Terror, Palestinian TV and Trinity Broadcasting Network | VOL. 65 * NEWSLETTER * JAN./FEB. 2012 |
Dear Friends of Or Tzion, brethren, fellow-citizens of the Commonwealth of Israel;
Shalom shalom and blessings in the wonderful Name of our glorious Lord and King, Yeshua the Messiah. The time has come for another newsletter. Being a “Christian” is steadily becoming more dangerous as errors, deceptions and a perversion of the true doctrine of Messiah and God’s Kingdom are making dangerous inroads into the Church as a whole. G-d’s sad testimony of “My people perish for lack of knowledge” has become a sobering and real assessment of our days. If only G-d’s watchmen, prophets and teachers would do their job faithfully without compromise, then ignorance could not become such a fatal stumbling stone.
This letter is both a lesson in history as well as an eye opener to where some “Christian” ministries truly stand. Error and deception are a major occurrence of the “latter days,” and becoming ever more rampant. By it the wheat is divided from the chaff.
Palestinian TV Praises Terror The Palestinian Authority has again praised the perpetrator of the worst terrorist attack in Israeli history, this time during television broadcasts marking the 47th anniversary of the Fatah faction.The videos were broadcast over PA TV (Fatah).
In 1978, Dalal Mughrabi led a terrorist cell in hijacking a tourist bus and murdering 37 Israeli civilians, including 13 children. The operation, which later became known as the Coastal Road Massacre, is regularly glorified on official PA TV, with broadcasts of two music videos honoring the terrorists — in particular, Dalal Mughrabi.
The videos, which have been translated by the media watchdog organization Palestinian Media Watch (PMW), are spewed for PA Arab consumption several times a year.
One video calls the terrorists “heroes… who shook the land, brought down mountains,” and describes “the coast was stormy with the glory of Dalal Mughrabi.”
Another video, which was broadcast three times, praises the terrorists for having “no fear of death or the darkness of prison.”
Both videos show pictures of Dalal Mughrabi and her team of terrorists sailing in rubber boats, alighting on the Israeli coastland, and moving towards their intended targets.
Fatah, headed by “moderate” PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas, celebrates its anniversary several days with live coverage of rallies, music videos, archive material and special programs.
The January first edition of the official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida printed the following article glorifying Fatah’s violence, mentioning in particular Mughrabi:
“The Fatah in my mind is glory; honor; sacrifice; giving; defiance; resistance; dedication of life, blood and property; altruism, humility, love, the meeting on the battlefield, respect for others… The Fatah in my mind is…the heroism of Dalal Mughrabi…The Fatah in my mind is the first bullet; the first blood; and the first echoing scream that split the skies calling for revolution, for liberty…”1 by columnist Fathi Al-Biss.
Generous “Christian” Contribution to the PA TV Stations Who subsidized these PA TV stations in Jericho, Gaza and Ramallah? Who provided all of their equipment? Do you know?It was Trinity Broadcasting Network!2
You say, “Impossible! This is a lie! You are slandering faithful servants of God!”
Oh , no, I wouldn’t dare!
Check the Or Tzion newsletter # 22 of August/September 1994, pages 5-7, and proceed to newsletter #23, pages 3-4, written Jan./Feb. 1995. The photos show Paul and Jan Crouch, founders and leaders of TBN, shaking the blood-stained hands of both the #1 terrorist, murderer and man of lawlessness, the vile and despicable man, Rahman Abdul Rauf al-Qudwa al-Husseini, aka Yasser Arafat; and with Faisal Husseini, Arafat’s cousin and grandson of the Jerusalem Grand Mufti Haj Amin Al-Husseini3.
“What has all of this to do with TBN?” you may ask.
Unless you understand the background of Arafat and his cousin Faisal, you cannot understand with whom and with what TBN formed a partnership, nor can you understand where your contributions are going. Moreover, to appreciate the hateful anti-Christ, anti-Israel and anti-Semitic mindset of the Arab world and Palestinians in particular, it is essential to know about the Grand Mufti Haj Amin Al-Husseini 4, the first proponent of militant, Arab Palestinian nationalism. Husseini was an ultra-terrorist determined to destroy the Jews, regardless of his own life or those around him. Once in power, he instigated a campaign of intimidation and terror against all who opposed his rule of violence. Husseini refused any negotiation or compromise.
1 Source: IsraelNationalNews, also known as “Arutz 7” – one of the most truthful and reliable sources of news in Israel. 2 http://www.tbn.org 3 Source: http://www.masada2000.org/index.html 4 PalestineFacts – Grand Mufti Husseini; Photo Gallery of Mufti Husseini - Haj Amin Al-Husseini, Yasir Arafat And Hitler’s Final Solution
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Fearing Haj Amin Al-Husseini, moderate Arabs who desired to live in peace with the Jews, fled Palestine. Mainly because of Husseini, all attempts to establish peace between Arabs and Jews came to an end. Husseini plunged the Arab world into “jihad” against the Jewish people and ignited the Arab-Israeli conflict in the Middle East.
Husseini saw Hitler’s “final solution to the Jewish problem” 5 as the way to eliminate the presence of Jews in Palestine. Husseini imported Nazi influence into Palestine and used Nazi funds to finance his terrorist activities. He openly supported Hitler and Mussolini and led a revolt
against the British in 1936-1939. He subsequently fled to Iraq where he cooperated with the Nazis in a failed coup against the British. He then fled to Germany where, in November of 1941, Hitler himself greeted him with open arms. Amin Al Husseini6 spent most of the war in Berlin. He was on Hitler’s payroll as head of the Hanzar Division of Muslim SS and played a lead-role in determining the fate of Europe’s Jewish community. From Berlin, Amin Al Husseini helped organize the transfer of Nazi officers into the Middle East.
Husseini, the “Arab Fuehrer,” on Radio Berlin exhorted Middle Eastern Arabs to murder the Jews in a holy war pleasing to Allah, while he simultaneously egged on the Nazis to complete their “final solution to the Jewish problem.” In one instance, he opposed Adolf Eichman’s plan to exchange thousands of Jewish children for German POWs. His protest forced Eichman to cancel the exchange, resulting in the children being sent to Polnish death camps. On another occasion, Husseini traveled to Bosnia where he recruited Bosnian Moslems for the SS7. They slaughtered ninety percent of Bosnia’s Jews. The only condition Husseini set for assisting the Nazis was that, after they won the war, they would murder all the Jews in Palestine. After the war was over, Husseini fled to Cairo where he was given a heroe’s welcome.
Also during the war, Arab Nazi parties were founded throughout the Middle East. The most influential one was “Young Egypt”8 which was established in 1933. “Young Egypt” imitated the Nazi party in their ideology, slogans, processionals, and anti-Semitic actions. When the war was over, a member of Young Egypt named Gamal Abdul Nasser led the coup in 1952 that overthrew the Egyptian government. He made Egypt a safe haven for Nazi war criminals and, in 1964, he established the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO).9
Eventually the leadership of the PLO10 was taken over by a man named Rahman Abdul Rauf al-Qudwa al-Husseini11, who was a nephew and great admirer of Uncle Haj Amin al-Husseini. Rahman was born in Cairo in 1929 and grew up in the Gaza strip. His mother, Hamida, was a cousin of the Grand Mufti. Due to internal Arab strife, his father Abdul Rauf al-Qudwa was forced to flee Gaza where the family lived and took refuge in Egypt.
Rahman al-Husseini’s cousin was Faisal al-Husseini, grandson of Haj Amin al-Husseini and PLO representative in Jerusalem. He directed attacks on Jews praying at the Western Wall. When Rahman Abdul Rauf al-Qudwa al-Husseini enrolled at the University of Cairo in 1951, he decided to conceal his true identity and registered under the name “Yasir Arafat.”
Yes, Uncle Haj, the Arab Fuehrer himself, passed his legacy of anti-Semitism on to his nephew Yasser Arafat, who became a disciple of Amin Al Husseini at the age of 17.
Other of Haj Husseini’s most prominent disciples include Saddam Hussein and the leaders of Hamas, Al Qaeda and Islamic Jihad.
Through the PLO, Arafat sought to further the Arab Nazi goal of eliminating the Jews from the Land. However, like his notorious uncle, Yasser Arafat failed, and the Israeli flag is still flying high over Jerusalem, the eternal, undivided capital of Israel.
Adolf Hitler’s book, “Mein Kampf”,12 distributed by the Palestinian Authority – now headed by Mahmoud Abbas the former right-hand man for 40 years of Yasser Arafat – is a best-seller in the Arab World.
5 The Nazi “Final Solution” 6 The man who inspired Hitler; 7 The Arab-Muslim Connection 8 Young Egypt ; Arab Nazi parties ; Arabs and Nazism ; 9 The seeds of the PLO (Palestine Liberation Organization) were first sown in 1956 by an EGYPTIAN, Ahmed Shukairy. He was the guiding light of this terror group and is remembered today as the one who coined the organization’s famous slogan about “driving the Jews into the sea.” 10 Who founded the PLO? ; Who was Ahmed Shukairy? 11 Rahman Abdul Rauf al-Qudwa al-Husseini ; Yasser Arafat ; 12Another struggle over “Mein Kampf”; Mein Kampf ; the book ; What Has Messiah To Do with Terrorism, Nazism, And The Cause Of Islam?
Page 3 On January 23rd, 2012, at the start of a meeting of the Likud Knesset faction, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu remarked on the issue of Palestinian incitement:
“A few days ago we heard very serious remarks by the Palestinian Mufti in Jerusalem. These remarks are especially serious both because they remind us of the statements of another mufti who called for the annihilation of the Jews, Haj Amin Al-Husseini, who was one of the architects of the Final Solution, and because they are being uttered today by people who are supposed to support the building of peace between us and our Palestinian neighbors. The call to murder Jews simply because they are Jews is a terrible thing from an ethical point-of-view and is an obstacle to peace. Incitement in general is an obstacle to peace. What is especially serious is that as of today, not only has the Palestinian Authority neither condemned nor taken exception to the remarks, it enabled them to be broadcast on official Palestinian television. I expect senior PA officials to condemn this act. Those who want peace should not allow such incitement and calls to murder Jews.”
And such broadcasting has been made possible by Christian donations!
Let me ask you these questions:
Is it right to link the Gospel with a terrorist organization (regardless what they call themselves today) who are enemies of God and seek the destruction of Israel?
Is it right to link the Name of the Savior of the world, the Messiah of Israel and King of kings with the name of a man of lawlessness, a terrorist, murderer, a man who has shed rivers of innocent blood?
Whose land is the Land of Israel? Is it G-d’s OWN Land? Is it moreover the INHERITANCE of Yeshua and of those who belong to Him, whether Jew or Gentile, as co-heirs and fellow citizens?
Would G-d ever allow or even favor linking the Name of His Son and the cause of the Gospel with terrorism, lawlessness, bloodshed, jihad, Allah, the cause of Islam?
Whom did Arafat serve – the G-d of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob? Or Allah and hence Satan?
Arafat, and now the PA and Hamas, etc. want to utterly annihilate the Jews and take over ALL of Israel, that the name of Israel be remembered no more (Ps 83).
To whom will Messiah Yeshua return? To a people with whom G-d made no covenant; to a land that is no longer under His people’s sovereignty? To a city that is no longer the city of the Great King?
To what Land will Messiah Yeshua return? Where will His foot touch down on? Where will G-d establish the throne of David for His Son – in Palestine or Israel?
Yeshua is a Jew, according to the flesh, and the Son of David who will rule the nations with an iron rod from Jerusalem. Is it right, then, to support the very people and organization that are trying to change and prevent all of that?
Would Yeshua be allied with Satan and his cohorts?
Would Yeshua compromise His Name and His Father’s Name for a servant of Allah and Satan, who wants to destroy the sovereign nation of Israel and prevent Yeshua’s Return?
Does God’s Word not say in Psalm 5:4-6 – “For Thou are not a God Who delights in wickedness; evil may not sojourn with Thee. The boastful may not stand before Thy eyes; Thou hatest all evildoers. Thou destroyest those who speak lies; the LORD abhors bloodthirsty and deceitful men.”
Does not this Word apply to Arafat, and now also to Mahmoud Abbas? What about Psalm 34:11-14? And Psalm 35? Did Paul and Jan Crouch forget Proverbs 2, especially verses 11-15? Surely they should have known Proverbs 4:14-18, 27? Shouldn’t Paul and Jan hate what God hates – Proverbs 8:13 – seeing they claim to love Him and serve His Son?Did Yasser Arafat hold the doctrine of Messiah? Does Mahmoud Abbas13? Why then would TBN pursue to have its programs broadcasted from these anti-Christ TV stations?14 Have they never read what John says in 2 Jn 9-11? TBN shares in the PA’s wicked, evil work and purpose by having equipped those stations with $ 1.5 million of contributions in the Name of Messiah. TBN has come to share in Arafat’s, the PA’s and Hamas’ evil plans and deeds15, and those who support TBN inadvertently share in TBN’s compromise.
Who then is number one with Paul and Jan Crouch? Jesus Christ or – TBN? Can you answer this honestly? TBN calls itself “The World’s Largest Christian Network,” and this – it would seem – has become their god: to be the world’s largest Christian network!
TBN does many good works. But it cannot undo the compromise of allying itself with an evil man. Yeshua warned us in Matthew 7:22-23, “Many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your Name, and cast out demons in your Name, and do many mighty works in your Name?’ And then will I declare to them ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you evildoers.”
13 QUOTES by Mahmoud Abbas: “The Arab armies entered Palestine to protect the Palestinians from the Zionist tyranny but, instead, they abandoned them, forced them to emigrate and to leave their homeland, and threw them into prisons similar to the ghettos in which the Jews used to live in Eastern Europe, as if we were condemned to change places with them: they moved out of their ghettos and we occupied similar ones.” (1976) [50]* “There is absolutely no substitution for dialogue.” (2003)
* “The armed struggle necessitates certain conditions and opportunities that do not exist for us in Palestine. We cannot equate what is happening in Palestine with what is going on in Lebanon or Algeria. Therefore, military activities under these circumstances and means are ineffective. For this reason, we stated that we have no choice but to stop it [military activities] for a year, which is not a submission from our point of view. As long as the circumstances are not equivalent.” (A-Sharq Al-Awsat, 3 March 2003)[20] * “The little jihad is over, and now we have the bigger jihad – the bigger battle is achieving security and economic growth” (2005)[51] * “From here [the Gaza withdrawal], our people begin the march towards establishing an independent Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital”[52] * “Today we are visitors to the airport (referring to Yasser Arafat International Airport), tomorrow we will come here as travellers.” (19 August 2005)[citation needed] * “His Holiness was moved to receive this accolade from the people of Bethlehem and paid special attention to the message of the passport.” On giving the Bethlehem Passport to Pope Benedict XVI. The citation refers to “all people who uphold a just and open society.”[53] * “I renew my commitment to continuing the road he [Arafat] began and for which he made a lot of sacrifices, until the Palestinian flag flies from the walls, minarets and churches of Jerusalem.” (2005)[54] * “A Jewish state, what is that supposed to mean? You can call yourselves as you like, but I don’t accept it and I say so publicly.”(April 27, 2009)[55][56] * “I will never allow a single Israeli to live among us on Palestinian land”[57] ** My comment: But we have hundreds of thousands of Palestinian Arabs live as citizens on Israeli land. What does this say to you?
* “Zionist forces expelled the Palestinian Arabs to ensure a decisive Jewish majority in the future state of Israel, and Arab armies intervened. War and further expulsions ensued” (2011).[58] * “We go to the United Nations now to secure the right to live free in the remaining 22 percent of our historic homeland because we have been negotiating with the State of Israel for 20 years without coming any closer to realizing a state of our own.[58]”
* “It [the Arab rejection of the 1947 UN Partition Plan to divide Palestine into an Arab state and a Jewish state] was our mistake. It was an Arab mistake as a whole.”[59]SCRIPTURES: Psalm 34:11-14 – “Come, O sons, listen to Me, I will teach you the fear of the LORD. What man is there who desires life, and covets many days, that he may enjoy good? Keep your tongue from evil, and your lips from speaking deceit. Depart from evil, and do good; seek peace, and pursue it.”
Psalm 35 – “Contend, O LORD, with those who contend with me [ref.: Isaiah 41:11-12]; fight against those who fight against me! Take hold of shield and buckler, and rise for my help! Draw the spear and javelin against my pursuers! Say to my soul, ‘I am your deliverance!’ Let them be put to shame and dishonor who seek after my life [has happened several times to the Arab armies]. Let them be turned back and confounded who devise against me! Let them be like chaff before the wind, with the angel of the LORD driving them on! Let their way be dark and slippery, with the angel of the LORD pursuing them! For without cause they hid their net for me; without cause they dug a pit for my life. Let ruin come upon them unawares! And let the net which they hid ensnare THEM; let THEM fall therein to ruin!” And on and on, applying to Messiah Yeshua and to the Messianic nation of Israel. For “salvation is of the JEWS”!!!!
Proverbs 4:14-18, 27 – “Do not enter the path of the wicked, and do not walk in the way of evil men. Avoid it; do not go on it; turn away from it and pass on. For they cannot sleep unless they have done wrong; they are robbed of sleep unless they have made some one stumble. For they eat the bread of wickedness and drink the wine of violence. But the path of the righteous is like the light of dawn, which shines brighter and brighter until full day. vs 27- Do not swerve to the right or to the left; turn your foot away from evil.”
Proverbs 8:13 – “The fear of the LORD is hatred of evil [how much more should the love of the LORD hate all evil]. Pride and arrogance and the way of evil and perverted speech I HATE.”
2 John 9-11 – “Any one who goes ahead and does not abide in the doctrine of Messiah does not have God; he who abides in the doctrine has both the Father and the Son. If any one comes to you and does not bring this doctrine, do not receive him into the house or give him any greeting; for he who greets him shares his wicked work.”14 anti-Christ images, who is who? 15 They call it “Moment of Truth,” H.E. Mahmoud Abbas (Palestine) speaks at 66th UN GA; a youtube webcast The World’s Largest Christian Network in PartnershipWith Enemies Of God
Page 4 TBN is in alliance with G-d’s enemies who seek to destroy G-d’s covenant people and to usurp His own Land, the Land of Yeshua’s inheritance. Psalm 83 names these enemies (their origins) and their plans to wipe out Israel as a nation, to take possession of the pastures of G-d.16The Mufti, Arafat, and Faisal Husseini, Mahmoud Abbas and the PA, the Hamas, Hizballah, etc. etc., they ALL have magnified themselves against G-d Almighty, the Holy One of Israel, and multiplied their words against the King of Israel, Messiah Yeshua. They have challenged G-d’s covenants and defied His oaths.
And yet, the world’s largest Christian network donated $ 1.5 million to anti-Christ TV stations who glorify terrorism, evil, Nazism, Hitler, mass slaughter and bloodbath of Jews, and preach Jihad against all that is G-d – His Son, His people, Land and city.
“Therefore, as I live, says the Lord G-D, I will deal with you according to the anger and envy which you showed because of your hatred against them; and I will make Myself known among you, when I judge you. And you shall know that I, the LORD, have heard all the revilings which you uttered against the mountains of Israel, saying, ‘They are laid desolate, they are given us to devour.’ And you magnified yourselves AGAINST ME with your mouth, and multiplied your words AGAINST ME; I heard it.”17
All who love G-d and His Son, should be appalled at these truths, and whoever takes offense at making this known to the Body of Messiah loves the servant more than the Master. Should this be so? Should we tolerate an unholy alliance, an unacceptable compromise, an affiliation with the enemies of G-d – evil men of lawlessness who have shed and are shedding the blood of His saints?The Lord Yeshua does not and will not tolerate it. In the day we all stand before the Lord, many may then hear the Lord say: “But I have this against you: that you tolerated partnership of the Good News of the Kingdom with evil men of lawlessness, and were not jealous for Me and my Name.”
My prayer is that true friends and brothers in the Lord will confront Paul and Jan Crouch with these facts.
This is a trustworthy saying: unless we ABIDE in the Lord, and His WORD abides in us, we are walking on very slippery ground, prone to fall victim to deception. Only the love of the Lord – which is keeping His Word and commandments – the love of the Truth, and putting Him ABOVE and BEFORE ALL with an undivided heart can and will safeguard us from deception and fatal compromise in the days of “ALL wicked deception.”
16 Psalm 83:1-8, 12 17 Ezekiel 36:10-13 With All Wicked Deception By The Activity Of Satan
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The “peace” organization called “Sabeel”18, founded by Anglican priest Rev. Naim Ateek19/a), wraps terrrorists up in sheep’s clothing. At the end of the day, as Dr. Bahjat Batarseh states, are you Palestinian/Arab first or Christian? There is no doubt, those folk are Palestinian/Arab first. A conference entitled “Celebrating Nonviolent Resistance” on December 27, 2005 in Bethlehem was intended to provide a possible nexus for organizations such as Holy Land Trust, Sabeel20, and the Israeli Committee Against Home Demolitions, and activists to coordinate their efforts. The web site [http://www.celebratingn.org] of the conference no longer exists. A look at the Al-Jazeera “Peace Activists” site shows how far this deluding lie of the “struggle for peace” has already spread.
One of the key organizers of the conference that celebrated civil disobedience, Mubarak E. Awad (a Palestinian “Christian”) is the founder of “Nonviolence International”.21
In 1987 at a so-called “Israeli-Palestinian Dialaogue” in East-Jerusalem at the American Colony Hotel, I heard Mubarak Awad 22 speak. Hearing Awad twisting historical and current truths and confessing to a gullible audience of uninformed Christians that “I am Palestinian, PLO and Christian” – all of this in one breath – I realized the danger this man represented.
Awad spoke of a “popular Palestinian uprising of non-violence,” involving women and children to show the world that all the Palestinian people – not just terrorists – were fighting for Palestine. He organized the first “popular non-violent intifada,” which indeed began in the fall of 1987.
His goal – to “get rid of the ‘occupation’” (i.e., the Jews’ rightful possession of their divine inheritance, their own land, covenanted to them by G-d Almighty). In Palestinian terms this means the whole Land of Israel – not merely Judea and Samaria.
In this interview, “Nonviolence in the Middle East – A Talk with Mubarak Awad,”23
he outlines his strategy to eliminate Israel. He has spoken in North America and Europe, where churches and Christians everywhere receive and believe him because – he claims to be “Christian.” However, none of these audiences understand that these “Christians” want Christ’s inheritance, G-d’s own land and his city Jerusalem for themselves.
This is a paradox: to love Christ yet hate His people; to do everything in their power to displace them and “drive them into the sea.
Mubarak Awad has a brother, Bishara Awad24, a well-received speaker in U.S. churches and on live Television and radio talk-shows. Founder and president of Bethlehem Bible College, Bishara, with the support of Christian leaders25, has expanded to satellite campuses operating in Nazareth, Ramle, and Gaza. He has traveled widely in the Middle East, Asia, Europe and the United States. His rhetoric, under the guise of his “desire for Palestinians to find hope and peace in their lives through reconciliation to G-d and to their fellow man,” is irreconcilably hostile toward Israel.
James Dobson reveals Bishara’s true heart in his response to Bishara Awad’s “open letter.”
The Awad brothers believe in “non-violent resistance” against the Israeli “occupation.” The term “occupation” implies an injustice perpetrated by Israel having taken with military brutality26 the land from its “rightful and peaceful” owners, oppressing and humiliating them at “check points” (necessary only because of terrorists). To this end the Awads – inlcuding Bishara’s son Samy – are holding a “Christ at the Checkpoint Conference” annually, the first one in March 201227 – another tool for distorting the truth.
Hence, “justice” in the mind of the Awad brothers means a “Judenrein” Palestine (without Jews). And “peace” – in their mind – can only be achieved when all of Israel has become “their” Palestine. Should not a peace-seeking world examine their claims with questions as proposed by “A Japanese View of the Palestinians?”
If “Dr. Awad28 and Bethlehem Bible College provide a shining light of the gospel of Jesus Christ” in the Middle East, as claimed in this interview, “Caught in the crossfire,” then indeed how great is the darkness of his hatred of Christ’s people and brethren according to the flesh.
Every born-again believer in Yeshua – including every truly born-again Arab – can’t help but come to love his Savior’s people, because the Savior’s Holy Spirit dwells within every true believer.
And He loves His people with an undying, unconditional love.
And He will return to Jerusalem and take His seat on the throne of David, prepared for Him in the Tent of David by His Father, the Holy One of Israel.
Yes, geography DOES matter! For the Land G-d calls His OWN is “exclusively” the Jews’ OWN Land and Messiah Yeshua’s INHERITANCE!
Mubarak and Bishara Awad are disputing the claims in the Bible. How then are they “Christians” if they don’t believe the Bible to be G-d’s Word? What is Bishara teaching in the Bethelem Bible College? A “Palestinian” version of the Word of G-d???
No – the name of the Land and people will not be – and never has been – “Palestine.” It was and is and forever will be ISRAEL!
It is utterly impossible to love the King of Israel but hate His people! It is utterly impossible to love the King of Israel but give His Land to an alien people with whom G-d did not covenant the Land. Furthermore, it is utterly impossible to be loving the Truth and at the same time accept and believe the lie of a “Palestinian people,” of their “homeland Palestine.”
Here are the names of some other Palestinian “Christians” whose virulent hatred of Israel and their lies, slanders and invented stories have done much harm to Israel, as their “Christianity” effectively cloaked the deception with which they operated and still do:
Virulently anti-Israel, blatantly telling the most outrageous lies about Israel: George Habash29 – a Greek
Orthodox “Christian”, founder of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, inventor of taking terrorism against Israel to a “higher level” by hi-jacking civilian airplanes. A “Christian” terrorist and fanatical leader of terror against Israel. Habash died on January 26, 2008, at the age of 82 of a heart attack in a Jordanian Hospital in Amman where Habash was a cancer patient. The President of the Palestinian National Authority, Mahmoud Abbas30, called for three days of national mourning. Habash was buried in a suburban cemetery of Amman with processions by the Eastern Catholic Church. Abbas said Habash was a “historic leader” and called for Palestinian flags to be flown half-mast. Abdel Raheem Mallouh, PFLP deputy Secretary-General, called Habash a “distinguished leader… who struggled for more than 60 years without a stop for the rights and the interests of his people”. Hamas leader and dismissed Palestinian Prime Minister Ismail Haniya sent his condolences, saying Habash “spent his life defending Palestine”.
Hanan Ashrawi31 – born to Palestinian Christian parents on October 8, 1946 in the city of Nablus, British Mandate for Palestine, now part of the West Bank. Her father, Daoud Mikhail, was one of the founders of the Palestine Liberation Organization. Ashrawi is a non-practicing Anglican. ABC News describes her as a person who “masterfully conducts press conferences and interviews, controlling the topics of discussion, dodging uncomfortable issues and cutting off what she considers irrelevant questions.” After her successful 1988 appearance on live American television, Ashrawi became even more active and involved — joining the Palestinian Diplomatic Committee and the Intifada Political Committee. Then, in 1991, Yasser Arafat appointed her as Official Spokesperson of the Palestinian Delegation to the Middle East Peace Process. At the peace conference in Madrid, Dr. Ashrawi astonished the world by upstaging her Israeli counterpart, a man who would later become Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu. She is undeniably an inspirational figure, a powerful woman in a world of big boys and their guns and an articulate and outspoken…” – LIAR, an activist against Israel, telling the most outrageous lies and twisting the truth and events for the “Palestinian cause.”
Walid Shoebat – a former PLO terrorist who converted to Christianity and became a supporter of Israel.
There are many others, all of whom have successfully twisted the truth about the Israeli-Palestinian “conflict”, which is not a mere “conflict” but the Palestinian goal of committing genocide of Israeli Jews, taking over what the Jews have built, calling it “Palestine.” They have succeeded in depicting Israel as the evil aggressor and the Palestinians (although there never has been such a people) as the innocent victims of Israeli oppression and occupation.
May the information on these pages gird you up with enough knowledge of the truth to keep you safe from ALL wicked deception, by the activity of Satan.
Serving the Truth and Messiah Yeshua, I am Yours in Him,
18 SABEEL ; Sabeel’s Rethoric ; The Theology of Sabeel: What we believe 19 Naim Ateek is a “Palestinian Christian” who both challenges G-d’s Covenant and oath with Abraham regarding the Land as well as Israel’s “right” to the Land. He speaks of a “historical Palestine,” when in fact such a sovereign entity never existed. He is a liar and deceiver.
The historical truth unmasking the lie about the “agressor” Israel displacing the Palestinians – The War of Independence 1948 ;20 Christians and Jews alike refusing to love the truth, while whole heartedly embracing a lie as truth, blinded by a man who appears as an “angel of light” while disseminating lies, half-truths and false accusations. Most of all he does not accept the Old Testament as the true Word of G-d. He rejects it as being “Zionist” (Zionist, Zionism having becomre a “dirty” word) oriented and hence false, and that the Bible is being abused by Jewish and Christian “Zionists” against the rightful owners of the Land – the “Palestinians.” There are many books out supporting this view, deceived and deceiving, leading astray and causing to stumble whose heart is not ankered in the Truth, in the love of G-d and His salvation, Yeshua(h). 21 Mubarak Awad’s “Nonviolence International” has blinded multitudes, including national leaders, even though there is no legitimate comparison between Ghandi’s non-violent resistance to the British occupation and Dr. Martin Luther King’s non-violent resistance to racism. Mubarak Awad’s “resistance” negates the Jews’ right to the Land of Israel he insists is the “Palestinians” land. Although he claims to be a Christian he does not accept as truth G-d’s covenant with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob concerning this very land. Awad literally challenges G-d Himself and His oaths with his non-violent resistance against “Israeli occupation,” all the while firmly believing that the “Palestinians” are in the right and that his resistance movement is just and good thing. However, the land he so intensely desires to free from the Jews’ “occupation” is G-d’s OWN Land. And He has not covenanted it either to the Philistines or the Palestinians, but to the descendants of Abraham through Isaac, and established it with Jacob. 22 The truthful “facts” about Mubarak E. Awad, uninfluenced by “political correctness,” is found in the article by FLAME, an organization founded for and devoted to undoing media-lies and bias, giving facts in place of distortions of the truth and outright fantastic lying stories 23 A web site that boasts, of all things, “There is no doctrine higher than Truth,” features an interview with Mubarak Awad, done by Meir Amor, an Israeli peace activist living in Canada. The moment I read, “nonviolent resistance movement against the occupation of Palestinian lands,” I knew I shall not be hearing the Truth. Here is an Israeli Jew who believes the historic lie of Israeli occupation of “Palestinian” land, taking a stand with a man who wants “to rid” Palestine of the Zionist presence, i.e. usurping the whole of Israel and make it a “Judenrein” Palestine. Truth? What a mockery of it all!!! 24 This short Bio of Bishara Awad refers to the war of 1948, when 5 Arab nations (Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Jordan and Egypt) attacked Israel immediatly upon the declaration of Independence with the intent to annihilate the fledgling state, as the Arab/Israeli “conflict.” Abd al-Rahman Azzam Pasha, Secretary-General of the Arab League declared on October 11, 1947 (in an Interview with Akhbar al-Yom (Egypt), translated by R. Green.: “It will be a war of annihilation. It will be a momentous massacre in history that will be talked about like the massacres of the Mongols or the Crusades.” (See “The 1948 War”). This is a deliberate misrepresentation of facts by the Waterloo North Mennonite Church. 25 To my utter astonishment I discovered that my beloved Bible School in Dallas, Texas, from which I had graduated in 1980, was one of Bishara Awad’s Bible School supporters 26 The truth about the Palestinian Refugee Problem :facts to frequrently asked questions.
They (the Arab League) told the Arab population in the British Mandate called Palestine to leave their homes temporarly until the “Mongolian massacre” of the Jews would be completed. Then they could return not only to their own homes but also take over the Jews’ homes. When they did not realize their “glorious war of annihilation” they began to spread lies about Israel forcefully and brutally evicting the Palestinians. Some of the Arabs returned to their homes following the invitation by Ben Gurion, but most did not return fearing retaliation by Israel for having collaborated with the Arab armies intent on annihilating the Jews. This resulted in the creation of Refugee camps, since none of the Arab nations who invaded the fledgling State Israel accepted the Palestinian Arabs who had left their homes, except for Jordan, which was a British creation when they excised it from the Mandate.27 Notice, these are “Christian” news in the “Holy Land,” NOT in ISRAEL. It is typical for “Christians” who do not accept the State of Israel, regarding the Church as being now the “Covenant people of God” and the Jews as rejected by God. 28 He has several accolades to his credit, most recently having been awarded an honorary Doctor of Humane Letters (2011) from Dakota Wesleyan University; previously at Dakota Wesleyan he was honored as the most successful alumni (1989). He also received in his lifetime an additional two honorary doctorates (Korea and Jerusalem University College). In 1999, he was the recipient of the Bob Pierce Award for Christian Service, bestowed by World Vision, International. Bishara’s motto in life is four fold: (a) Faithfulness (b) Honesty (c) Service and (d) Love. 29 New York Times article about George Habash; BBC News about Habash ; 30 “Hamas is more ‘legitimate’ than Fatah“ 31Hanan Ashrawi’s Propaganda ; Ashrawi accuses Netanyahu to be “fishing for anything” about the incitement debate; see news#64_1, footnotes 5-8. A Palestinian “Christian” political activist and scholar ; My comment: a true Christian is a born-again follower of Yeshua, indwelled by the Spirit of G-d, and would never, regardless of what national or racial origin, oppose, hate, reject the people of whom Yeshua is Messiah, Savior and coming King. Ashrawi is a Christian by name only, member of a religion but not of the BODY of Messiah. Speeches and Sermons by Rev. Naim Ateek
Page 6END NOTES a) Speeches and Sermons by Rev. Naim Ateek, quoted from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Naim_Ateek:In, Justice, and Only Justice: A Palestinian Theology of Liberation, Ateek argues that the Old Testament is problematic for Palestinian Christians because of its use in justifying Zionism. “Before the creation of the State of Israel,” he writes, it was “considered to be an essential part of Christian Scripture, pointing and witnessing to Jesus” (77).[2] But since 1948, “some Jewish and Christian interpreters have read the Old Testament largely as a Zionist text to such an extent that it has become almost repugnant to Palestinian Christians” (77).[2] As a result, “The fundamental question of many [Palestinian] Christians, whether uttered or not, is: How can the Old Testament be the Word of God in light of the Palestinian Christians’ experience with its use to support Zionism?” (77-78).[2] In other words, Ateek asks, “How can the Church, without rejecting any part of the Bible, adequately relate the core of the biblical message—its concept of God—to Palestinians?” (78).[2] Ateek asserts the answer is to be found in a “theology that liberates” based upon “Jesus Christ himself” as the “canon” of the “central biblical hermeneutic” (79).[2] Following this hermeneutical method: “To understand God, therefore, the Palestinian Christian, like every other Christian, begins with Christ and goes backward to the Old Testament and forward to the New Testament and beyond them” and “The Bible for Palestinian Christians, then, can be retained in its entirety”
In Justice, and Only Justice, Ateek writes, “The preservation of Israel as a Jewish state is important not only to Israeli Jews but to Jews all over the world. I believe that we must honor their wish and accept it. In fact, the Palestinians should eventually guarantee the survival of Israel by accepting it as a Jewish state” (166).[2]
However, a zionist named Hasdai Westbrook has written critically of Ateek’s activities.[3] The setting was a September 2005 meeting of “Seventeen representatives from various American Jewish organizations and from several American Protestant denominations” with Ateek at the Sabeel office in Jerusalem.[3] The meeting “was the last stop on a trip to Israel and Palestine intended to mend fences between American Jews and mainstream Protestant denominations.”[3] Westbrook writes, “Rabbi Gary Bretton-Granatoor of the Anti-Defamation League confronted Ateek on his position that he did not accept Israel’s right to exist. Ateek refused to repudiate it, quoting an Israeli writer’s statement that if the Jewish people had a right to a homeland it should be in Germany, not Palestine.”
Use of Crucifixion Imagery
In his 2000 Christmas message, Ateek likened the Israeli government to “modern day ‘Herods’ “:
The Christmas message for this year takes cognizance of the story of King Herod, the baby Jesus, and the massacre of the innocents. The events of the past three months of protest in Palestine have seen the killing of many children, youths, and even elderly people by the Israeli army. We have witnessed the destruction of many homes and businesses and a siege imposed on three million Palestinians. The state of Israel has been brutally gunning down hundreds of people and injuring thousands whose only crime is their desire for a life of freedom and the independence of their own country from the oppressive occupation. King Herod allowed himself to stoop down to the basest of all feelings. He stripped himself of all semblance of humanity when he ordered the killing of innocent children. This scenario is being repeated in a different guise. Almost 40% of those killed have been less than 18 years old. Some younger teenagers died by bullets fired from further away than their stones of protest could possibly reach. These young Palestinians posed minimal threat, no real danger to their killers. Why do Israeli soldiers target protesters in the upper parts of their body, given the use of such powerful weapons? This expresses the intent to destroy, not deter. These deaths are a crime against the value of human life. They dehumanize not only the killers, but also those who command them. At this Christmas time, when we remember the message of peace and love that came down from God to earth in the birth of Jesus Christ, our celebrations are marred by the destructive powers of the modern day “Herods” who are represented in the Israeli government. The message of this Christmas is already overshadowed by the sound of war, violence, and state terror. Indeed, violence breeds violence, and innocent people have been killed on both sides. But the original sin is the violence of the Israeli occupation of the Gaza Strip and the West Bank including East [Je]rusalem. When the Israeli leadership calls daily for the termination of the violence, for us this means, the occupation must end. It is the occupation that is evil and violent. It is apartheid in its ugliest form. Once the occupation ends, the violence will end. There is no other proper sequence. The sooner the Israeli leadership understands this, the quicker we will achieve an enduring peace.[4]
In his 2001 Easter message he stated, in part:
As we approach Holy Week and Easter, the suffering of Jesus Christ at the hands of evil political and religious powers two thousand years ago is lived out again in Palestine. The number of innocent Palestinians and Israelis that have fallen victim to Israeli state policy is increasing. Here in Palestine Jesus is again walking the via dolorosa. Jesus is the powerless Palestinian humiliated at a checkpoint, the woman trying to get through to the hospital for treatment, the young man whose dignity is trampled, the young student who cannot get to the university to study, the unemployed father who needs to find bread to feed his family; the list is tragically getting longer, and Jesus is there in their midst suffering with them. He is with them when their homes are shelled by tanks and helicopter gunships. He is with them in their towns and villages, in their pains and sorrows. In this season of Lent, it seems to many of us that Jesus is on the cross again with thousands of crucified Palestinians around him. It only takes people of insight to see the hundreds of thousands of crosses throughout the land, Palestinian men, women, and children being crucified. Palestine has become one huge golgotha. The Israeli government crucifixion system is operating daily. Palestine has become the place of the skull. Using the Gospel story one can put it in a different and still very poignant way. Four things are clear today. Jerusalem still does not know what makes for peace; Jesus is weeping and his tears are mixed with many other people’s tears; the number of people who are carrying their crosses is multiplying phenomenally; and the women of Palestine as well as many Jewish women are weeping over the many killed and wounded innocents. This is the reality of life today.[5]
These messages were also mentioned in the Nation article, author Westbrook reports: “Bretton-Granatoor and other Jewish leaders pressed Ateek on his writings, accusing him of anti-Semitism in speaking of the Israeli government as ‘Herods’ and of its ‘crucifixion’ of Palestinians. Ateek brushed the suggestion aside, claiming that his use of biblical imagery in the struggle against oppression was justified.”[3]
Comment: And I, Annelore [Elinor] Rasco, a Jewish citizen of Israel living for 25 (now 27) years in the Land, can testify to the lies, the falsehood spoken by this so-called “Palestinian” who claims to be a “Christian,” and is, in fact, an ordained Anglican priest. These lies, which do arouse sympathy among Christian audiences for the “poor, oppressed Palestinians” and “righteous anger” at the “oppressor,” are accepted as truth because no one would imagine that a Christian who keeps speaking of his love for Jesus Christ could and would disseminate such false accusations and even present invented history as “historical facts.”