Obama Mania – The Cult of Personality
page 1Barack Hussein Obama –
A privileged African-American, who has shared the black American experience
neither by birth, blood or upbringing. A Muslim, although a member of a
Black-African church for 20 years.
A socialist whose politics are rooted in Marxism and tactics were conceived by Alinsky
A master at shaping his own mythology and completely unqualified to be
Commander in Chief 1VOL. 59 * U.S. 2008 ELECTIONS SPECIAL * SEPTEMBER 2008
“We do not see things as they are. We see things as we are.”
Be warned, O “Troy” of modern days, the invincible United States of America; your foes have prepared a “Trojan horse” of charming, innocent appearance to find secret entrance into your impenetrable walls. Hid behind the broad smiles, great promises and enthralling speeches are the ones who seek to destroy you from within. Don’t let him in! Don’t let him in! Keep yourselves, O modern Troy, and your White House safe from this Trojan horse, lest you live to regret it forever in the ruins of your Union, in the rubble of your destruction!
By destiny compell’d, and in despair,
The Greeks grew weary of the tedious war,
And by Minerva’s aid a f abric rear’d,
Which like a steed of monstrous height appear’d:
The sides were plank’d with pine; they feign’d it made
For their return, and this the vow they paid.
Thus they pretend, but in the hollow side
Selected numbers of their soldiers hide:
With inward arms the dire machine they load,
And iron bowels stuff the dark abode.
– * –L
aocoon, follow’d by a num’rous crowd,
Ran from the fort, and cried, from far, aloud:
‘O wretched countrymen! What fury reigns?
What more than madness has possess’d your brains?
Think you the Grecians from your coasts are gone?
And are Ulysses’ arts no better known?
This hollow fabric either must inclose,
Within its blind recess, our secret foes;
Or ‘t is an engine rais’d above the town,
T’ o’erlook the walls, and then to batter down.
Somewhat is sure design’ d, by fraud or force:
Trust not their presents, nor admit the horse.’From Virgil’s Aeneid,2/ Book 2 (transl. John Dryden) Paraphrased for today: The prophetess, backed by those who have eyes to see and ears to hear, over the Internet cries to you with urgent warnings from afar:
“O wretched fellow Americans! What fury rules over you?
What more than madness has possessed your brains?
Do you think the men from the East have left your coasts?
And are al-Qaeda’s, Hizballah’s and Hamas’ arts no longer known?
This hollow man either must enclose, within his blind recess, your secret foes;
or is it his spying eyes raised above your cities overlooking your States,
to shatter into pieces your Union?
Something is sure that has been designed, whether by fraud or by force:
Trust not their gifts, their promises, NOR ADMIT THIS ‘TROJAN HORSE’
by the name of Barack Hussein Obama.”Having nothing in common whatsoever, Adolf Hitler and Barack Hussein Obama do share this – they are both masters of deception, mesmerize the masses and invent their own mythology. Likewise they each lack the wherewithal of a Commander in Chief.
Neither man comes from an upper-class family. Hitler was a native Austrian who acquired German citizenship; and Obama, though allegedly born in the US state of Hawai, is of Kenyan descent through the paternal lineage and not of former slaves.
“Thus says the L-RD: ‘If Obama becomes President, America and Israel are in grave danger. Intrigued, I began to research the man about whom I knew very little.
Warn the people!'”Many of the stories circulated about Obama are hoaxes. I am mortified and apologetic that I passed on as true the falsehood of Obama having been sworn in as Senator on the Quran! However, this video linked here appears to be authentic where Obama stands with hands folded and his mouth closed while everybody else is singing the U.S. national anthem.
Researching Obama I came upon this blog site – AN AMERICAN EXPAT IN SOUTHEAST ASIA – posted by Larry Martin3, an American who has lived in Indonesia for 20 years, has met with both the Taliban and al-Qaeda, and is intimately acquainted with the customs, way of life and governmental infrastructure of Indonesia. He is fluent in English and Bahasa Indonesia, the official language of Indonesia, and since January of this year has launched an intensive background research on Barack Hussein Obama.
He writes: “Many of my posts here regarding Barack Obama starting in January of 2007 have been my own direct translations of Indonesian media reports along with my own analysis and opinion of how Barack Obama’s bid for the presidency is viewed here in Indonesia and Southeast Asia.”
“Between now and November I will continue to translate Indonesian media reports and… uncover photos… I will stand by what I have said previously that an Obama presidency will be disastrous for Southeast Asia and to the overall war on terrorism… Greg Sheridan4 has also recently voiced his concerns on how an Obama presidency will affect the region…”
To start with, the Indonesian translation of the title of Obama’s book, “The Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream” is most troubling. It highlights how Obama’s campaign for Presidency of the United States is perceived in a country which has a 95% Muslim population. There the title of Obama’s book reads, translated, “Assault Hope: From Jakarta to the White House”, which to most Indonesian means “Jihad: from Jakarta to the White House.”
Larry Martin moreover affirms, “… war weary and hopelessly enslaved by political correctness, Americans see a vote for Obama as a vote for appeasement. However, what Americans are playing with is fire”.
Indeed. My findings totally confirm this.
1 The Obama File 2Virgil’s Aeneid; The Aeneid Picture of the Trojan Horse is from “Sights and Culture around the World” 3 By CLAIRE SUDDATH for TIME: The Blogger Behind the Obama Hit Job is an attempt to discredit both Martin and Jerome Corsi, author of Obama Nation: Leftist Politics and the Cult of Personality; Simon & Schuster are the publishers, and they are not known for publishing challenging material they did not double check. 4 Who Created the ‘Trojan Horse’ – Barack Hussein Obama?
page 2 Once again the American Media is performing a disservice to the American people. Few ask how a little known Illinois Senator suddenly catapults himself into the limelight; few question where his enormous funds come from.Obama’s campaign raised $58 million during the first half of 2007, of which “small” donations of less than $200 accounted for $16.4 million. The $58 million set the record for fundraising by a presidential campaign in the first six months of the calendar year before the election.[80] The magnitude of the small donation portion was outstanding from both the absolute and relative perspectives.[81] In January 2008, his campaign set another fundraising record with $36.8 million, the most ever raised in one month by a presidential candidate in the Democratic primaries.[82]
Reporter Emily Cadei (see Hyperlink 82), reporting for CQ Politics, claims that Obama’s “spectacular show of fundraising was virtually all from individual donors.” How could this be?
Suspecting Saudi connections, I researched this possibility and indeed found reports of Saudi oil $ cunningly fuelling Obama’s campaign.
A video, unearthed and posted by Amanda Carpenter at a Townhall blog site (Are Khalid al-Mansour and Obama friends?), features an interview with civil rights activist Percy Sutton who states this:
“Dr. Khalid al Mansour”, adviser to ‘one of the richest men in the world’ prevailed on me (Mr. Sutton) to write a letter of recommendation for Obama to enter Harvard Law School many years ago. At the time, Mansour was raising money for Obama.”
Who is this Dr. Khalid al Mansour? Why was he raising money for Obama?
It appears there may be two Khalid al-Mansours. One is a radical Texan Islamist who spews hatred against Christians and Jews from the pulpit and lecture podium. The other is an advisor to heads of state and one of the richest men in the world.
While Percy Sutton refers to al-Mansour as a Texan, the al-Mansour allegedly connected to Obama is advisor Dr. Khalid Abdullah Tariq Al-Mansour (see profile Africa Venture Partners (AVP).
Jack Cashill August 28, 2008, on WorldNetDaily infers that it must indeed be adviser Dr. Khalid Abdullah Tariq Al-Mansour who is behind Obama. A man of such standing would definitely have the wherewithal to propel Obama into prominence and to finance his campaign.
Here is a profile of Dr. Khalid Abdullah Tariq Al-Mansour as given by the AVP:
He is an internationally acknowledged advisor to Heads of State and business leaders in Africa, Asia, the Middle East and North America. He has been actively involved in structuring investments and joint ventures worldwide for over 35 years. Dr. Al-Mansour was also responsible for the Africa investment activities of Kingdom Holdings, Saudi Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal Al-Saud‘s investment company. During his distinguished career, Dr. Al-Mansour has been a guest lecturer at Harvard University, Bombay University, Columbia University, UCLA, University of Kenya, London School of Economics and the University of Ghana.
In addition to Africa Venture Partners, Dr. Al-Mansour sits on the Boards of: Saudi African Bank; Kingdom Holdings, Africa; Multimedia Super Corridor (Malaysia); Space Tech Inc.; AmNet Corp. International; New Avenues Fund Ltd; United Bank for Africa; United Networks; and Landmark Entertainment.
Dr. Al-Mansour has authored 24 books and is listed in Who’s Who in the World; International Who’s Who in the Arab World; Two Thousand Men of Achievement; Royal Blue Book of London; World’s Who’s Who of Intellectuals and American Hall of Fame.How likely, then, is Percy Sutton’s Texan al-Mansour the prevailing force behind Obama? Nevertheless, his profile reads like this:
An international attorney and businessman and is renowned as an intellectual, activist, author, and teacher. He co-founded the law firm of Al-Waleed, Al-Talal, and Al-Mansour and has served as a director of the Saudi African Bank and the United Bank of Africa among others. He was among the lawyers for OPEC in an Appeals case between a Union and OPEC.
Obviously, these “two” Dr. Khalid al-Mansours share much in common: they work with Saudi Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal: both here in the Prince’s investment company; and there in Al-Waleed’s law firm. Each serves on the Saudi African Bank, and the United Bank for Africa5.
Isn’t it too much of a co-incidence for these to be two different men?
Since the Texan-Mansour knew Sutton had been lecturing at Harvard (as was the tycoon al-Mansour) and had therefore approached Sutton for the favor of obtaining Obama’s admission there, it appears likely that these two al-Mansours are actually ONE AND THE SAME MAN – the distinguished lecturer and adviser to heads of state and the fanatic Islamist who rails against Jews and Christians a.
Hence, it may be assumed that it is Dr. Khalid Abdullah Tariq Al-Mansour promoting Obama at all costs with the financial backing of Africa, Asia, the Middle East and North America, as well as the ultra-rich Saudi Arabia.
Their motive? Nothing less than to INFILTRATE America and destroy her from within!
5 On ATLAS SHRUGS, a blogsite that takes information seriously, I found yet more intriguing information on Dr. Khalid Abdullah Tariq Al-Mansour’s person and profile, the same as provided by AVP:
Dr. Al-Mansour is an International Attorney and Businessman. His college education was obtained at Howard University, where he majored in Philosophy and Logic, and at the University of California School of Law at Berkeley where he received his Doctor of Jurisprudence degree.
He is a Phi Beta Kappa recipient and is listed in the World’s Who’s Who in Finance and Industry, International Who’s Who in the Arab World, Who’s Who in Public Affairs, Royal Blue Book of London, International Who’s Who of Intellectuals, Who’s Who in American Law, Who’s Who in California, Who’s Who in the World and Who’s Who in Black America.
Dr. Al-Mansour has spent most of his adult life as a businessman/lawyer, intellectual, religious activist, author and teacher. His business and professional interests include co-founding the International Law Firm of Al-Waleed, Al-Talal ? Al-Mansour, representing the O.P.E.C. interest of the famous Los Angelos trial, I.M.A.W.C. vs. O.P.E.C.; and serving as a co-founder and director of the Saudi African Bank (SAB), the United Bank for Africa (UBA) and the World United Bank for Africa (WUBA). INTERESTING, NO?!The Islamist Invasion of the United States of America
page 3 I REPEAT; their motive is to get INSIDE America just as the Trojan Horse got inside Troy! The wooden horse itself was harmless; it was the mortal foes hidden away inside who brought death and destruction to Troy!Let us, then, examine Saudi Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal bin Abdul Aziz Alsaud: In December 2005, Georgetown University accepted a $20 million donation from Saudi Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Alsaud for their Center of Muslim-Christian Understanding (CMCU), which they renamed to the Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding (ACMCU). At the same time, Harvard accepted a similar $20 million donation to expand its Islamic studies department. Bin-Talal, a nephew of the Saudi King, has also donated $5 million to the Carter Center (former President Dhimmi Carter’s think tank). But what most of us remember is that it was Bin-Talal’s $10 million gift to New York City that was declined by then-New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani shortly after 9/11.
The Islamic “benefactor” is stealthily invading America from within – unobtrusively preparing the groundwork for the final assault, letting his billions of petro-dollars do the necessary work. He knows — almost everybody can be bought if the price is right!
What is Obama’s relationship to Bin Talal and al-Mansour? Although it is unclear, it seems quite likely that there is one.
What goaded America’s leading media to create an Obama myth that has led to this “Obama mania?” The moguls behind the leading TV stations and newspapers!Moved like chess figures with moneys, gifts, promises impossible to refuse, and sometimes with threats, their empires deliver slanted news as instructed.
***** Quote: Adolf Hitler was the son of an illegitimate son who temporarily bore his mother’s name, Schicklgruber, until he took on the surname Hitler in 1876. Hitler was first a poor student and then a lonely, frustrated artist with grandiose dreams who failed to gain entrance into the Academy of Fine Arts. Also a failure at establishing ordinary human relationships, he hated both the established bourgeoisie and all non-German peoples, especially the Jews. He indulged in a world of fantasy to escape the reality of his poverty and failure. In 1914 the Austrian army rejected him as unfit, and he moved to Munich, Bavaria.At the outbreak of WWII, he volunteered for the German army and served throughout the war, was wounded, and received the Iron Cross, Second class (1914), and Iron Cross, First class (1918), for bravery. For Hitler, war brought relief from the frustration and aimlessness of his civilian life.
After a stay in hospital, he entered politics in order to destroy the peace “Treaty of Versailles” he denounced as intolerable. Beginning as an army political agent in the German Workers’ Party (the Nazi party), he soon rose to be president, binding Nazi party members to him in extreme loyalty by an almost mystical force.
Hitler possessed a unique ability to exploit conditions favorable to his success. With mass agitation, unremitting propaganda and the ability of an actor he succeeded in creating the Hitler myth. He pursued with unwavering determination his objectives laid down in Mein Kampf, using all the arts of propaganda, deceit and terrorism. He posed as the champion of Europe against the scourge of Bolshevism and insisted that he was a “man of peace.” He claimed he wanted only to remove the inequalities of the Versailles Treaty. His successes convinced him of his own infallibility and induced him to push ahead with his plans for conquest.
His rise to power was not inevitable. His originality and distinctiveness lay in his methods, rather than his ideas and goals. Nevertheless, his ideas have continued smoldering underneath the ruins and newfound prosperity of post WWII Europe. Some of the sparks from these ideas have leaped across the Atlantic and found ready kindling amidst the flourishing American society. The right propaganda and agitation at the opportune time, and the sparks will be fanned into a blazing fire6. EndofQuote
Barack H. Obama is either illegitimate, son of his mother Stanley Ann Dunham, or the son of bigamist Barack Hussein Obama Sr., who already had a wife in Kenya. There is no marriage record nor valid birth certificate. Deserted in early childhood by his African Muslim father he was adopted by his Indonesian Muslim stepfather and renamed Barry Soetoro, after his mother married Lolo Soetoro and moved with him and her young son to Jakarta.
Unquestionably, Obama felt abandoned, too young to understand the reasons and to choose for or against a parent, for or against a race. However, he was a rather bright student who did not struggle with poverty and failure.
Being the son of a black Kenyan Muslim and a white ultra-liberal woman from Kansas, Barack unquestionably struggled from early on finding his identity. Being of mixed race leaves a void as to the sense of belonging, a need that can be satisfied with various “substitutes” such as religion, or sports, or politics. His father allegedly was a Muslim not by conviction but by familial traditions; and his Indonesian stepfather likewise supposedly practiced a moderate brand of Islam common among Indonesians.
This is the background, the atmosphere, the “faith” and dual race in which he grew up in the most formative years of his life.
Obama’s mother, known as Anna, was a strong-willed, unconventional member of the Mercer Island High School graduating class of 1960. Her parents, Madelyn and Stanley Dunham, had moved to Mercer Island from Seattle for her to attend this school. They turned from their Methodist and Baptist rearing and joined the East Shore Unitarian Church7 in Bellevue near Mercer Island. Anna was greatly influenced by her father’s skepticism, and by left-wing and communist teachers in the Mercer Island High School (a hotbed of pro-Marxist radical teachers), who had the students read the philosophers Sartre and Kierkegaard, “The Communist Manifesto” and question the existence of God. Anna was exposed to a critical theory curriculum which included; rejection of societal norms, attacks on Christianity, the traditional family, and assigned readings by Karl Marx. She touted herself as an atheist.
When Ann Dunham arrived with her parents in Hawaii, she was a full fledged radical leftist, an “original feminist” and practitioner of critical theory.
6 End of quote, taken from Annelore’s Handbook on Anti-Semitism, “BLOOD ENMITY”, written in 1994 and published in 2000, located in endnote “v”, pages 196-199 7 About Unitarian beliefs see Wikipedia: Unitarianism Who Exactly is Barack H. Obama Jr. – American, Indonesian or Kenyan? Muslim or Christian?
page 4 Obama’s Kenyan father (a Lou tribe’s man; see footnote #17 on page 6) married in 1955 in his local village at the age of 18 a girl called Kezia who was 16 years of age. She remained his one true love to whom he always returned. Eventually, Obama Senior had three wives, one mistress and seven children.He had been an extremely bright student and 1958 he was awarded an American sponsored scholarship in economics to the University of Hawaii at Manoa. In 1959, at the age of 23, Obama Sr. became the first African student enrolled at the University of Hawaii at Manoa. Kezia, now pregnant, remained in Kenya. She and Obama Senior would have two more children in subsequent years.
Stanley Ann, still 17 years of age, began classes in the fall of 1960 at the University of Hawaii, East West Centre, a well known center of leftist thought. She and Barack Obama Sr. met in a Russian language class (being of mutual Marxist orientation), where she immediately began an intimate relationship with him. Although still married to Kezia in 1960, Senior may or may not have married Anna. If he did he became legally a bigamist according to US federal law.
Obama Jr. was born on August 4, 1961. While Anna’s parents weren’t happy with this union, Barack Sr.’s father was furious.
“He didn’t want the Obama blood sullied by a white woman,” notes Obama in his Memoirs.
Obama Jr.’s birth certificate is not a true copy of an original, certified document, according to a detailed analysis of the image and the text. Nothing in this copy indicates that it is, in fact, a “certified copy.” A lot of evidence points to a manufactured copy. 🙁
Obama refused to release his birth certificate as well as his passport nor other vital records. What is he hiding?
Unless the voting public is given a real birth certificate to examine, the question of Barack’s birth is still up in the air8.
Obama’s Muslim stepfather registered him at the Fransiskus Assisi Catholic school, a Catholic school in Jakarta – perhaps in deference to Ann’s Christian heritage – where Obama completed his first 3 grades, yet never studied “Catholic catechism”.
Obama then entered the Besuki Primary School, a state school he attended for 2 years. He was enrolled as Barry Soetoro, Muslim9. The students, both muslim and non-muslim alike, are all required to dress in traditional Muslim attire on Fridays. All Indonesian students are required to study religion at school and a young Barry Soetoro, being a Muslim, would have been required to study Islam daily in school (as The Houston Chronicle pointed out that Senator Obama’s religion in the school records as a child in Indonesia was Islam).
He would have been taught to read and write Arabic, to recite his prayers properly, to read and recite from the Quran and to study the laws of Islam.
Quote from “The Obama File”: However, Obama received additional training. As the principal from 1971 through 1989, Tine Hahiyary, remembers, Obama had studied “mengaji.”
Our guy in Jakarta writes: “The actual usage of the word ‘mengaji’ in Indonesian and Malaysian societies means the study of learning to recite the Quran in the Arabic language rather than the native tongue. “Mengaji” is a word and a term that is accorded the highest value and status in the mindset of fundamentalist societies here in Southeast Asia. To put it quite simply, ‘mengaji classes’ are not something that a non practicing or so-called moderate Muslim family would ever send their child to. To put this in a Christian context, this is something above and beyond simply enrolling your child in Sunday school classes.”
“The fact that Obama had attended mengaji classes is well known in Indonesia and has left many there wondering just when Obama is going to come out of the closet.”
“As I’ve stated before, the evidence seems to quite clearly show that both Ann Dunham and her husband Lolo Soetoro Mangunharjo were in fact devout Muslims themselves [Annelore’s comment: then Ann would not wear a dress that shows her legs above the knees] and they raised their son as such.”EndofQuote
Barack Obama attending a “madrassa” (“religious school”) as a child first broke on Fox News last year. He regularly attended Friday prayers with his stepfather Lolo Soetoro. A former school mate pointed out the “Musholla Al-Rahman” (Al-Rahman Prayer Room) to the reporter but then went out of his way to explain that Obama wasn’t really “praying” in the prayer room, he was only “playing”.
Obama’s half-sister Maya Soetoro was quoted by the New York Times as saying, “My whole family was Muslim.” She said that her brother had lived in Indonesia between the years of 1968-1973.
8 Comparing Obama’s birth certificate his campaign made public (see Obama’s “Fight the Smears”) with an original birth certificate issued in the State of Hawai, several items become immediately apparent: foremost, the State Seal of Hawai – not stamped but impressed – is missing. Secondly, the official framing of the Hawaian birth certificates is entirely different from the one on Obama’s certificate. Furthermore, no U.S. State birth certificate ever lists the race of a colored person as “African”, but as “negro”. And if the father is not a U.S. citizen and of black skin color he will still be listed as “negro”, and not according to ethnic heritage. Listen to the YouTube analysis with the comparisons made. 9 Some more reports and accounts about Obama’s life and religion in Indonesia: NuttyNews: Obama-anti-smear-site: ‘He was never a Muslim’ ; Israel Insider ; Foreign Prophecies ; Obama’s Struggle to Find His Identiy
page 5 On February 27th, 2007, Barack Hussein Obama said the Muslim call to prayer is “one of the prettiest sounds on Earth.”In an interview with Nicholas Kristof,10 published in The New York Times, Obama recited the Muslim call to prayer, the Adhan, “with a first-class [Arabic] accent.”
The opening lines of the Adhan (Azaan) is the Shahada:
“Allah is Supreme! Allah is Supreme!
Allah is Supreme! Allah is Supreme!
I witness that there is no god but Allah
I witness that there is no god but Allah
I witness that Muhammad is his prophet… ”According to Islamic scholars, reciting the Shahada, the Muslim declaration of faith, makes one a Muslim. This simple yet profound statement expresses a Muslim’s complete acceptance of, and total commitment to, the message of Islam.
Obama knows this from his Quranic studies — and he knows the New York Times will publish this fact and it will be seen throughout the world. Original New York Times source — requires LogIn.
Obama’s classmate Rony Amiris describes young Barry as enjoying playing football and marbles and of being a very devout Muslim. Amir said, “Barry was previously quite religious in Islam. We previously often asked him to the prayer room close to the house. If he was wearing a sarong he looked funny.”
Another classmate, Emirsyah Satar, CEO of Garuda Indonesia, was quoted as saying, “He (Obama) was often in the prayer room wearing a ‘sarong’, at that time. He was quite religious in Islam but only after marrying Michelle11, he changed his religion.”
According to the Indonesian Media, they don’t see Obama as an apostate at all, they see him as a crusader for the cause of Islam.”
At the age of 10 his mother sent him back to Honolulu, Hawai, to live with his maternal, non-Muslim grandparents. We are never given the reason for his separation from his mother and for leaving Indonesia, which has the largest Muslim population in the world and is called “the gateway to Islam.”
Sudden separation from family and friends and moving in with grandparents he hardly knew undoubtedly deepened his sense of rejection and abandonment, of “not belonging”. Barry tried to compensate, to
counter balance this. He claimed to be a descendant of a “prince” who would be one day a “king”. He created a fantasy world in which he was somebody important that one day everybody would look up to. And he would be vindicated, making everybody feel sorry who ever did not treat him right.
His grandparents12 enrolled him in the prestigious, non-sectarianPunahou School (which nevertheless requires all students [K-12] to attend Chapel once every 6-day cycle.) from the fifth grade in 1971 until he graduated with honors in 1979.
Although the student body of about 3,700 attendees is diverse, Obama was one of only 3 black students. This circumstance might have created in him a first sense of “belonging” – being “the outsiders”. Even if he first leaned to identify with the white race because of his mother and grandparents, a number of secret racial harassments undoubtedly would have caused him to identify with the black race, more by force than by choice.
8th? grade yearbook, Obama on backrow to the right with his school basketball team. Basketball deeply shaped his life. Three Afro-look kids, the only ones in that prestigious Punahou school. He had a Dr. J poster on his bed- room wall. His nickname was “Barry O’Bomber.”I can identify to a degree with this development of “identity by choice”: although as a child I had a strong desire for G-d and was accepted and treated kindly by a Lutheran pastor, the bigotry of catholic Christians – not for me having done evil but for being Jewish – did not allow for a “Christian” identity. Learning of the Holocaust about which there was complete silence in the German schools, I turned away from G-d and any identification with Christianity until the encounter with Yeshua. But I still did not have any clearly defined identity until the Lord Himself commanded, “Return to your people and your heritage.”
Eventually my identity by descent, heritage, conviction and conscious choice, emerged: a Jewess according to natural birth and heritage, and a Jewish disciple of the Messiah of Israel by faith, new birth and baptism. This precludes my identity as a “Christian” because it would link me with a religion which for many centuries persecuted my people in the Name of Jesus Christ and turned the Gospel into a “hate the Jews” evangel.
Obama’s identity was formed in a different, albeit similar, fashion. It is the primary key to understanding how this predisposed him to become useful for those forces who seek America’s dissolution – and therewith the West’s – and Israel’s annihilation.
10 Reading his slanted article on “Two Israels” of June 22, 2008, shows Kristof to be typically not understanding the situation here between Israel and the Palestinians. He sees only the now without bearing in mind that Israel’s civilian population has suffered Palestinian terror since before the declaration of an independent Jewish State. He passes over the fact that the severe restrictions on the Palestinian population is their own doing, nor do settlers “steal” Palestinian land. There may be some exceptional cases for not all Israelis are good and noble, just as not all Palestinians are terrorists. However, were terror finally to cease, cooperation between Israel and the so-called Palestinians could become a reality, but never the giving up of Judea and Samaria and Jerusalem.
As regards his report about a newborn having died at a checkpoint, this is truly deplorable. However, what he fails to report is that if it were not for Israel’s health care given freely without any racial or religious discrimination, many of the Palestinian women and children would no longer be alive. There are at least as many Arabs (both Palestinians and Beduin) treated in Israel’s hospitals as there are Jews. Beer-Sheva’s Sorokka hospital has become known as the “baby factory” because of the Arabs multiplying like rabbits, their babies no longer dying like formerly before the Jews’ return to their own land..11 Although I totally distance myself from some of the language used on blogs nor do I share in the opinions of most of them, this one has rather interesting information on Obama’s wife Michelle, albeit to be taken with a “grain of salt”. The good thing is that so far we are still free to share our views and insights on a subject, can agree to disagree, without getting jailed or even killed for having a different view from the dictated one. 12 For his grandparents to have chosen this “ivy-league” school for their grandson would indicate that they are of an upper-class, well-to-do background, while their daughter apparently chose purposefully a mate and a lifestyle her parents would disapprove of. Obama’s Years of Formation, Education and Preparation
page 6 When Obama attended the Muslim school in Jakarta, he most likely experienced some rejection as “pariah” because his mother was a white non-Muslim while he himself was black with the curly hair of negroes. Thiswould explain why his mother sent him back to Honolulu.
Also in stark contrast to Hitler stands Obama’s intelligence and that he, despite feeling abandoned, disadvantaged and discriminated against – which perhaps contributed to his abuse of cocaine, alcohol and marijuana, wanting to “belong”13, be part of the “in-crowd” – graduated with honors from that prestigious high school. Not only this, Obama graduated with a Juris Doctor (J.D.) magna cum laude from Harvard in 1991. He entered Harvard Law School in late 1988 and at the end of his first year was selected as an editor of the Harvard Law Review allegedly based on his grades and a writing competition. In his second year he was elected president of the Law Review, a full-time volunteer position functioning as editor-in-chief and supervising the law review’s staff of 80 editors. Obama’s election in February 1990 as the first black president of the Harvard Law Review was widely reported and followed by several long, detailed profiles.
And here we come full circle back to Dr.Khalid Abdullah Tariq Al-Mansour, who in 1988 apparently was the “benefactor”, the “godfather with influence” to see to it that Obama would study law at the nation’s leading Law School b. Not only that, but he also raised money for his protégé to provide him with the lifestyle proper for a “prince” at that school. Even being selected editor of the Harvard Law Review was Dr. Khalid al-Mansour’s doing, according to Percy Sutton in that interview.
It seems that Barry Soetoro, Muslim, suffering from identity crisis, was carefully chosen by al-Mansour to prep him into the “Trojan horse” that would get al-Mansour’s “clients” inside invincible modern-day “Troy” – the United States of America.
****** Even if Obama at one time had leaned toward the white race, the black theologian James Hal Cone14, founder of the Black liberation theology,15 a theology grounded in the experience of African Americans, came to personify Obama’s beliefs as well as his former pastor of 20 years, Jeremiah Wright, known for his violent outbursts of hatred against “white” America. Obama frequently sought the counsel of Rev. James T. Meeks, an Illinois state senator who also serves as the pastor of Chicago’s 22,000 member strong Salem Baptist Church. Cuban Marxist guerilla fighter Che Guevara became one of Obama’s heroes, his famous picture hanging in Obama’s campaign offices.
During this process of finding his identity he eventually decided to visit his African-Kenyan relatives, all of them Muslim of the Luo tribe17. It seems that this visit helped him resolve his “identity of choice”: that of an “African” by heritage, a Muslim by faith albeit attending an “anti-white” racist black “Christian” church, an American national by birth, and – a politician.
This merging of multiple backgrounds into his very personal identity may have contributed to the forming of his goal: African champion for black Africa; Muslim champion for the Muslim world, and an American “King” over the West by becoming the President of the United States of America.
Surmising from Obama’s public speeches he apparently adopted Indonesia’s national motto, “Bhinneka tunggal ika” (“Unity in Diversity” lit. “many, yet one”), a motto he has frequently voiced as being his goal for America.
Here are only two of his statements taken from his speeches that make one wonder what exactly are his intentions:
“We will REMAKE this country –and we will REMAKE the world!”
How? The James Hal Cone way, or Jeremiah’ Wright’s, or perhaps Che Guevara’s? By dissolving the United States and changing her into a Muslim enclave? As the ‘Trojan horse’ by which America’s enemies can “remake” her, and after she is fallen, the whole West?
“We’re in a REVOLUTION in process!”
What sort of “revolution?” For the good of the democratic nation and ALL her people, or for the good of the Africans and Muslims only?
Of an extreme leftist, Marxist, anti-establishment, Islamic upbringing, Obama must not take charge of the leading Western nation! Freedom-loving, democratic Americans must not hail this man as their president, as the best thing that ever happened to their country!
Obama is determined to fulfill Martin Luther King’s “dream” of change in America. But one must ask oneself: what kind of change?
King’s identity as a black American had been formed in the caldron of his forebears’ slavery. As an American first and foremost, he insisted on his equality not being dependent on the color of his skin. Obama’s identity does not relate to this, although many black Americans hope so.
It was during Obama’s high school years in the seventies that the movement of “black is beautiful” and “black power” swept through the United States. Black Americans re-identified with their African heritage, expressing it in African-style clothing and stylizing their hair into heaped up curls – the Afro, showing pride in being an “African” American. Without a doubt Obama was profoundly affected by this movement, for the first time feeling proud being the son of a native-born African. He, to, styled an Afro.
13 See New York Times article by Jennifer Steinhauer on March 17, 2007 – Charisma and a Search for Self in Obama’s Hawaii Childhood: “And there was the other Barry, the child of a white American mother, Ann Dunham, who died in 1995, and a Kenyan father, also named Barack, who left when Mr. Obama was young and who is also dead. That Barry, described in Mr. Obama’s book, “Dreams From My Father,” was the one whose young classmate once asked him if his “father ate people,” who endured whispered racial epithets, whose sense of being a misfit haunted him into high school, where at times, he says, he hid behind a haze of marijuana smoke and unhappiness.
“He struggled here with the idea that people were pushing an identity on him, what it meant to be a black man,” said Ms. Soetoro-Ng, whose own father was Indonesian.
“He was trying to balance that with a desire he already had then to name himself,” she said. “There were not a lot of people here who were engaged in that process. Their identities were more solidly assumed. Having a community that embraced you without question was something that most people had. But he had lived in Indonesia, had a father who was absent but whose presence loomed large and a mother who had lived in 13 places.”
As a result, she said, Mr. Obama, while “not a brooding young man — he played sports and formed close friendships and wasn’t overly serious” — often “wrapped himself in his own solitude.”
“Junkie. Pothead. That’s where I’d been headed: the final, fatal role of the young would-be black man,” Obama wrote in his book. “Except the highs hadn’t been about that, me trying to prove what a down brother I was. Not by then, anyway. I got high for just the opposite effect, something that could push questions of who I was out of my mind, something that could flatten out the landscape of my heart, blur the edges of my memory…”14 Web sites about James Hal Cone: Glenn’s Blog ; Zimbio ; and Black Liberation Theology: 15 Obama “inspired” by Cone’s theology? In his 1969 controversial book “Black Theology and Black Power”, Cone stated that “Either God is for black people in their fight for liberation and against the white oppressors, or he is not.”
“Black theology refuses to accept a God who is not identified totally with the goals of the black community. If God is not for us and against white people, then he is a murderer, and we had better kill him. The task of black theology is to kill Gods who do not belong to the black community … Black theology will accept only the love of God which participates in the destruction of the white enemy. What we need is the divine love as expressed in Black Power, which is the power of black people to destroy their oppressors here and now by any means at their disposal. Unless God is participating in this holy activity, we must reject his love.”
Indeed, what “black” theology!!17 This Luo tribe, Barack Obama’s father’s tribe, is predominantly Christian, but Raila Odinga, who was running for the Presidency in the 2007 Kenya elections and who claims that he and Barack Obama are cousins, promised to implement strict Islamic Shariah law if elected. However, the majority of Kenyans is Christians. When he claimed that the election results had been tampered with, his Luo tribe went on a violent rampage. Many hundreds of the Kikuyu tribe (also predominantly Christian) were slaughtered, and churches set on fire where Christians had sought refuge (in towns like Eldoret, Nakuru, Kisumu, etc.). Raila Odinga was raised Christian by his father Odinga Odinga but apparently had no problem to embrace Islam. According to the book, “Obama Nation,” By Jerome R. Corsi, Raila Odinga confesses today to be an Anglican Christian who had turned from Christ to Islam but was led by prophet Dr. David Owuor, a controversial evangelical cleric, to become a ‘born-again’ Christian and on Sunday, May 5, 2009, was baptized by immersion in Nairobi on national television. In the family picture Obama stands behind Kezia – his stepmother, his father’s favorite wife. See also Obama’s Odinga; Kenya, Islam and Obama Hussein; Jihad in Kenya
2008 U.S. Elections – Most Crucial With the Worst of Choices
page 7 Obama has written books which probably disclose his true leanings and tell of his “dream” – the “change”, the “remake”, the “revolution” he wants to bring to America.Hitler, too, had a “dream”, which he clearly outlined in his book, “Mein Kampf” (My Battle). He, too, wanted to bring change to Germany and establish her as the “superior Arian German race”. Convinced of the evils of Jewish dominance, he was determined to end its influence throughout Europe thereby ridding Germany of its greatest ill.
Aroused by Hitler’s speeches the German masses “dared to hope” for economic and social, political recovery from the dreadful consequences of WWI. They dreamed of a “new” Germany they could be proud of.
But — Hitler became the force that led to the genocide of millions. He became the force that led to WWII. And he, the pseudo-Messiah of “The Third Reich” became also its destroyer: Germany laid in utter ruins.
Likewise, today Barack H. Obama’s speeches are stirring the American masses into a new-found hope for the recovery of the “American dream”, for economic recovery and social equality, and for political recuperation from never-ending wars neither lost nor won. They’re hoping for a “new” America of whose unity in diversity they could be proud of.
But – hear this divine warning about Obama: he is the “Trojan horse” of Islam whose intent is to conquer and rule the West with Obama as President of the United States of America!
May G-d give us ears to hear, eyes to see and hearts to understand. May we hear G-d’s warning, for He does nothing without first warning His servants, the prophets.
I close with the words with which I began:
“O wretched fellow Americans! What fury reigns you? What more than madness has possessed your brains? Think you the men from the East have left your coasts? And are al-Qaeda’s, Hizballah’s and Hamas’ arts no better known?”
“This hollow man either must inclose, within his blind recess, your secret foes; or is it his spying eyes raised above your cities, to overlook your States, and then to batter into pieces your Union?”
“Something is sure that has been designed, whether by fraud or by force: Trust not their gifts, their promises, NOR ADMIT THIS ‘TROJAN HORSE’ by the name of Barack Hussein Obama.”
Let me paraphrase18: A destructive presidential campaign is masquerading as bringing a benign President into the White House who claims he will rid the nation of its problems and of terrorists. He is one of the most insidious types of politicians, endearing, enchanting, promising, harmless. When I heard the Lord say – “Trojan Horse,” I realized at once the meaning of it: it is not the man Obama himself who is dangerous – just as it was not the wooden horse itself – but those “hid” behind him, secretly “stowed” away in his Presidency (for which they are moving heaven and earth that he gets it) to get on the inside of America for take-over,19 and in the course of it “wipe Israel off the map.” / Psalm 83
DON’T LET HIM IN! DON’T LET HIM IN! A closing, personal comment by Annelore: I wish to clarify beyond the shadow of a doubt that I hold no religious or racial prejudice, personal grudge or dislike against Barack Hussein Obama. On the contrary, I can identify with some of the experiences of his childhood and youth. He is handsome, attractive and charismatic, intelligent, with a natural, endearing charm. The above article was not written out of a dislike for Obama, or because of racism, or for any other personal reasons. My prayer is that you will take the time to “educate” yourself about Obama and “not take a chance”20 with voting him into the White House. I pray that your and America’s future will be so important to you that you will take the time and read not only this prophetic warning and educating newsletter, but also follow up on the links. It will be well worth your time.
No true prophet has ever been popular and beloved by the many!
True prophets were killed for the words they spoke from the Lord, thrown into a pit, jailed, mocked and generally hated. When all is well prophets will exhort, teach, encourage, reprove and guide G-d’s people, impart callings and anointings. But when the times turn evil the true prophets will not hide G-d’s words of warning, of preparing the saints and the peoples for the days ahead but will sound the alarm forcefully, loud and clear. It is the duty and obligation of their office, for woe if they fail to do this because of the fear of man and rejection.
This letter is a forceful sound of alarm!
Be also clear on this that not all that “shines is gold” regarding the person and possible Presidency of McCain. He, too, is not what he wants us make believe. While he does not pose the same grave danger as Obama he will be to America what a leaking roof is to a house. Let no one mislead you nor throw sand in your eyes. Do not blindly trust anyone but One only — the LORD HIMSELF! Be alert, be on your guard, hearken to and obey the Lord and lean on Him alone.
These 2008 elections are the most crucial in America’s history, with the worst choices America has ever faced.
Information, quotes and pictures are taken from the following web sites:
- Picture of the Trojan Horse is from “Sights and Culture around the World”
- An American Expat In Southeast Asia
- Israel Matzav: Obama’s Saudi connection
- The Obama File
- Obama’s Jihad: Jakarta to the Whitehouse (disturbing book title change)
- Africa Venture Partners
- WorldNetDaily.com: “Is Khalid al-Mansour the man behind Obama myth?”
- Atlas Shrugs: Obama’s Benefactor: Dr. Khalid al Mansour, I presume …
- The Mystery Man Who Allegedly Helped Obama Get Into Harvard
- African Leadership Academy – Governors and Advisors Landing Page
- Texasdarlin.wordpress.com: Who is Khalid al-Mansour, and why was he backing Obama in the 1980s? ? td blog
- Against Barack Obama
- Wikipedia: Barack Hussein Obama
18 On webopedia the following description is given of a Trojan horse gaining secretly entrance into our computers: A destructive program that masquerades as a benign application. Unlike viruses, Trojan horses do not replicate themselves but they can be just as destructive. One of the most insidious types of Trojan horse is a program that claims to rid your computer of viruses but instead introduces viruses onto your computer. 19 Quote: “In an important symbolic move designed to signal an end of the special relationship between Israel and America, Obama has become the first major presidential candidate in 25 years not to commit himself to transferring the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem…” 20 Trojan horse: An old hacker’s saying goes as follows: “most companies are like M&Ms. Crunchy on the outside and soft on the inside”. The Trojan Horse is the oldest example of malware. It was brought inside the perimeter protection (much like the modern firewalls) because the population was not educated. Do not take that chance… Obama Mania – Endnotes
page 8ENDNOTES a Please examine the following site. And pay careful attention to the titles of Dr. Al-Mansour’s
Al-Mansour represents OPEC? No wonder Obama doesn’t want the US drilling. Check it out! He’s the preacher.
Dr. Al-Mansour has spent most of his adult life as a buisnessman/lawyer, intellectual, religious activist, author and teacher. His business and professional interests include co-founding the International Law Firm Al Waleed, Al-Talal ? Al-Mansour, representing the O.P.E.C. interest of the famous Los Angeles trial, I.M.A.W.C. vs O.P.E.C.; and serving as a co-founder and director of the Saudi-African Bank (SAB), the United Bank for Africa (UBA), and the World United Bank for Africa (WUBA).
UPDATE: Richard Fernandez just tracked down the video promo on this dvd, Will the West Rule Forever? and his books. Please, check out the titles:
Americans Beware! The Zionist Plot Against.S.Arabia Dr Khalid Tariq Al-Mansour S 19 $3.00 Out of Stock Cultural Dynamism In The 21st Century Dr Khalid Tariq Al-Mansour S 488 $19.95 Out of Stock Laws Without Justice Dr Khalid Tariq Al-Mansour S 343 $19.95 Out of Stock PC Vs TV – Can America Be Saved? Dr Khalid Tariq Al-Mansour S 289 $21.95 Out of Stock Strains Of Modern Marriage Dr Khalid Tariq Al-Mansour S 322 $21.95 Out of Stock The Challenges Of Spreading Islam In America Dr Khalid Tariq Al-Mansour S 213 $16.95 Out of Stock The Destruction Of Western Civilization Dr Khalid Tariq Al-Mansour S 316 $19.95 Out of Stock The Pentecostals: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly Dr Khalid Tariq Al-Mansour S 343 $19.95 Out of Stock The Reflections Of An African Arabian In Captivity Dr Khalid Tariq Al-Mansour S 378 $19.95 Out of Stock Welcome To Islam Dr Khalid Tariq Al-Mansour S 717 $27.95 Out of Stock b Prior to Harvard Obama studied at Occidental College in Los Angeles for two years, then transferred to Columbia University in New York City, where Obama graduated with a B.A. in 1983 in political science with a specialization in international relations, while Hitler never even managed to get into a college or university. Obama accumulated a list of respectable accomplishments, while still on search for his true identity. He evidently found one to which he could relate: that of a community organizer, civil rights attorney and politician, before serving in the Illinois Senate from 1997 to 2004.
Obama Mania – Endnotes
page 9ENDNOTES ADDITION I feel it important to place the following pictures and YouTube urls as an addition to the Obama Mania pages. G-d’s words of warning as well as dreams and visions are so strong and concrete, one must wantonly close one’s eyes to ignore what is being said. The personality cult that has grown around Obama to nearly “worship” has triggered in me a “red” alert; particularly since he became President by an act of “lawlessness.” The law of the land requires the Presidential candidate produce his birth certificate as undeniable proof that he is American born, a native of the United States.
March 9, 2009 (Fast of Esther)
PURIM (In your Bible, look up the Book of Esther)Yet Obama refused to produce his original birth certificate while, at the same time, the governor of Hawaii prevented citizens, courts and media from viewing this document, thus underscoring this lawlessness. Never would I have believed that the entire nation – with few exceptions – could be so utterly blind and follow after this man like children after the Pied Piper of Hamelin21. However, we do already have the troubling example of Germans saying to Adlolf Hitler – that little, mediocre Austrian artist of questionable background – “Fuehre, wir folgen” / “Lead, we will follow!”
For everyone with eyes to see and ears to hear, having a basic knowledge of history and Scriptures, and a certain understanding, the following pictures and a YouTube video of Obama’s acceptance speech (the Democratic National Convention 2008) in the Denver Broncos’ Mile High Football Stadium (Denver, Colorado) will be rather disturbring, to say the least.
Barack Hussein Obama at the 2008 DNC YouTube video opening picture: above mountain peaks rises the Obama “sun,” his emblem within a white circle, “crowned” with three 5-pointed stars:
The altar of Zeus at Pergamum was famous for its elaborate frieze, which is now located in Berlin. There was no temple of Zeus, which recalls an ancient custom mentioned by Herodotus [1.131]:In Revelation 2:12-13, the city of Pergamum, rather than a subterranean region, is identified as the location of Satan’s throne. 22 Why then, I wonder, was the model of this altar chosen to create a replica of it as backdrop for Obama’s acceptance speech?
Replica of the Pergamon Altar of Zeus, standing in the Pergamon Museum in Berlin, Germany; the elaborate Friese round about the altar depicts the “battle of the Titans,” the “gods” against the giants.Monuments of Greek antiquity seem to hold a particular allure on Obama and his team. On his first Euopean trip as Presidential candidate, he chose Germany, where his campaign organizers wanted Obama to speak at the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin (site of President Ronald Reagan’s “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall” speech), considered one of Europe’s most famous landmarks. The Gate is modeled after the Propylaea in Athens, the monumental entry hall of the Acropolis. The Gate is crowned with a quadriga charioteered by the goddess of victory – Victoria – who marches triumphantly into the city “proclaiming peace”. Obama was himself on his “triumphant” march to “victory”, his staff looking for backdrops depicting this. German Chancellor Angela Merkel, however, refused the Brandenburg Gate for the Obama “show”.
Well, the next best backdrop was the Siegessaeule (“Victory Column”), erected to celebrate the Prussian victory over the Danes in their 1864 war. Before the column could be completed, the Prussians had won two other victories, in wars against Austria in 1866 and France in 1870-1871. The 35-ton figure atop the column is the goddess of Victory, the Roman version of the Greek goddess Nike. The base of the column is festooned with bas-reliefs of battles.
The column used to be located elsewhere in Berlin — in front of the Reichstag — but it was moved to the intersection of Grosser Stern (Great Star) by the Nazis.
The choices Obama and his team have made for his public appearances and speeches are most significant, delivering an unspoken but clear message to the people, most of whom fail to realize that they are being manipulated into viewing Obama as the victorious, triumphant bringer of “change and peace”.
The “Victory Column” was Hitler’s favorite place in Berlin for his Nazi rally speeches. The sight of Obama standing, arm outstretched, in an all too familiar gesture in front of this monument to victory and its chief symbol, the pagan goddess Victoria aka Nike, is chilling; as is the balloon picture…
A German archaeologist, Carl Humann, began excavating the Pergamon altar on Sept.9, 1878. The altar was then moved back to Germany and reconstructed. Kaiser Wilhelm II celebrated its erection in Berlin in 1902. In 1933 Adolph Hitler was elected Chancellor of Germany. In 1934 he became dictator and ordered construction of the Tribune at Zeppelin Field in Nuremberg for his Nazi rallies.
The architect, Albert Speer, used the Pergamon Altar as the model for the Zeppelintribuene. The Fuehrer’s pulpit was in the center of the tribune, which was built from 1934 to 1937. Adolph Hitler, the Evil King of Germany started World War II in 1939. After the end of World War II, the Soviets took the Pergamon Altar to Leningrad in 1948 (Same year as the Rebirth of Israel) as spoils. The Alter was later returned in 1958. 23
Hitler at the speaker’s platform of the Zeppelintribune during the 1938 Parteitag Grossdeutschland. The Zeppelintribuene in Nuremberg, Germany, the Nazis
main rallying placeThe U.S. Army blew the swastika from the top of the Zeppelintribuene on 25 April 1945 (shown in this sequence of Army Signal Corps photos; National Archives Record Group 111-SC, #205199-205201)
Replica of Pergamon Altar in the Denver Broncos’ Mile High Football Stadium at the DNC2008, with the pulpit up front in the middle, and Obama’s image projected on both sides of the Altar.Below are images reminiscent of the personality cult that surrounded Hitler, and of Revelation 6:1-2, as we see Obama’s
image exhibited beneath the Denver Bronco’s mascot, a white Arabian horse called Thunder II. At both sides of the gigantic screen Obama’s emblem emanates water and rays of light, conveying the “idea” of Obama himself infusing light and life.
Rev. 6:1-2 – “I heard one of the four living creatures say, as with a voice of thunder, ‘Come!’ And I saw, and behold, a white horse, and its rider had a bow and a crown was given to him, and he went out conquering and to conquer.”
Obama has certainly “conquered” the American people who are evidently infatuated with him (as were the Germans in Berlin), as well as the whole African continent and the entire Moslem world, which is thrilled at their “brother’s” ascending to the Presidency of the most powerful nation.
America’s and the world’s new idol, speaking in front of a smaller replica of the Pergamon Altar of Zeus, Turkey
Obama’s “team” projected under Thunder II, the Denver Bronco’s mascot24
This is the famous white stallion Thunder II, towering above the scoreboard of the Denver Mile High stadium Some may argue saying, “Perhaps this is the white horse of Revelation 19:11?” I say, then, “ This would be even worse than the one in Rev. 6; for Revelation 19:11 projects a Messianic image, seeing that it is Messiah Who returns to conquer the beast and his army.”
Was all this imagery – first in the Denver stadium, and then in Berlin, Germany, just accidental, or was it carefully planned? It stands to reason that nothing whatsoever was “accidental” about it, and that it was scrupulously designed to portray a “messianic” figure saving the nation from unemployment, bankruptcy, and war while preparing the people for the coming new world order – bringing in “change.”
Obama’s “logo” replaces the patriotic American flag as he seemingly elevates himself above that national emblem. Is this a “deifying” symbol that has replaced the national one?
How about this Denver, Colorado – Airport Mustang Sculpture?25 Actually, it’s not a Mustang, but an Arabian.This huge blue statue of the Denver Bronco’s mascot (Thunder II) has finally been dedicated. Commissioned 16 years ago and standing at a colossal 32 feet tall, the project was already controversial when in 2005 the horse broke loose from a support in sculptor Luis Jiminez’s studio and pinned him against the wall. He later died from his injuries on the way to hospital. His family were determined to finish the work in his honour.With its unholy look, bright red eyes and and lugubrious history, the artwork has been dubbed the ‘Airport Mustang from Hell’. It will be hard to shake the curse tag.Most surprising was Obama’s decision to sign the $ 787 billion bailout-bill in DENVER rather than in the oval office of the White House. Why had he so urgently pushed for this bill, delayed its signing and then did so — in Denver, on February 17th — an all-important date for the New World Order!P All this concentration on Denver had me begin a research, and the findings are surprising beyond all expectation.
We are definitely on the road to a New World Order, a One World Government, and Denver seems to play an important role in it, as will Germany and Turkey. Oh, the connections, they run ever so deep! And while I did not think that Obama will turn out to be that Man of lawlessness, especially after the Trojan Horse word, I no longer rule out that possibility.
1. Obama occupies the most powerful post in the world – the U.S. President – by outright lies and an act of lawlessness since he entered the White House without proof of being an American citizen by birth. His supporters and campaign managers knowingly and wantonly disregarded this law of the United States and became partners in this act of lawlessness.
2. Like Hitler, a true son of Satan, Obama chose a copy of the Pergamon altar of Zeus as the backdrop for his acceptance speech. Hence, he knowingly chose the “throne of Satan”26 to be his podium, his image being projected onto that “altar” on its two sides.
3. Obama has opened a pandora’s box on stem-cell research by legalizing it. The consequences of this cannot even yet be imagined. The possibilities of abuse and misuse of stem-cell research are frightening. Whenever great discoveries have been made, there have always been wicked, greedy and evil men who have misused and abused the discovery or invention. Albert Einstein’s discovery of the splitting of the atom is just one such example – he never envisioned an atomic bomb. If he had he would have kept his discovery secret.
4. Obama’s first official interview as President was with Al Jazeera, the Arabic-language news network; and his first official visit as President will be to Turkey, the land of the 7 churches and of the — altar of Satan in Pergamon, Anatolia. Walid Shoebat, former Palestinian terrorist who came to faith in Yeshua, is the author of 5 books on terrorism; in his book, “God’s War on Terror,” he has something rather disturbing to say about Turkey in the end days.These are just a few points. Let us keep steadfast and alert, and I will do my best to faithfully garner pertinent information and keep you abreast on what is happening. We are children of the day and must not get caught in Satan’s trap due to slumbering and sleeping. Read up as much as you can of what I share with you in these pages, as well as the linked articles and web sites. Truly, it won’t be long anymore until disaster suddenly comes upon this world and — on the Church. Let us be prepared, for God is with and for us — “For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of G-d in Messiah Yeshua our Lord.”27 But the lukewarm, Yeshua warned, He will spit out28.
Let us therefore fan the glowing ambers in our hearts to hot burning flames for our Lord and His Kingdom.
21The Pied Piper Homepage; The Pied Piper of Hamelin, by Robert Browning 22 Temples of Zeus; The Pergamon Altar; Satan’s throne in Revelation; Pergamon Altar; 23Former Things/Throne of Satan; Traces of Evil; Joel’s Trumpet; Hitler’s Zeppelintribune; 24 [19] SHARON MAGNESS is queen of philanthropy and high society in Colorado. She was the second wife of cable-TV magnate Bob Magness, who died in 1996. Bob Magness founded cable giant Tele-Communications Inc., which was sold to AT?T. In 1997, Sharon filed a lawsuit claiming she was entitled to half of her late husband’s estate–roughly $500 million, rather than the approximately $55 million she was left in the form of cash, a trust fund, Western art and property. Her claim–pitting her against her stepsons Gary and the late Kim Magness and others–was settled out of court in 1998. Terms were never disclosed, but she reportedly received $100 million and has become a fixture on the charity-fundraising circuit, supporting such society-approved causes as the Denver Art Museum and Volunteers of America. She was a supporter of the financially troubled Ocean Journey. Denver’s Westword newspaper has reported she bid $150,000 at the aquarium’s opening gala for the right to host a New Year’s Eve party there later. Eleven years ago Sharon Magness, along with Jean Galloway, started “Western Fantasy,” a gala and fundraiser for the Volunteers of America. The event has raised $10 million over the years for the charity’s Colorado branch, making it the most successful Volunteers of America fundraiser in the nation.Her horse, Thunder, an Arabian stallion, is the Denver Broncos’ official mascot, and is ridden up and down the field at Invesco Field at Mile High to celebrate every Bronco score. PI know of at least two bloodlines being part of this one-world “conspiracy,” namely the STUARTS (also spelled STEWART, the Scottish Royal lineage), the actor Patrick Stewart being listed in their genealogical record; and the British Royal House of WINDSORS, related to the Stuarts, as well as to the German HONOVERIANS, and SAXE-COBURG-GOTHA. They and the Stuart lineage claim descent from King David via Jesus Christ, being of His “blood-line” (research on Prince Charles), insisting on being the rightful heirs to David’s throne and his kingdom — that theirs is the only “one blood royal: the Sangreal…”. 25 IMPORTANT!!! – worth reading through: Look Up Fellowship: Denver International Airport and the NWO; and The Denver Airport Murals; 26 Another interesting view of where and what Satan’s throne is: Satan’s throne revealed at last! 27 Romans 8:38-39 28 Revelation 3:16 J.R. Church: Prophecy in the News