Israel Negev Conference 2017 Report
We still lived in our apartment in Ramot, Beer-Sheva, when I sought the LORD about a 3rd and final Negev Conference. I knew there had to be a conclusion to what He began by us “bondslaves”. In my 35 years of serving the Lord, I have learned 4 unchanging principles by which to be guided. When these 4 are in place, it is time to move. These are:
- HOW?
Hence, I kept asking.
Finally, last summer, in a lovely little apartment in Eilat where I was writing my autobiography, I received His answer to “when”. The conference would be just following Passover, before Memorial Day. Hence, I chose April 20-23.
Since Abba gave me the WHEN first, I deduced that He had indeed planned a 3rd Conference. But no confirmation was as yet forth coming. However, He did answer my inquiry of many years; we could move to Eilat after my husband retired. It was an absolute affirmative, even that it was His perfect will, for there He would restore my health which had suffered in Beer Sheva. My husband would have to pray.
I booked my flight to Michigan via Germany on the 31st. I planned to be in Osnabrueck, Germany for eight days to visit my best friend of over 30 years, and my mother’s grave, before continuing to the States on September 12th. But my friend, only two months younger than I, died in her sleep from a diabetic coma. Greatly sorrowful, I changed my flight to Michigan from Sept. 12th to 5th, surprising William T. Hodge who was expecting me seven days later.
The Lord gave me the same message about the Bride of Messiah and the Rapture as He had given me for Kenya. This is a very complex, detailed teaching that I distributed freely to the Kenyans on DVD’s according to Abba’s instructions.
The services were good but it felt like driving with both brakes on. Just as the enemy of our souls had interfered in Kenya so he was trying to block the shepherds from hearing and learning these truths. I handed out the CD’s in obedience to the Father. The Lord’s intention with these teachings is to revolutionize the Body of Messiah.
Happily, there was a divine connection with Dr. DeWayne Coxon of Blossoming Rose, the curator of Biblical Tamar Park in Israel’s Negev; Steve Cheeks, the producer of Bill Hodge’s little movie, “Kissin’ Boo-Boo’s”; and William and me. It concerned filming a documentary about Tamar Park. Dr. Coxon had 2 free flights available when taking a group to Israel, and those of us who would participate in the documentary could stay without charge in Tamar’s caravans, while I would cook the meals. We were thrilled! Bill and Steve planned to come to Israel in February.
But before this Abba had yet one more divine assignment for us: praying over a vast oil artery near Abilene in Texas, calling it forth with the Word sounded through the shofars. I had prayed and prophesied over it in the 1980’s with my beloved friends Ed & Nancy Bumpass. But, twice Ed was defrauded out of all of his money by business partners who claimed to be brothers in Christ. Colon cancer finally ended Ed’s calling as a “Steward of Kingdom Funds.”
But the Lord wasn’t finished with this. I made plans with Ed’s son, Ed Bumpass Jr. and together with Bill we would take a team on September 26th and carry out Abba’s instructions. Sadly, Bill lacked the vision and faith for it and declined, saying “the funds had just not come in.”
I changed my flight schedule a second time.
Now I had a 12-hour layover in Frankfurt which turned into an extremely torturous experience, injuring the left ventricle of my heart and scarring my lungs[1]. I see this as a consequence of my disobedience to Abba’s clear instructions which apparently were to be carried out, with or without the team. Since I did not willfully and wickedly disobey but only failed to recognize Abba’s change of plans, His promise of restoring my health still stands. Only now there is much more to be healed than before.
I returned home to the news from my husband, that “yes,” we can go ahead and put our apartment on the market and move to Eilat.
Then came Abba’s answer.
- WHAT? “Third Israel Negev Conference April 2017”
- WHERE? At the southern-most point of the Negev – Eilat. He began at the northern-most point – Beer-Sheva and then moved to the heart and center of the Negev, at Tamar Park / Ir Ovot. This third conference would be the final one.
The Lord showed me Acts 3:21, Mark 9:12 and Matthew 17:11. Our Lord and King will not return until the restoration of ALL things has been accomplished. This time He desired not only declarations and sowings and plantings, but also a full conclusion to bring manifestations in the earth.
Our new home in Eilat was clearly chosen by Abba right from the start, even though initially I disliked it. It is known as the “Eilat Prayer Tower,” where Dominiquae and Baruch Bierman carried out their Kad-Esh MAP ministry. Praise God that prayer continues in this divinely chosen abode.
Our home was ready for Pesach with the family, and immediately after we hosted the team from Michigan and the UK for the Conference and the Assignment.
[1] The CT test results of my lungs said, “Mild, M.P. Postinflammatory pulmonary fibrosis.” This is what I googled: “Post-inflammatory pulmonary fibrosis is just a term used to describe non specific pulmonary fibrosis. Pulmonary fibrosis occurs typically after inflammation in the lungs, this inflammation causes the production of stiff fibrous tissue, hence the term ‘Pulmonary Fibrosis’. The term “post-inflammatory” does not add anything new to the definition of Pulmonary Fibrosis. Pulmonary Fibrosis is, by definition, a process which occurs after inflammation! Therefore “post-inflammatory” does not mean a special type of pulmonary fibrosis or require any additional special treatment.
Fibrosis means scarring. What causes scarring of the lung? The medical term used for scarring is fibrosis. Scarring typically occurs in response to an injury. During scarring or fibrosis, cells known as fibroblasts are stimulated and they produce excess connective tissue (scar tissue). This scar tissue is not the same as ‘normal’ body tissue – it cannot function and is not elastic. This causes problems in organs such as the lungs which require a large amount of tissue in order to take up oxygen and remove carbon dioxide.
This inflammation happened during the 12 hours of layover in the Frankfurt airport, which also led to a mild dysfunction of the left ventricle of my heart, which pumps the blood into the aorta. The fibrosis together with the ventricle’s mild dysfunction leads to shortness of breath at the slightest exertion as well as to weakness.
The Conference
- This is a testimony to how “manger” people – lowly folks
- Of various backgrounds, who love the Lord but are still beset
- With shortcomings – can be chosen by God for great and mighty tasks.
- The secret is love, faith, obedience and forgiveness.
We were 10 people: 6 from Michigan, 1 from the UK, and 2 from Israel, 1 from Germany.
Beate Kleber became my untiring helper. On the last day – almost verbatim – she confirmed what Abba had said about our Assignment :
“There will be nothing more important happening throughout the earth when you are carrying out the Assignment.”
Abba had asked me: “Was there any more important event happening in all of the earth when My Son was born?” “Nothing, of course,” I said.
“Yet, how important in the eyes of the world was an infant born in a stable, his first crib in a manger?”, He continued. “How important were simple shepherds out in the field who came to adore the Child because of an angelic host having announced His Birth to them? And who would have believed them?”
“Just so will your Assignment be: insignificant, ‘crazy,’ even ‘lunatic’ in the eyes of the world, neither known nor seen or even understood by most in the churches. And the team I have chosen is as inconsequential in the eyes of the world as those shepherds were. Yet, by them I will conclude what has been released, sown and planted, and accomplish that which I have ordained, and there will be nothing more important going on in all of the earth during the Assignment.”
The sessions
Unfortunately, the sessions were not recorded. Despite having my video camera available, there was no one to keep the camera focused on the speaker. Hopefully, Bro. Ben from the UK succeeded filming with his phone.
Our guest speakers on Friday, April 21 were Albert & Esther Knoester, Dutch Christians living in Dimona since 2010. They blessed us immensely as they shared their vision for Israel. They are wonderful examples of how Christians should conduct themselves in Israel among Jews. They have the heart of Ruth, the Moabitess, who became part of the lineage of Yeshua. Unhappily, they were violently harassed by Yad L’Achim, ultra-orthodox anti-missionaries who totally misunderstood the Knoesters’ purpose of establishing a meeting place in the town center. Fortunately, other ultra-orthodox citizens who know and love the Knoesters took a stand on their behalf.
I taught on the significance of Psalm 126 – the theme of the conference- and the all-inclusive meaning of the word “All” in “All must be restored”; on the wide-ranging meaning of “Restoration,” on the need of developing the Negev to receive the returning Jews, especially the descendants of the ten lost tribes – not so lost anymore. Some do not believe in their return until after Yeshua has come back, but this is selective interpretation and not based on the broad Scriptural witness.
Before going into the preparatory teachings on the war known as “Armageddon,” which is WW IV, as well as on the one over Jerusalem, WWV, I expounded on the significance and power of the shofar[1]. My basis is the “Akedah” (the “binding” of Isaac), Isaac having been the “promised seed” supernaturally conceived, heir of G-d’s friend Abraham, whom G-d required to be given back as an offering by sacrifice.
“Give me back your Isaac,” is frequently G-d’s saying to those whom He would raise up as blessings in the earth, whatever that “Isaac” may be that G-d gave in answer to prayer and then requires back. Isaac was a fore-shadow of the “Promised Seed,” Yeshua the Messiah, whose sacrifice unto death abolished the power of sin and death. G-d accepted Isaac’s sacrifice as rendered with Abraham brandishing his knife until stopped by the angel of God. A ram caught in the thicket would replace Isaac as a sacrifice. Rams were among the “burnt” offerings in Torah, the highest of the sacrifices. Tradition says that Abraham took one of the ram’s horns, and G-d the other, which elevated it into being one of the “voices of G-d” by which He speaks. There are many interpretations about this ram’s horn. Here is what the Lord has taught me:
No obstacle can stop the sound of the shofar. Its vibrations and frequencies travel unhindered around the globe. When one speaks the Word of G-d into the shofar and then blows it, the Word of G-d literally rides on those vibrations and frequencies. For example, a woman in Australia got struck by G-d’s Word sent forth on those vibrations and frequencies from Mt. Gerizim in 2010 (Report 01) by Apostle Bill Hodge and myself. The Word changed her life, and she received a prophetic assignment for the Negev and Ps 126, which she, with her pastor and members of her congregation carried out in Israel.
Endless long banner depicting the divinely promised “streams in the Negev
Isaiah 55:11 declares that the Word of G-d shall not return void but accomplish that for which It was sent. And Ps 103:20-21 states that G-d’s angels, His mighty ones who do His Will, hearken to the VOICE of His Word. Abba taught me that Voicing His Word through the shofar has the double impact of those two Scriptures: the angels performing the Word sounded, and the Word accomplishing Its purpose for which It was sent, even around the globe.
However, one must be totally guided by the Holy Spirit as to WHICH Word to speak into the shofar and sound forth. It is not up to us to select randomly, selfishly, as this carries with it the sternest of judgment.
Having explained the nature and importance of the shofar, I expounded on the divinely appointed assignment of praying INTO the coming wars over Israel. One cannot pray “against” the last two world wars. The Lord chose specific Scriptures which this faith team – hand-picked by the Lord – would proclaim into the shofars. This “Voice of G-d” would then carry that Word to accomplish Its purpose in those wars and the angels would faithfully perform what the shofars “voiced” at that time.
Apostle Bill Hodge shared how the Lord showed him that this was indeed a divinely appointed assignment to be carried out now, at this time. Bill spoke about his role as the Apostle of restoration: to conclude the assignment of 2010; 2013; and 2015. Prophetically, we would accompany him to Mt. Horev for his divine appointment, and then return to Mt. Gerizim for a reading of names for a memorial.
Shabbat came as a joyous celebration, for many this being the first time at the inauguration of Shabbat , the blessings at the Shabbat table and the lighting of the Shabbat candles. The men particularly enjoyed the Shabbat wine.
My pastor Howard Bass of congregation Nachalat Yeshua (Beer Sheva) stayed overnight on Motzei Shabbat as he would speak twice the next day, Sunday. After his personal testimony, he surprised us all with a very dark and hopeless view on end times in stark contrast to the theme of the conference. He does not believe in the restoration of all things before Yeshua’s Return but only after. Yet Howard loves the Lord and waits eagerly for His Return, it being his great hope. Hence, I did not argue over our differing viewpoints. I agree to disagree, provided the truth about Yeshua and salvation is not compromised.
Monday, the 24th, we visited the Underwater Observatory and walked about Eilat, enjoying a time of refreshing. Before carrying out our divine Assignment, the Lord had us confess and repent of our sins, failures or shortcomings before each other, so the power of the blood of Yeshua and His cross would create a chasm between us and the adversary. Then, in view of Rev. 12:10-11,so as to give the accuser no grounds whatsoever on which to harm us, we cleansed ourselves with blessed water, consecrated ourselves with blessed salt and sanctified ourselves with anointing oil , all in the authority of the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, the Name of Yeshua.” I applied the water on everyone, Joel applied the blessed salt and Bill anointed all with the anointing oil.
We were clothed with the armor of G-d, ready and prepared for our assignment.
We left at 09:00 am for Biblical Tamar Park in a rented 9-seater Citroen van stuffed to capacity with luggage and shofars, and 8 persons. Alan Vanderkolk, Interim Park Manager for Blossoming Rose, joined us at the Park. Unhappily, I forgot to bring the directions of an easy way to Mt. Horev. Our drive turned out to be very long and bouncy and I so regretted forgetting the map as pain racked my back with every bounce.
Finally, we arrived at this forbidding mountain – Mt. Horev. While I believe this mountain is on the other side since the Israelites passed through Moab and Ammon and poor Moses only got to see the promised land from a Moabite mountain top, Bill clearly felt moved to this mountain. Hence this was where G-d had set up the appointment.
We followed the Lord’s instructions: Ben laid his hand on Bill’s right shoulder, Joel on his left, while I stood BEHIND Bill to decree and declare Abba’s appointing him to the high priestly office. To finish, I anointed Bill on his forehead.
The desert is unforgiving! Each year ignorant tourists foolishly walk into the desert as if it were a pleasant and safe American park, and ultimately die. For this reason I insisted on unity at all times, which, to my chagrin, was sometimes challenged.
On the way back, we found a better and shorter way to Tamar Park. After that desert experience, everyone needed a nap following the lunch I had brought. At sundown, Alan took the team to the excavation site and then to the Tabernacle model.
The next morning at 05:30 we left for Prayer Mountain to finish what we had sown and planted during the 2013 and 2015 conferences. We arrived at the mountain top at sunrise, and we all prayed into our shofars the Scriptures the Lord had given me. To conclude, Bill sent forth a declaration that all was done in heaven and would now be manifested in the earth. Bill then had us turn back to back to sound the shofars all across the Midbar and Aravah, into the 4 major and 4 minor directions, then turn face to face, pointing the shofars downward onto the mountain to send G-d’s Word into its depth, and finally locking our shofars heavenward, voicing the Word of G-d and His promises that never return void.
Concluding the Sowing and Planting of the 2015 Conference
Prayer Mountain Sunrise
Prayer Mountain Top
Denise and Angela
(((((Our precious sister, Denise, is afraid of heights; yet she braved climbing up and down the mountain with its ragged, steep and narrow path while I, suffering from shortness of breath due to a scarred lung, nevertheless climbed that mountain at age 74))))).
Elated with our accomplishment, we descended the mountain, ate breakfast, packed our things and loaded the van. Alan brought us to the Agricultural Research & Development Center of Hatzeva to visit the unique farming in the Arava and Midbar, the farming being completely natural, even the means of fighting pests. We enjoyed tasting the organic fruit and vegetables.
We bid Alan good-bye and continued toward the Dead Sea where we ate lunch, after which Bill took the team down to the baptismal area, while I stayed behind, tired and worn out from frustration.
Now we made our way to Vered Jericho for the Hosea 2 assignment. There we commanded the promise in Hosea 2 of a “Door of Hope” in and above the ValIey of Achor (Valley of Troubles). I also decreed, declared and prophesied a vision I had received in 1979 while sitting on the floor in a Safeway store in Carrollton, Texas. A later vision involved Merv & Merla Watson, the Canadian musicians, and Judy Reichsman, the highly anointed Jewish Catholic liturgical dancer performing.
I saw Israeli youth sitting on the grass, enthralled by the music and dance. Tears ran down their faces as they realized who Israel’s Messiah is; that His Name is Yeshua / “Yehovah saves.” As I wailed for Israel’s youth, so hopeless yet so desirous of peace, the team sounded the shofars, proclaiming the Word of divine promise.
Vered Yericho is a beautiful moshav now, no longer just the few caravans I had seen in 1982. But the Lord has glorious plans for it. Vered Yericho, or an area nearby, will be the “Northern Gate,” the “Door of Hope” in this “Valley of Achor” between Jericho and the Dead Sea. And just so the “Voice of G-d” decreed in the sounding of the shofar.
Next we proceeded to Jerusalem. We parked our van under the huge Mamila Mall just below Jaffa Gate. Ben and I sought directions for the St. Mark Lutheran Guesthouse. Totally misguided, we walked to Damascus Gate through the Moslem Quarters, a veritable maze, where we got lost. It would have been a short walk from Jaffa Gate through the Christian and Armenian Quarters. Finally, after 2 hours Ben, Denise, and I sat down to rest while Bill and the others went to find the Guesthouse. Denise prayed, and hardly had she finished when my son Yizrael called, asking where we were. Praise God, he found the Guesthouse phone number. I called and they sent someone to pick us up. Oh, glory!
All the while as we – me being an Israeli Jewess – were walking through the Arab Moslem (enemy) territory – our Lord had angels guarding us. For Ben noticed four border police[i] following us, two of them with their guns cocked, and one having the gun ready to shoot. I never saw them.
St. Mark’s Lutheran Guesthouse turned out to be a lovely place, with spacious bedrooms, updated bathrooms, and various terraces with beautiful views over Jerusalem. I laid down, weary from the 2 hours maze, when Denise arrived with a bottle of wine and 2 wine glasses from Bill. “Where is everybody?” I asked Denise.
“At the Bar, debriefing, having a good time.”
“Oh, and I am not invited?” I asked. This did hurt.
“Bill knows who I am,” I thought, chagrined, “but he does not know me, else he would have known that their company is far more important to me than being alone with a bottle of wine.”
Oh, our human frailties!
After a good night sleep and a delicious breakfast, we embarked on our assignment to pray into WW V, i.e., war over Jerusalem. The plan was to do this from the roof of the Upper Room, but I couldn’t find it. Just then a man at a food stand asked if he could help us. He then called a friend who took us to the roof of the building with King David’s tomb. Once more, the favor of God and His authority blessed us. And once again the border police guarded us even on the roof, preventing tourists from bothering us and watching over our personal items. Again I never saw them. I believe they were Abba’s “angels” disguised as border police to guard us and keep us safe at all times.
When we finished proclaiming G-d’s Words for this war into our shofars, Bill concluded the assignment with a decree establishing what had been done. Then he stood us back-to-back, sounding the shofars in every direction (we were eight) over Jerusalem with as long a blast as we could hold our breath – the Tekiah Gedolah. Then we turned and Bill had us interlock our shofars heavenward and sound once more the Tekiah Gedolah.
Next, we embarked on our way to Mt. Gerizim in Samaria. But the route had changed. We could not find the way except to Modiin. I suggested we stop at Latrun to ask directions from soldiers, as troops always stop there. They informed us that all of Samaria was closed. Just then my new Eilati friend, Raija Liisa, called and told me that even Bethlehem was closed to tourists.
What to do?
Bill had the answer. He knew of a mountain in the Galilee that was just perfect for our assignment on Mt. Gerizim. We took tollway 6 towards the north and found ourselves in rush hour traffic. I suggested I take the wheel and drive through a scenic route via Afula. But Bill stubbornly refused to relinquish driving.
After many turns, here and there and back and forth, we finally found the way up to Mount Magdala, Migdal in Hebrew. However, there is no picture of the mountain WE were on, nor do I know its name. We turned left at the Ginosar Junction, and drove up, mostly on a dirt road.
But G-d — how can we ever figure Him out? He used Bill’s stubbornness and our delay – it was nearly sunset – to accomplish His perfect Will. We barely had disembarked from the van when a white car drove up. We all thought, “Oh no, trouble.” But the people were the owners of the olive grove right there, and they immediately offered some of their lemon grass for tea. Thankful, we proceeded with our assignment. And again Bill concluded with a decree establishing our proclamations of Mt. Gerizim now on Mt. Magdala. After sounding the shofars as on the roof top in Jerusalem, each of us read the names of the people who had registered for this as a memorial.
Ben and I spoke with the owner of the olive grove who loved what we had just done. He said that he was a Cohen – although dressed like a secular man – and to prove it showed us his ID. This was unbelievable! Bill and I were besides ourselves! No one but G-d alone could have arranged for this. Our original trip to Mt. Gerizim had begun with a native Israeli, active Cohen who blessed Bill’s mother’s womb for having given birth to him, and then blessed Bill with the high priestly blessing. And now, at the conclusion of the Mt. Gerizim assignment, Abba completed it with another Cohen who kept saying, “Come back as often as you want. You are always welcome!”
We ourselves can’t plan such coincidences, or, rather G-d-incidences! Only G-d! Bill and I were thrilled at seeing G-d’s hand once again! What a marvelous confirmation that our Mt. Gerizim Assignment was truly divine!
[i] That’s the kind of border police that protected us for 2 hours through the Moslem quarters maze and then onto the roof top of David’s tomb:
Praying into…
We arrived at the Hostel Bill had reserved. Unfortunately, there was only one room for the eight of us, men and women together in this one room. Here I drew the line. Perhaps at a much younger age I would not have minded, but as it were, I refused to stay, as did Denise. Bill found us a Hotel, for which he and Joel paid for the night. Denise and I skipped the hotel dinner so as to fellowship with the team. While the men looked for a store to get some “Shabbat” wine, I walked about and looked into a local restaurant. The team came up, liked it and we stayed for dinner of huge portions, paid by Victor. A very enjoyable time was had by all.
Denise began the next day with loud decrees proclaimed from the small balcony, making me laugh, since surely people had never heard such intense prayers. Following breakfast, we met in the lobby to prepare. This final assignment was to pray INTO WW IV, known as Armageddon in Revelation 16:16. We each chose Scripture to proclaim into the shofar, and then departed for Har Megiddo (click on the aerial view for more pictures).
This time Bill took the scenic route up Mt. Gilboa, with a fantastic view of the Sea of Galilee and surroundings. We stopped to take pictures. Passing by Mt. Tabor and the many beautiful fields we saw what one day will be true of Israel as is written, that she will be “the most beautiful of lands.”
After a few wrong turns at some round-abouts, we arrived at the Tel. Tel Megiddo is one of the most ancient sites in the world, with 25 layers of cities/civilizations piled one upon the other, the region of many battles. Passing through various gates and historical sites, we made our way up to the top. Bill and the younger ones ran ahead with no thought for us older ones who could not keep up. As they rushed on, they missed out on all of the interesting excavation sites, thereby not really learning anything about Tel Megiddo and the awesome history of thousands of years and generations past that they were standing on.
Ben, Victor and I would have loved to see more of this Tel and its model, but we had to catch up with the team.
Finally on the top of the Tel, we gathered under a sun shield, and Victor opened up our final assignment with the violin. He did so with joyful tunes to which I and Ben danced a little. I reiterated the solemnness of this assignment, and to decree and proclaim the Scriptures with authority. Denise called us out according to a list of names. I spoke G-d’s Word into this war, extremely aware of the consequences to Israel should this Word not go forth to block the worst.
Bill concluded with a mighty declaration. He then lined us up, overlooking the beautiful, luscious Yezreel valley. At his cue, we all sent G-d’s Word with a mighty Tekiah Gedolah across the valley below. This ancient battle field got literally soaked from one end to the other with the Word of G-d voiced by the shofars.
We all had goose bumps knowing what we had just accomplished, aware that “Gog and Magog”[1] will not succeed with their plan and purpose because of the WORD of G-D that we released against them and because of G-d’s mighty warring angels. Oh yes, this military alliance of the nations mentioned will come and cover the Land of Israel like a cloud but 5/6 of them will fall upon the mountains and hills of Israel, in her valleys and in the Shephelah. They will not succeed in taking “great spoil” like the oil and gas and the wealth of the Dead Sea, nor in taking the Galilee, Samaria sand Judea from Israel to make it part of Palestine, for the Holy One of Israel will fight for His nation. Then the people of Israel will appoint helpers who will collect the corpses of this military alliance and bury them over 7 months at the southern end of the Dead Sea eastward over against Jordan (numerous interpretations of the location of this burial site), and that burial field will be called the “Valley of Hamon-Gog / Multitude of Gog.” And the enormous amount of weaponry gathered up as spoil will be a supply of energy for Israel for 7 years[2].
“It is done!” we all shouted. “In the Name of Yeshua, it is done!!!”
By us insignificant “shepherds out in the field”, the King of the universe, the Holy One of Israel, settled the outcome of the two final terrible world wars. Yes, they will happen, and it will appear to be the end of Israel – but rather it will be the end of those invading armies. And the whole world will know that the G-d of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is still with His people, and that He alone is LORD, the almighty G-d of all the earth, and there is no other. Amen and amen!
Our assignment completed, we drove along the coastal highway to Yafo, to the Old Jaffa Hostel. This hostel is situated in an old Arab house boasting a huge roof terrace graced with plants, flowers, tables and chairs and even folk sleeping on mattresses. Although it was late, the owner was just next door in his antique store. He told us where to park and how to open the entrance door. Little slips of paper stuck on the doors told us which our rooms were. Denise and I shared a room with two beds and a bathroom so small that had we been any larger we would not have fit inside.
Once settled in, we strolled along the Yafo beach promenade taking pictures here and there. Ben, Victor and I suddenly noticed that we could not see the others. We walked faster and faster, but they were gone. So, once again the young ones left us old slow pokes behind, although Bill said he had called for us twice.
We were not missed, and I took it to heart. My Achilles’ heel – thoughtlessness, carelessness; It always affects me. Only Ben seemed to understand.
I said good-bye in the morning, loving them, without grudge or bitterness. I have learned to not let the sun go down on any such emotions, this being another opportunity to walk in grace.
Despite these shortcomings, they had proven to be a team who loves the Lord and each other, and unwavering in faith.
Halleluyah! G-d makes no mistakes.
[2] Ezekiel 38:3-1013-16, 21-23; 39:1-5, 8-16