Moving In G-D’s Timing
Beloved family, friends & brethren,
shalom shalom and blessings in Yeshua the Messiah, our beloved Savior and Lord. My newsletter is much delayed, not having had the time nor mindset to write this letter. Looking back on what I wrote in Vol. 71, I can say that the WHAT to do and to teach remained the same, as did the WHERE and the HOW, but not the WHEN. The timing for my ministry in Kenya and Michigan changed completely. There is no need for me to repeat here what I already reported about my mission in Kenya.
My time of bringing Abba’s Word to Michigan was postponed to October. However, this changed again when my beloved friend of over 30 years died unexpectedly. I customarily made a 10-day stop-over in Germany on my way to the States, to visit my friend in Osnabrüeck and my mother at her grave.
I had to change my tickets to October 5th, from October 15th. However, the Lord had added another visit to this year’s trip: going to the town of my first marriage, and to the village of my awful childhood. He was going to draw a line under my calamitous, ill-fated marriage of 6 years, and bring down the curtain on 11 years of painful childhood memories.
Intrigued by the Lord sending me to this town and village, I booked accomodations months in advance. I even found the house of my sufferings, humiliations and nightmares in Chieming at Lake Chiemsee, the village of my childhood – Markstatt 9[1]. It is now a Bed & Breakfast, renovated, looking very pretty. I got a room reserved – Frau Buschmann assured me of it – in the remodeled attic, where in the days of my childhood my father would hang his tobacco leaves out to dry. Yet, she gave my spacious room to the son of a friend, and the last remaining room she was going to give to a friend in troubles, while she arranged for me to lodge in the house of a former school mate.
I realized immediately who was behind these changes, for I had to stay in THIS house and in no other. I insisted on the room, the smallest of the 3 attic rooms, but enough for my purposes.
I flew from Tel Aviv to Munich, got lost in the Munich airport, and lost my E-tickets when I hurried out of the impatient people’s way at the ticket counter for getting on the train. A kind, elderly couple helped me to find the train to Traunstein. Filled to capacity, there was no room for my luggage which aroused the ire of some people.
The Traunstein train station was a maze of construction, and looking for the pretty Hotel I had booked turned into an exhausting walk without finding the lodging. The image on the internet and the real Hotel did not look alike, and it had no name on the front. I finally was told where the Hotel is, and worn out I searched back and forth for an entrance. Finally a passerby told me to check in the back and yes, there was the entrance, locked, with nobody there to open. Eventually a young girl came and showed me the key hanging in a box to open the door when the lady at the desk wasn’t there. Lord have mercy!
Finally I came upon a young, tall man, apparently the cook, and he checked me in. It turned out that my room was on the 3rd floor in a Hotel without an elevator. The young man carried my luggage up, but it was hardship for those 3 days in the Hotel to have to go up and down all those stairs, my knees not wanting to cooperate, and running short of breath. But they had nothing else available for me. Oy!
I went to fetch the rented car, but could not find the car rental place. I know Traunstein like my pocket, and went to the city center, but nothing. I took a taxi; almost immediately the driver wanted me to get out because he was supposed to pick up someone. I should walk to the car rental place of which I did not know where it was. Certainly not city center. I refused.
For supper I had a terrible hamburger with a bun that fell apart, and went early to bed, praying.
[1] Markstatt 9, formerly known as The Aicher
Downloading New, Good Memories
The next day and remaining days were wonderful, starting with a bountiful self-service buffet. I drove to all the places I knew, checked out new places, while others were no more. I went to Brunnwiese 19, where we had moved from Chieming when I was 14, and eventually lived in all 3 ground floor apartments. The middle apartment became the home of my first husband, me and our daughter Annabelle (Ruhama), furnished from his uncle’s and my mother’s money.
This apartment was the scene of a dreadful wedding night. Out of his mind so drunk and furious at “the pig” that had knocked the broken bottle out of his hand, Dieter raged and destroyed until he collapsed in the bathroom into his own vomit, sobbing and crying for his father who had fallen in WWII in Stalingrad. We put him on the couch in the kitchen, passed out from his drunken stupor.
My beautiful white wedding gown was torn and covered with blood and vomit, which my mother kept in case it should ever be needed to show to a judge. She was going immediately to annul our marriage. But I loved him and did not want to give up already. I did not know that he was an alcoholic, his friends and his mother having kept this fact hidden from me.
This horrific wedding night marked the beginning of our marriage. It was the prelude of a life with a Dr. Henry Jekyll / Mr. Edward Hyde kind of a man like in Robert Louis Stevenson’s 1886 novel. Intelligent, charming, good looking, a wonderful lover when sober, sharing with me the love of nature, we were both affected from the aftermath of WWII. However, he was extremely jealous, as I was rather beautiful although unaware of it due to my traumatic childhood. Any man’s appreciative look at me infuriated him, and led to violent attacks on me both verbally and physically.
Now Abba wanted me to “delete” these painful memories permanently off the “hard disc” of my mind and soul by visiting these places. There I was to re-confirm my unconditional forgiveness and cancel all of Dieter’s debt, although he may never ask me for forgiveness, having justified his failure with shifting the blame on me.
I “downloaded” new, good memories onto the hard disc of my soul. I even went to the cemetery where my mother’s mother was buried, and at her grave made peace with her who had contributed so much to my childhood being an unhappy and troubled one. The man in charge of the cemetery who took me there turned out to be a born again, Spirit filled believer with whom I spent time in fellowship. The whole day was a gift of blessings from Abba.
My first day in Chieming turned out as difficult as the first one in Traunstein. Frau Buschmann was not there, only her young niece with boyfriend. Not only did I not get the reserved room, but moreover the door to the room assigned to me locked, with my belongings inside. The young niece finally got a locksmith who managed to open the door and eventually fixed it. The attic rooms did not get breakfast, I had to take care of my meals myself.
However, the next day was gorgeous and I made the best of it, going about to create new, happy memories. The first one was encountering a bride and groom who were having photos taken of them. I took pictures of them as well. Encountering a couple about to get married is regarded as a particular good omen of blessings to come. I visited with the former school mate with whom I exchanged only GOOD memories, went to eat a delicious dish of venison at the beautiful Berghof restaurant (see the “Gallery”) high on a hill overlooking the lake.[1]
I drove to Seebruck, where my mother had worked at the Photo Verlag Heering, and over to the Monastery Seeon[2], and deeper into the land.
[1] I pray that someone who has an eye and appreciation for this place will fall in love with it, lease or buy it and put together a staff that will turn the Berghof in the most popular and sought after restaurant of the whole region and far beyond.
Free Indeed
The next day I made a round trip to the islands, Herreninsel[1] und Fraueninsel, with one of the many ships of the Schiffahrt Chiemsee. I visited again the Castle Herrenchiemsee, the most splendid of all of the palaces of Bavarian King Ludwig II, a copy of the castle of Versailles. I visited the gorgeous park of many fountains and statues depicting Greek gods and goddesses, and took an enjoyable ride on a horse driven lorry.
The island of Frauenchiemsee is a place for all seasons with flowers in bloom throughout the year. In wintertime, the “Christkindlmarkt”[2] on the small island is the main attraction of the Chiemsee area. I found the old restaurant under the chestnut trees and had lunch there. As an additional blessing, another bridal couple was celebrating their wedding right behind me with family and friends. The ride back over the sea to Chieming was most enjoyable, getting to chat with people and watching a marvelous sundown.
I did not go to visit the Catholic Church of the Assumption as planned nor the Elementary school, the place of 4 years of humiliations and degradations. Only the first year, with Fräulein Seitz, was a happy and enjoyable one. Instead, I drove out to Stöttham, to the cemetery still called the “Pest Friedhof” (Black Plague Cemetary) with its chapel St. Johann (church of St. John), where my beloved baby brother had been buried who died from malpractice. His grave was unoccupied, as though no one had been allowed to get buried on top of him, and the climbing rose I had planted as a child had grown up around the low wall. Only non-Catholics get buried there, or “heretics” like Jews, or someone who committed suicide, etc. It is a cemetery of outsiders, untouchables, pariahs.
I walked through all of Chieming’s Unterdorf (lower village) where much has changed. The Pfaffersee, however, where I nearly drowned when I broke through the ice but God saved me, is still the same. I concluded the day with sitting on one of the rocks at the Mühlbach (Mills Creek) in front of the old Catholic parsonage which looks like a castle, where I often used to sit, watching the ducks and swans.
Back at Markstatt 9, after a shower and a small supper, I went before the Lord: what and how to pray over this house, and how to get the Holy Spirit to do what I was shown many years ago[3]? He revealed to me that this house was under a curse due to an evil that had been committed in it years ago. This curse was at the root of our suffering in this house, especially as Jews. He did not elaborate on what kind of evil. He only instructed me how to bind and uproot that evil, giving me the Scriptures for it[4], and how to release the house – specifically me being a Jew – from the curse. He instructed me how to impart a blessing upon this house, and that my returning with forgiveness, staying and sleeping under its roof, would cause the blessing to remain.
And I – I would be free indeed! Just as Yeshua had promised[5].
I returned the car, got on the train back into the Munich airport, only to find out that my flight to Detroit was delayed for many hours due to the pilot having fallen sick, with no replacement for the scheduled flight. But my son in the Lord, Apostle William T. Hodge, was going to pick me up from the airport. He would wait for me in vain because I could not contact him. I had to get to Detroit in time.
Going from counter to counter I finally got a stand-by ticket to Detroit via Washington. All the while I dragged my luggage with me: my suitcase, a heavy back-pack, a heavy laptop hanging from my shoulder, and a duty-free bag with pillow and purchases in it. I could not check-in my luggage until I had a confirmed seat – the very last one.
In Washington D.C. airport I had to collect again my luggage, because I had to get the stand-by flight to Detroit confirmed. I could not make another step, racked with pain. I asked two uniformed women for help, who got me a young black man with a wheel chair who took me to the counter where I needed to re-apply for my stand-by ticket. It took a long time. My patient and kind “chair driver” took me to my departure gate. There I had to wait patiently whether or not I would get a seat. Abba, having always mercy on me and delivering me out of all my troubles, got me again the very last seat available, my luggage still getting checked in.
When I finally got out of the Detroit airport I saw a sea of cars as I have never seen before. Just how would I see Bill? I posted myself at the very front of the platform and finally I heard my name called. There he was! And I was not one minute too late but rather early.
We drove to Ron & Denise Edwards house in Detroit, Spirit filled believers, where we were their guests for 3 days before driving up to Montegue.
[1] Herreninsel lit. translation means “men’s island.” And Fraueninsel lit. translation means “women’s island.”
[2] Christ Child Market
[3] See https://ortzion.org/prophecy_type/3-visionsm page 07; the old farm house is Markstatt 9.
[4] I wrote them down but can’t find the paper right now due to having packed most of our things, getting ready to move into our new home in Eilat
The Bride Of Messiah, And The Rapture
The teaching the Lord had given me for Michigan was the same as in Kenya: “The 3-Fold Remnant of Israel and the Rapture of the Church in the Tabernacle.” (Ch. VI, pg 38/aka 79) The Lord had me focus on who the Bride of Messiah is, and on the Rapture, because neither were fully understood. Many believe, after having made the Good Confession[1], that they were now part of the Bride, not knowing that they had only gotten in by the Gate into the Court with the Sin Offering, but not any farther than that. Likewise, many believe that the “Rapture” (a word taken from the Latin Vulgate by Jerome, in which the “taking up” is the Latin word “rapture”[2]) is a one-time event, with all of the Church taken up at once. With this interpretation agrees neither the Book of Revelation nor the pattern of the Tabernacle and the setting up and breaking up camp of the Israelites in the wilderness. The believers are literally kept in the dark about what is required to qualify for belonging to the Bride of Messiah, and of the 7 stages of the “rapture.”
G-d has given us faithfully a blue print, a pattern from which we can know how He is building His house with living stones, not made with hand. This pattern is in Torah, and apart from it we get an incomplete picture both of the Rapture as well as of the Bride.
It was such a new teaching, such a revelation about these two subjects, nobody would be able to remember, retain, understand, and visualize it all. But above all, they had to find it in the Bible, black on white, clearly outlined, with nothing left out or leaving it a mystery.
Therefore the Lord commanded me to hand out the teaching He had given me, a book that took years of study and of writing. I was to copy the whole book onto CDS, place them into pocket covers with the image of the cover page on it. I was to give it only to the shepherds, the teachers, all those responsible for teaching and feeding the flock, and to those mature enough to be able to understand the teaching. And – I was to give the book away for free! No one was to be charged for it. The only condition was that they would commit to studying the book carefully and then share the teaching with the flocks. They had to promise not to abuse this free gift for their own purposes or ministry, making themselves a name, or even making money with it.
Only few, if any, had any inkling of the treasure they were being given for free. In America, if something is given for free, people get the notion that the gift is not worth much. However, in Kenya, the shepherds stood in line for it, solemnly promising and committing to the study of and teaching on the book, recognizing that something of great worth was given them.
I stayed for three weeks instead of two, teaching twice at “Christ the Rock World Harvest Church” in Montague, MI; at “Victory Bikers Church” at Lennon, MI, and at the Edwards in Detroit. We had times of wonderful fellowship, times of true worship, but something had changed at those two churches: there was not the same excitement, nor the same honor shown me as at first, although my anointing was greater than ever after Traunstein and Chieming. A few got deeply touched, one man restored to the Lord and ministry, and Victory Bikers Church helped to see that it does not require conformity to the world to gather in sinners. It is G-d Who draws them by His Holy Spirit, and not by us acting like the sinners we are trying to reach.
[1] Romans 10:9-10
[2] Rapture critics like to claim that the word “rapture” is not located in the Bible. It may not be in the King James, but the word “rapture” is found in the Bible, if you have the Latin Vulgate produced by Jerome in the early 400s. The Vulgate was the main Bible of the medieval Western Church until the Reformation. It continues to this day as the primary Latin translation of the Roman Catholic Church. It was Protestants who introduced the word “rapture” into the English language from the Latin raeptius. It was Jerome’s Vulgate that translated the original Greek verb harpazo used by Paul, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, in 1 Thes. 4:17, which is usually translated into English with the phrase “caught up.” The leading Greek Lexicon says that harpazo means “snatch, seize, i.e., take suddenly and vehemently.” This is the same meaning of the Latin word rapio “to seize, snatch, tear away.” It should not be surprising to anyone, that an English word was developed from the Latin which we use today known as “rapture.” [Quote from ABC’s of Prophecy]
A Near Death Experience Followed By A New Beginning
I did what I was sent to do. The assignment in Texas over a huge oil artery got postponed because the funds for it did not come in, although I had by faith booked my flight to Texas, knowing for certain that we were to carry out this assignment. Due to this postponement I had to cancel my flight from Dallas and book another one, with a new date, from Detroit to Frankfurt to Tel Aviv. Not only did this cost me an extra $ 320, I now had a 12 hour layover in Frankfurt.
These 12 hours were the worst I have ever spent in any airport. I nearly died, from what turned out to be apparently a cardial asthma. I had to walk an endless stretch in the new terminal Z, to which our plane was finally relegated. I had to carry the heavy weights as there were no carts anywhere. I shortly ran out of breath, wheezing loudly, and unable to walk, having no strength, near to collapse. I asked uniformed personnel for help, but they refused to call for a wheel chair or car to help. They just harshly informed me that I should have ordered help in advance. How was I to know at which gate we would disembark, how endless this terminal Z was, and that there were no more carts?
I spent hours on a hard chaise longue, then ventured to get to my departure gate. That’s when my condition worsened severely. I felt I might die. I stopped and just stood there, unable to move. Nobody offered help, although they heard me wheezing loudly. In Israel people would immediately have come and said, “Lady, can we help you? Are you alright?” But here, nothing! I was appalled at the indifference and callousness of the people who walked by, heard and saw me in this terrible state, but just kept going. Finally a motorized vehicle came by, the driver saw me standing there, and took me to my gate.
Back in Israel I described my condition to my daughter-in-law, who is an excellent doctor. She could hear me still wheezing. She diagnosed the symptoms as being an asthma of the heart [cardial asthma], not real asthma. My husband’s beloved aunt had just died from this ailment. Researching it at home on the internet, it described exactly the condition I was in at the Frankfurt airport. The severity of it required immediate hospitalization. Left untreated it could lead to sudden death.
The following days I learned that the Lord had alerted several people to pray for me. The intercessory minister (Archbishop Dominiquae Bierman) from whom we are buying our new home in Eilat could not sleep for two nights, alarmed and burdened to pray for me, especially from Psalm 118:17, that I shall not die, but live, and declare the works of the LORD. Then it dawned on me that I might indeed have died in this airport, had not all these people obeyed the Lord’s prompting and prayed for me. Several people thought that this was Satan’s backlash on me for what the Lord had accomplished by me in Michigan, by escalating an already existing condition.
The Lord is transferring us from Beer-Sheva to Eilat, one of the reasons being our health. Beer-Sheva’s chemical industry and the constant dust make for a very unhealthy air that has produced my breathing problems. The air at the Red Sea and the Sea itself are like a spa for me. After a short time I no longer wheeze nor cough, and walking becomes easier and less painful from regular swimming in the Sea.
What is more, the penthouse we have bought, on the 9th floor with a fabulous view over the Eilat Red Sea Bay, was home for 7 years to a Messianic couple that besides their ministry held regularly prayers in this apartment they called “Eilat Prayer Tower,” in the building called “Migdal Chai”/”Living Tower.” The couple – Archbishop Dominiquae & Baruch Biermann – passed “the baton” on to me, as this is obviously Abba’s purpose – the prayers are to continue from this place, especially for the Negev, they and I sharing in this vision[1]. Yeshua is opening finally a door for me in Israel, beginning with intercessory prayers. Already several people have contacted me, wanting to join with me for a time in prayer. It will be just as Apostle William T. Hodge said in reply to me saying that I felt my time in Michigan has come to an end: “Yes, but this time it is not you coming to the people, but the people will come to you.”
And I believe it will be so, Abba sending me helpers now as He had promised long ago, to pray into manifestation and calling forth those things of which He has spoken, which are written, which He has revealed and promised. All of this is a new thing Indeed, it is a new beginning! Amen and Amen!
Yours in Him,
[aka Elinor]
[1] See “Spring Up O Well” conference in April 2013; and “Israel Negev Conference,” April 2015
P.S. Many of you know either know personally Apostle Chris Wanyonyi Simiyu Bera, or have heard of him. The Lord divinely connected me with him in 2004, and since then I have come at least six times to Webuye, Kenya and gone to minister with him throughout the region. Abba has called Apostle Chris to be a “father to Africa,” to put up Bible Training Centers to train new believers and raise them up as disciples, according to the Lord’s commandment. Witchcraft is widely practiced where he lives, but we already have uprooted much of it. However, the wife of his brother continued to come against Apostle Chris unhindered, doing much harm, and almost succeeded in killing him had it not been for intercessory prayers, and did so with the Apostle’s wife. As Yeshua said, Satan comes but to steal, kill and destroy. When I sought the Lord about this matter He showed me what needed to be done, and I instructed the Apostle and his son Mike accordingly. As a result the witch packed all her belongings and fled in the dark of night, nobody knows where to.
In order to finally live in peace, in his own house, and to be able to go forth again in ministry throughout Africa, he needs the help of the Body of Messiah, as his finances got completely drained with the hospital costs for his wife and her funeral, his father’s funeral, and his own hospital costs and medical bills.
His house already stands, album 04, thanks to his wife Peninah, who saved up from the little money they had to buy bricks. But it all came to a still stand. And now is the rainy season with heavy down pours, which are destroying the sacrificial work of Peninah. I paid to put the roof on the house to keep the rain from weakening the bricks. But of course the family still can’t live in the house. To keep them off the street until the end of March 2017, I am paying for a rented house and utilities. By that time I pray their house will be finished, although they will still be without furniture, see pg 02.
Here is a break down of the costs given to Apostle Chris by the company that did the roof:
- Walls and floors: KSh 477,000 = $ 4,700 = NIS 17,910
- Windows and doors: KSh 170,000 = $ 1,675 = NIS 6,380
- Electricity lines, outlets and connections: KSh 48,000 = $ 473 = NIS 1,801
- Plumbing: KSh 99,820 = $ 983 = NIS 3,746
- Ceilings: KSh 56,000 = $ 552 = NIS 2,102
- Iron grates on doors & windows: KSh 38,000 = $ 375 = NIS 1,428
- TOTAL: KSh 888,820 = $ 8,758 = NIS 33,358
This construction company, out of respect for Apostle Chris, is willing to break those costs up into payments. Already we can tell from this favor that the witchcraft of this woman, having been effective through the bloodline of Apostle Chris’ brother, has been successfully bound. These are the payments:
- NIS 17,910:3 = NIS 5,970 ; $ 4,700:3 = $ 1,567; or 17,910:7 = 2,559 = $ 4,700:7 = $ 672
- NIS 6,380:3 = NIS 2,127 ; $ 1,675:3 = $ 558
- NIS 1,801:3 = NIS 600 ; $ 473:3 = $ 157
- NIS 3,746:3 = NIS 1,249 ; $ 983:3 = $ 328
- NIS 2,102:3 = NIS 701 ; $ 552:3 = $ 184
- NIS 1,428:3 = NIS 476 ; $ 375:3 = $ 125
I pray that some of you will feel moved by the Lord to help our brother to get his house finished, so he and his family can move in. Many of us take our homes for granted, or at least to be able to obtain a loan from the bank that allows us to buy or build a house. Our brother has no such option, since he has no collateral for security, nor is he able to make a down payment to obtain a loan, nor does he draw a salary from the church.
Let us help him, each of us as we are able, committing to 3 monthly payments; or among 7 of us to pay the monthly amount listed under 1) I am sending the money via Western Union, Chris’ son Mike Bera picking it up.
Western Union: Mike Simiyu Bera, ID Number: 24681169; phone number: +254 722 392 5637, so he gets the money immediately. But it can also be sent from account to account, which takes about 2 weeks. Bank Account: MIKE SIMIYU BERA; ACCOUNT NUMBER: 01116532578300, BANK: COOPERATIVE BANK OF KENYA; SWIFT CODE: KCOOKENA
In album 03 you can see the pitiful church building they are meeting in. But when it rains the church gets flooded from a source further up the property. This water source needs to be rerouted and the church floor cemented. I have appealed to the many churches of whom Apostle Chris is overseer to mobilize the congregants to come and render this service to their Bishop. However, I am not there to mobilize them in person, and hence thus far nothing has been done regarding this great need.
G-d willing, some of you are preparing to go ministering in Africa. Perhaps you would be willing to stop by in Webuye first and help getting the church building safe from flooding and a muddy floor. We have so much in comparison to them; let there be at least some resemblance of equality in the Body by giving out of our abundance – yes, abundance! – to their needs. Nothing could please Abba and our Lord Yeshua more, for us to help and bless this faithful, anointed and effective servant of His.
Photo Album