When they say, “Peace! Peace”… (1 Thessalonians 5:3) | June 8, 2014 * Invocation of Peace * Vatican, Rome |
Every other word was “Peace,” “Shalom,” “Salam,” and “Pace” at this papal “Invocation of Peace” on Sunday, May 8, 2014.
It was an incredibly deceiving charade, appearing so genuine with speeches seemingly so sincere, until one hears words underscoring the chasm between Israel and the Palestinians.
The world, and most of Christianity, will view this charade as a loving move designed to establish peace between neighbors and brethren. They will love it, even shed tears over it, blinded by the outward appearance of things, by the speeches, handshakes and kisses.
It is like a grave graced with a lovely garden and embellished with a beautiful stone. However, its loveliness camouflages the truth beneath –death, decay and dead bones!
The Vatican Gardens hosted the Invocation for Peace[1], the initiative Pope Francis proposed to presidents Shimon Peres and Mahmoud Abbas during his recent pilgrimage to the Holy Land, to pray for the gift of peace for the Israeli and Palestinian peoples. Peres and Abbas arrived in the Vatican at 6.15 and 6.30 p.m. respectively, and were received by Pope Francis at the entrance of the Domus Sanctae Marthae, where he spoke briefly first with the Israel president, and then with the Palestinian.
Shortly after, they entered the Santa Marta Hall where they were joined by the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomaios I, and then transferred by car to the Vatican Gardens where they were awaited by their respective delegations. The meeting began with the following words: “May the Lord grant us peace! We are gathered here, Israelis and Palestinians, Jews, Christians and Muslims, to offer our prayer for peace for the Holy Land and for all its inhabitants”.
The meeting took place in three phases, followed by a conclusion. Following the chronological order of the three religions, it began with the Jewish community, followed by Christians, and finally Muslims.
Arriving on the lawn from left to right: Mahmoud Abbas, Pope Francis, Shimon Peres, Patriarch Bartholomaios I.
The row in front of the hedge to the right represents the Cath. and Gr. Orthodox Christianity. The row to the left seats Jews, Moslems, Druze, and Arab Christians.
The assembly on the lawn representing Roman Cath. Christianity, Greek Orthodox Christianity, Jewish faith, Islam, Druze faith, Palestinian Arab Christians
“Distinguished Presidents”, began Pope Francis, “I greet you with immense joy and I wish to offer you, and the eminent delegations accompanying you, the same warm welcome which you gave to me during my recent pilgrimage to the Holy Land. I am profoundly grateful to you for accepting my invitation to come here and to join in imploring from God the gift of peace. It is my hope that this meeting will be a path to seeking the things that unite, so as to overcome the things that divide. I also thank Your Holiness, my venerable Brother Bartholomaios I, for joining me in welcoming these illustrious guests. Your presence here is a great gift, a much-appreciated sign of support, and a testimony to the pilgrimage which we Christians are making towards full unity”.
My comment: What “unity” is he referring to? That of a global, UNIVERSAL church, uniting ALL faiths? That is and always has been the goal of the Free Masons[3].
Shimon Peres, representative of the people with whom G-d made an everlasting covenant; Pope Francis, representative of the Church which claims to have replaced the Jews whom G-d has rejected. The Catholic (which means “universal”) Church is now the “True and New Israel” of God; Mahmoud Abbas, representative of a people who are neither racially nor ethnically nor historically a true people – the Palestinians – who want to wipe Israel off the map and take over what the Jews have built.
The 3 rabbis in the pictures are: Reform Synagogue, Conservative and Orthodox, Judaism having many “streams” all flowing into the same “sea” – G-d and His Word.
The first rabbi in these 2 pictures is ultra-orthodox, the other is a Cantor (who sings the prayers in Synagogue)
Jewish and Moslem delegation members.
Some members of the Jewish orchestra
Patriarch Bartholomaios I offering his prayer of praise and for peace
A Cath. Cardinal offering his prayer of praise and for peace
An African Cardinal offering his prayer of praise and for peace
Jerusalem Grand Mufti Muhammad Ahmad Hussein
A Palestinian Christian offering his prayer of praise and for peace
The Mufti, an enemy of G-d and Israel, praying for “peace.” 🙁
Also present was the Jerusalem Grand Mufti Muhammad Ahmad Hussein, who preaches the killing of Jews everywhere in conformity with the Muslim holy Jihad that has Islam eradicating all Jews, even the very memory of them and Israel. Yet there he was offering his prayer and praise. May you take 2 Thessalonians 2:10 to heart lest you fall victim to that all wicked deception we are warned about.
The Patriarch of Constantinople and Rom. Cath. bishops and cardinals sat together as representatives of their Christianity, but not of the Jewish Messiah of Israel (sorry, can’t help it, got to make this remark).
Rom. Cath. Cardinals and Bishops following the program.
A Palestinian Christian woman allowed to pray at this “historic” event.
President Shimon Peres’ address made a point with much quoting of Scripture that both the Land and Jerusalem belong to the Jewish people as their eternal inheritance: “I have come from the Holy City of Jerusalem to thank you for your exceptional invitation”, he said. “The Holy City of Jerusalem is the beating heart of the Jewish people. In Hebrew, our ancient language, the word Jerusalem and the word for peace share the same root. And indeed peace is the vision of Jerusalem. As it is said in the Book of Psalms: Pray for the peace of Jerusalem. May those who love you be secure. May there be peace within your walls and security within your citadels. For the sake of my family and friends, I will say, ‘Peace be within you’.”
He continued, “During your historic visit to the Holy Land, you moved us with the warmth of your heart, the sincerity of your intentions, your modesty, and your kind ways. You touched the people’s hearts – regardless of their faith or nation. You emerged as a bridge-builder of brotherhood and peace. We are all in need of the inspiration which accompanies your character and your way. Thank you”.
Unhappily, Peres, as a Jew bound by the covenant G-d made with the House of Israel, disregarded this covenant for the sake of a false peace in joining with representatives of various faiths.
However, we witnessed far more than the President of Israel, a Jew, embracing other religions in a show of “brotherhood”: Shimon Peres is a 33o Freemason (who was educated by Jesuits as a youth in Poland) as was the late Yitzhak Rabin (this is disputed) and King Hussein of Jordan. Even Yasser Arafat and PA President Mahmoud Abbas are claimed to be 33o Freemasons by several publications hostile to Israel.
What we have witnessed at this “Invocation of Peace” was laying a foundation for a one-world-religion, one of the great goals of Freemasonry: to unite all religions under the umbrella of its teachings. Sovereign Grand Commander Francis G. Paul says, “Universal brotherhood is our aim.” And Masonic authority H.L. Haywood claims, “In Freemasonry world brotherhood is an actuality, not a remote ideal.”
Manly P. Hall, another prominent Masonic leader declared, “The true Mason is not creed-bound. He realizes with the divine illumination of his lodge that as a Mason his religion must be universal: Christ, Buddha, or Mohammed, the name means little, for he recognizes only the light and not the bearer. He worships at every shrine, bows before every altar, whether in temple, mosque or cathedral, realizing with his truer understanding the oneness of all spiritual truth” (“The Lost Keys of Freemasonry”, p. 65)[4].
The initiation ritual of the 30o Scottish rite teaches, “Masonry, victorious over all adverse circumstances, will become the honored medium of uniting all mankind in one vast brotherhood.” In the article, FROM THE COUNCIL OF KADOSH, by John W. Kraft, 32 degree Commander, the following quote:
“In Scottish Rite, as in most all of Masonry, all we require is that each of us have a universal belief in One Omnipotent Supreme Architect of the Universe. Regardless of our personal religious beliefs as Jews, Christians, Muslims or members of other religions, we are unified in required singular belief, respecting without embracing the religion of our brothers. Thus Masonry cannot be considered a religion.”
“Before its Altar Christians, Jews, Mohammedan, Buddhist, Gentile, Confucian, may kneel together.”
On the way to discovering the true identity of god, the Mason, in the 17th degree of the Scottish Rite, is first given a secret password and a sacred word that will allow them to continue their progression through the degrees of the Lodge; this sacred word of Masonry is “Abbadon”. What or who is “Abbadon”? Well, in Revelation 9:11 G-d tells us who Abbadon is: Abbadon is the king of the demons in the pit of Hell. And the name of this demon king is the sacred word, needed by all Masons, to advance in degrees so that they might discover the true identity of god.
When the Mason finally reaches what is called “the Royal Arch degree” of the York Rite, they are told who the true god of Masonry really is. They are given the name of god that was allegedly lost during the building of Solomon’s temple; and the secret name of the god of Masonry is “JAHBULON”. The name JAHBULON comes from a combination of 3 deities: “JAH” stands for Yahweh, or Jehovah; “BUL” is a rendering of the name of the Canaanite god Baal; and “ON” is the Babylonian name of the Egyptian god Osiris. And this 3-headed monster, this union of Yahweh, Baal, and Osiris is supposedly the one true god above all other gods, whose identity was lost, but has been recovered by the Masons.
Hence, from the Masonic point of view this Vatican initiated “Invocation of Peace” was a glorious advance of their goal to unite all religions under the umbrella of the Masonic Creed, of which Albert Pike said the following: “To you, Sovereign Grand Inspectors General (of the 33rd degree), we say this, that you may repeat it to the brethren of the 32nd , 31st and 30th degrees – The Masonic Religion should be, by all of us initiates of the high degrees, maintained in the purity of the Luciferian doctrine. . “[8]
The Pope seemed not to like what Shimon Peres just claimed.
Was he just tired, or do I notice an expression of disdain?
Mahmoud Abbas face speaks volumes, louder than any syrupy words, yet he began like this: “It is indeed a great honor for us to meet again with His Holiness Pope Francis in fulfilment of his kind invitation to relish his spiritual and noble presence, and listen to his opinion and crystal wisdom, which emanate from a sound heart, vibrant conscience, as well as an elevated ethical and religious sense. I thank your Holiness from the bottom of my heart for initiating this important gathering here in the Vatican. Simultaneously, we highly appreciate your visit to the Holy Land Palestine, and in particular to our Holy city Jerusalem and to Bethlehem, the city of love and peace, and the cradle of Jesus Christ. The visit is a sincere expression of your belief in peace and a truthful attempt to achieve peace between Palestinians and Israelis.”
He continued with saying, “Oh God [meaning of course Allah], we ever praise You for making Jerusalem our gate to heaven. As said in the Holy Quran, ‘Glory to Him who made His servant travel by night from the sacred place of worship to the furthest place of worship, whose surroundings we have blessed’.”[9]
My comment: OUR Gate? Moslems believe that they will go to heaven from where the Dome of the Rock stands. (How many of you know what this Dome represents?[10]) Yet, Jerusalem is NOT the gate of Islam! It is a lie! Just as the name of the holy land is ISRAEL, and NOT “Palestine!!!
On he went: ““O, Lord of Heaven and Earth [excuse me? Only Hashem, YHVH ALONE is LORD of heaven and earth, NOT Allah, which used to be the name of the Mesopotamian moon god, whose symbol is crowning Mosques until this day] accept my prayer for the realization of truth, peace and justice in my country Palestine, the region, and the globe as a whole. I beseech You, O Lord, on behalf of my people, the people of Palestine — Muslims, Christians and Samaritans – who are craving for a just peace, dignified living, and liberty, I beseech you, O Lord, to make prosperous and promising the future of our people, and freedom in our sovereign and independent state; Grant, Oh Lord, our region and its people security, safety and stability. Save our blessed city Jerusalem; the first Kiblah, the second Holy Mosque, the third of the two Holy Mosques, and the city of blessings and peace with all that surround it.”
My comment: “My country Palestine?” The Holy One of Israel calls this country HIS OWN, and its name is ISRAEL. And note that Jews are not included. May you have ears to hear the twisting of the truth, and eyes to see what his face is saying.
Not once did Abbas acknowledge the Holy Land as “Israel,” but rather called it “Palestine,” and prayed for his independent State Palestine upon G-d’s own Land covenanted to the House of Israel descended from Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
“Accordingly, we ask You, O Lord, for peace in the Holy Land, Palestine, and Jerusalem together with its people. We call on you to make Palestine and Jerusalem in particular a secure land for all the believers…”
No smiles; yet the Pope said, “Your presence, dear Presidents, is a great sign of brotherhood which you offer as children of Abraham. It is also a concrete expression of trust in God, the Lord of history, Who today looks upon all of us as brothers and Who desires to guide us in His ways.”
My comment: Trust in which god? The one of Masonry? Great sign of “brotherhood?” Children of Abraham? Abbas insists – and the PA schoolbooks teach – that they are DIRECT descendants of the Philistines, descendants of Ham NOT Abraham, perpetual enemies of Israel. Pope Francis must have never heard – or read – Abbas speeches on PA TV, like “Not even one single Israeli will be allowed to live in Palestine.” Brotherhood? No, Pope Francis!
Furthermore, while G-d looks upon all of us as His creation and wishes no man to perish, we are NOT all brothers, such as Freemasonry claims. While G-d’s covenant people are brothers with each other as are believers in Yeshua as children of G-d, we are not “brothers” with men who believe in another god or gods. We share the same planet and human nature, but not in the same G-d and hence not in one true brotherhood.
Final handshake
Pope kisses Peres with a “brotherly” kiss
End of speeches.
What a display of “brotherhood” between the leader of the “only true universal church” – the Church of Rome – kissing the Moslem terrorist Mahmoud Abbas, formerly Yasser Arafat’s right hand man for 40 years, now PA President.
Afterwards the handshaking ceremony began.
The Israeli Jews were first in line to shake the hands of Peres, Pope Francis, Abbas and the Patriarch
Let’s shake hands of “reconciliation” – we, Rome, as the “New Israel of G-d” – with you Jews who “killed” Jesus (never mind it was mankind’s sins that “killed” Yeshua, who died for and unto sin to atone for it and to destroy the power of sin) and therefore G-d has rejected you as His people. This has been the Church of Rome’s theology for many centuries, known as “replacement theology.”
Jews, Druze, Moslems, Christians together –what a display of “brotherhood,” on the lawn of the Vatican gardens – the beginning of a UNIVERSAL church, a one-world religion that includes all those religions? What, I ask, has Yeshua to do with THIS? Nothing! But the world’s Freemasons[11] of every Lodge have very much to do with this, and so have the members of the SANG REAL / BLOOD ROYAL[12].
The desperate attempt to bring “peace” between Israel and the Palestinians is not a mere political and humanitarian issue: it is a juggling between safe guarding the 22 Arab nations’ “good will,” and the continued existence of the State of Israel.
The Church of Rome makes claims on Jerusalem, putting it under the complete control of the Vatican. Hence, it is in the Vatican’s interest for the State of Israel to remain. The Freemasons want the 3rd Temple built, expecting their Masonic rule to go from there across the globe; hence the survival of Israel is essential. And the Sang Real needs the State of Israel and Jerusalem to claim the throne of David, and to establish their rule from Jerusalem.
The Muslim desire to control the Temple Mount appears to conflict with those of the Masons and the Vatican, but eventually they will agree to “share” Jerusalem’s holy places, including the Temple Mount. However, neither Jews nor Christians (other than Catholics and Gr. Orthodox) will be able to pray at the Western Wall (Kotel)[13].
All need Israel – NOT the State of Palestine – to establish their claims: Rome’s claims are via Jesus and Petrus/Peter on Jerusalem[14]; the Masons’ via the “one god” (their Supreme Heavenly Architect) and his [anti-]Christ; and the Moslems’ via Abraham’s son Ishmael and Mohammed.
Having researched this “troika” of monotheistic faiths and the agreements signed with Israel as well as with the PA[15], I discovered their claims and those of the Sang Real, on Jerusalem. It has occurred to me that the reason for a military alliance gathering against Jerusalem may not only be to make of it the capital of a Palestinian state but a far more sinister reason: turning the city’s status into the “holy city of all nations and religions,” wresting control over her from the Jews.
However, the agreements signed between them will be broken as each covets sole control of the city and her holy sites. The LORD will turn their own biological/chemical weapons against them leading to a great panic from the LORD, so that their armies, confused and maddened, will turn on each other. It will be such a terrible slaughter that blood will flow like a river for a distance of 200 miles and as high as a horse’s bridle. Although part of Jerusalem will at first be taken and plundered, it is at that time that the Lord Yeshua will return to go forth and fight against those nations (Zechariah 12:2-4; 14:2-3, 12-13, 14 [Judah is part of today’s “Westbank,” hence the Palestinians will of course fight against Jerusalem as well]; Rev. 14:20).
Focusing on Palestine causes us to miss the real issue. Truly a most effective deception!
Quote from AsiaNews: 01/31/2013 – Vatican – Palestine:
“It should be noted that the preamble speaks, among other things, about the status of Jerusalem which should be ‘internationally guaranteed’ to protect ‘freedom of religion and conscience for all’ and ‘equality before the law of the three monotheistic religions, their institutions and their faithful in the City.’ The theme of the Holy City was also at the centre of Palestinian concerns, particularly that any agreement between the Holy See and Israel would cover Church property in East Jerusalem thus becoming a form of recognition of the ‘sovereignty’ of the Israeli part of the city. Fears that the Vatican immediately dispelled.”
In the light of the above, this Vatican “Invocation of Peace” has a far greater significance than it would appear to have at a quick glance. That’s why I feature all those photos: study them carefully as they are very revealing.
Catholicism, Gr. Orthodoxy, Islam, Druse, Saudi, Denominational Arab Christianity.
Women participants in the handshaking
It is finished. Just one more posing for a picture of togetherness
Togetherness – this will hold as solid together as clay and iron does – not very well.
So ends the “Invocation of Peace -Shalom – Salam – Pace.”
Let us not be deceived by the imagery and sweet words but pay attention to details that portray a lie, falsehood, a pretense. We must stay very alert and awake, for the deception will be such that if possible, even the elect would be deceived.
Your messenger and “watchman” in Yeshua,
[1] Catholic World Report – “Invocation for Peace” [3] See New Age2 [4] THE SECRET TEACHINGS OF THE MASONIC LODGE, by John Ankerberg and John Weldon; MORALS AND DOGMA, by Albert Pike [8] Worth reading: Should Christians Join the Masonic Lodge; Masons [9] The speeches of Pope Francis, Shimon Peres and Mahmoud Abbas can be read here: Speeches [10] The “rock” inside the Dome is allegedly the rock upon which Abraham was going to offer up ISHMAEL to Allah, NOT Isaac to the only true G-d. And from this rock Mohammed is said to have leapt to heaven on his white stallion named Buraq. And in the resurrection, when the “messiah” of Islam – the “Mahdi” – shall appear, then all the Islamic “fidels” will go from there to heaven. [11] This is a list of famous, well-known men and women, allegedly Masons, dead and alive: 33rd degree; Famous Freemasons.htm [12] See https://www.ortzion.org/images/news64_4.html [13] See https://www.ortzion.org/images/Continual.html [14] Interesting quotes of agreements signed between Israel and the Vatican (most unholy referred to as “Holy See”): Vatican Agreement; Antisemitism Holy See ; the inserted references and links do not indicate that I am in total accord with all of the statements, claims, assertions and declarations made, but they help to shed more light on the subject. [15] PLO & Vatican