Our Divine Assignment
Begins on Holocaust Memorial DayTheme Of The Conference
G-d’s Blessings be on our going out and coming in, accomplishing all of His purpose ordained from before the foundation of the world by this small conference and by us, His humble bondslaves yet His children, clothed with all authority in and by Yeshua HaMashiach, our Savior, Lord and King.
Amen and Amen.
Biographies Of The Speakers
Annelore (“Elinor”) Rasco, a 2nd generation Holocaust survivor, was born in Breslau, Silesia, Germany in 1943. With her mother, grandmother and aunt she escaped on the last train out of Breslau and was miraculously kept alive and safe by God. She is a mother of 3, and has 8 grandchildren, the 4 youngest born in Israel.
Annelore received the Lord in 1973 as a result of Him appearing to her 3 times. In April 1976, Dallas, Texas she received the baptism of the Holy Spirit and with fire and the call to the prophetic office in August of the same year. She is an alumni of Christ For The Nations (1978-1980) and founder of Or Tzion, Inc. 1982, its motto being: “For The Return Unto G-d And The Land.”
Annelore has been teaching and ministering prophetically ever since – on live radio and TV talk shows, in seminars and as guest speaker in churches, Bible studies and groups like Flame Fellowship, Women Aglow across the USA. Annelore was active in various Jewish organizations, especially the Jewish National Fund, and attended with her sons Dallas’ oldest orthodox synagogue. She and her husband also served as cell-group leaders in their home church until moving with their sons to Israel in 1987. In 2003 daughter and grandchildren joined them in Beer-Sheva.
Author of 4 prophetic/historical books awaiting publication, Annelore has created The Virtual Tabernacle website (re-designed by Andre Lefebvre) with its newsletters, articles, teachings, prophetic writings and its vast source of information. She continues to minister in Africa, Europe and the USA.
William T. Hodge
is an apostle of restoration and restorer of the breach. He has a deep understanding of the “Voice of God,” especially when sounding this Voice with the shofar at various assignments and strategic places. He holds shofar workshops, restoration seminars, how to raise up prayer booths, and is a beloved speaker and teacher across the USA.
William’s Good Tree Ministry is member of Global Alliance Fellowship (GAF), which is a Christian Apostolic Ministry assisting Free Churches in training and developing ministers and outreach ministries globally. GAF consists of Branch Charter Ministries, Alliance Ministries, and GO Team Ministries, and has assisted humanitarian causes and trained many ministers of the Gospel around the world including Mexico, Republic of Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Uganda, Israel, Italy, and United States. William’s heart and calling is an Isaiah 58 Ministry.
Howard Bass
is a Jew who believes in Yeshua as Lord and Messiah. He immigrated to Israel from the U.S. with his wife, Randi, in 1981, and they have lived in Beer Sheva since 1982. They have two daughters — Tamar and Rotem (and a lovely granddaughter by her and her husband, Joseph) – and two sons — Evan and Tal – who are all baptized believers by the grace of God!
Howard worked 17 years for two engineering companies in Beer-Sheva before taking on the responsibility of serving full-time as pastor of the Nachalat Yeshua (Yeshua’s Inheritance) Messianic Congregation in 2000. He has served in the army in Israel and has dedicated his life to bringing the gospel to the people there. He has been actively involved in various national ministries over the years, including reconciliation between Israeli and Arab believers; university students; and national leadership prayer and fellowship retreats.
Howard’s living and blessed hope since his new birth by the Holy Spirit is the coming again of the Lord Yeshua the Messiah, with the resurrection and rapture of believers, and the re-establishment forever of the Kingdom of God over Israel and the nations.Though Beer-Sheva is rich in Bilbical history, it seldom is visited by Christian tourists. Visit where Abraham, Isaac and Jacob were encamped, and come by Nachalat Yeshua. You can be a great encouragement for them as you let them know that you are praying for them. The congregation faces some great challenges as well as persecution from the Ultra-Orthdox that has resulted in legal action.
Albert Knoester, a Dutch man, married his wife Esther 34 years ago. They were celebrating their anniversary this Passover week, April 2017. Both were born in Holland.
For 25 years Albert sailed the seas as a seaman first in the Navy and then as a navigator. The love for Israel was taught Albert in his home, and strengthened by Bible study. In 2000 he and his wife moved to Israel to manage the Dutch Guest House on the Mt. of Olives until it closed in 2003. Back in Holland he served as pastor with the Christian & Missionary Alliance (C&MA), who sent him and his wife to Israel in 2008. Albert says, “”We felt it as a calling to support the Messianic Jews, including in bringing the message of free grace to their countrymen.”
After a two-year study of language and culture in Jerusalem, the couple moved in 2010 to Dimona, a town with 35,000 inhabitants in the Negev Desert, where Albert leads a Bible study group. He presently serves as a much beloved and appreciated Elder (get the English translation) and teacher in the Messianic congregation “Nachalat Yeshua” (Yeshua’s Inheritance) in Beer-Sheva, speaking besides his native tongue also fluently Hebrew as well as English. Once a year he and his wife travel to his homeland, Holland (the Netherlands), and speak and teach there about the role and importance of Israel in mankind’s final redemption.
The Hatzeva AgroResearch & Development Center, a regional government facility, was built at the junction of two different desert terrain types [Arava /desert & Midbar / wilderness – I endured 8 years of it] to study multiple crop/ecosystem interactions. The center works cooperatively with, and provides extension services to, agricultural communities in the Ramat Negev region.
The Hatzeva Research & Development Center and its Yair Experimental Station have developed agricultural management practices to improve the yield and quality of numerous crops in many arid regions. These include techniques for cost-effective water conservation and erosion control, planting, crop rotation, harvesting and food processing. They have developed new seeds and have successfully introduced many new crops to local conditions.
You may also want to visit “The Negev Foundation” site, which helps to ” insure Israel’s future through the Negev”.
With Blessings and shalom shalom in Yeshua,