Israel’s War Against Hamas In Gaza | VOL. 60 * NEWSLETTER * JANUARY 2009 |
Dear Friends, brothers ? sisters in the Lord, Israel’s engrafted co-heirs;
I really did not want to write a letter about Israel’s war against the terror organization Hamas. It would require of me to get all the news, to do fact finding, to read and focus on what would make me angry, oh so angry. And I don’t want that! There are some reliable folks who are covering the events truthfully. I just want to set my mind on the things that are above and not on the things that are on earth, specifically, right here in Israel’s south where we live.
But, I cannot keep quiet! I must join those who disseminate the truth, who come against all the terrible lies and slander and against those voices that are once again calling for the annihilation of the Jews.
Please visualize – imagine – the following hypothetical scenario:
Lakewood Church – the largest mega-church in the States – takes a stand with the people to whom they have been joined as fellow-citizens and co-heirs according to Ephesians 2:11-22, and Romans 11. They travel to Israel to demonstrate to the whole world who is in the right here. John Hagee’s mega church in San Antonio hears of this and decides to join in on this courageous act of solidarity with the people into whose tree they have been engrafted. They, too, enter Israel during this time of rocket siege1 in Israel’s south and Gazan war.
Both churches are in on this action because those who have plenty provide for those who otherwise could not afford it, so that every one of them can take a stand for the truth in the sight of the whole world and their lying, slanted media.
Other churches throughout the United States, in Canada, in Europe, in Asia, even Africa, hear of this bold stand of solidarity with beleaguered Israel and follow the example with joy and excitement. The airlines’ flights are fully booked, Israeli hotels are filled to capacity – [why, there is no room in the inn …] -, and the streets of Israel’s cities are overflowing with marching, singing, banner-swinging fellow-citizens, declaring Israel’s right to her own land and to defend her citizens.
The entire world’s news stations just buzz with covering this amazing event of hundreds of thousands of Christians having poured into Israel to stand with this harassed nation. Suddenly their view, their perspective of this situation shifts, and Jews around the world – especially Israelis – are weeping, rejoicing and dumbfounded at whatever got these hundreds of thousands of Christians to pour into their tiny land.
Not a single TV station or newspaper misses interviewing these “strange” Christians from all over the world who have come during Israel’s time of danger and global vilification. And all of Israel, from ultra-secular to ultra-orthodox, will repeatedly hear the same answer to that question, “why?”
“We have come to take our stand with you just as Ruth the Moabitess did. And we speak as she did, therefore: ‘Do not entreat us to leave you or return from standing with you; for although the whole world is against you we are for and with you, because your G-d is our G-d2, and in our hearts we are part of your people, we are one with you. Like you we believe in the resurrection from the dead, in the coming Messianic reign and the Kingdom of G-d. When those who hate you war against you we want to uphold you like Aaron and Hur upheld the hands of Moses in the battle with the Amalekites. We want all the world to know and see that you are not alone, but that your G-d is with you, and so are we.”
This DEED would speak louder than words ever could.
This Monday morning our TV news featured – even ultra-secular channel 10 – a non-Jewish family who lives in Beer-Sheva, who had come to Ashkalon to demonstrate their love and solidarity with our people. Standing near the Barzillai hospital the man sang and played on the guitar a song he had composed about Israel’s situation; his wife holding their little one sang also, and the older son accompanied on the violine. They sang in Hebrew, expressing faith and hope in the G-d of Israel and His salvation. The stations broadcasted the whole song without cutting it short. Hence, all of Israel got to see and hear it because we all leave radio and TV on to stay abreast of developments. Both the reporter and the TV stations were amazed and touched, clapping hands.
And this was only ONE family demonstrating their solidarity. Imagine the effect tens- or hundreds of thousands would have upon the world’s view of Israel, and upon our isolated, harassed people, upon their faith and hope. It would be received as though G-d Himself was speaking to them.
What a demonstration of love that would be; of “where the rubber meets the road”; of “taking up your cross and follow Him,” Who is the Messiah and King of Israel. Hallelujah!
The Henrik Hudson School District Library Media Centre provides a model essay for sudents which ends with the words,
Perpetrators, collaborators, bystanders, victims: we can be clear about three of these categories. The bystander, however, is the fulcrum. If there are enough notable exceptions, then protest reaches a critical mass. We don’t usually think of history as being shaped by silence, but, as English philosopher Edmund Burke said, ‘The only thing necessary for the triumph [of evil] is for good men to do nothing.’During the Nazi era there were mainly “bystanders,” and comparatively few “good men doing something” to prevent the genocide of millions, and/or save victims out of it. Bystanders become “collaborators” with evil because they are doing nothing to oppose, prevent or stop it.
The Lord alludes to this principle in Matthew 12:30 and Obadiah 10-11..
Similarly stated: “If you are not part of the cure, then you are part of the problem.”
And another axiom states: “The best mind-altering drug is truth.”
Here are several hyper-links to web sites which report truth. They contain important information along with an unmistakable warning of another genocide looming over the Jewish people should Christianity choose, once again, to stand by passively rather than intervene actively against the perpetrators of such evil.
1 See Qassam rockets: Lethal instruments of Terror; Threat to Israel from Qassam ? Katyusha Rockets 2 Ruth 1:16-17 Operation Cast Lead Against Hamas Rockets Rain
Page 2 When the Allies bombed German cities in WWII, they did not exhibit overly concern about civilian casualties. Everything was bombed: trains full of refugees, hospitals, churches, everything. Dresden and Berlin were pulverized, and 80% of Munich and Breslau lay in ashes, with many tens of thousands of civilians dying in the ruins. Were those civilian casualties less human than those in Gaza?The question must be asked: who provoked the war? What was the root cause of all those civilian casualties? Let’s look at the present war in Gaza.
The proximate trigger for the present hostilities was the deliberate and consistent attack on Israeli citizens by Hamas. Over 6,000 rockets and mortar shells have been launched at Israel since its Gaza withdrawal in the summer of 2005, including hundreds while the supposed truce between Hamas and Israel was in effect.
When Hamas then unilaterally declared the truce over and tripled its rocket-fire, Israel was obliged to act in self-defense.
YET EVEN this proximate trigger does not tell the whole story. It is rather a symptom, or proxy, for the root cause: the unwillingness of Hamas – and its Iranian patron – to accept the legitimacy of Israel within any boundaries in the Middle East.
Rather, this is the public call by Hamas, in its charter as well as its contemporary declarations, for the destruction of Israel and the killing of Jews wherever they may be3.
All Jews – not just in Israel – are considered inherently evil; the “sons of apes and pigs;” defilers of Islam; and responsible for all the evils of the world. This genocidal anti-Semitism, this culture of hatred, is where it starts4.
And while threatening the safety and security of Israeli citizens, Hamas cowardly shields itself behind its own Palestinian citizens, thereby threatening the safety and security of Gaza itself.
There is no Humanitarian Crisis in Gaza; Arab-Israeli Conflict: Basic Facts
A quote: ‘Irrespective of what Israel does, or attempts to achieve, it is found guilty a priori: Israel is the “occupier,”- “aggressor,”- “Nazi war machine,”- “guilty party.”- It has put Gaza under siege and has started a disproportionate response. It is targeting innocent women and children in schools. It is hitting mosques, where the Believers come to pray. It is causing a humanitarian crisis among a million refugees. Israel is the source of all evil and the Jews must thus be eliminated, Israel obliterated off the map of the earth.’
Defiant Hamas leaders threatened revenge, including suicide attacks. Hamas “will continue the resistance until the last drop of blood,” vowed spokesman Fawzi Barhoum. Imagine that! Palestinians who have been murdering Jews non-stop for years, once Israel finally defends herself, vow revenge for Israel’s self-defense. Talk about Madness!
It is sad in Israel. Israel mourns the fallen soldiers: pictures of smiling young men who gave their lives willingly in defense of the country. Young men in the prime of life, gone, by fighting one of the most merciless enemies humanity has ever known. “Swifter than eagles, Stronger than Lions”- (Samuel II, 1:23) they accepted the task of protecting their country, their family and friends, you and me. Why cannot the world understand Israel’s fight is its own fight?
Let there be no mistakes, Operation Cast Lead is a defensive operation. End quote
“Thus says the Lord G-D: Because the Palestinians5 act revengefully6 and take vengeance with malice of heart to destroy in never-ending enmity; therefore thus says the Lord G-D, Behold, I will stretch out My hand against the Palestinians, and I will cut off the Cherethites, and destroy the rest of the [Gaza] seacoast. I will execute great vengeance upon them with wrathful chastisements. Then they will know that I am the L-RD, when I lay My vengeance upon them.”7
This is just one of many such declarations by the Holy One of Israel concerning this people. In Jeremiah 47:4-5 G-d speaks of the day that is coming to destroy all the Palestinians, and to cut off from Tyre and Sidon every helper (Hizbullah?) that remains. For the L-RD is destroying the Palestinians, the remnant of the coastland of Caphtor8 who are — a remnant of the Anakim.
3 See newsletter # 53_3, and news47_2 4 Pictures of anti-Israel rallies; Gaza War Protest; The Gaza War On-Line 7 Ezekiel 25:15-17 8 Today’s Crete from whence the Philistines hail, their name ‘plishtim’ meaning ‘invaders’, because they invaded the coastal strip of Canaan, slaughtered the Avvim there and settled in their stead Hamas Breeds A Culture of Hatred, Terror, Fear and Death
Page 3 These are the people9 for whom there are world-wide pro-Palestinian, anti-Israel protest marches.
Hamas – Fatah – Al Aqsa Brigade – Islamic Jihad – Muslim Brotherhood –
Hizbullah – Al Qaeda:Have you seen these pictures on your TV or in your newspapers? This is done by Palestinians to Palestinians.
In Joel 3:4 G-d speaks to “Tyre and Sidon” and to all the “regions” of Philistia, asking them if they are paying Him back for something?
“If you are paying ME back [for gathering My people back into their Own land],” He says, “I will requite your deed upon your own head swiftly and speedily.”
Of Israel He says in Isaiah 41:9-16 that, “You are My servant, I have chosen you and NOT cast you off; fear not, for I AM with you, be not dismayed, for I AM your G-d; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with MY victorioius right hand.”
“Behold, all who are incensed against you shall be put to shame and confounded [such as have participated in the violent anti-Israel rallies, reviling my people and calling for their genocide]; those who strive against you shall be as nothing and shall perish.”10
“You shall seek those who contend with you, but you shall not find them; those who war against you shall be as nothing at all. For I, the LORD your G-d, hold your right hand. It is I Who say to you, ‘Fear not, I will help you.’”
These are not “militants” but terrorists, murderers, men of lawlessness who rule over their people with an iron
fist of fear. They are worse than wild beasts because they thirst for blood, take pleasure in torture and love evil.
They revel in death while Jews everywhere, but Israel in particular, uphold the sanctity of life.And watch this you tube of Hamas terrorists killing innocent civilians in Gaza “Fear not, you worm Jacob , you men of Israel. Behold, I will make of you a threshing instrument, new, sharp, and having teeth ; you shall thresh the mountains and crush them, and you shall make the hills like chaff…”All of this is a fitting description of the IDF, Israel’s Defense Forces.
And here is the story of an Israeli mother, A Soldier’s Mother.
In Isaiah 51:1 the Lord promises that “the ransomed of the L-RD shall return and come to Zion with singing” [but instead there is much mourning and sorrow]; “everlasting joy shall be upon their heads” [but instead, katjushas and qassam rockets]11;”they shall obtain joy and gladness” [instead, the bitter hatred of all of our neighbors and of the world, threats of genocide, lies and slander],” and sorrow and sighing shall flee away” [instead – Israelis grieve as one big family when the country suffers casualties in combat].
What follows is a quote by Israel’s Prime Minister, Ehud Olmert, and the Word of G-d:
Begin Quote: During a visit to the Osem plant in Sderot organized by the Bureau of Economic Organizations, Olmert addressed the state of the war in Gaza, saying that Israel was now at a decisive stage, but had not yet reached the two main goals it set for itself.
“We have no interest in endlessly continuing the campaign. It will stop when the conditions that are essential for Israel’s security are met. First and foremost, all terrorist operations against us must stop. The strengthening of the terrorist organizations via the smuggling of war material from Egypt into Gaza must also stop,” he said.
“We are dealing with brutal terrorist organizations devoid of the compassion and tolerance which characterize us. The blow that we have inflicted on them is unprecedented in its strength,” Olmert added.
Military officials told the Ashkelon conference that 800 trucks of humanitarian aid had entered Gaza since the start of Operation Cast Lead, and that Israel had repaired electric and sewage infrastructures in the Strip throughout the fighting.
Rocket attacks were noticeably lower since the start of the war, the military officials said, adding that two weeks ago the rocket attacks numbered in the 80s, while the current number of daily rocket launches from Gaza has plunged to the 20s. End quote
Isaiah 14:20-21, 32: “May the descendants of evildoers [Hamas] nevermore be named! Prepare slaughter for his sons because of the guilt of their fathers, lest they rise and possess the earth and fill the face of the world with cities.”
“What will one answer the messengers/envoys/reporters of the nations(s)? ‘[It was] the L-RD Who has founded Zion, and in her the afflicted of His people find refuge.’”
Israeli victims of Hamas rockets; have you seen pictures of wounded and traumatized Israeli civilians in your Media? Have you seen pictures of Hamas rocket launchers, and a Hamas child “militant”?
These are only 2 pictures of so many weeping, mourning Israelis; has your Media shown you even but one?
The Gaza Strip Is The “Shoulder of the Philistines”
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The Gaza strip of today’s PalestiniansThese images clearly show the Gaza-strip shaped like a “shoulder.”
Not surprisingly, the Scriptures predict modern Israel “shall swoop down upon the shoulder of the Philistines in the west…,” at a time when G-d is once more assembling the outcasts of Israel, and gathering the dispersed of Judah from the four corners of the earth, joining them into one nation – as is the case today -, no longer divided into two kingdoms12.Before Israel swooped down upon this “shoulder” of the Gaza strip, the Arabs living there (now called Palestinians) could not raise one green blade of grass from that soil. But Israelis created within the span of 30 years luscious and prosperous communities upon it, a self-sustaining infrastructure called Gush Kativ. Then the world community – who so despises G-d’s people that they are no longer a nation in her sight and hence treats Israel with contempt13 – demanded of Israel to uproot these communities to make room for a Palestinian state. But all that the Palestinians have done with that land is launching Qassam-, Grad- and Katyusha rockets from it to terrorize Israel’s southern cities and communities, to kill and destroy.
This is the Gaza strip (click on “view image” with Mozilla Firefox or Netscape browser and the map will open to full size; same with above map of Israel; else, click on its link and it will open up in the original web site). Notice the strip’s barreness – no trees, fields, or green whatsoever – in stark contrast to Israeli communities. The part of Judea and Samaria inhabited by Palestinians is equally barren, the land refusing to yield itself to the ursurpers. The green- and hot-houses of Gush Kativ, left intact for the Palestinians’ use, were immediately destroyed by them. Instead of building an infrastructure from the multi-billions of $$$ poured into them that could sustain them, the funds are seized by the terror groups to buy weapons, weapons and more weapons “… to destroy Israel in never-ending enmity.”14
Arafat had siphoned off multi-millions into private bank accounts. The remainder he spent on building an airport for which there is no use, a huge casino – now closed – in Jericho for gambling tourists, and his underground bunker and “official” headquarters. And, of course, he purchased weapons to threaten and terrorize Israel.
Now examine the adjacent land cultivated by Israelis: it has fields and orchards, gardens, vineyards and parks, which is why there is a visible “green line” between the Jewish and the Palestinian areas. The land readily yields itself to her rightful owners as a bride gives herself to her bridegroom.
12 Isaiah 11:12-14; Ezek. 37:22 13 Ezek. 28:26; Jer. 33:24 14 Ezek. 25:15; Am 9:13-15; Equating Israel with the Nazi Regime Is The Ultimate Insult
Page 5 Six million of European Jews perished in the Nazi Holocaust, one and a half million of them were children. Who protested on their behalf? Yet shamelessly, brazenly, protesters against Israel’s retribution for years of Hamas terror call Israel a Nazi State, intertwine the star of David with the swastika, and shout “back to the ovens.” They utterly disregard the root cause of Israel’s defensive war — no protest against Hamas’ crimes.Israel’s geographical position in the heart of the Arab world presented a direct challenge to the pan-Arab political philosophy of Egyptian President Gamal Abdul Nasser. Moreover, the Arabs were still smarting from their 1948 defeat and incitement against Israel was a convenient tool for ensuring uncritical mass support for Arab leaders. Thus the Arabs initiated border incidents, infiltrated terrorists into Israel, waged economic warfare, and built up military forces toward the day when they would open a “second round” of the war (in the meantime Israel has been forced into fighting 6 wars for her survival, and more recently the Lebanon-war against the terror group Hizbollah, and these last few weeks against Hamas). This Egyptian propaganda poster portrays all the Arab states stabbing bayonets into the “Zionist snake.”
ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! This is the Word of G-d with which to remind our Heavenly Father daily to do what He said and to bring to pass what He promised, according to His purpose:
“Beloved Father, you said that for the house of Israel there shall be no more a brier to prick or a thorn to hurt them among all their neighbors who treat them with contempt; that then they will know that you are the Lord G-D. But Father, there are still the briers and thorns who prick and hurt them daily. Deliver Israel and show them Your salvation.”
“Moreover, You promised that when You gather the house of Israel from the peoples among whom they are scattered – something You have been doing for nearly a 100 years – and manifest Your holiness in them in the sight of the nations, THEN they shall dwell in their OWN land which You gave to Your servant Jacob. And they shall dwell securely in it (but this is not as yet the case), and they shall build houses and plant vineyards (as is true today). They shall dwell securely – this is YOUR promise, Abba! – when You execute judgments upon all their neighbors who have treated, and are treating them with contempt. May they know then that You are their L-RD and their G-d.”15
“Father, You also promised as the Holy One of Israel that the days are coming when the plowman shall overtake the reaper and the treader of grapes him who sows the seed; the mountains shall drip sweet wine, and all the hills shall flow with it.”
“You say that You will restore the fortunes of Your people Israel, and that they shall rebuild the ruined cities and inhabit them: indeed, your people have not only rebuilt the ruined cities but have built moreover new ones, and are inhabiting them all. They shall plant vineyards and drink their wine – and so it is, with ever more vineyards and better wine on our stores’ shelves, with Israel’s wines exported into all the world. They shall make gardens and eat their fruit – this also is true today, with beautiful gardens and orchards throughout the land. You promise to plant them upon THEIR land, and they shall never again be plucked up out of the land which You have given them. Yet, Abba, your people were uprooted out of Gush Kativ and all their homes, communities, work and livelihood was destroyed. Please, fulfill all these your good promises, in Yeshua’s Name.”16
“Furthermore, dear Father in heaven, you declared long ago and confirmed that Israel, Your servant, Jacob, whom you have chosen, the offspring of Abraham, Your friend; whom you took from the ends of the earth and called from its farthest corners, is still Your servant whom You have chosen and not cast off; You spoke and said to him, “Fear not, for I am with you, be not dismayed, for I am Your G-d; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with My victorious right hand.”
“Therefore, Abba, let all who are incensed against Israel be put to shame and confounded; let those who strive against Your people be as nothing and perish. Then Israel shall look for those who were contending with them but shall not find them because… those who war against Your nation shall be as nothing at all. For it is You, the L-RD our G-d Who hold’s Israel’s right hand; it is You Who says, ‘Fear not, I will help you.'”
“Consequently, even though Israel’s leaders act like a worm in the dust, bowing to Ishmael and to Esau and to the Gentile nations who are but Enosh17, let the men of Israel not fear, because You will help them, You, their Redeemer Who is the Holy One of Israel. Behold, make of Your nation a threshing instrument, new, sharp, and having teeth, to thresh the mountains of world power and crush them, and make of the hills of human might chaff; by Your nation winnow them and by Your wind carry them away, and by Your tempest scatter them. Then all of Your people shall rejoice in You their L-RD, and in You the Holy One of Israel they shall glory.”18
“Let all the sons of Jacob be taught by You, L-RD, and great be the prosperity of the children of Israel. In righteousness they shall be established, and let them be far from oppression and from terror, for they shall not fear; let no evil come near them and no harm befall them. And whosoever stirs up strife with Your nation shall fall because of her. Let no weapon that is formed against Your people prosper and grant them to confute and prove in the wrong every tongue that has risen against Israel in judgment (such as is the case right now worldwide). For this is their heritage and their vindication from You, O L-RD.”19
“Do according to all these promises, Abba, in Yeshua’s Name I pray; for every promise of yours is sure, tried like silver in the furnace of the earth 7 times20. And none of Your Word shall return empty but it surely shall accomplish that for which You sent it21. Remember also, O Lord, that the Palestinians act revengefully against your nation, taking vengeance with malice of heart to destroy in never ending enmity. Therefore, stretch out Your hand against them and cut off the Cherethites, since they claim in their history school books that they are descended from the Philistines. Execute Your great vengenace upon them with wrathful chastisements. Then they may know that You alone are L-RD and G-d – and not Allah – when You lay Your vengeance upon them. May it lead to repentance by those who shall be saved out of it.”22
In Yeshua’s mighty Name I pray, and give You thanks and praise for Your protection with which You have kept your people from much greater harm. And thank You for granting my petitions, which I prayed in accordance with Your Word.
Amen and Amen.”15 Ezek. 28:24-26 16 Amos 9:13-15 17 Psalm 9:19 18 Isaiah 41:8-16 19 Isa. 54:13-15, 17 20 Psalm 12:6 21 Isa. 55:10-11 22 Ezek. 25:15-17