G-d’s Signs of Times & Seasons
This morning, Monday, August 3, 2015, while praying to the Lord my G-d, I cried to Him – as I so often do – “The only reason I live is to do Your will for me on earth as Your will is done in heaven.” I cried “HINENI!” [Here I am], and repeated what I’ve said innumerable times: “I am always at your disposal, any time. Please order my steps in the works you have prepared in advance for me to walk in[1], direct my decision making[2] and hold my hand to lead me in the way I should go.”[3]
Then I inquired again about Kenya and Michigan, if and when I am to go, and what to speak on.
The Holy Spirit responded with Psalm 40:7-10, a Rhema Word given to me many years ago, which is still alive in my heart.
Immediately the Lord confirmed unmistakably the “What – Where – When and How” upon my persistent inquiries:
- WHAT: teaching from my book, “The 3fold Remnant of Israel, and the Rapture of the Church in the Tabernacle.”
- WHERE: Kenya, possibly also Uganda, Tanzania, Burundi and Zambia; Michigan, Texas and Germany
- WHEN: Kenya – December 7-27; Zambia (?) Dec. 28-Jan. 3, 2016. Michigan/Texas/Germany – MI: April 30-May 15, 2016; TX: May 16-21, 2016; GER: 22-28, 2016; the 29th back to Israel
- HOW: making a difficult message plain and understandable to all, focusing on what is necessary to know and practice to inherit the promises of G-d
Then He pointed to the Blood Moon Tetrad and said: “Warn My people [the Jews], My children, the churches with great urgency to heed My signs in the sky.”
Before the 4th and final total Blood Moon eclipse occurs on the 1st day of Sukkot, the Feast of Tabernacles, the Lord is urging His people, Jews and Christians alike, Messianics and churches, to appoint a 3-day fast, to repent for their nations’ and their own sins and disunity and to plead with supplication for G-d’s mercy in judgment.
The year 2015 is a very critical year, and may be either favorable or perilous.
The Blood Moon Tetrad of 2014 / 2015 coincides with the start of the “Shemitah” as well as with the “Jubilee Year”… beginning this Yom Kippur. A Jubilee (50th) year comes after 7 sabbatical cycles of 7 years. Most significant is that this Jubilee Year and the “Blood Moon Tetrad” all happen together!
“What is a “Blood Moon Tetrad?” While lunar eclipses do not usually occur in any specific order, occasionally four total lunar eclipses happen consecutively, one after the other. This is called a lunar tetrad. These total lunar eclipses happen 6 months apart. There are at least six full moons between each total lunar eclipse in a tetrad.
September 28, 2015 – 1st Day of Sukkot – Total Lunar Eclipse – Super Moon
This total lunar eclipse will be visible from most of North America, South America, Europe, west Asia and parts of Africa. The animation is from the web site “TimeandDate”
The eclipse will last for 3 hrs and 20 mins from beginning to end. The Moon will be totally eclipsed for about 1 hr and 12 mins. However, the rust-red ‘bloody’ appearance of the moon will last only some 33 seconds
This eclipse is the fourth and last in a tetrad, a series of four consecutive total lunar eclipses in 2014 – 2015.
Besides being a ‘Blood Moon’ on September 28, it is also going to be a ‘Super Moon,’ which occurs when a Full Moon is nearest to the Earth due to the Moon’s elliptical orbit called Perigee. The following is a list of the peculiarities of the Super Moon occurring on the Feast of Tabernacles. The Blood Moon is:
- At Perigee to Earth
- A Full Moon
- A Super Moon
- A Total Lunar Eclipse
- Seen over Israel
- On Feast of Tabernacles / Sukkot
- A the end of the Shmitah Cycle
- At end of the 2014-2015 Tetrad
- 7 days after the Year of Jubilee? [4]
[1] Eph. 2:10; Heb. 4:3
[2] Ps 25:12; Pr 3:5-6
[3] Isa. 41:10
[4] Quoted from THE SUPER BLOOD MOON by Luis B. Vega
Note: The links to other web sites for more extended information do not necessarily agree with what I teach and believe, especially what is written about the ‘rapture.’ However, some of the time tables and explanations on the Shmitah years and the Jubilee year is of interest, and about the Blood and Super Moon.
Shmitah is the Year of the Lord’s Release
What is a Shmitah Year…?[5] The Shmitah year (shmita Hebrew: שמיטה, literally “release”) also called sheviit (Hebrew: שביעית, literally “seventh”) is the seventh year of the seven-year agricultural cycle mandated by G-d for the Land of Israel, and observed in many parts of Israel. When Moses received Torah, G-d gave the commandment to rest on the seventh day, the Sabbath. Likewise, a Sabbath rest applies to the land in a cycle of 7 weeks and years.
A cycle of seven weeks beginning at the end of Passover points to the 50th day, the Jewish festival of “Shavuot / Weeks,” called Pentecost. It is an agricultural festival which celebrates the first fruits and the first wheat harvest in the land of Israel.
A cycle of seven years is a set of seven years pointing to the 50th year called the year of Jubilee. The year of Jubilee culminates with the Sabbath rest of the land, the Shmitah, as follows; “For six years sow your fields, and for six years prune your vineyards and gather their crops. But in the seventh year the land is to have a Sabbath of rest, a Sabbath to the Lord.” (Leviticus 25:3-4)
Leviticus 25 promises bountiful harvests to those who observe the Shmitah, and describes its observance as a test of religious faith. [5a]
“Shmitah” and means, “to release!”[6] The year of the Shmitah released all debts from the nation’s economic and financial realms —all accounts of credit and debt were cancelled. However, should the nation depart from G-d, the Shmitah becomes a sign of judgment.
The year of Shmitah terminates on the last day of the Hebrew year. It started on September 25th, 2014, and the final day, Elul 29, falls on September 13, 2015. Therefore, if the last two Shmitah dates are an indication, something massive may befall the global financial system anytime between those dates and, more specifically, on September 13, 2015. [7]
Note: On another September 13, 1993 (see pgs 49 & 147) – another Shmita year – were the deplorable Jericho/Gaza First Agreements signed.
The Year of Jubilee’ is in years (50) what the Feast of Weeks (Shavuot / Pentecost) is in weeks (7). The Feast of Weeks occurs seven weeks plus 1 day after Passover; the 50th day. The Year of Jubilee occurs every seven Sabbatical years (49 years) after the Day of Atonement / Yom Kippur per Leviticus 25:9.
So then what is a Jubilee Year…? By adding together seven cycles of seven years, we count a total of 49 years. Therefore, the year of Jubilee is the 50th year as noted by the following verses… “You are also to count off seven Sabbaths of years for yourself, seven times seven years, so that you have the time of the seven Sabbaths of years, namely, forty-nine years. You shall then sound a ram’s horn abroad on the tenth day of the seventh month; on the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) you shall sound a horn all through your land. You shall thus consecrate the fiftieth year and proclaim a release through the land to all its inhabitants. It shall be a jubilee for you, and each of you shall return to his own property, and each of you shall return to his family,” Leviticus. 25:8-10.
The English word “jubilee” comes from the Hebrew word “yovel” meaning a “trumpet or ram’s horn.”These rams’ horns were blown on the Day of Atonement to announce the start of the year of jubilee… The word jubilee should not be confused with the word jubilation which comes from a Latin word meaning to rejoice. The year of jubilee was no doubt a time of great jubilation, but the similarities of the two words are (at least humanly speaking) a coincidental. For many years before the Exodus, the Israelites had been slaves in the land of Egypt, without freedom and without possessions. When they reached the land of Canaan, Joshua divided the land among their tribes and their families… so that each had his own inheritance.
Every adult male among them became a land owner. This land was a permanent possession that could never depart from his family. If a man became poor he could sell part or all of his land… but only temporarily. It would always revert to him or his descendants at the “Year of Jubilee.” If he became even poorer and was unable to pay his debts, he could sell himself into slavery, and work to pay off his debts. Again that slavery could only ever be temporary. When the great “Day of Atonement” in the “Year of Jubilee” came he became a free man once again and repossessed his inheritance. The most unusual observance that G-d commanded the Israelites through Moses was… the keeping of the Year of Jubilee. For most people this celebration occurred only once in their life time and for many not even that, as it occurred …only once every 50 years. At this year of jubilee all Israelites who had sold themselves into slavery were set free… and all land that had been sold reverted to its original owner. This meant that the Israelites could not ever be in permanent slavery; nor could any Israelite permanently lose his inheritance! [8]
[5] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shmita
[5a] Exodus 23:11; Leviticus 25:20; Deuteronomy 15:9; Nehemiah 10:31
[6] http://www.pray4zion.org/thecomingshemitahjubileeyear57745.html ; Deuteronomy 15:1-2; 31:10
[7] https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=840441365989538&id=362856490414697 ; https://ortzion.org/archives_type/newsletter-vol-35, pg 2 ; Messianic Rabbi Jonathan Cahn and his bestseller book, “The Harbinger,” is all over the internet, on every Christian TV ministry and in major churches https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rIElshl_sOk . Regardless whether or not those “9 Harbingers” as presented by Cahn are all accurate, the warning of it is to be taken very serious. Disregarding THESE signs and times will carry dire, irreparable consequences.
[8] The above text, beginning with “The Blood Moon Tetrad of 2014 / 2015” is quoted from the web site, “Pray 4 Zion” by Alf & Julie Saunders, and is an excellent page of information; the picture of the Tetrad and the full sun eclipse is from the web site “Rapture Watch” ; and the animation of the full lunar eclipse is from the web site “TimeAndDate” . All these web sites present relevant, important information, especially the Pray 4 Zion and the RaptureWatch sites, but that does not mean that I endorse everything they say or claim. More interesting input: http://www.bethlehemstarsequel.com/Lunar-Triples.html ;
Rabbinical Predictions and a Call to Repentance
Today, rabbinical predictions concerning this time are especially poignant.
BreakingIsraelNews: A mystic rabbi living in southern Israel is urging all Jews to pray and repent as the third [now the 4th] Blood Moon of a tetrad cycle approaches.
Rabbi Amram Vaknin, who similarly predicted the events of the Gaza flotilla and the Carmel forest fire in 2010, and Operations Pillar of Defense (2012) and Protective Edge (2014), warns that Israel is facing great judgment and potential danger at this time.
Rabbi Vaknin moreover stated that the numeric value of the Hebrew word for blood, dam, which is 44, alludes to the 44th president of the United States. Vaknin predicted that the 44th president would bring bloodshed (dam) to the Jewish people. It should be noted that the rabbi made this prediction before President Barack Obama’s election to office.
In my newsletter Vol. 59, of September 2008 (end of another Shmitah year), the Lord warned most urgently against Obama, saying, “Thus says the L-RD: ‘If Obama becomes President, America and Israel are in grave danger. Warn the people!’”
Obama’s presidential campaign was a masquerade of promises: a benign President who would rid the nation of its problems and terrorism. Yet, Obama is one of the most insidious types of politicians: endearing, enchanting and seemingly benign. The Lord spoke the words “Trojan Horse” to me concerning Obama. It’s significance: it is not the man Obama himself who is dangerous – just as it was not the wooden horse itself – but those ‘hidden’ behind him in order to infiltrate America for takeover, and in due time, ‘wipe Israel off the map.’ (Ps 83).
The Coming Eclipse: The Hebrew-language website yahadoot.net delves into the Jewish perspective on this celestial phenomenon. The Talmud discusses the significance of astronomical events in human history, stating that a solar eclipse is a warning to the nations, while a lunar eclipse signifies danger for the Jewish people, who are likened to the moon.
Israel’s leaders have made Jerusalem, the city G-d has chosen for Himself, a principal participant in the world-wide gay-pride parade. When Gentiles, ignorant of G-d’s laws and not subject to His covenant, carry out such abomination, they are judged according to the darkness or light that is in them. But for the chief guides of G-d’s covenant people Israel, to permit this outrage in Jerusalem, bitter consequences ensue, especially with the ominous 4th total Blood Moon eclipse looming specifically over Israel.
Vaknin believes that only 44 plus one, or 45, can counter the danger represented by the blood moons. This, he says, is Adam, or Man, which in this case refers to the Messiah. What Rabbi Vaknin has perceived is the approaching of the time of Messiah – however, not of His First Coming as Redeemer but of His Second Coming, as Ruler and Judge.
Hence, it is incumbent upon Yeshua’s disciples, Messiah’s representatives on earth, to avert perhaps the worst by joining in one accord with fasting, weeping, repentance and intercessory petitions to plead G-d for His compassion, to show mercy in judgment.
I used to wonder about the harsh judgment on Jerusalem in Revelation 11:13 and in Zechariah 14:2, which due to present-day apostasies become more comprehensible. The more must we stand in the gap and make up the breach. When it will look hopeless for Jerusalem, the LORD our G-d, Messiah Yeshua will come, and all the holy ones with Him, and He will go forth and fight against those nations[9].
My book, “The 3fold Remnant of Israel, and the Rapture of the Church… ” clarifies much of the above and provides a better understanding of all of this, because here the Lord grants insight into the ‘blue-print,’ the ‘pattern’ He has given to His people in the O.C. that we may know the House He is building, not made with hands, but with Living stones [10].
And 2014 – 2015 is a most amazing year, all of it dealing with Israel in particular:
- The Blood Moon Tetrad, with a total solar eclipse in the middle, between the first 2 and the last 2 lunar eclipses. The lunar eclipses always pertain to Israel, the solar to the Gentiles, and as it would seem to me, this year’s eclipses address in particular those who have been joined into the Commonwealth of Israel through their faith in the Messiah of Israel and His redemptive sacrifice.
- It is a Shemitah year
- It is a Jubilee year
- It is in THIS very special year, immediately after Passover, that the Lord ordained the 2nd Restoration Conference in the heart of the Negev, its theme being “Prepare Ye The Way Of The Lord.”
[9] Isaiah 29:2, 4, 5-7; Zech. 14:4-5
[10] When an architect draws up a blue print, with all the exact measurements, rooms, doors, windows, stairs, etc., one can clearly see what the house will be like. No architect would afterwards discard the blue prints and build like “piling over the thumb.” Likewise, G-d has not discarded His blue print laid-out in Torah, which allows us to clearly see the manner and stages in which He is raising up this Spiritual House built from Living Stones.
This is the Year of Favor – or Peril
Following the 4th lunar eclipse, will people suddenly disappear across the globe – the 1st part ‘rapture’ – according to the pattern given in the Book of Revelation? No one can know the day and the hour of it BUT – we may discern the year and the month. And given these heavenly signs as well as it being a Shmitah and Jubilee year – hmmm, I greatly wonder if those saints shown in Rev. 7:9-10 standing before the throne and the Lamb are going to be taken up this year? Only the most holy can stand in the Presence of G-d, hence these are saints who not only were called but also qualify to be among the first of the first fruits.
It is vitally important for the Body of Messiah – whether Jew or engrafted Gentile – to realize that there will not be one GENERAL ‘rapture,’[11] taking ALL saints out at once but the First Resurrection will take place in 8 stages, 7 of which are ‘raptures.’ This is largely not understood and therefore has not been taught except by me.
What Abba is urging and making abundantly clear is that:
- It is incumbent on the Body of Messiah, especially in Israel, to discern the significance of this year’s signs in the sky along with the Shmitah and Jubilee year and avail ourselves of those promises and blessings with fasting, repentance with weeping, intercession, thanksgiving and the blowing of the shofar, to turn the curses of transgression away from our people and, instead, release blessings upon our nation, our people, on the Body at large, and for a HUGE harvest into the Kingdom from among the nations. THIS IS THE YEAR OF FAVOR, if we understand, heed and obey G-d’s signs and seasons.
- The teaching on the “Threefold Remnant…” MUST go forth, to prepare and gird up the saints for Messiah Yeshua’s Coming, that it may not be like the 5 foolish virgins who took their participation at the wedding feast of the Lamb for granted – and found themselves locked out!
I am a ‘manger’ person, one who is hidden, lowly, and unimportant in the eyes of most men. Hence, my work receives little to no support. Nevertheless, perhaps the Lord will speak to you, calling you to be His ministers to provide for my ministry in Africa, Michigan, Texas and Germany.
Needed are funds for the plane tickets to Kenya, car [van] rental and gas, food AND – paying my host’s water and electric bills, since the Webuye officials assume me to be a rich white missionary who gives my host, Apostle Christopher Simiyu-Bera, lots of money and promptly cut off his utilities.
Pastors, bishops and apostles in Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania and Burundi have urged Simiyu repeatedly to bring me to minister to their people about Israel, how to prepare for the times ahead and how to walk with the Lord, teaching His Kingdom principles. They have stated time after time that my work in Africa is not finished, that Africa needs me, that G-d has given me an important work in Africa. The will is there, the love is there, the power is there – but not the funds. A brother in Zambia wrote (as have others), “I have a real heart for you, for the work you are doing. We need more people like you. Africa needs you big time to teach them about Yisrael…”
Hence, with your faithful prayers and financial support [♥] I shall bring Abba’s messages to His Africans, both in the churches and the market places – and to His bondslaves in Michigan, Texas and Germany – with the demonstration of His power in healing bodies, hearts and minds and blessings upon their families, little farms and businesses.
May your obedience to the Lord’s calling on you assure for an abundant harvest into His Kingdom.
Yours in Him,
[aka Elinor]
[11] The word “rapture” is nowhere in the Scriptures. It occurs in the “Vulgate” translation, “rapture” being the latin word for lifting, or taking up. In Revelation 12 a woman gives birth to faith in the AREEN HUIOS, a Son and Heir of adult age [Yeshua], of LIFTING POWER, in the hearts of a [Manchild] company of “teknon,” bringing forth born-again ones. In the Old Covenant Scriptures we learn of G-d’s practice of “heaving out” portions by which He sanctifies that from which it is taken. There were also “heave” offerings. G-d is “heaving out” from the earth all those whose names have been recorded in the LAMB’S Book of Life, “lifting” them out in an exact order according to the pattern given in the O.C.
[♥] There is a Pay Pal DONATE button on the home page; for bank information please use the CONTACT button on the home page