USA Report
April 2022 USA Mission
Ever since I completed this divine assignment I have come under the worst oppression I have ever been under, although this is nothing in comparison to what happened to me when I had finished the assignment in Europe. I already had been feeling weak when going on assignment in April 2022 to the United States. What’s more, I arrived in Detroit without my luggage, which remained in Tel Aviv, thanks to Arkia Airline having failed to forward my luggage to my Lufthansa connection flight. I couldn’t possibly minister 2 weeks with just those clothes on my body. Denise Edwards, my beloved hostess, bought me several clothes and other necessities, and engaged her best friend as my faithful assistant.
Five days before my return flight home I fell badly sick with a mean bronachial cold. Apparently, I enraged Satan by bringing to America and four European nations God’s call of deep repentance and the warning of the coming WWIII with a death toll of 2.63 billion (Milliarden) preceded by four natural catastrophes across the globe and a 5-months demonic attack.
Several saints wrote me that my work for the Kingdom had surely upset the adversary’s plans and he was enraged. Happily, much encouragement did also come, being called God’s woman of great valor, and loved by Him with a “ferocious” love. Hallelujah!
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Denise organized the first 2-day meetings which were very strong, with the Holy Spirit anointing and strengthening me. I focused on God’s call to deep repentance, confirmed by many who had also heard from the Lord of this urgent need.
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I continued with the warning from Revelation. Due to the frightening urgency of the message, all were alert, even after a wonderful home-cooked meal.
The next day I focused on events preceding WWIII, brought about by 5 angels sounding their shofars: four natural catastrophes across the globe, three coming from space, the 5th event being a 5-month long demonic attack. I also participated in Denise’s morning prayer call what we intercessors needed to focus on at that time.
After a day of rest, Apostle Bill came to pick me up, it was a happy reunion. A prophetic sister and her husband came to see us and prayed / prohesied over me, and before we left for Newcastle, Bill spoke a specific word over the Edward’s house and property.
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MI – Visiting my dear friend Sally Nagy
On the way to the Newhouses I had a blessed reunion with my dear friend Sally Nagy, who had been part of the team at the 2015 Negev conference. In Newcastle I spoke for 2 days. The Lord had instructed that only mature believers were to be invited, intercessors and spiritual leaders, to prevent misunderstanding, fear or even panic. To some of the invited people the message and the warning was obscure. The Newhouses would try to explain.
After a day’s rest, the Newhouses drove me to Montague, to Christ the Rock World Harvest church, with Pastor Gary Kosicki, where Bill was still lodging until the GCU house would be completed. I brought the messages there in 2 days. They were recorded. We went to the unfinished GCU Chaplaincy house, which I had told Bill I would bless. But I had the strangest vision of what prevented the completion of the house. I had never in my life seen anything so ridiculous and inquired of the Lord Who seemed to be sort of amused Himself.
I saw 4 huge, very round, fat buttocks of some Shinto spirits sitting on the roof of that house. There was no body, only those buttocks. I was told that those Shinto spirits, called “Kami,” were awoken from their sleep in the mountain where Bill had sounded his shofar. They had followed Bill from Japan to this house, and settled themselves down on it.
I was not at ease to tell Bill about this. As expected, he rejected the vision and the notion of those spirits having followed him. But apparently he came to realize that I would not make up such a preposterous story, having known me long enough as a prophetess, and eventually agreed for us – me, Bill, Kosicki and the Newhouses – to carry out the instructions I had, a 3-fold strategy Bill was by then acquainted with.
Inside the loft, the Holy Spirit had me toss my $300 up to the ceiling. As they descended, we decreed, declared and called upon the needed funds for the completion of the house and its furnishing to rain down as liberally as those dollar bills did. Bill gathered the bills and hid them in a safety box, for safekeeping.
Video from Channah-Elinor Rasco.eml
My next destination was in Ferry, Michigan, a place so small and far away it’s “where fox and rabbit say good night,” to Steve & Marilyn Arnold, one of the most wonderful, genuine disciples of Yeshua I ever had the privilege of meeting, who hosted me for 2 days in their cozy, rustic home at Shechem Ridge in a forest. In the chapel inside their large business building, a former Elementary school building they transformed into a wonderful place serving multiple purposes, I delivered the call to deep repentance and the warning message to a handful of people, probably not more than 30. But I knew the message would go out through the Arnolds. Ronald Tymes, a faithful servant of the Lord, picked me up from the Arnolds in the early morning hours and drove me all the way to the Detroit airport, a very long drive shortened with enjoyable sharing, to catch my flight to San Angelo.
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My next destination was San Angelo, TX. The flight was traumatic as the cabin was freezing cold and I had no warm clothes nor did they have blankets. I shuddered the whole flight and the former weakness returned. But my arrival was delightful as I was greeted by three joyful sisters who took me to my lodgings, brought me something to eat and filled up the fridge for me.
The place was humble in contrast to the usual American lodgings, but I quickly got to like it, having a good bed and sharing the place with a down-to-earth precious sister, a committed intercessor, who made me breakfast and anything else I might need. All my needs were supplied as well as transportation. And of course, I was taken out to eat.
In the morning we had a private teaching-discipleship session, in the afternoon and next day morning I delivered God’s two messages in the large church auditorium next to my lodgings. Only an audio recording could be made. There was a fair attendance of mainly very attentive intercessors. My messages from the Lord don’t fill up stadiums as they are not for “itching ears.” I felt loved, and I loved all these wonderful sisters and brothers. In fact, I “connected” with a lot of people throughout the Lord’s assignments, but with many it is often – out of sight out of mind.
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A precious, very “Texan” couple invited me to their ranch home so I could pray for it as well as for finances and plans for additional land. We drove around the whole boundary of their property three times: the first round I sprinkled blessed water; the second round I sprinkled blessed salt; and on the 3rd round I sprinkled blessed oil.
This practice, although catholic, I learned from the Lord.
The cleansing, dedicating and sanctifying power of these blessed items is great. The water is for cleansing, the salt for dedicating, devoting (like being ”salted” unto the Lord), and the oil for sanctification unto holiness. Of course, all is done only in the Mighty Name of Yeshua, and applying His blood and cross when blessing those items. Otherwise, they remain merely items.
My flight back to Detroit was pleasant, conversing with a young passenger about Yeshua and what He has done in our lives. We are still in touch. I arrived sick at Denise Edward’s home, with still 5 days until my return flight to Israel. I developed an acute bronchitis, made worse from the chronic asthma. During those days I learned the veracity of the saying, “Familiarity breeds contempt.” But thank God, love and forgiveness overcomes such carnal nature hurdles. We parted in peace and aiding love and friendship.
Since I started writing this report I have been weak and feeling oppressed. While I did not understand the benefit of this suffering for me, I know He does have my best interests at heart. Job came to mind. Perhaps the accuser claimed that my declarations of God being my everything should be tried to see if I won’t be shaken.
Whatever the reason for this ongoing suffering, I wait for God’s promise to restore my health, and for His promise in Isa. 40:31, so that I can walk in the works He has still prepared for me. It just depends on my health being restored, on the right teams, and when those disasters, loosed by the 5 angels in Revelation, strike the earth. But whatever, we shall not be stopped as long as we believe, trust and obey. Neither disasters nor travel restrictions can deter us.
► Continue to ► [Europe]
September 2022 Europe Mission
Europe – Germany
I left for Germany on September 1. God made provision for my husband and me by Gladys, the precious sister from Australia who arrived on September 6 with an assignment to pray for the Negev, Eilat, our neighboring nations and for Israel. Thanks to her coming my husband had company while I was on assignment. An additional blessing was that my Eilati friend Raija, a former tour guide, knew Gladys from one of her tours, Both were excited to meet again and formed a close friendship during those 3 months. No one but God alone could arrange for such perfect provision, taking care of my husband and giving me peace of mind.
In Germany, the Lord opened doors for me by my dear sister Sylvia S. with meetings in Munich and in 2 churches in the Black Forest. My time in Germany was blessed and wonderful. I was being pampered and had fellowship with my new brothers and sisters,
God’s dual messages were received with undivided attention and taken very seriously.
In Munich, feeling nostalgic, my new friends took me to a certain street I remembered fondly, the whole length of it filled with the most delightful coffee aroma from the Dallmayer coffee shop. No more! It is now a “glorified” grocery store. Thanks to a lovely spring weather we sat down at the “Marienplatz” for coffee and cake while watching the world famous “clock tower” / “Glockenspiel” with its artfully carved life-sized figurines performing a historical event. I wholly enjoyed Munich’s Bavarian dialect and tried to revive mine.
Three days later I drove with my friends Sylvia and Johannes to their home in the Black Forest. We stopped at a café one can only find in Germany, with its decorations and selection of fabulous bakery, next to a creek framed by trees and blooming bushes. Germany is truly a very beautiful country, with its own typical architecture – striking and picturesque. Her towns look like something out of a fairy tale.
The German states are all gorgeous, each with a definite characteristic of its own, enhanced by historical monuments, castles and palaces within splendid landscapes and boasting an equally rich historical past.
Along the rivers Danube, Rhein, Main, Mosel, and Neckar, framed by hills green with climbing vineyards, the bordering countryside is simply spectacular, their towns as though framed by it all, like jewels. It will forever remain inconceivable to me how a people that created such a beautiful country could turn into a place of hell for all whom the Nazis deemed “sub-humans” like the gypsies and other non-Arians and, above all, the Jews.
The beauty of Germany, her highly developed culture and academics, stand in stark contrast to the Holocaust. How such a highly civilized and sophisticated people could use its gifts, abilities and intellect to serve the annihilation of the Jewish people globally, will forever remain a mystery to me.
Satan plotted this annihilation – no Jewish people, no Return of Yeshua – and selected highly intelligent Jew-haters to carry out this extermination. Had God not intervened, as written, then perhaps none would have survived.
Had the Body of Christ stood in defense and in protection of the people from whom has come the Word of God, the Bible, as well as Salvation – “salvation is of the Jews” – and the Savior, Yeshua, then perhaps the Holocaust would not have taken place.
This satanic plot i is now directed at the resurrected nation Israel, rebirthed once again as a sovereign nation in one single day, for the third time in Israel’s history forming a nation on this real estate of land chosen by God; however not independent but under foreign rule.
While Yeshua’s people, the Jews, were scattered among the nations, Yeshua could not return. Now the Jews form a sovereign nation again, with Jerusalem as her capital, to which Yeshua, as Son of David, can return. However, apart from the House and family of King David being restored in our days, fully established back in the Land as citizens, the proof of their lineages (see Matthew 1:1-17; and Luke 3:23-38) repaired and intact, heaven must still retain Yeshua.
Hence, all of hell is trying to destroy the nation of Israel and instigate anti-semitic nations to create on her ruins the state of Palestine. Decades of indoctrination have accomplished what Hitler said in his book, “Mein Kampf” – “In order to manipulate people to do what you want them to do and believe, it is necessary to publish lies so huge that no one would ever suspect them being lies. Small or even big lies can be found out as being lies; but a really huge lie nobody bothers to investigate. It is swallowed hook, line and sinker.”
Hitler’s book is like the devil’s “bible” among the Arab peoples, main guide lines by which Israel’s Arab enemies proceeded, especially Nasir Arafat, who followed Hitler’s advise and teachings, successfully putting them into practice. Now it is Mahmoud Abbas, the leader of the PA, who had been Arafat’s right hand and disciple for 40 years. But he is already in his 80’s, and Hamas is waiting like a predator for its prey, ready to usurp the leadership of the PA, and control over all Palestinians and the areas they claim and occupy. Satan and his generals will leap upon this opportunity to use these evil men to once again attempt the destruction of all of Israel, the annihilation of Jews worldwide.
Most Christians see all of the happenings about and to and with Israel as “politics,” and not at all as hell’s attempt to wipe the nation and people of Israel off the map, into non-existence.
No Jews, no tribes, no sovereign nation Israel, no capital Jerusalem; instead, in its place a sovereign state Palestine occupying all of Israel’s land with Jerusalem as its capital, and Yeshua won’t return.
Black Forest
Sylvia had arranged meetings in 2 churches and with a group of intercessors. I was warmly welcomed as a messenger from the Lord, saying they were eager to hear from God. In the first church the Holy Spirit showed up immediately when every song matched the messages beautifully, although the worship leader had no time to prepare songs, coming straight from work. In both church services Yeshua’s Presence was felt strongly throughout my speaking, which had people smile the whole time without them being aware of it.
Driving through the beautiful Black Forest was a delight. Bavaria is (or at least was) a richly forested land, with fertile fields and lush pastures, healthy, adorable cattle grazing. A special pleasure was my intercessory sister from my Zoom meetings, Margitta, coming all the way from Frankfurt to meet me in person.
Johannes had just bought a new motor home with which they drove me back to Munich. On the way I had the pleasure to minister to them.
A dear sister in the Lord, Deborah K., picked me up and hosted me from 15.-17. September in her home, giving me her bedroom. I slept great in all places and different beds.
I first met with a large intercessory group who wholly received the Lord’s messages, making His requirements and warnings a number one priority to cover in prayer and pass on. I also made good new contacts with intercessors.
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I was especially pleased to preach to the group of intercessors of Gebetshaus Bethel of my dear friends, Andreas & Adelheid Bauer, founders of the Father House on the Mt. of Olives. All of them recognized the need for deep repentance and the urgency of the hour. May they pass these messages on and not let them get lost under a mountain of prayer requests.
A.& A. had me over for dinner, for a time of sharing and fellowship. I ministered to Andreas who, like many who shake the gates of hell, had come under our adversary’s attack. I spent one last night in Deborah’s bedroom, before driving me to the ill-reputed, new Berlin Brandenburg airport, to catch my flight to Britain.
The time in Germany was both wonderful and fruitful, thanks to old and new friends and their delightful hospitality.
► Continue to ► [Britain]
Europe – Britain
I arrived at the Heathrow airport with no one there to pick me up. I was aware of this possibility as the brother who once so loved me and had been there for me in 2019 suddenly had taken a turn against me, without explanation. Another brother also could not make it from Wales to Heathrow. But I was at perfect peace while still on the plane, and when landed and found myself stranded, I was still in perfect peace. I was obeying God, undeterred by all the negative input toward my coming to Britain.
When in troubles, God always sends me angels in human form. I always get wheelchair service because I can no longer walk the long stretches in these huge airports with my luggage. I arrived at the station for this service, and there had me first something to eat. Then I prayed to Abba what He would have me do, seeing I was stranded. He reminded m of my dear and faithful Zoom prayer partner here in the UK. I had her on WhatsApp and called, and she answered. I told her my situation, and she invited me to her home, happy to finally meet me in person. She lived a good stretch away and I would need to get a coach (a big bus) to get to her.
I felt lost. Had no idea what to do, Asked the young helper if she knew where I needed to catch a coach, and ho to get it. Yes, she knew. She turned out to be one of my angels. She took me to a stand where I would get the ticket for the coach to see if there was one going to my friend’s town. Yes, there was one coach only. I would need to get to the coach terminal.
No idea how to get there. She took me to her boss who, after first unwillingness to help, had a change of mind and called for a shuttle bus to take me to the coach terminal. Now my angel took me back to the stand where I now purchased a 1-way ticket. Her boss came running where I was, the shuttle had arrived. She took me quickly to the shuttle. I was the only passenger, and off we went.
At the terminal was confusion, at least for me, who had never taken a coach in Britain. I found a chair to sit down and now watched the people what they were doing to fetch their coach. I had the # of my bus, and I saw it up on the lit screen, but I with it meant. ad no idea what all the letters with it meant. A man sitting next to me clarified that mystery for me. I kept an eye on mu coach’s number moving. Then I discovered my handy being almost dead, a very bad thing when stranded.
Just then a handsome young man sat next to me, with long braided kind of hair style like an Elati youth. I mentioned this to him and we started talking and it turned out he was a native Italian who had moved to the UK. So I told him of having lived 4 years in southern Italy and how much I love Italy. I tried again my phone, he saw it was as good as gone plus no independent from plugging in. internet connection, pulled out a little kind of a box which was a charger independent from a plug-in and It charged my phone enough and got me Wi-Fi to be able to reach my friend.
My coach had still not arrived an I got worried. I finally found a woman serving at the terminal and she promised me to get me when my coach arrived. I saw it myself, almost 1 hour late, got on it an sighed a relief. I have never in my life been on a bumpy ride like that, and I have been on bumpy rides, especially in Africa. There was a toilette at the end of the bus and I needed to go. Oh, goodness gracious! It was nearly impossible to get on the toilet as I was just flying to and fro, the same when I was done. What an experience.
Finally we arrived at a late hour, after 1 am I think it was. The bus driver stepped out and got out my luggage, but did not leave me. What an angel! He waited with me until my friend Ruth arrived who had expected me 10 minutes later. We drove to her place, and climbing a steep staircase I got settled in her bedroom.
And slept well like in all the other places, just not in my own bed in my own room. After breakfast we talked and considered what options there might be that the Lord has for me to get out his messages. She knew a Brenda Taylor who for 40 years has led an intercessory ministry and did it no also via Zoom and ……. I don’t know how Ruth made the contact but Brenda Taylor allotted me 45 minutes on her program which had been her own time slot, and it also was aired on YouTube. I shared both messages, having practiced the day before to keep it as short and together as possible. The next weekend Ms.Taylor had a meeting with spiritual leaders from across the nation, with whom she was going to share the Lord’s messages I had brought.
Oh yes, God is so good. Here I was, stranded at Heathrow, but Abba had prepared a place for me at a friend who as so glad to finally meet me, ands who was the one to make the contact with Brenda Taylor. I had written to a church and a dear pastor couple several times, but he was not well and they were ready to move to Australia. The new pastor did not respond. Yet here I was, reaching over this Zoom and YouTube more than I could have reached if those 2 brothers had tried to get me some meetings. Following the Zoom meeting and YouTube airing I got contacted by a lot of people who requested both written messages for themselves and for passing on the Lord’s vitally important messages, having grasped the urgency and seriousness of it. There will be repenting going on in Britain according Joel 1 & 2, following the Lord’s detailed instructions.
It was rainy and cold the first 3 days, but the 4th day turned out sunny with a blue sky. Ruth drove me through her town and the neighboring one of rich people, the home to a famous horse race track.
We drove up a hill for a splendid view, then she decided on the spur of the moment to invite me for lunch in this lovely, very British restaurant. She had fish and chips and remembering my first one in 2019 I skipped it for something else. She was surprised as this is a favorite British dish. And the one served in this restaurant looked yummy. Afterwards we set on one of the wooden benches to enjoy the view an have a tea.
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In the evening of this day Ruth decided I should not have to ride back to Heathrow on such an awful coach and ordered a taxi for early next morning and not only paid for that but also gave me some money on the way, herself not having much. It was still dark when the taxi came and we had soon a lively conversation on the way. I love meeting people and hear their story. How boring to just sit there on such a long ride and not say a word. He drove me as close as he could but that was still very far for me with my luggage to the entrance of the airport, and God only knew where the wheelchair station would be. As I was talking to Abba about this situation, a young woman with a wheelchair pulled up right next to me. I exclaimed, “Oh, you must be the angel the Lord just sent me,” and I told her of my need for a wheelchair, booked for my flight. She liked being called an angel and rolled me to the waiting station.
I relaxed, seeing that the Lord was taking care of me, and I had nothing to fear, to worry about.
When it came to check in, there was a woman behind the counter who refused me entrance without a Covid-19 green card. There never had been a mentioning anywhere about a green card, and I cried to the Lord, and for someone to please help me as I did not know what to do and I would miss my flight. Just then another ground stewardess walked up who had overheard all this, and she now came to help me with filling out some form without which I would not be allowed in. Ha! This insolent, mean woman then did not even look at my form and let me pass through, where I once again waited for another wheelchair service to be taken to the plane. Heathrow is huge!
► Continue to ► [Finland]
Europe – Finland
The flight on Finnair was awesome, business class nearly empty with lenty of room for everybody. I passed the time pleasantly having a lively conversation with a young man next to the chair between us.
I contacted Paula Plysjuk, who had been organizing the 2019 meetings, for this year’s assignment but she declined because first of all she lived now over 200 km away from Helsinki, and secondly she needed to help her daughter, who worked in an ER in a Helsinki hospital, with her children.
I wrote Taito Syrén of the Sanan Sydän (Sanan Heart) Church at Annankatu 7, Helsinki, where he had given me his pulpit in 2019, and the Christian TV7 had taped me in his church and aired my message nationwide, also on YouTube. Pastors across the country preached the message I had brought, and I became known as “the prophetess from Israel.” He heartily welcomed me back again.
The Lord changed Paula’s mind. She immediately started arranging meetings for me and accommodations. And what a fantastic job she did! I wrote Taito Syrén of the Sanan Sydän (Sanan Heart) Church at Annankatu 7, Helsinki, where he had given me his pulpit in 2019, and the Christian TV7 had taped me in his church and aired my message nationwide, also on youtube. Pastors across the country preached the message I had brought, and I became known as “the prophetess from Israel.” He heartily welcomed me back again.
Due to the fact that I had become known to many pastors they gladly opened their church doors to me, and prepared also to tape me. Pastor Taito Syrén’s church was packed, and the Christian TV7 was ready to tape me again. It was a great meeting, Taito welcoming and honoring me so wonderfully. Afterwards he invited us and the TV crew who loved me by now, to a late dinner. TV7 aired the meeting on December 14th, 2022, just before Christmas, and also put it out again on YouTube.
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The Huittinen Free-Church was next, where I preached on Wednesday, the 14th of September! The Pastor introduced me to the full church with much honor and respect, and the message got recorded, however only audio.
I had only 4 days in Finland which Paula filled up. After a long ride to a new resort place deep in the forest (Finland is a land of many forests and lakes), called FAULKA which means ‘falcon,’ we were welcomed with a tasty hot Finnish dinner. Faulka is a true outdoor resort, the toilet and the shower were outside within a little wooden cabin. We spent 2 nights there, and I slept like in Abraham’s bosom, so peaceful and pain free. I hadn’t slept like this for 30 years. May the Lord grant me to return to this perfect nature resort place again, perhaps sending me on a teaching trip with some of the awesome teachings He has given me. The Finnish people are so wonderfully open to receive God’s Word.
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Paula took me to a sister to spend the night who had lived and worked in Israel for several years. She wanted to meet this “famous” prophetess and speak with me in Hebrew. She tried to do so much for me, kept telling me stories of her life in Israel in Hebrew, and just never was quiet. It was kind of overwhelming, She had prepared food like for an army.
After breakfast and much thanking this sister for her hospitality, Paula drove me to a small congregation who was eagerly awaiting me. The church was packed, and a complete recording system with camera was set up. The pastor greeted and introduced me enthusiastically. Apparently he had already heard of me. Amazing! Although still hidden in God’s quiver as one of His arrows, I am well known in tiny Finland and in big Africa.
The recording crew was excited, and so was my interpreter. This wholehearted and excited welcome, eager to hear the message, so animated me and the Holy Spirit, all weakness was gone. Afterwards we enjoyed the Finnish specialties and snacks prepared by the women.
After visiting our friends Pirjo & Seppo, we went on the road to our last overnight stay in a country resort house. This trip will remain unforgettable. Not only was it a very long journey, but it started raining heavily, even hail drumming on the car. Worse yet, after nightfall it was extremely difficult to see in this rain, also road signs and exits, despite the GPS. The road was slippery like driving on ice.

Europe – Finland: my friends Pirjo+Seppo
Suddenly, the moon was peeking through the clouds, and stars from spots of a very clear sky, while it kept on raining. Now we were looking for the exit, straining our eyes to see it. Wouldn’t you know it? Our exit sign was hidden on a road above our highway, and we missed the exit. Paula managed to find a different exit onto a winding, narrow path that seemed to lead to nowhere. At last she called our hosts for directions and we finally arrived after 1:00 am.
We were greeted warmly by a couple of believers in Yeshua, welcoming us into their beautiful house. We ate a late evening snack, chatted a little, and were ready to go to bed. I skipped the sauna for a short shower. After an abundant breakfast and a time of worship and prayer, the lady of the house took us around their large property. Now we could see their beautiful location in this country side. Before we left the husband prayed over me, and I ministered to him a personal word and anointed him with my anointing oil from Israel. What a wonderful conclusion of my 4 days Finland.
Paula absolutely outdid herself. What she provided and made possible for me is beyond words of thanksgiving. Only God can reward her adequately. I wish there were more disciples like her, so willing and knowledgeable how to arrange for good meetings and wonderful accommodations, and doing it in the understanding and awareness that they are actually serving the Lord with rendering this service to His messenger. Paula understood this and said so.
I was willing and ready to continue the 12 days to Italy, but only one door had opened in Pescara at the Adriatic coast. Pastor Pietro is very special to me because he is without any doubt Jewish, having lost his parents in the days of the Duce, and was adopted. I want to help him with his genealogical research and therefore had packed a lot of my own material. But he does need a genealogist who specializes on this time period in Italy when over 10,000 Jewish families were murdered.
Since this was a long trip from Rome to Pescara, after first flying in from Helsinki, I dropped the plan of going there. And dear Cristina in Rom got my message too late. The doors to Italy were closed. God kept me from collapsing as I was already feeling exhausted, having embarked on this assignment already being weak. God knew that another 12 days Italy would have been too much. I cancelled my flight to Rome and rebooked for Israel.
In Tel Aviv I had to wait for the Arkia flight over 4 hours, which turned into hell for me as by now I could hardly sit in this hard chair, faint from weakness. Adding to this the rudeness of the ground stewardess and I nearly passed out, what another stewardess saw. Now they came running with a more comfortable chair and then took me to be the first to check in. I swore I would never again fly with Arkia as my experience with this airline has been way below acceptable standard, having also been the one who failed to get my luggage on my flight to Detroit.
Coming home I got blessed with Gladys, this precious sister from Australia, who became my prayer and worship partner, and helped us with keeping our Prayer Tower spotless clean, and with preparing meals. The European assignment was wholly successful, a tremendous blessing and a wonderful experience. The Lord prepared it from beginning to end, and His provision was absolutely perfect. May His purpose for this 2nd assignment of warning be accomplished, in Yeshua’s mighty name. Amen and Amen.
The End