“For the foolishness of G-d is wiser than men, and the weakness of G-d is stronger than men.”
“For consider your call, brethren; not many of you were wise according to worldly standards, not many were powerful, not many of noble birth; but G-d chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise, G-d chose what is weak in the world to shame the strong, and G-d chose what is low and despised in the world, even things that are not, to bring to nothing things that are, so that no human being might boast in the presence of G-d… therefore, as it is written, ‘let him who boasts, boast of the Lord.’” 1 Cor. 1:25-31
“…let us complete our Lord’s joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind. Let us do nothing from selfishness or conceit, but in humility count others better than ourselves. Let each of us look not only to our own interest, but also to the interests of others. Let us have this mind among ourselves, which is ours in Messiah Yeshua, Who, though He was in the form of G-d, did not count equality with G-d a thing to be grasped, but emptied Himself, taking the form of a slave (doulos), being born in the likeness of men. And being found in human form He humbled Himself and became obedient unto death, even death on a cross.” Ph’pp 2:2-8
Beloved, this conference is not just another one among many. The way the Lord has prepared it long ago is to show that it is His doing, for the person He chose to organize it is like the above quoted Scriptures state; and the place He chose to hold it is not #1 on the “Tour Israel” list. Yet it is here, in Beer-Sheva, where it all began with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Before Jerusalem became the City of the Great King, Beer-Sheva became the place of divine covenants.
It is to this place of beginnings and covenants that G-d is calling the disciples of Yeshua who press on to become like their Teacher, and Messiah’s bondslaves who strive to become like their Master. For a disciple is not above his Teacher nor a slave above his Master. But he who would be first must be last of all and he who would be greatest must be slave of all (Matt. 18:3-4; 20:25-28; 23:11-12; Mk 9:34-35;10:42-45; Lk 9:46-48;22:24-27).
A great river begins with a spring and a mighty oak with an acorn. G-d’s new move of a double portion begins with a humble conference and the river of Living Water welling up like a spring. G-d is going to do a new thing in fulfillment of ancient prophecies for which He is raising up His disciples, His bond-slaves, His faithful, obedient, bold and courageous ones.
The restoration of the Jewish people to their own Land, and the restoration of the streams in the Negev coincide (see Ps 126:4). As the one restoration takes place, so shall the other follow (Isa. 35; 43:18-21; 44:1-4; 45:8; 46:9-11; 51:2-3; 61:3e-f), and in the literal desert of Israel G-d will dig a well of living waters to flow into the spiritual desert of Jacob as is written:
“Fear not, O Jacob, my servant, Jeshurun whom I have chosen. For I will pour water on the thirsty land, and streams on the dry ground; I will pour my spirit upon your descendants, and my blessing on your offspring. They shall spring up like grass amid waters, like willows by flowing streams. This one will say, ‘I am the LORD’s,’ another will call himself by the name of Jacob, and another will write on his hand, ‘The LORD’s,’ and surname himself by the name of Israel.”
Come, and be counted among His sons of Zion ( who, while perhaps the least and the lowliest of all in the eyes of men, are the greatest in the eyes of God. Come, let us rejoice in Him and in His New Move of a Double Portion, drinking of the Living Waters and receive from Him your assignment.
Explore the ancient Biblical paths, the city of the Great King and of King David, and walk in the footsteps of Yeshua (Jesus).
Experience the modern State of Israel, gaining a better understanding of her current issues and God’s faithfulness to fulfill His promise to bring the Jewish People back to their homeland.
Come to understand the Past, to experience the Restoration and Transformation, and gain a new vision for your life.
Come for the Living Waters to well up in you, to inspire, revitalize and empower you, and give you a whole new vision for your life in the service of the King – Yeshua the Messiah!
“True servants focus on others, not themselves!
Real humility is not thinking less of yourself –
but thinking of yourself less. True servants
don’t use God for their purposes –
they let God use them for His.” – UnknownWednesday evening, April 17th, through Sunday evening, April 21, 2013 at:
Put together for you by Annelore [‘Elinor’] Rasco of Or Tzion” (Light of Zion), Beer-Sheva, Israel;
and William T. Hodge of “Good Tree Ministry“ (member of Global Alliance Fellowship), Monroe, Michigan, U.S.A.Our Three Main Conference Themes Will Be:
- What it means to be a “Bond slave;”
- Restoration;
- G-d’s New Move of a Double Portion;
A Particular Emphasis On Restoration Will Examine:
- Restoration of the House of Israel;
- Restoration of the House of David;
- Restoration of the Body of Messiah;
- Restoration of Davidic Praise & Worship;
- Restoration of Eve.
Our banner will be “Spring Up O Well” in the literal
And spiritual Desert of Israel; for this New Move of G-d
To flow “like a river” from His Own Land into all the earth,
Not by the might or power of man, but by His Holy Spirit.
THEME : Isaiah 43:18-19
“Remember not the former things, nor consider
The things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing;
Now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?
I will make a Way in the wilderness
And rivers in the desert.”Speaker – Annelore Rasco (Beer-Sheva, Israel) of ‘Or Tzion’
Topic: “Who and What is a Bond Slave”Speaker – William T. Hodge (Monroe, Michigan):
Topic: “Repentance – Forgiveness – Restoration…”*Speaker – Jan Willem Van der Hoeven (Israel)**
Topic: “Why Christians Should Support Israel”Speaker – Pastor Howard Bass of ‘Nachalat Yeshua’ (‘Yeshua’s Inheritance’) congregation, Beer-Sheva
Topic: “Purim”Speaker – Pastor Howard Bass
Topic: “Miracles”Speaker – Ladell S. Neitzel (Arlington, Texas),
Topic: “Praying & Releasing the Word”Speaker – Avner Boskey (Beer-Sheva, Israel)
Topic: “Literal & Spiritual Restoration of Israel”Speaker – Laurie & Rick Boyd (USA), “Dwelling Place”
Topic: “Restoration of Identity”Shabbat service at ‘Nachalat Yeshua’ congregation:
Speaker – Avner Boskey (Beer-Sheva, Israel)
Topic: “Restoration Of The House Of David”, Prt 1Speaker –Annelore
Topic: “Restoration of the House of David”, Prt 2Session 2:Prophetic Psalmist Robyn Green & Annelore Rasco:
Topic: Music pre-recorded for “Demonstration of Davidic Worship” according to 1 Chr. 25:1-8Speaker –William T. Hodge
Topic: “Restoration of Eve”Speaker – Annelore
Topic: “G-d’s New Move of a Double Portion”* “Good Tree Ministry” of “Global Alliance Fellowship”; an Isaiah 58 Ministry
** International Christian Zionist Center (ICZC)Biographies of the Speakers
Annelore (“Elinor”) Rasco , a 2nd generation Holocaust survivor, was born in Breslau, Silesia, Germany in 1943. With her mother, grandmother and aunt she escaped on the last train out of Breslau and was miraculously kept alive and safe by God. She is a mother of 3, and has 7 grandchildren, the 3 youngest born in Israel.
Annelore received the Lord in 1973 as a result of Him appearing to her 3 times. In April 1976, Dallas, Texas she received the baptism of the Holy Spirit with fire and the call to the prophetic office in August of the same year. She is an alumni of Christ For The Nations (1978-1980) and founder of Or Tzion, Inc. 1982, its motto being: “For The Return Unto G-d And The Land.”
Annelore has been teaching and ministering prophetically ever since – on live radio and TV talk shows, in seminars and as guest speaker in churches, Bible studies and groups like Flame Fellowship, Women Aglow across the USA. Annelore was active in various Jewish organizations, especially the Jewish National Fund, and attended with her sons Dallas’ oldest orthodox synagogue. She and her husband also served as cell-group leaders in their home church until moving with their sons to Israel in 1987. In 2003 daughter and grandchildren joined them in Beer-Sheva.
Author of 4 prophetic/historical books awaiting publication, Annelore has created The Electronic Tabernacle website with its newsletters, articles, teachings, prophetic writings and its vast source of information. She continues to minister in Africa, Europe and the USA.
William T. Hodge is an apostle of restoration and restorer of the breach. He has a deep understanding of the “Voice of God,” especially when sounding this Voice with the shofar at various assignments and strategic places. He holds shofar workshops, restoration seminars, how to raise up prayer booths, and is a beloved speaker and teacher across the USA.
William’s Good Tree Ministry is member of Global Alliance Fellowship (GAF), which is a Christian Apostolic Ministry assisting Free Churches in training and developing ministers and outreach ministries globally. GAF consists of Branch Charter Ministries, Alliance Ministries, and GO Team Ministries, and has assisted humanitarian causes and trained many ministers of the Gospel around the world including Mexico, Republic of Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Uganda, Israel, Italy, and United States. William’s heart and calling is an Isaiah 58 Ministry.
Jan Willem van der Hoeven is the founder of different ministries in Israel and Holland, where he was born. He has lived in the Middle East for more than 40 years, and currently resides in Anatot. He traveled widely through the Arab world, and later became the Custodian of the Garden Tomb in Jerusalem (1968 – 1975), speaking to many thousands of people.
He is the principal founder of The International Christian Embassy Jerusalem (ICEJ) in Israel, and is today director of The International Christian Zionist Center (ICZC). Jan Willem also initiated the ‘International Christian Zionist Congress‘, the ‘Mordechai Outcry‘ for the homecoming of the Soviet Jews to Israel, and, with others, the annual celebration of the ‘Feast of Tabernacles’. He has personally met and known the last five Prime Minister’s of Israel, and is acquainted with many leaders, Knesset members and influential institutions in the land.
Jan Willem is a recipient of the prestigious Louis Brandeis Award from the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA), and of the ‘Guardian of Jerusalem Award’ by the International Forum for a United Jerusalem for his ceaseless efforts for a united and undivided Jerusalem.
Jan Willem van der Hoeven is the author of “Babylon or Jerusalem,” a prophetic book that has been translated into several languages. As a genuine Middle East specialist, he is a much-requested speaker in churches, synagogues and public meetings all across the world.
Howard Bass is a Jew who believes in Yeshua as Lord and Messiah. He immigrated to Israel from the U.S. with his wife, Randi, in 1981, and they have lived in Beer Sheva since 1982. They have two daughters — Tamar and Rotem (and a lovely granddaughter by her and her husband, Joseph) – and two sons — Evan and Tal – who are all baptized believers by the grace of God!
Howard worked 17 years for two engineering companies in Beer-Sheva before taking on the responsibility of serving full-time as pastor of the Nachalat Yeshua (Yeshua’s Inheritance) Messianic Congregation in 2000. He has served in the army in Israel and has dedicated his life to bringing the gospel to the people there. He has been actively involved in various national ministries over the years, including reconciliation between Israeli and Arab believers; university students; and national leadership prayer and fellowship retreats.
Howard’s living and blessed hope since his new birth by the Holy Spirit is the coming again of the Lord Yeshua the Messiah, with the resurrection and rapture of believers, and the re-establishment forever of the Kingdom of God over Israel and the nations.
Though Beer-Sheva is rich in Bilbical history, it seldom is visited by Christian tourists. Visit where Abraham, Isaac and Jacob were encamped, and come by Nachalat Yeshua. You can be a great encouragement for them as you let them know that you are praying for them. The congregation faces some great challenges as well as persecution from the Ultra-Orthdox that has resulted in legal action.
Sandra Ladell Neitzel has been regenerated [born again] since 1977, spirit-filled since 1978. Praise is such a central part of her life that she has learned to play and lead Praise & Worship with the guitar. Her preference is the Hebraic music. She has also learned to play a floor harp and makes banners (beautiful!) as well as teaches banner workshops.
Ladell has been involved in the ministries of Flame Fellowship Int’l as Vice President of local chapter; as President of local chapter; Aglow Ministries, Int’l. She is a Praise & Worship leader and served as Intercessory Prayer chairman Oklahoma State Prayer Coordinator for 8 years.
Thanks to Andrea, Ladell’s beloved daughter who has severe CP, Ladell became a powerful intercessor and learned to play guitar and harp late in life to minister to Andrea, who deeply loves the Lord and worships Him with all her being. She shares her heart on her web site, New Creations Unlimited.
Avner and Rachel Boskey live in the Beer-Sheva area of Israel with their four sons. They oversee Final Frontier Ministries, a ministry with offices in Nashville TN dedicated to stirring up the creative arts, worship, intercession, evangelism and the prophetic – within a Jewish and Israeli matrix.
Avner and Rachel have been involved for many years in evangelism, congregation planting, Bible teaching, worship and pastoral counseling. Avner has served on the Theological Commission of the United Christian Council in Israel, on the National Evangelism Committee in Israel, and from 1986-93 as associate editor of MISHKAN: a theological journal on Jewish evangelism published in Jerusalem. From 1995-96 they pastored the Messianic Center, a Messianic Jewish congregation in Saint Petersburg Russia.
Rick & Laurie received ordination and commission as apostles from the LORD on 10-10-10. Their call is to praise & worship, strategic prayer, training & mentoring and restoration. They teach, intercede and sound the shofar in various strategic places worldwide individually and as part of collaborative ministry and shofar teams.
Rick and Laurie are the founders and facilitators of Dwelling Place Worship & Prayer Ministries
, established by the Lord on February 9th, 2009. Their vision is to revive the passion of “First Love relationship” with Yeshua , the Father and the Holy Spirit through pure worship and prayer, in spirit and in truth, “on earth as it is in heaven.” Dwelling Place is a 24/7 House of Prayer and Worship. The Kingdom Ministry Training Center builds, trains, and completes the body of Christ after the heart of the Father.
As an alliance ministry, Rick & Laurie are reciprocating accountability partners with Global Alliance Fellowship, and several other alliance ministers in the Office of Apostleship.”
Robyn Green is a prophetic psalmist trained in classical music, influenced by pop music, and anointed by God to hear spontaneously created music to play over people with diseases, emotional issues, deliverance needs, while playing piano keyboards prophetically. Robyn [aka Shira] produces her own CD’s demonstrating various aspects of psalmistry, and functions in prophetic ministry with her husband, Martin Green.
Robyn has authored teachings on prophetic music, and together with Martin, has authored a book called A Marriage of Destiny, about how God puts prophetic marriage unions together. The Greens have two grown children and live in Vermont.
Her ministry, MannaFest Dimensions, is a non-profit religious corporation called to help re-establish Davidic psalmistry and music into the Earth according to the divine will and eternal purposes (1 Chr. 25) of the Holy One of Israel, operating in the United States and globally.
Spring Up O Well Summit Report
Page 1 It all began with two men of G-d coming from Michigan on assignment to Israel. It was their first time to the Promised Land, and they knew nobody. But G-d knows all things, and everyone. G-d connected them via a brother to His handmaiden, Annelore1, in Beer-Sheva.Annelore quickly discovered that indeed these were two apostles sent by G-d. Among their assignments was to blow the shofar over Beer-Sheva and the Negev. Little did she know how all this figured in G-d’s plans of fulfilling His promises regarding the desert and the wilderness of Israel.
As William and Harvey stood on her balcony with a panoramic view overlooking all of Beer-Sheva, they blew their shofars with mighty prophetic blasts over the city and the Negev. Simultaneously, Annelore loudly proclaimed Isaiah 51:3 and Isaiah 41:18-19, and decreed Isaiah 35 as having been accomplished.
Annelore understood the power of the shofars. Their frequencies and vibrations travel continually with, in, and over the air waves, transported also by the Holy Spirit, and nothing can stop them.
The next day, William and Harvey travelled to Ir Ovot in the Negev. There, on Prayer Mountain, they blew their shofars 7 times while pointing in every direction over the Negev, also upward and downward. Annelore had told them of the subterranean “Waters of Creation,” so named by Israeli water experts. Beneath the whole of the Negev lies a sea 300 km long and 30 km wide with a life expectancy of a thousand years2.
In confirmation a prophetic word from Michigan reached the two men telling of the stirring of the waters below the Negev. As nobody in Michigan could have known of these waters, the strategic importance of their task was underscored.
William and Harvey’s next assignment was on Mt. Gerizim. Annelore felt prompted to join them. On their way, they met a native Israeli Cohen who pronounced the Aharonic blessing over William and Harvey, blessing even their mothers’ wombs. On Mt. Gerizim Annelore prayed into William’s shofar the spiritual restoration of Ezekiel 37. Wrapped in a prophetic mantle and the tallit he then sounded it with mighty blasts over the entire valley of Succoth. Ever since, this shofar’s frequencies and vibrations, along with Annelore’s prayer of restoration, all covered by the high priestly blessing, have been reverberating across the globe together with the prior soundings.
At that time in Australia, the shofar blasts reached Lorraine Harvey, a disciple of Yeshua and lover of Israel. She received revelation and a prophetic assignment concerning the streams in the Negev. Searching for the place to carry out her assignment, she discovered the one congregation in Beer Sheva – ‘’Nachalat Yeshua‘’, or ‘’Yeshua’s Inheritance”,3 this being Annelore’s congregation.
Point cursor on thumbnail picture you want to see, right click, click on “view image” or “Open image in new tab,” and the picture loads in full size, within your browser. To return to the page, click on “back.” LorraineHarvey proclaims Lorraine&friend decreeing Andarta- prophetic banners H.Spirit fire&King Yeshua Praise&Worship&banners Banner of 7 streams At the memorial site of the Jewish defeat of Egyptian forces (simply referred to as “Andarta”), situated on top of a hill with a panoramic overview of Beer-Sheva, Lorraine and a group of Australian saints blew their shofars while proclaiming G-d’s promises to the Negev and waving banners prophetically. Afterwards they and members of Nachalat Yeshua carried a huge blue and white banner around the Andarta suggestive of the restoration of the streams in the Negev. Prayers, scripture reading, declaration and thanksgiving concluded this assignment. Prophetic dancing amid other performances at Nachalat Yeshua followed. Before returning home, the Australians and Nachalat Yeshua congregation joyfully shared a Shabbat meal together.
Streams in the Negev which are without end, a blessing in the wilderness for the people of Israel. Praise, Worship & thanks- giving & concluding prayer Annelore began to realize that G-d was up to something concerning the Negev. Psalm 126:4 states, “Bring back our captivity, O L-RD, as the streams in the south”. These words connect the restoration of the Jewish nation in their own Land with the restoration of the streams in the Negev. Moreover, Isaiah 40:3 states, ‘A voice cries, “In the wilderness prepare the Way of the Lord, and make straight in the desert a highway for our G-d.”’
Although already fulfilled once by John the Baptizer as “A voice cries in the wilderness…”, G-d’s Word is forever alive, continually active and fulfilled many times over. It is not filed away as in “case closed.”
What was G-d going to do next to bring about the fulfillment of His promises? 3 Yeshua’s Harvest ; Israel (some of the info on this web site is no longer up-to-date Streams in the Negev Released
Page 2Rivers of Living Water Come Holy Spirit fill us Streams in the Negev From the ends of the earth we came to stand with you Proclamations & decrees “Lord, yet another ‘leaders’’ conference. It’s really beginning to bother me,” Annelore muttered while reading the email invitation. “Your Word states that whoever would be great among us must be a ‘servant’, and whoever would be first among us must be slave of all, and he who is least among us is the one who is great.”4
“Wouldn’t it be so cool to hold a ‘bond slaves’’ conference, Lord?” she thought aloud.
And the Lord replied, “Do as you wish. Hold a bond slaves’ conference, here in Beer-Sheva. It will be My conference.”
Israel crushed and alone Yeshua’s disciples for Israel Australian friends of Israel Sharing Shabbat dinner Lion-of-Judah coming soon Yeshua is the Lion of Judah Annelore was shocked! The Lord was giving her the assignment of a conference?! She had never done such a thing! What’s more, her being a woman could only complicate matters. Yet, her friend Ladell immediately realized that G-d’s appointing her was the logical follow-up to her proclaiming, declaring and decreeing the full restoration of Israel according to Ezekiel 37 like the streams in the Negev, along with William and Harvey’s shofar-blowing over Beer-Sheva, the Negev and the valley of Succoth.
Annelore went to work immediately with creating a website for the conference, announcing it to take place in Beer-Sheva. However, due to Nachalat Yeshua being under persecution by the ultra-orthodox and the chief rabbi of Beer-Sheva5, Annelore was advised to hold the conference elsewhere. Hardly had she started planning a new venue in the Judean hills when this also failed, and when she opted for Tel Aviv, the Lord canceled the conference altogether.and told her to postpone it until the following spring, insisting on Beer-Sheva. Then He reminded her of the importance of this place:
1. Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob with the matriarchs and their children encamped there.
2. G-d entered into covenant with the patriarchs and appeared to them there.
3. Hence, Beer Sheva is the birth place of the Jewish people.
4. There Abraham dug wells which the Philistines stopped up but which his supernatural son, Isaac, dug up again. At the third well, the Lord’s intervention made room for him in the land and ended the enmity with the Philistines.
5. Now, G-d’s Son, Abraham’s Supernatural Seed of Promise, Yeshua HaMashiach, will unplug the spiritual well of Living Waters that has been stopped up for nearly 20 centuries.
6. It is precisely in Israel’s literal desert that G-d is bringing forth a spring of Living Water to flow into and revive Israel’s spiritual desert and that of a lost world.
7. Beer-Sheva – where a regretful oath was made to a Philistine King, Avimelech of Gerar, by Abraham and confirmed by his son Isaac – is destined by G-d to become a well of seven streams.
8. And it is here and at this time that G-d desires to start His New Move of a double portion as proclaimed in Isaiah 61:7. It shall combine the manifestations of the Old and New Covenant as well as the early and late rain6.“Only be bold and courageous, do not tremble nor be dismayed at man, for I am with you all the way,” G-d emboldened Annelore.
And so it was. Despite all the setbacks, the Lord’s Conference was held precisely at the place of His choice – in Nachalat Yeshua’s “Old House” in downtown Beer-Sheva.
4 Matthew 20:26-27; Mark 10:43-44; Luke 9:48 6 See also Joel 2:21-27 – a theme of restoration ; of the early and the late rain combined -Hosea 6:3; Zech. 5:24 God’s Summit of His ‘Bondslaves’ at Beer-Sheva
Page 3 All went well. The speakers met their commitments; a sound system and complete set-up for video recordings were provided; a awesome banner signifying G-d’s Voice and Word regarding the Negev (the most difficult banner Annelore’s friend Ladell Neitzel has ever made), graced the front wall; and helpers for registration and serving the lunches Annelore had cooked were forth coming.Even the numbers figured in all of this: Eight people attended from abroad: 7 from Michigan, and 1 from Texas. Throughout the conference the numbers seven and eight prevailed. Furthermore, on the first day, 13 members came from the Nachalat Yeshua congregation7.
Significantly, the conference of which G-d said was a “summit” for His “bond slaves,” had a discouraging beginning, but Annelore’s faith and boldness was strengthened again after a middle-of-the-night prayer with Ladell. In addition, the Lord graciously reminded Annelore of the humble birth of His Son Yeshua, the Messiah, the Lord our Savior. His Birth was hidden from everyone of renown, importance, wealth, or power, be it religious, political, or military. Only to a handful of lowly men – shepherds out in the field at night – was this awesome event announced by an angelic host. And a few days later, the Hope of Israel was revealed only to one devout old man and one righteous old woman who were watching in the Temple.
“So,” Annelore pondered, “The ‘Old House’ of Nachalat Yeshua is like the manger where Yeshua was born.”
At home for the evening, her husband told her: “The Lord showed me something concerning your meeting place. It is like the manger where the Lord was born. It is humble, but the Lord is birthing a mighty work there,” he expounded.
Annelore was astonished! How unlike her husband – he rarely spoke prophetically. How wonderful that the Lord chose him to confirm what He had been showing her.
Howard Bass, Israeli, Pastor of Nachalat Yeshua, Beer-Sheva, Apostle William T.Hodge Michigan, founder of “Good Tree” Ministry. The Lord’s Presence graced every meeting. Each speaker8 was anointed of the Holy Spirit, and each message linked into the next one like a wheel within a wheel.
Annelore spoke in the first session on who and what a “bond-slave” is and why the Lord was summoning such by this conference. Apostle William T. Hodge followed with a powerful restoration message, while Jan Willem Van der Hoeven of ICZC (International Christian Zionist Center) was anointed by the Holy Spirit to sing for a long time loudly in tongues after which he gave a passionate call for Christians to have an active part in the return of the Jewish people to their own Land. He challenged them to boldly stand with and support Israel. Howard Bass, the calm and gentle Pastor of Nachalat Yeshua, spoke passionately about the message Purim conveys, and on the difference between divine and fake miracles. Ladell, overwhelmed by the Holy Spirit, began with weeping and groaning as though in “birth pangs” before she got to speak – all fired up – on the total new man. Likewise, Apostle Laurie Boyd praised and worshiped the Lord with fiery words and in song before she gave her wonderful teaching on the Heart of the Father via PowerPoint. However, the break down of her laptop forced her to free flow in the Spirit and share her tremendous insights about making oneself “without a reputation.” What a blessing!
Ladell S. Neitzel, friend, intercessor, praise&worship, anointed speaker Apostle Laurie Boyd, insightful teacher, prophetic, anointed On Shabbat, Avner & Rachel Boskey blessed everyone with their unique and wonderful Hebrew praise and worship. Afterwards, Avner expounded in Hebrew on the restoration of Israel, both historically and spiritually. In his second session, in English, in his usual witty way calling his message “fast food,” Avner focused on the restoration of the House of David, a subject which is widely misunderstood and therefore usually overlooked, yet terribly important since without this restoration the Lord Yeshua’s Return will be delayed. Annelore followed up Avner’s teaching with “a full meal” of the same message and concluded with a demonstration of Davidic worship according to 1 Chr. 25:1-8 in cooperation with her friend Robyn Green, an anointed prophetic psalmist and minstrel9.
Apostle William blessed all, and especially the women, with his teaching on the restoration of the “womb,” of “Eve,” of man’s original identity and divine purpose. Laurie concluded this session with the completion of her teaching and an insightful message on who is “we.”
In the final session, Annelore was going to speak about G-d’s New Move of a Double Portion when, surprisingly, as a foundation for the message, the Holy Spirit moved her to give a graphic and passionate description of the Lord Yeshua’s suffering leading to the “bond slaves” and finally to the “sons of Zion” sent forth from the throne in the power and authority of that divine New Move10. G-d’s New Move of a Double Portion has no similarity with former revivals but will be a new thing, entirely.
JanWillem Van der Hoeven, lover of Israel, bold man of G-d. Sarah Van der Hoeven “Spring Up O Well” bond slaves banner by Ladell Every session was preceded by the blasts of seven shofars until the final day when eight shofars were sounded. It was a hidden, yet awesome summit, attended by a handful of “hidden ones.”
G-d moreover demonstrated the new thing He has created in the earth, and especially in the Land of Israel, concerning women.
“The Lord will create a new thing on earth – a woman11 shall encompass a man”, the man being Israel according to the context in Jeremiah 31:22. Furthermore, Psalm 68:11-12 declares that “great is the army, or host12 of female messengers, who publish the good tidings and share in the spoil.” The original Hebrew word for messengers in this passage (
or mevassrot) explicitly denotes that these messengers are female. Until this summit, it was unacceptable in Israeli congregations that women address men13. Traditionally, women teach women and children, serve on praise and worship teams, prayer teams and in the kitchen. But they may not address men.
Gloriously, it is not man but G-d Who has created this new thing as three women ministered the Word with great anointing to a mixed audience at the ‘manger’ of Nachalat Yeshua in Beer Sheva.
Avner Boskey, multi- gifted anointed musician & teacher, Israeli Jew, Elinor [Annelore] Rasco, prophetic, apostolic, Israeli Jewess [Germany] Yes, the Lord’s bondslaves have made themselves of no reputation, being the least and slaves of all in this life, here on earth. For them, the Lord ranks before and above all. He is their Alpha and Omega, the Great Beloved of their soul. What He asks of them they do, believing and trusting in Him with hearts full of love and thanksgiving. The Lord’s bond slaves obey, pick up their crosses and carry them willingly.
Dedication of the divinely inspired banner.and prophetic declaration of it symbolizing the event G-d called forth in the desert, in Beer-Sheva. The “Spring Up O Well” summit was a great event, heralding new beginnings. The Son of G-d has dug a well whose flow shall never be stopped again as the G-d of salvation has begun a work of restoration to fulfill His Word of promise to His people, to the Land of Israel, to the Negev, and to a lost world.
The New Move of a Double Portion (Isaiah 61:7) has been ignited with blasts of the shofars and prophetic declarations under the unction of the Holy Spirit.
Come, Lord Yeshua!
7 7 signifies spiritual perfection; 8 speaks of a new beginning; 13 = dedication, consecration, blessings 8 See ; ; ; 9 You can read what happened at Robyn’s web site 10 See