Monday, May 26, 2014
“Help, LORD, for the godly man ceases to be. For the faithful disappear from among the sons of men. They speak falsehood to one another; everyone utters lies to his neighbor. With flattering lips and a double heart they speak.”
“But Thou, O LORD, protect us, guard us ever from this generation. On every side the wicked prowl, as vileness is exalted among the sons of men.” Ps 12:1-2, 7-8
I have learned in my 71 years, especially during the 27 years living in Israel, that words don’t amount to much if they are not followed by action. They can be – and often are – just like soap bubbles which easily bust and then burn in the eyes. In Israel especially acts speak louder than words. It is like James says in 2:18: “Show me your faith [my insert: sincerity] apart from your works [acts], and I by my works [acts] will show you my faith [sincerity].” The Palestinians have shown their sincerity for making peace with empty words, and Israel has shown it with actions at great cost.
This applies especially to the present Pope, Francis, for it is the order of his itinerary that reveals his true attitude and intentions, although with a double heart and flattering lips he won the hearts of Holocaust survivors.
Please, share and pass on this newsletter with the Pope’s itinerary and have your eyes opened about the true intent of this Pope, the Vatican, of the Rom. Cath. Church. Except for some individuals who truly walk in the ways of G-d and faith in His salvation, millions of Catholic faithfuls will follow the Pope and believe and obey what He tells them because he is believed to be “infallible” as the “Vicar=Representative” of Christ in the earth.
Be kind to yourself and don’t skip the inserted links because they contain so much more important, eye-opening information.
Remember Korah, and Dathan and Abiram, who challenged G-d’s election of Moses and Aaron and were not content with their priestly position as Levites, i.e. religious leaders, but envied Moses and Aaron and were jealous of them, accusing them of exalting themselves and of lording it over the people. G-d’s anger was kindled against them and the earth opened up and swallowed them alive and their whole company. And the 250 men who had rebelled with them were consumed by the fire that leaped forth from the Lord upon them. (Numbers 16:1-35)
Likewise, all who say that the Jews are exalting themselves by claiming to be G-d’s “chosen people” and accuse them of plotting to take over the world should reconsider their stand lest Sheol opens its mouth and swallows them up as well. Pope Francis, the Vatican, and several branches of Gentile Christianity have been challenging G-d over His election of the Jewish people, besides the Arab world doing this and the Moslems, but in particular the so-called Palestinians.
Be warned by what you read in this newsletter and take it to heart.
Pope Francis in the Holy Land 2014
My comment: Once again the Vatican and the Pope avoid the term “Israel,” which defines the sovereign nation of the Jewish people. And this is politically not correct in the eyes of the world. The question that arises is: whom is the Pope and the Rom. Cath. Church trying to please – the world or G-d? Friendship with the world is enmity with G-d (James 4:4). How is it then that the man who is the “Vicar” of Christ and head of the largest church on earth is afraid of naming the Land of His Lord by the name of Christ’s people?
The term “Holy Land” implies that it does not belong to one specific people, is without a national sovereignty and borders, belongs to all or to nobody, but mainly to Gentile Christianity, in particular to the Rom. Cath. Church. However, G-d calls this Land His OWN (Ezek. 36:5;Joel 3:2). And because He covenanted this land to Abraham with an oath by Himself (Gen. 23:16), the oath which He confirmed to Isaac and established with Jacob, with Israel as an everlasting covenant (Ps 105:8-11; Ezek. 36:28), He furthermore calls it THEIR OWN Land (Ezek. 34:13; 36:24.
Perhaps the Christ of the Rom. Cath. Church is not the same Who was sent only to the lost sheep of the House of Israel (Matt. 15:24)? Namely Messiah Yeshua, Son of man, Son of David and Son of G-d, of the tribe of Judah, born in Bethlehem Ephratah, smallest among the clans of Judah, from whom G-d ordained the Ruler of Israel to be coming forth, Whose origin is from old, from ancient days (Mic 5:2).
This Land is not only G-d’s OWN Land, it is moreover the Jews’ OWN Land, but most importantly, it is Messiah Yeshua’s inheritance, with Jerusalem as His capital. And the name of that Land is ISRAEL.
And whom, does the Pope say, is he serving?
Pilgrimage of His Holiness Francis
in the Holy Land on the occasion of the
50th anniversary of the meeting in Jerusalem
between Pope Paul VI and Patriarch Athenagoras
(May 24 – 26, 2014) – Program, 27.3.2014
Saturday, May 24, 2014
08:15 Departure from Rome Fiumicino Airport for Amman
13:00 Arrival at the Queen Alia International Airport in Amman
13:45 ARRIVAL CEREMONY in the al-Husseini Royal Palace in Amman
16:00 HOLY MASS at the International Stadium in Amman. Homily of the Holy Father
19:00 Visit to the Baptismal Site at Bethany beyond the Jordan
19:15 MEETING WITH REFUGEES AND DISABLED YOUNG PEOPLE in the Latin church at Bethany beyond the Jordan. Discourse of the Holy Father
My Comment: The Pope, who is supposed to represent Jesus Christ in the earth, went first of all to Amman in Jordan – the nation who was among the first to war only 24 hours after the Declaration of Independence against the fledgling State of Israel – with whom Israel eventually made a peace treaty on the 26. of October 1994 at the cost of 50 million cubic meters of water annually regardless of rain or drought. Israel is nearly completely dependent on rain, hence this has posed already several times a serious problem especially for Israel’s farmers, as have the agricultural and import/export agreements.
My question: shouldn’t the Pope have begun his itinerary with Jerusalem, the city of the Great King, Yeshua the Messiah? From there Yeshua commanded to go forth with the Gospel to the ends of the earth, and it is to this city that He shall return. How odd and puzzling to visit first of all the nation artificially created by the Brits on the portion of land that belonged to the half tribe of Manasseh [aka G-d’s OWN Land] when they excised from the Mandate given them by the League of nations this portion of Land and called it “Transjordan.”
Does the Pope not know this? Do his counselors in the Vatican not know this? Surely they do. But it does not seem that they have the interests of Messiah Yeshua at heart but their own, of the Vatican, of the Christ of the Rom. Cath. Church, claiming that she is now the “New Israel of God”and that G-d has rejected the Jews. Hence, this Church likewise rejects the Jews status as G-d’s “chosen people.”
Maybe the Pope never read Jeremiah 33:20-26; 31:35-37?
Sunday, May 25, 2014
08:15 FAREWELL FROM JORDAN at the Queen Alia International Airport in Amman
08:30 Departure by helicopter from the Queen Alia International Airport in Amman for Bethlehem
My comment: Previous papal visits to the Middle East began with arrival in Ben Gurion International Airport in Tel Aviv and a first visit to Jerusalem. Pope Francis is telling his Lord and the world with his going from Amman straight to Bethlehem, the city of King David and Yeshua’s birth-place, that it does not matter to him nor the Vatican that Bethlehem actually belongs to Judah, and that the Savior was born there. Pope Francis acknowledges with his action that he recognizes Bethlehem as being part of the “State of Palestine,” seat of the Palestinian Authority. After Arab nationalism failed to eliminate Israel, Arab Christianity and the Vatican are now building a Palestinian identity hostile to Israel and the Jews.
“The fear of G-d is the beginning of wisdom” (Ps 111:10). Seems there is wisdom lacking in the Vatican, because they seem not to fear G-d’s judgment on their recognizing His Son’s birthplace as belonging to a “Palestinian State.” G-d has not changed, He is forever the same, and He was and is and will always be the Holy One of ISRAEL and of all those who through faith in Messiah Yeshua have been joined as fellow-citizens and co-heirs to the Commonwealth of and goodly olive tree ISRAEL (Eph. 2:11-22; Ro 11:17-24) – NOT PALESTINE!
There are many Christians who assert that “geography is no longer relevant.” Then to what country, what city would they suggest Yeshua is returning? To Rome, or Washington D.C. or Moscow? Has the name of His inheritance become now “Palestine,” because that is what the world decided, and He therefore a “Palestinian?” Or is He still the “Lion of Judah,” to be ruler in Israel and over the nations upon the throne of David?
Is G-d’s covenant with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob no longer relevant, no longer valid? For the Jews are being accused of using Scripture to justify their “seizure and occupation of Palestinian lands.”
Woe to the liars and subverters of the Truth (Rev. 21:8)! Woe to all who proudly defy the oaths of the Holy One of Israel, the G-d of all the earth, and strive against Him, His covenants and people (Jer. 50:24, 29; Ps 83). Pope Francis is as much subject to the judgment of the One He claims to serve and represent in the earth as is the least who says, “Christ! Christ!” but denies Him with his words and actions.
09:20 Arrival at the helicopter port of Bethlehem
09:30 ARRIVAL CEREMONY at the presidential Palace in Bethlehem
10:00 MEETING WITH THE PALESTINIAN AUTHORITY – Discourse of the Holy Father
11:00 HOLY MASS in Manger Square in Bethlehem. Homily of the Holy Father
REGINA COELI PRAYER. Allocution of the Holy Father
13:30 Lunch with families from “Palestine” in the Franciscan convent of Casa Nova in Bethlehem
My comment: What is not listed here is Pope Francis’ visit to “The Wall”, Israel’s security barrier to keep terrorists out and Israel’s people safe
15:45 FAREWELL FROM THE STATE OF PALESTINE at the helicopter port of Bethlehem
16:00 Departure by helicopter from the helicopter port of Bethlehem for Ben Gurion International Airport in Tel Aviv
16:30 ARRIVAL CEREMONY at Ben Gurion International Airport in Tel Aviv. Discourse of the Holy Father
17:15 Transfer by helicopter to Jerusalem
17:45 Arrival at the helicopter port of Jerusalem on Mount Scopus
18:15 Private meeting with the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople at the Apostolic Delegation in Jerusalem. Signing of a joint declaration
19:00 ECUMENICAL MEETING on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the meeting in Jerusalem between Pope Paul VI and Patriarch Athenagoras in the Basilica of the Holy Sepulcher. Discourse of the Holy Father
20:15 Dinner with the Patriarchs and Bishops and the Papal suite at the Latin Patriarchate in Jerusalem
My comment: The visit of Pope Francis to the Christian religious leaders in Jerusalem (their liberty and practice of their religion freely granted by the sovereign State of Israel) declares ostensibly that the Vatican – and for that matter these other branches of Gentile Christianity – do not recognize the Jewish State’s right of existence. The Biblical record of G-d’s oaths and covenants with the Jewish people is no longer binding and therefore irrelevant to this Christianity. Their assertion is: “With Christ their claim to the Land has come to an end. They are imposing their State unlawfully on the Palestinians and Christians whose land it rightfully is. The Jews are no longer the ‘chosen people’.”
Ha! And I ‘mistakenly’ thought that G-d Himself had elected them, that they are beloved for the sake of their forefathers, that G-d’s gifts and call is irrevocable and hence He will save and defend them (Isa. 41:8-16; Ro 11: 28-29, 1, 11-12, 15). And that in reality it was HE Who founded Zion for the afflicted of His people to find refuge there (Isa. 14:32), and that it actually was HE Who rebuilt the ruined places, and replanted that which was desolate (Ezek. 36:36)
Monday, May 26, 2014
08:15 VISIT TO THE GRAND MUFTI [Muhammad Ahmad Hussein] OF JERUSALEM in the building of the Great Council on the Esplanade of the Mosques. Discourse of the Holy Father
My Comment: Furthermore, before visiting with the religious and governmental leaders of the State of Israel, Pope Francis very ostensibly, not to say defiantly, visited first the leading Muslim cleric of Jerusalem who, with his sermons and speeches, has made it clear that killing the Jews and making an end of them and their State is a religious duty for all Moslems according to the Koran. Hence, what does this visit by Pope Francis reveal to all who claim ‘Christ’ as their Savior?
It becomes ever more clear to me – there seem to be two ‘Christs’: the one of the Christian ‘religion’ [perhaps the one to be revealed, the man of lawlessness, the son of perdition, the anti-Christ by the activity of Satan? 2 Thess. 2:3-4, 9 ], and the true ‘Christ,’ Savior of the world and of all true disciples, namely Yeshua, the Messiah of Israel.
09:10 VISIT TO THE WESTERN WALL in Jerusalem
09:45 Laying a wreath at Mount Herzl in Jerusalem
10:00 VISIT TO YAD VASHEM in Jerusalem. Discourse of the Holy Father
10:45 COURTESY VISIT TO THE TWO CHIEF RABBIS at Heichal Shlomo Center in Jerusalem, next to the Jerusalem Great Synagogue. Discourse of the Holy Father
11:45 COURTESY VISIT TO THE PRESIDENT OF THE STATE OF ISRAEL at the Presidential Residence in Jerusalem. Discourse of the Holy Father
My comment: All of Pope Francis’ visits, following his visit with Mahmoud Abbas, with the Patriarchs of other ‘Christian’ branches and with the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, have become meaningless and void of sincerity. He made his and the Vatican’s stand regarding the sovereign State of the Jewish people clear beyond the shadow of a doubt with his stop-overs prior to meeting with Israel’s two chief rabbis, Israel’s President Shimon Peres and Israel’s Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu.
13:30 Lunch with the Papal suite at Notre Dame Center in Jerusalem
15:30 Private visit to the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople at the building next to the Orthodox church of Viri Galileai on the Mount of Olives
16:00 MEETING WITH PRIESTS, MEN AND WOMEN RELIGIOUS AND SEMINARIANS in the church of Gethsemane at the foot of the Mount of Olives. Discourse of the Holy Father
17:20 HOLY MASS WITH THE ORDINARIES OF THE HOLY LAND AND PAPAL SUITE in the room of the Cenacle in Jerusalem. Homily of the Holy Father
19:30 Transfer by helicopter from the helicopter port on Mount Scopus in Jerusalem to Ben Gurion International Airport in Tel Aviv
20:00 FAREWELL FROM THE STATE OF ISRAEL at Ben Gurion International Airport in Tel Aviv
20:15 Departure from Ben Gurion International Airport in Tel Aviv for Ciampino Airport in Rome
23:00 Arrival at Ciampino Airport in Rome
My comment: With this unusual itinerary of Pope Francis’ trip to the “Holy Land” he has squarely aligned himself, the Vatican and the Rom. Cath. Church, with the enemies of Israel who seek her demise, and hence against the Almighty, the G-d of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the Holy One of Israel (Gen. 12:3; Numbers 23:7, 19-20; 224:9).
My prophetic psalmist friend Robyn sent me a very interesting youtube video I linked here into “the false prophet of Revelation 13:11-18“. Especially the lightning bolts, which struck these specific places at such specific times seems to me to be a clear waning from G-d. And I was just praying on the balcony when our whole building was shaking lightly, the balcony and porch like a gentle swing. The Lord gave several significant signs coinciding with this Pope’s visit. Truly, we better pay attention and heed the warnings going out from the Lord’s TRUE messengers, not from the “white-washing walls” entertaining kind of “hallelujah” prophets.
Nevertheless, I pray that the Lord will have mercy on those members of that Church who are true and faithful believers in Him, genuine disciples of His, that He may spare them in the Day of Judgment and that they shall walk with Him in white, for they are worthy (Rev. 3:6).
Yours in Yeshua,