Israel Negev Conference
Thursday evening, April 16 – Sunday, April 19
Isaiah 40:3: “In the wilderness [Midbar] prepare the way [derech] of the LORD,
Make straight in the desert [Arava] a highway [maslul] for our G-d.”
This conference is “Phase 2” of the Lord’s RESTORATION conferences in the Negev of Israel: restoring the literal and spiritual wilderness and desert of Israel to abundant fruitfulness; restoring the streams to keep flowing and many of His returning people to make the Negev their home. See “Phase 1” conference held in Beer-Sheva in April 2013, called “Spring Up O Well.”
We are excited about G-d’s purpose for this one of a kind conference at this historic/biblical location dating back to King Solomon and the days of the Exodus [Numbers 21:10-11;33:43-44] to be held in the Biblical Tamar Park near Hatzeva in the heart of the Negev where the midbar Zin and the Arava meet, in the literal location of Isaiah 35. We will tour the Hatzeva Research & Development Center, where we will be shown the many different crops of fruit and vegetables being already grown in the Negev thanks to the underground water that broke forth [Isa. 35:6] on Teisha B’Av [9th of Av] after months of drilling from a depth of 1000 feet. This water was discovered to be a sea of 300 km length and 30 km width, underlying the whole of the Negev. Even healings of various skin diseases and bone cancer have been documented by bathing in those healing waters called “waters of creation.”
Note: To view the linked sites, place cursor over the linked text, right click, and click on “Open link in new tab”. To view the thumb nail pics: place cursor on thumb nail, click on an image to see full size. You can continue scrolling through the images that way by clicking on the right of the image, or click on the left to go back.
- A small roadway leading to the Biblical Tamar Park
- Upper level cabins, office and seating area
- Upper level cabins and shaded picnic tables
- Outdoor seating area under a porch adjacent to the cafeteria
- Cabin with private kitchen and room with porch
- Parking lot with view over the Negev mountains
- The large cafetiria hid behind trees in front of Tamar excavation
- Partial excavation site with ower cabins in the background hid behind trees
- Excavation site with lower cabins; all have air condition, bathroom, beds with fresh lines
- The jujube tree in the Tamar Park is 1500-2000 years old; the trunk of is 7m wide, its height 14m, and it covers a diameter of 15m.
- Shaded area with view over excavation site
- A Roman well at the end of the aqueduct. The British constructed a water trough for the camels.
These are pictures of the Negev wilderness, of BIBLICAL TAMAR PARK and the excavation site. The sessions will be held in a large, air conditioned cafeteria where also breakfast, lunch and dinner will be served buffet style. A cozy outdoors seating area is right next to it. Accommodations are in clean, air conditioned caravans/cabins with bathroom and seating areas outdoors. Cost per night per person is NIS 126, ca. $ 37, meals not included.1There is highway 90 [maslul / מסלול], running directly by Biblical Tamar Park; from Hwy 90 the roadway 227 [derech /דרך] branches off on which one can travel all the way to the Mediterranean Sea, passing by Tamar westward. From this roadway leads a smaller road directly into Biblical Tamar Park, perhaps one day becoming known as the “way of holiness”/”derech hakadosh” (Isa. 35:8 – דרך הקדוש). About 500 m further on Hwy 90 is the popular rest and gas station of En Hazeva to the left, called AROMA, where one can shop and get the best coffee in Israel. A little further south at lovely Kibbutz EN HAZEVA is a mini store, and at EN YAHAV a super market.
- The road marked red is from Tel Aviv to Ir Ovot; marked blue is coming from Eilat on Hwy 90, exiting at Lotan onto Hwy 40 to Mitzpe Ramon. Hwy 40 continues to Beer-Sheva and to Quish 6 to Jerusalem.
- Showing the Hwy 90 running by Ir Ovot and roadway 227 going westward to the underground spring, leading to the Mediterranean; just before En Hazeva is the Aroma rest station
- Showing the Hwy 90, roadway 227 and the small road leading into Biblical Tamar Park (circumference marked), passing by a crocodile farm and Ir Ovot.
In order for you to understand better why the Lord has chosen this place for the 2nd phase of His “Restoration” conferences (I believe there will be a third one, probably in Eilat, thus covering the whole of the Negev from Beer-Sheva at the northern end to Eilat and the Red Sea at the southern end, with Tamar in the middle), I list here 4 articles about Tamar Park:These are pictures of the Negev wilderness, of BIBLICAL TAMAR PARK and the excavation site. The sessions will be held in a large, air conditioned cafeteria where also breakfast, lunch and dinner will be served buffet style. A cozy outdoors seating area is right next to it. Accommodations are in clean, air conditioned caravans/cabins with bathroom and seating areas outdoors. Cost per night per person is NIS 126, ca. $ 37, meals not included.1
Tamar a southern border town in the Messianic Reign.
Ezekiel 47:18-19: Tamar a southern border town in the Messianic Reign
The southern boundaries of Israel during the Messianic Reign according to Ezekiel 47:18-19 is listing Tamar as one of the border towns.
The completed schedule of all the sessions, activities and speakers is attached as a down loadable file, as is the Registration form. The sooner you make reservations with us the better we can plan for the conference and your lodgings. The caravans accomodate 50 persons. Mattresses and air mattresses can be added if more than 50 persons register.
Get in touch with us at the “Contact us” button on the menu bar, or fax us the filled-out and signed Registration form. With joy and great anticipation,
[aka Elinor]
P.S. Places to visit after the conference (if you rented a car for independence):
- Timna Park on the way to Eilat
- Assignment in Eilat – photo gallery: to blow the shofars against the Masonic pyramid sculpture in Eilat on a round-about on the road to the southern Coral Reef Beach – to bring down the Masonic lodges in Israel with proclaiming the Word of G-d against these lodges exalting themselves against the knowledge of G-d and defying His 10 commandments.
- Visiting the Underwater Observatory Marine Park in Eilat
- Visit the Dolphin Reef, a most wonderful experience to be forever remembered; photo gallery
- Low cost accommodation in Eilat: The Shelter, founded and run by a Christian Pastor couple who are Israeli citizens. Nearby up toward the main road is a mini super market. Fixing one’s own meals in the guest kitchen.
- Travelling from Eilat to Jerusalem via Mitzpe Ramon – see map: The great Ramon crater at Mitzpe Ramon – in Hebrew “Machteshramon”;
- On the way toward Beer-Sheva, 5 minutes from Sde Boker: Carmey Avdat Farm – Map: just check their lodging and wines buttons and all this great place has to offer; pictures of Carmey Avdat Farm:
- Midreshed Sde Boker – A botanic marvel of a garden of Israel’s plant life, with paths leading to the grave site of Ben Gurion and his wife, with a stunning view over the Negev desert.
- Driving up to Jerusalem on Hwy 40, which by-passes Beer-Sheva (but Beer-Sheva is worth a visit) which branches into Tollway (Quish) 6, also called “Yitzhak Rabin Highway”; exiting into Hwy 3, passing Latrun to your left (unless you stop at the rest and gas station, for which you turn left at the light and then right and again left up to the station and to the Latrun museum) straight up and then turning right onto Hwy 1 going up to Jerusalem.
- More suggestions: 10 amazing things to see and do in the Negev desert ;
- Israel, Land of Creation – Regions & Destinations
- Traveller , the Israeli experience: The Negev
- 10 things you didn’t know about the Dead Sea; photo gallery
- Visit Masada ; Herod’s tomb; photo gallery; Masada – a day trip from Jerusalem ; World Heritage List
- Enjoy: streams in the Negev desert
[1] 3 meals a day = $ 60 or NIS 235. Meals include beverage, condiments, bread
Negev Conference Schedule in pdf
Scriptures pertaining to the Negev: Ps 126:1-5: Isa. 35; 40:3-5; 41:18-20; 43:18-21; 44:3; 45:8; 51:3; Ezek. 36:33-36; 47:18-20
All messages will relate to the restoration of the literal and spiritual wilderness and desert of Israel to a prosperity greater than the former, of restoring the tribes like the streams in the Negev, based upon one or more of the above listed Scriptures.
Conference schedule
1)Thursday, 16-04-15 Evening:
5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Speaker: Annelore – [see the Speakers’ biographies on page 2]
Theme: Ps 126:1-5 or Isa. 35:3-10 — “How To Prepare The Way Of The Lord”
7:30 p.m. Dinner[i].
Fellowship around a fire (Kumsitz); chips, some fruit
2) Friday, 17-04-15 Morning:
7:00 – 8:30 a.m. Breakfast[ii]
9:00 – Visiting Hatzeva Agricultural Research & Development Center; Yair Experimental Station; (Theme: Isa. 35:5-7; 41:18-20)
Coffee break; returning to Tamar Park for
Lunch: / Rest[iii]
Friday Afternoon:
3:00 – 4:30 p.m. Worship
Speaker: Eduardo Silveira – International speaker and founder of Open Room Ministries Israel
Theme: Any of the above Isaiah prophecies; or Ezek. 36:33-36; 47:18-19
Coffee break
5:00 – 7:00 p.m. Worship
Speaker: Howard Bass – in English [translations available]
Theme: Isa. 41:17-20 and other Scriptures in relation to the restoration of the South;
6:40 p.m. Shabbat candle lighting
7:30 p.m. Shabbat Dinner: [iv]
Fellowship with Howard & Randi Bass, pastors of Annelore’s congregation “Nachalat Yeshua”/”Yeshua’s Inheritance”, Eduardo & Lorena Silveira; Question & answer session around the fire
3) Saturday/Shabbat 18-04-15 Morning:
Congregation “Nachalat Yeshua” coming by bus
8:30 – 10:00 a.m. Breakfast
10:30 a.m. Shabbat service
Speaker: Howard Bass, in Hebrew (translation will be available); Isa. 41:17-20
Theme: Sermon on the above prophecies
1:00 p.m. Congregational picnic / Saturday Lunch [v]
Saturday Afternoon:
4:00 – 6:00 p.m. Worship
Speaker: Alan Vanderkolk, in English (translation will be available)
Theme: “Tamar – Past , Present, and Future;” tour of the excavation site [Ovot: Nu 21:10-11; 33:43-44; Tamar: Ezek. 47:18, 19]
Havdalah – Dinner ala esh / B-B-Q: [vi] — Howard & Randi, Eduardo & Lorena participating
Fellowship – sharing – singing
4) Sunday 19-04-15 Morning:
7:00 – 8:30 Breakfast ; see endnote ii; Worship
9:00 – 10:30 a.m.
Desert Assignment: With the Kenyan Maasai Apostle Christopher Simiyu-Bera; introduction by Annelore; Apostle William T. Hodge, Simiyu & Annelore to lead in desert assignment
Theme: From high upon the mountains sowing the Word of G-d into every direction of the Negev with blowing the shofars; walking about in the Arava/desert and the midbar Zin / wilderness, praying the Word of G-d into the shofars like before and planting it by blowing the shofars toward the ground, making declaration with the above Isaiah Scriptures assigned in advance to the persons as available, accompanied by instruments (as available) and singing
Coffee break
11:00 – 12:30 p.m.
Speaker: Christopher Wanyonyi Simiyu; Bera is his Maasai tribal name
Theme: Maasai – the 2nd half of the tribe of Menasseh, his ministry [ William T. Hodge & Annelore join in sharing about the visit with Maasai chief Moses Nkuruna at Bissil, district Kajiado, Kenya]
Lunch / Rest [vii]
Sunday Afternoon:
3:00 – 4:30 p.m. Worship
Speaker: Annelore
Theme: Present Negev developments, sharing about the drilling for the water and its breaking forth on Teisha B’Av; the underground sea of brackish water called “water of creation;” the need to get involved in the agricultural, residential and economical development of the Negev
Coffee break
5:00 – 7:00 p.m.
Speaker: Annelore
Theme: concluding visions of the southern and northern gate; Phase 3 Restoration Conference probably to be held in another 2 years, somewhere in the Negev
7:30 p.m. Dinner [viii]
PRAYER SESSION: Joining together to conclude the conference with prayer for what had been released from G-d’s Word into the Negev, into the literal and spiritual wilderness of Irael to spring up and bear exceedingly abundant good fruit. What may seem to be as small as a mustard seed will grow by the power of G-d and eventually fill the whole earth [see “Sons of Zion”], for His alone is the power and might, the glory, thanksgiving, honor, blessing and dominion.*******
[i] Sandwiches and salads
[ii] All types of dairy, eggs, vegetables, borekasim, bread, cereals, milk, coffee, teas
[iii] Chili con carne, pasta, rice, corn on the cob
[iv] Chicken matzaball soup, baked chicken, potatoes, pasta, broccoli, baked cauliflower, desert
[v] Saturday lunch: sandwiches, vegetables, salad, fruit salad
[vi] Drumsticks, hot dogs, hamburgers, kebabs, shipodim; baked beans, French fries, macaroni salad, potato salad, cut up vegies, chips, hot dog & hamburger buns,
[vii] Tomato soup, Spaghetti bolonaise, tossed salad with mushrooms
[viii] Hungarian Goulash, pasta, rice, potatoes
Biographies of the Speakers
Annelore (“Elinor”) Rasco, a 2nd generation Holocaust survivor, was born in Breslau, Silesia, Germany in 1943. With her mother, grandmother and aunt she escaped on the last train out of Breslau and was miraculously kept alive and safe by God. She is a mother of 3, and has 8 grandchildren, the 4 youngest born in Israel.
Annelore received the Lord in 1973 as a result of Him appearing to her 3 times. In April 1976, Dallas, Texas she received the baptism of the Holy Spirit and with fire and the call to the prophetic office in August of the same year. She is an alumni of Christ For The Nations (1978-1980) and founder of Or Tzion, Inc. 1982, its motto being: “For The Return Unto G-d And The Land.”
Annelore has been teaching and ministering prophetically ever since – on live radio and TV talk shows, in seminars and as guest speaker in churches, Bible studies and groups like Flame Fellowship, Women Aglow across the USA. Annelore was active in various Jewish organizations, especially the Jewish National Fund, and attended with her sons Dallas’ oldest orthodox synagogue. She and her husband also served as cell-group leaders in their home church until moving with their sons to Israel in 1987. In 2003 daughter and grandchildren joined them in Beer-Sheva.
Author of 4 prophetic/historical books awaiting publication, Annelore has created The Virtual Tabernacle website (re-designed by Andre Lefebvre) with its newsletters, articles, teachings, prophetic writings and its vast source of information. She continues to minister in Africa, Europe and the USA.
William T. Hodge
is an apostle of restoration and restorer of the breach. He has a deep understanding of the “Voice of God,” especially when sounding this Voice with the shofar at various assignments and strategic places. He holds shofar workshops, restoration seminars, how to raise up prayer booths, and is a beloved speaker and teacher across the USA.
William’s Good Tree Ministry is member of Global Alliance Fellowship (GAF), which is a Christian Apostolic Ministry assisting Free Churches in training and developing ministers and outreach ministries globally. GAF consists of Branch Charter Ministries, Alliance Ministries, and GO Team Ministries, and has assisted humanitarian causes and trained many ministers of the Gospel around the world including Mexico, Republic of Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Uganda, Israel, Italy, and United States. William’s heart and calling is an Isaiah 58 Ministry.
Howard Bass
is a Jew who believes in Yeshua as Lord and Messiah. He immigrated to Israel from the U.S. with his wife, Randi, in 1981, and they have lived in Beer Sheva since 1982. They have two daughters — Tamar and Rotem (and a lovely granddaughter by her and her husband, Joseph) – and two sons — Evan and Tal – who are all baptized believers by the grace of God!
Howard worked 17 years for two engineering companies in Beer-Sheva before taking on the responsibility of serving full-time as pastor of the Nachalat Yeshua (Yeshua’s Inheritance) Messianic Congregation in 2000. He has served in the army in Israel and has dedicated his life to bringing the gospel to the people there. He has been actively involved in various national ministries over the years, including reconciliation between Israeli and Arab believers; university students; and national leadership prayer and fellowship retreats.
Howard’s living and blessed hope since his new birth by the Holy Spirit is the coming again of the Lord Yeshua the Messiah, with the resurrection and rapture of believers, and the re-establishment forever of the Kingdom of God over Israel and the nations.Though Beer-Sheva is rich in Bilbical history, it seldom is visited by Christian tourists. Visit where Abraham, Isaac and Jacob were encamped, and come by Nachalat Yeshua. You can be a great encouragement for them as you let them know that you are praying for them. The congregation faces some great challenges as well as persecution from the Ultra-Orthdox that has resulted in legal action.
Alan Vanderkolk, Interim Park Manager for Blossoming Rose: I first came to Biblical Tamar Park (BTP) in the fall of 2005. I traveled with a prayer team that came to Israel during the Feast of Sukkot to pray in the land for the Nation of Israel and for the peace of Jerusalem. One of the couples on the prayer team had a daughter who was killed in a car accident. This couple wanted to learn more about BTP, as someone had a tree planted in her honor here. So, we as a team came to BTP to spend some time in prayer in the wilderness. Earl Pickard, a prayer leader from Kansas, led this and many other prayer missions to Israel over the years. I traveled with him as his assistant on each prayer mission. We almost always spent a few days in the wilderness at BTP during these trips. One year, DeWayne Coxon (the founder of Blossoming Rose, the curator of Biblical Tamar Park), approached Earl about the need for volunteers at the park and a desire for more prayer here. Consequently, I have spent 3-5 months a year volunteering at BTP since 2009. To use the words of my friend Earl Pickard, “This is a great place to seek the Lord, serve the people, and steward the Land.”
Christropher Wanyonyi Simiyu, apostle and co-chair person of the “All-African Association of Bishops and Pastors,” an organization independent of the organized body of churches in Kenya. Simiyu had raised up several large churches, which his bishop would then hand over to one of his own family or tribal members. Due to these corrupt dealings Simiyu left the organized church and began his independent ministry of Power Gospel in Webuye, a town known for the Pan Paper Mills, formerly Kenya’s largest paper factory.
He has ministered already in 20 African nations and receives constantly requests to come, but the lack of funds and poverty of most churches prevents him from following many of those invitations. He frequently holds outdoor crusades, oversees dozens of churches in Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania and other African nations, feeds and clothes the poorest of the poor out of his own needs and cares for 100 orphans, having provided a home and education for numerous orphans who now serve the Lord.
He needs support from people who have the Lord’s vision and heart for Africa because – NOW IS THE TIME OF SALVATION FOR AFRICA!!! And Bera is one of the Lord’s chosen vessels to gather in that huge harvest! The Lord assigned him also to raise up Bible Training Centers and calls him a “father to Africa!” And that he is!
But it is his being a Maasai from Mt. Elgon why the Lord has brought him to Israel to speak to us here, to share and decree and declare together with us the prophetic Word of G-d over the wilderness and desert, preparing the way for the 2nd half of the tribe of Menasseh to be brought home into the Negev – the Maasai of Kenya and Tanzania. Maasai means “My people.”
Eduardo Silveira
. International speaker and founder of Open Room Ministries Israel, multifunctional evangelistic ministry, Christian business educator.
He has taught business and Kingdom principles, is professor of EDEAM evangelistic schools of evangelist Alberto Mottesi, was representative of Ministry of Tourism for International Affairs, and currently serves as a Government interpreter and representative of the founder and manager of The Land Tours company in Israel, focusing especially on tourism for evangelicals.
The Hatzeva AgroResearch & Development Center, a regional government facility, was built at the junction of two different desert terrain types to study multiple crop/ecosystem interactions. The center works cooperatively with, and provides extension services to, agricultural communities in the Ramat Negev region.
The Hatzeva Research & Development Center and its Yair Experimental Station have developed agricultural management practices to improve the yield and quality of numerous crops in many arid regions. These include techniques for cost-effective water conservation and erosion control, planting, crop rotation, harvesting and food processing. They have developed new seeds and have successfully introduced many new crops to local conditions.
You may also want to visit “The Negev Foundation” site, which helps to ” insure Israel’s future through the Negev”.
Prepare Ye The Way Of The Lord Conference Report
Dear friends & visitors of the Virtual Tabernacle,
shalom shalom in Yeshua. The conference turned out absolutely wonderful, and much of that is thanks to a great team being at Biblical Tamar Park at this precise time.
Alan Vanderkolk, responsible for Biblical Tamar Park at the time as its supervisor is a true disciple of Yeshua. All the caravans were prepared as well as my room, the lounging place next to the cafeteria clean and neatly arranged. With him, the volunteers Sylvie from France and Renee from South Africa, we were the perfect # 10 consisting of 3 men (our “generals”) & 7 women – all perfect numbers. Alan thought it practical to join 2 tables together and thus we formed the Lord’s “round table” for the teachings, breakfast, lunch and supper, all of which I prepared and cooked and served, with the help of those 2 female volunteers, disciples of the Lord without whose help I don’t think I would have managed.
Thursday evening, April 16th, I opened the Conference entitled “Prepare Ye The Way Of The Lord” with the teaching on “How To Prepare The Way Of The Lord,” for which I also wrote a syllabus so that what was shared would not get lost but retained, and moreover shared with many others.
After dinner we sat together around a fire in the comfortable, spacious lounging place, and each of us chose, acccording to the Lord’s instructions, the Scriptures we would pray into the shofars and then “sow” the divine promises over the whole Negev from high up the mountains. Sunday morning we prayed the same Scriptures again but this time we went to “plant the Word” into the Arava and the Midbar Zin by the shofars nearly touching the ground while we were sounding them 7 times.
The next morning, Friday, April 17th, we drove route # 227 – also known as the “Scorpion Pass” [which I discovered “accidentally” when I took the “wrong” route which turned out to be the right route] – up high into the Negev mountains to carry out our first assignment of “sowing” G-d’s Word concerning the Arava/desert and Midbar / wilderness, promises given thousands of years ago, which were NOW going to be released. Certainly none of them shall return void but accomplish all for which they were sent.
After lunch [see the meals for each day at the end of the schedule] and some rest Howard Bass, the Pastor of our congregation “Nachalat Yeshua” / “Yeshua’s Inheritance,” [see speakers’ profiles], shared with us the insights the Lord has granted him on Isaiah 41:17-20.
For the afternoon session Eduardo Silveira [one of our teachers] was our speaker who chose to speak in Spanish for his friend to get more practice in interpreting. He spoke on Ezekiel, on the boundaries of the Millennial Kingdom, and that the Salt Sea [also called Dead Sea] was literally “turning,” as fresh water fountains have begun to spring up from the bottom of the Sea.
Formerly the Salt Sea would always be smooth as a mirror no matter how strong a wind blew, and always shone mainly turquoise. Suddenly this calm Sea is getting stirred up by strong winds into WAVES! Unheard of! Unimaginable! Yet the pictures posted here prove it. The beach was closed, people were not allowed into the salty water lest the waves would splash into their eyes. Morever, the Sea shone in three different colors, from turquoise to dark blue. Unheard of!
- The former every-day color of the Dead Sea
- The Dead Sea smooth as a mirror
- This is what the Sea always looked like.
- That’s what the Sea looked like in April 2015
- The changing waters of the Dead sea – waves as never before.
- These pictures prove the change of the Dead Sea.
On Friday night (Erev Shabbat), Howard, Eduardo with his interpreter and interpreter’s wife, participated in the Shabbat dinner as they had been ministering the Word to us ealier that day. Sylvie turned the Shabbat table into a beauty, and it was a blessing and joy to share the Shabbat meal, both women helping with the serving, Howard giving a Shabbat blessing that focused on our Lord Yeshua.
Saturday, April 19th, Yom Shabbat, 50 members of our congregation came down by bus for the Shabbat service at Biblical Tamar Park for which Howard had agreed. This is especially interesting as originally 50 South Koreans were supposed to come, and the # 50 is such a prophetic number, namely of Jubilee, liberty to the captives, restoration of the inheritance, returning home – the very heart and issue of the conference. The South Koreans did not come after all but the # 50 remained with our congregational members, while Pastor Howard’s wife Randi and Eduardo’s wife and kids came separate. Alan set up the cafeteria perfectly for all to have a chair to sit and prepared also up front for setting up the sound system and other equipment.
After the Shabbat service and a coffee break Alan was speaking on “Tamar – Past, Present & Future.” He knew the subject matter perfectly, but wasn’t sure how deep he could go with the congregation, and hence covered just the “surface”. At the excavation site, however, he came into his own as he saw himself surrounded by a large group really interested, one of whom an archeologist himself who specializes on the historical sites of the Nabateans in Israel. The excavation site tour turned into a success, it being a very unique place with 7 different time periods during which as many peoples lived and worked there.
Afterwards we had lunch. Alan set up 4 tables around the square fireplace – which is in the middle of the lounging place – easily accessible for all. We arranged all the food the congregants had brought and I had prepared with 4 helpers. Everybody was wholly enjoying themselves, lounging about comfortably, talking about the interesting facts of history they just had learned in our very own Negev, loving the good food and fellowship, while the young people enjoyed their lunch and fellowship under the trees at the picnic tables.
After Shabbat [Motzei Shabbat] we had a fun BBQ with terriffic fellowship, sharing and talking about all the wonderful things the Lord had done by us as we followed His directives. At one time high up on the mountains we drove on that narrow needle-curve Scorpion Pass the Holy Spirit came as a gush of wind that not only touched our bodies but our inside, filling us with this wind. It was quite an experience that followed our praying the chosen prophetic Scriptures in Isaiah and Ezekiel [see the conference schedule] into our shofars and then sounded the shofars into every direction, “sowing” those divine promises concerning the Arava and Midbar over the entir Negev, just as we had done at a lower spot with a breath taking view.
We began every session with praise & worship I had saved onto a flash drive, and after a fine breakfast Sunday morning my “son” from Kenya, Christopher Wanyonyi Simiyu Bera, shared about how he and I had met, and gave us an interesting talk especially about the ways and traditions of the Maasai who are descendants of the half-tribe of Menasseh scattered into Africa. Maasai means “My People.”Afterwards we walked through the property of Biblical Tamar Park – which is in the Arava (desert) – southward in a wide circle, praying the same Scriptures into the shofars and with 7 blasts toward the earth “planting” those promises like “seeds.” Then we walked down the path that perhaps one day may be called the “Holy Way” or “Way of holiness,” crossed road # 227 into the Midbar Zin (Wilderness of Zin) and repeated that procedure, but this time leaving 2 heaps of rocks as witnesses, pouring water on them.
On Sunday afternoon I shared about how the underground sea, 1000 feet below the surface called the “waters of creation,” was discovered after months of drilling: it broke forth on Teisha B’Av [the 9th of Av] in the Midbar Zin and flowed into the Arava, knocking the drilling equipment 20 feet into the air. The Ministry of National Infrastructures, Energy and Water Resources, pumped for 6 months innumerable gallons of water, yet the water level did not sink even for 1 cm.
I concluded the conference with sharing about the “Southern Gate” at Tamar / Ir Ovot and “Northern Gate” at Vered Jericho, above the Valley of Achor where G-d will put a “Door of Hope” [see Hosea 2]. These the Lord will have built one day north and south of the Salt Sea, of both of which He gave me precise plans which I have drawn (but it’s too long a story to tell here).
We “sealed” the conference with coming together in prayer, committing all that was done, the whole conference, unto our Father in heaven and our Lord Yeshua, in the Holy Spirit.
It couldn’t have been a better and more perfect setting, and more people will now be made aware of the incredible importance of this place, not only because of the excavation site, which by itself is so unique, but also because of it’s geographical location: it is precisely there where the Midbar & the Arava meet, two distinctly different bodies forming the “heart” of the Negev, and Tamar’s importance in the past and in the future during the Messianic Reign.
Furthermore, more people need to be made aware of the importance of developing the Negev for the future Aliyot of large groups of Jews who need a place to settle, as the center of Israel is getting already too crowded and expensive. The future for our returning exiles is in the Negev!
What a place the Lord had chosen for this 2nd phase Restoration conference! Moreover the numbers connected with this conference clearly show that this was planned and ordained by the Hand of G-d, and not by men. Numbers in Scripture are of great importance, all of them having a meaning. They are an invisible, underlying “structure,” like the frame of a house which becomes invisible once all the bricks are layed. We had the following numbers:
a) 3 men: the #3 denotes divine perfection
b) 4 guests [Howard, Eduardo, friend & wife]: 4 refers to all that is created, it emphatically denotes God’s creation
c) 7 women: the #7 denotes spiritual perfection.
d) 3 men & 7 women =10: it is the # of perfection of divine order
e) 50 members of Nachalat Yeshua: it is the # of jubilee, liberty to the captives, restoration of the inheritance, returning home.In conclusion I want to thank Dr. DeWayne Coxon of Blossoming Rose, who founded Biblical Tamar Park, for having offered me to hold the conference there. It was a complete success, a terrific and wonderful experience, and a great investment in the Kingdom of G-d!
Blessings on all participants, and shalom shalom in Yeshua,
Negev Conference 2015 Photo Album
Place cursor on thumb nail, right-click “Open image in new tab” to see full size.
These flames came from the shofars 4 apostles sounded, invisible to the naked eye but showed with the digital camera of a witness.
Place cursor on thumb nail, click on an image to see full size. You can continue scrolling through the images that way by clicking on the right of the image, or click on the left to go back.
- A map of what we saw at the 1st station
- Ascent of Akrabbim or Scorpion Pass
People need to realize that our use of the shofars wasn’t some queer “Christian gig;”
but we were sounding the “Voice” of G-d with understanding, in the power of the Holy Spirit.- Route 227 (Hebrew: כביש 227, Kvish 227) in Israel is a 34-kilometre (21 mi) road in the eastern Negev desert. It starts from an intersection with Route 206 in the northwest and ends in Ir Ovot in the southeast, intersecting with Highway 90.[1] It has one at-grade intersection at 19 km. The original road (since upgraded) was laid by British land surveyors in 1927. Prior to 1956, this was the primary route from Beersheba to Eilat. We crossed 227 by that monument into the Wilderness of Zin to plant the Word there
- The Scorpion Pass (a recognized heritage site in Israel) is a steep, twisted section of Route 227. The places marked red is where we “sowed” the Word with our shofars across the entire Negev.
- Driving up to the Scorpion Pass. During the Nabatean period, the route became a part of the Spice Route
- Driving bravely up toward the pass known for its extreme danger due to poor physical condition. Below the pass there is an abyss, and the road has no guard rails. In addition, the road has extreme dropoffs of hundreds of metres
- Our first stop to blow the shofars southward. In the background one can see Mt. Horeb
- Our first station witha fantastic view. Red arrow marks Mr. HOreb
- Denise Corcoran, part of the Michigan team, was sounding her sparkling red shofar mightily into every direction.
- While she is sowing one of G-d’s many promises regarding the Negev, the others are praying in agreement.
- We were 10 (3 men, 7 women), each taking their turn with differently shaped and sized shofars. The shofar is one of the “voices” of G-d spoken of in the Scriptures.
- The “Shofar team, from left to right: Sally Nagy, Sylvie Brocqueville, Phyllis Nataf, Chris Simiyu-Bera, Elinor Rasco, Ruhama Heeger-Deaton, Alan Vanderkolk, Denise Corcoran, Eireen.
- Same persons except in place of Alan is now Apostle William T. Hodge; Chris is also an apostle, Sally a Pastor, Denise and I prophetic, Phyllis a musician
- Our 2nd station on Scorpion pass at the Memorial to and by the “Israel Defense Forces,” who updated the Pass in April 1950.
- Alan Vanderkolk “sowing” the Word he chose, over the Wilderness of Zin
- Ruhama blew the shofar for the first time, not quitting until she sent forth G-d’s promise with all her might
- Renee was a volunteer from S. Africa at Biblical Tamar Park.
- Sounding into every direction.
- Denise Corcoran; the pictures show only 6 women sounding the shofars as I was the one taking the pictures; I just didn’t get photographed.
- Sally Nagy
- She also was a volunteer at Tamar Park, from France, and was a great help in the kitchen; she joined us at the conference and in our assignments.
- She sounded the Word from the straight shofar just as mightily
- Phyllis had only a small shofar but that did not diminish the power of G-d’s Word
- Our Kenyan Apostle, Christopher Simiyu-Bera, a Maasai, first planted G-d’s Word on this mountain before sending it forth across the northern Negev.
- Not visible in the background is the Salt [Dead] Sea whose waters are changing due to sweet underground water rising to the surface.
- Having accomplished our task of sowing the Word of G-d across the whole Negev with our shofars, we said good bye to this impressive landscape.
We just had finished our task and committed it all prayerfully to the Lord when suddenly a great gush of wind blew on and through us and then lifted a page out of Sylvie’s Bible, carrying the Word of G-d we all had prayed into the shofars high up into the sky until it could no longer be seen. Immediately upon that appeared 2 eagles flying overhead, returning a 2nd time in answer to Bill’s shofar call. We happily posed for one last picture on those impressive mountains with so much rich history all about and on them.
50 persons of my congregation, “Nachalat Yeshua” [Yeshua’s Inheritance] came by bus, others in their cars, to have our Shabbat service in the Cafeteria of Tamar Park [Howard and Yaacov had come first to check out the place if it was feasible to accomodate that many people], with some of the youth leading in praise & worship, Howard teaching and Alan speaking on the past, present and future of Tamar and excplaning the excavations on site. We concluded the service with a tasty lunch, and in the evening, after most of the Kehila had left, we had a yummy bar-b-q.
- 50 members of Kehilat Nachalat Yeshua / Yeshua’s Inheritance, came by bus on Shabbat, April 17, our young people leading in worship
- Howard spoke in Hebrew at the service. He had not believed that 50 would come, yet not only was this # of Jubilee present but many also came by car.
- Everything in connection with the restoration of our people, our land, and of the Negev, was of great interest to everybody. We saw and learned a lot
- Fellowship after the service, both with each other and the conference attendees
- Enoying the lunch I had prepared and what they themselves brought
- Alan had set up 4 tables around the fireplace on which we served the food
- Alan was not only a great help, brother in the Lord and leader, he also was a knowledgeable lecturer on Tamar Past, Present & Future
- This exavation site is unique, having been built in 5- 6 different periods of time by equally many different peoples; Solomon used Tamar as a border defense town
- Despite the warmth most toured this excavation site, learning a lot about Tamar mentioned in Ezek. 47:19; 48:28, and of Ir Ovot [Nu 21:10-11; 33:43-44]
- Dr. DeWayne Coxon of Blossoming Rose is the curator of Biblical Tamar Park. In the background behind the trees are some of the guest caravans
- It was interesting, everybody learned a lot, but the crowning high light – and SHADE – was the jujube tree, which exists since the Roman period, allegedly 2000 years old
- Alan explains in English, next to him his interpreter in Hebrew, while people go about taking pictures and marvel at those stones bearing witness of days long past
- My Kenyan “son” Chris of the Maasai who hold that they are descendants of the tribe of Menasseh; to his left Sally from Michigan, to his right Howard Bass
- The story of the Maasai, passed on from generation to generation, is that a man by the name of Moses led them out of Egypt across the Sea to the Promised Land.
- What a triumphant image in front of these ancient stones – a new generation lifting up Israel’s banner referred to as “nes / miracle” in Isaiah 49:22, and 62:19
- Howard focused on the theme of Preparing the Way of the Lord and on the Restoration of the Negev with a wonderful teaching on Isaiah 41:17-19
- Eduardo gave a most interesting lecture, especially about the Dead Sea changing dramatically thanks to sweet water springs having opened from underground.
- Yummy lunches in the cafeteria, listed at the end of the schedule. Annelore cooked all the meals with the help of Sylvie & Renee
The first 3 pictures are of our Friday night Shabbat dinner I had prepared and for which Sylvie set the table very nicely. Next follows the teams’ visit at the Yair Experimental Station of the Hatzeva Agricultural Research & Development Center just a short drive across the street from Tamar Park, which they thoroughly enjoyed, being amazed at the crops that are already beeing planted and raised in the Negev. According to divine promise, the Arava will be as beautiful as the Garden of the Lord, the Wilderness as fruitful as Gan Eden. We were told that up to 12 crops can be produced annually.
- Sylvie set the Shabbat table decoratively.
- We were 10 around the Shabbat table, Howard doing the blessing in an “untraditional” manner.
- Enjoying the Shabbat menu – see # IV on the conference schedule, a special treat for Chris.
- Entrance to the Yair Experimental Station of the Hatzeva Agricultural Research & Development Center.
- Inside the Center with fields of unusual flowers not commonly seen, raised from old, perhaps ancient seeds.
- Vines of hot peppers; of tomatoes; of hanging water melons, of strawberries; in very limited space raising super abundant crops
- Because the brackish water puts stress on the plants, the fuits and vegetables are bigger, sweeter, and have a longer shelf life without refrigeration.
- Thanks to this underground water 1000 feet below the surface and the Negev climate it is possible to raise up to 12 crops annually.
- Sylvie with one of those unusual flowers
- The Arava / Desert where the 10 of us went with Bible and shofars to “plant” the Word of G-d into the ground.
- Getting ready for the “planting” assignment, wearing a head cover as all of us women did for authority.
- Going on our final assignment into the Arava, protected from the sun and by our guardian angels.
- Simiyu-Bera was leading this planting assignment, as a descendant of the tribe of Menasseh spear-heading their return.
- Prayerfully bowing before the Holy One of Israel Chris is looking in his Bible for the prophetic Word he had chosen.
- As Chris is praying the Word of G-d we all are agreeing with THAT Word to be planted into the ground, understanding the power of THIS voice of G-d.
- Having prayed the Word into the shofar, Chris is “planting” it with the blast of his shofar.
- Apostle William T. Hodge is praying his selected divine promise regarding the Arava into his shofar.
- Bill blows the shofar with great might; as the frequencies and vibrations of it entered the ground they will continue moving throughout the whole Arava.
- The guest caravans of the lower village in Tamar Park. Their bedrooms, modern bathrooms and toilets are all clean.
- There are also comfortable seating areas amidst the caravans, ideal for prayer under a starry sky.
- Last but not least there is also a new playground for bored kids who cannot sit still and are looking for fun.
After having finished this “shofar planting” of the Word of G-d by sounding it close to the ground at specific spots where each of us felt prompted by the Holy Spirit, we crossed Route 227 over into the Midbar / Wilderness of Zin and repeated this same assignment there as well. Afterwards we put up a memorial to what G-d had us do to sow and plant His Word concerning the Negev, by each of us placing a stone one on top of the other, then all 10 of us pouring fresh spring water on top of them. We concluded with a prayer, committing these assignments unto the Lord, for He alone has the power to fulfill His good promises and bring about what His Word says.
In the evening, sitting in the tent adjacent to the cafeteria, each of us having prayed in conclusion of the 3-day conference, a strange phenomenon occurred: the floor began to crawl with countless black beetles scurrying to and fro in utter confusion but doing no harm. Alan said that he had never seen a thing like that in all the years he has come to Tamar Park. Bill and I concluded that it were the shofar blasts with their vibrations and frequencies that got those beetles to rush to the surface. Had they heard the “Voice” of G-d? ?