the peace and building the Palestinian state”, I believe the article “Welcome to Palestine” by Caroline Glick11 is an eye opener. While most of us in Israel are fully aware of these attrocities [.pps pics from “The Truth” to be inserted] Palestinians commit against Palestinians (as they were likewise committed against Lebanese when the PLO was entrenched there) the world leaders, especially of the EU and North America, insist on upholding the delusion that dividing up the land of Israel to create on it a Palestinian State will finally bring lasting peace.
The reality on the ground – and the Word of G-d – says, IT WILL BRING DISASTER!!!12
In newsletter #50, of July/August 2005, I mentioned a huge base being set up near Lod in Israel, right next to the old airport. Photos taken by Barry Chamish and Jerry Golden show the vast number of barracks apparently for different uses. The complete base is about half the size of Tel Aviv, Israel’s largest city.
And now the UNITED STATES is planning to deploy an international force (UN?) of 20,000 onto the soil of the sovereign state of Israel. Where, we may ask, will their families, vehicles, weapons, supplies, offices, high-tech equipment, be housed? WHERE???
I believe I’m not wrong with the assumption that this base – which is to be handed over to the UN as Barry and Jerry discovered b – was built for the very purpose of housing this international force. I have warned repeatedly what America’s leading role in dividing up the land of Israel will mean for the U.S. as symbolized by the “breaking up of Columbia”.
Revelation 11:2 tells us of an “international force” controlling Jerusalem; and Daniel 12:7 tells that for 3 ? years “the power of the holy people”, i.e., Israel, will be shattered, before the end will come. Woe for the U.S. if she is the catalyst to this “shattering”. While no amount of prayer will change what Scriptures declare, prayers for mercy may save many, both Jews, “Palestinian” Arabs, Americans and others, before the end will come.
However – it will not go well with the U.S. to impel Israel the acceptance of such an international “occupying force”. Be it natural disasters or terrorism, they will be G-d’s instruments of judgment. For neither angel nor devil, neither mortal man nor whole nations can defy the oath of the Almighty and escape. Joel 3 makes no bones about it.
It also has become customary to invite into the White House American religious leaders of different faiths, such as Moslems and Hindus, to celebrate their major festivals. Though George W. Bush claims to have “found G-d” and “confesses Jesus Christ as his personal Savior”, he apparently feels it incumbent upon himself to show tolerance and acceptance of other faiths (the tenets of Masonry) as the President of all Americans. While tolerance is desirable and bigotry and religious fanaticism calamitous, the White House should not be hosting leading representatives of faiths which do not acknowledge the only Living G-d.13
The Indian Hindu “festival of lights” called Diwali14 is their major festival.
The very first of the 10 commandments settles this matter for every believing, professing Jew and Christian:
II – “You shall not make yourself a graven image… and you shall NOT BOW DOWN TO THEM OR SERVE THEM.”
II – “You shall not take the Name of the LORD your G-d in vain.”The President of the United States has broken the first 3 of the 10 commandments. These serious transgressions should be enough warning for every genuine believer in the G-d of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and in His Anointed, Yeshua our Redeemer, to cease from blind support of this President.
These “signs of the time” are amassing so rapidly it is impossible to ignore them and remain indifferent to their meaning. We are standing on the threshold of adversity for all who love truth, righteousness and justice. But Yeshua said this is also the time to look up and rejoice, for our redemption is drawing near.
Hallelujah! Let us make the most of the time that remains, even as a “fallen and forgiven” believer in Yeshua, TV evangelist Tammy Faye Bakker Messner made the most of the last 48 hours of her life, by confessing before many millions Christ as Savior on Larry King Life TV talk show. She made many mistakes and major blunders, but she still made the last 48 hours of her life count for Yeshua.
Let us do the same with the time that remains. Soon it will be “night when no one can work.”
Yours in Him,
11 Caroline Glick; http://israeloncampuscoalition.org/speakers/cglick.htm; http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1542192/posts 12 1 Thessalonians 5:3 13 http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/articleshow/911161.cms 14 http://www.diwalimela.com/festivaloflights; http://www.diwalifestival.org; The Fatal Error of the Church of Rome
Page IENDNOTES a The very first error that crept in to lead to this doctrine was shortly after the fall of Jerusalem in 70 C.E. (A.D.), when the Jewish disciples were scattered and there was no longer the Jerusalem Church, with the Jewish apostles and elders guarding the faith. Yeshua’s sayings to Simon Peter got twisted into meaning that He had invested Simon Peter alone as the one who would carry the keys of heaven, the shepherd staff as vicar of Christ, and the crown of the supreme shepherd of Christ’s Church.However, Messiah – an observant Jew according to the flesh – would never ever have done such a thing by investing ONE SINGLE MAN as the sole representative of Himself on earth. It is as anti-Jewish, anti-Torah, and anti-Church as possible.
Simon Bar-Jona had just confessed Yeshua as the Messiah, the Son of the living G-d, which caused Yeshua to say that flesh and blood had not revealed this to Simon but the Father Who is in heaven, and to surname him, saying:
“I tell you, you are ‘cephas’ (“little stone” or “rock” in Aramaic, and “petros” in Greek), and on a mass of such rocks or stones (in Greek “petra” [who will believe and confess such as you just have]) I will build My Church.”
This apostle, surnamed “cephas/petros”, wrote in his letter of 1 Peter 2:5, that we who believe in this Living Stone, Yeshua the Son of G-d, shall ourselves like “living stones” be built TOGETHER into a SPIRITUAL HOUSE, to be a HOLY PRIESTHOOD.
In verse 9 this “little stone = Peter”, continues by saying that these many “living stones”, the Greek word for them being “petra”, are a CHOSEN RACE, a ROYAL PRIESTHOOD, a HOLY NATION, God’s OWN PEOPLE, that THEY [YOU] MAY DECLARE the wonderful deeds of Him Who called THEM []YOU] out of darkness into His marvellous light.”?
Messiah Yeshua did not authorize one single man to declare His wonderful deeds. He did not – and does not – build His church upon the shoulders of one single man, and this for 1800 years now on a Gentile who has never been part of the fold and cultivated olive tree of Israel and furthermore disclaims this fold and tree of being any further G-d’s elect people.
No, all of us, whether Jew or Gentile, who confess Yeshua as Messiah and Son of the Living G-d, are “little living stones” who, gathered together, make up a mass [“petra”] of “living stones” from which our Lord builds His Church.
The Pope is not “petra”; he is not a “spiritual house”, nor a “priesthood”; he is not a “chosen race” or a “holy nation”. Peter wrote here of and to the “living stones”, believers in Yeshua, writing in the plural and not the singular. Yeshua gave the keys of heaven to the Church=Assembly of believers, not to one single man. How are we, the Assembly of the Firstborn from the dead, to walk an overcoming, victorious life, undoing the works of the evil one, if only the Pope had the authority to do this and those who follow in proper rank and order of the Roman Catholic ecclesia?
Yeshua did not shift the spiritual authority from the cultivated olive tree Israel to the wild olive tree, nor did He reallocate the inheritance. Ephesians 2 makes this amply clear, as does Romans 11.
b http://www.rense.com/general66/excl.htm: “It is the intention of the U.S. administration, to ultimately turn over to the United Nations, the military base that is being considered for construction in the heart of Israel. It is the leaders of the NWO/Illuminati who will decide the appropriate time when all that will occur. The U.S. is to build the military base within Israel under the guise that it is for the use of the U.S. military. It is not. It is to be turned over to the United Nations at the appropriate time. The sole purpose of this base is for the United Nations use, not the U.S., and not Israel. This base will be a disaster to the best interests of Israel. It will be used against Israelis.”
? See Matt. 16:16-19; 1 Pe 2:4-5, 9