The Negev Blessing Journey
We started this second assignment with the team assembling at our Eilat Prayer Tower on Wednesday, April 19, 2023, to leave early morning the next day. We had a blessed fellowship of our roof over a pizza dinner. In the morning we prepared with confessing our sins, repenting, applying the blessed salt, water and anointing oil, and shared the Lord’s Laast Supper in preparation for dealing with spirits. We needed to be “clean like a bullet.”
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Yuval, the owner of the Eilat Desert Tours, and his friend and great tour guide, Roni, picked us up and drove us up to the Eilat mountains, our first stop with the blinding, deafening, and binding of spirits, who were gathered together by a company of angels into one place.
From there we continued in the Arava to the stops marked on a map, while occasionally Rony would give us a lesson on the history of several places, some of which were thousands of years before BCE. We learned a lot of new things about this amazing place, the Negev, comprising 60% of Israel’s landmass. It needs urgently to be developed as Israel’s government plans to receive 300,000 returning immigrants into the Negev and provide employment for yet another 200,000.
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Yuval and Rony took us to the best places, upon high ridges with a vast landscape at our feet into which I sent the binding of the spirits my friend, the prophetic minstrel and psalmist Robyn Green and her husband Martin had prepared already in 2019, followed up by the team members praying each their selected prayer into the shofar, which we then sent forth with long, strong blasts. At every stop, after our praying, I concluded with blessing the Negev with the the Birkat Cohanim (high priestly blessing), played on my CD player, sung by Avrumi Weinberg together with the students of the Rashi Yeshiva.
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The Lord taught me and apostle William T. Hodge [Report 01] in 2010 on Mt. Gerizim, when I was praying into the shofar Ezekiel 37 and he then sounded the shofar over the valley of Shechem, that the shofar had unique vibrations and frequencies which could not be stopped by any obstacle, and that thus my prayer would keep riding across the globe (and hit a woman in Australia). Hence, as we were sounding our shofars, our prayers were riding across the Negev, unstoppable. But we, the team and our 2 drivers, did need a stop – to enjoy the lunch I had prepared at a popular rest station / restaurant and shop of homegrown organic products.
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Our last stop was by the ascent to Mitzpe Ramon, then drove into the world’s greatest crater, Makhtesh Ramon, not formed from a meterorite but from erosion, to the Selena Ramon Clamping, our overnight luxury desert camping experience. We made it there by dusk, as we had an unplanned temporary delay with a flat tire, punctured by very sharp rocks but happily were saved with a replacement tire.
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We relaxed over the dinner I had prepared in the huge dining “hall” tent, then Samuel, my faithful helper and assistant, and I went to warm ourselves at one of the many fires – the desert night is rather cold – and had a time of sharing. Our luxury tents had king-size beds and heating-air-conditioning; there were bar-b-q open fire grills and clean toilet and shower facilities.
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After a delicious Israeli breakfast and prayer we set out on the 2nd leg of the assignment, through the midbar/wilderness.
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Our first stop was next to the Nature Reserve and Visitor Center, with an unobstructed view over the vast crater. Armed with my CD player I went up and down the whole length, decreeing, declaring and shouting together with Robyn, followed by the team praying into the shofars as ususal.
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Once again, Yuval and Rony took us to perfect stops, Yuval trying to blow the shofar, then we drove into Ben Gurion’s Tomb National Park, where one has a breathtaking view of the Tsin canyon and the Avdat highlands, perfect for our customary practice at every stop. And the group of tourists had left.
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After 2 more perfect stops we proceeded to the much looked forward Akrabbim, also spelled Aqrabim Ascent, popularly known as Scorpion trail (which is roadway 227), a true adventure with magnificent views of the Negev’s constantly changing shapes and landscapes. At the Monument to the 11 Israeli victims of a terror attack known as the Ma’ale Akrabim massacre, or Scorpion Pass Massacre, we came to a longer stop.
Rony told us about the terror attack, the history of the Ascent, and about the region we were in, then we carried out our customary practice at each stop. And we met a group of motorcyclists, who also came to the monument. We did 2 more stops before we reached Ir Ovot/Tamar Park on roadway 227, and and said good-bye to Randi and Samuel at the Iddan bus stop on highway 90, two roads mentioned in Isa. 35:8, in the Hebrew a “maslul/highway,” and a “derech/roadway,” to become known as the “roadway of holiness.” Then Yuval and Rony drove us back to Eilat.
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We concluded this holy and awesome assignment with the observance of Shabbat (22-04-23) and a yummy Shabbat dinner. Dina returned to her home in the Netherlands, Beate and Sylvia went to Jerusalem, and Samuel prepared to return to his home in India. Although a small team of 6 instead of 12, without the apostle and musicians, the Lord completed His assignment as He had said: “Whether by many or by few, I shall accomplish all of My purpose.”
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And He did. All glory, praise and honor be unto Him, the Holy One of Israel, Who will fulfill all of His good promises to the nation, the land and the people of Israel, not for their sake, but for His Holy Name’s sake [Ezek. 36:22-36]. Amen.
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End Notes
Regarding Azazel [i]: Azazel was once a powerful angel – a seraph – who served the Lord God. He was the commander-in-chief of the Grigori, a group of 200 Angels who were tasked to watch over Planet Eart, the so-called Watchers, giant angels who had guarded the earth preceding the Flood.
Their motto was: “Forever awake, Forever protect, Forever watch” – was the Watchers’ motto, guarding the earth against the demons, the one third of angels who followed Satan’s rebellion and were cast out of heaven. These “watchers” rebelled when God called them back, probably because they had transgressed their angelic restrictions by descending upon the earth and had begun teaching men forbidden knowledge.
It was Azazel’s idea to copulate with the daughters of man to produce offspring, the Nephilim. He became a ‘fallen angel’ but despite this, he still maintains most of his immense power, as do all fallen angels, including Satan, none of whom God stripped of the powers He had created into them.1.
Azazel was able to devastate legions of demons or armies of angels with ease. In the Book of Enoch, we are told that by Azazel men were led astray and corrupted in all their ways through the works he taught them, leading them into wickedness and impurity and all unrighteousness on earth. He revealed to mankind the secrets of witchcraft and the forbidden eternal secrets which were in heaven.
At last he was, at YHVH’s command, bound hand and foot by the archangel Raphael and cast into the darkness. Raphael made an opening in the DESERT (which is in [Ha] Dudael (= Beth Ḥadudo), and imprisoned him therein [the prison3]. He then placed upon him rough and jagged rocks, chaining them to him and covered him with darkness[1], to abide there forever. He covered Azazel’s face so he could not see light until the great Day of Judgment, when he will be cast into the fire to be consumed forever. He will be delivered to the angels of punishments.
This was Azazel. His confinement therefore is extreme, from which even he cannot escape. But the multitude of demons, small and great, who have been cast “unto Azazel” into the Negev for many centuries, strongly empathize[2] with him and admire who he once was, even though he had fought against demons.
I did not expect to write in such length about Azazel but it seems the Holy Spirit wanted me to because of doubters who don’t believe that the Negev has been occupied for many centuries by demons, hindering the development of the Negev, trying to prevent the influx of men. And if indeed there were that many demons in the Negev, then we little human beings could not have driven them out.
However, we are not “little human beings,” but children of the Most High Almighty God, disciples of Messiah Yeshua, Who has given us authority over ALL of the power of the enemy, and to cast out demons.
In a warfare assignment of six team members and two drivers, we were not at all alone. I was shown from the beginning that the Lord Yeshua, the Captain of the heavenly host, would be going before us, with an army of angels at His every command, also at our rear guard. I could have been frightened at the task had we indeed been only this small team. But Yeshua’s Presence was clearly evident as were the angels. God gave such assurance of His provision of safety that I was bold and courageous when doing battle along with my prophetic minstrel and psalmist friend (Robyn Green) and her apostolic husband’s prophetic blinding, deafening and binding of the spirits.
Our drivers, Yuval & Ronni (licensed tour guide), took us to high crests overlooking vast areas of the Aravah and the Midbar over which I sent forth the battle cry recorded on a CD already in 2019 into every direction as I carried it as far and wide as possible.
As I am a “seer” like Heman, King David’s seer, who told the king what was being prophesied on the instruments, I “saw” what Robyn was decreeing, declaring and prophesying by her voice and keyboard.
After the blinding she did a powerful deafening which I joined, shouting the decree into the desert at the top of my lungs, followed by the binding. Huge, pitch black chains, each link intertwined with such complexity that not even demonic power could break them. Demons were tied with those chains from the neck down to their feet, totally wrapped like mummies.
Backing up what Robyn was prophesying on her instruments, I shouted a commanding decree of their binding, I followed up with calling upon the waiting angels to gather the bound spirits together into one place, and then take them to that place of blackness void of all life, in Iceland, where they will be kept until Judgment Day.
I have followed up on that, praying God to block any further casting of demons to Azazel into the Negev. There must not be any casting of demons into the Negev ever again.
Now the tune and sound changed. Robyn played the prophetic decree of water entering the desert, not as a flood but gently, creating pools of water, springs from which ran rivulets enlarging into streams. There were even waterfalls – in the desert! It brought me to tears.
And I shouted it both into the Aravah and the Midbar, telling the Negev the wonderful future God has prepared for it. Then Robyn sang and decreed and prophesied the joy and gladness that will fill the Negev, the sound of music and singing, the voice of melody, joy and peace. I rejoiced and danced with it as good as I was able.
When God called upon me with these assignments, He knew of course of my prophetic gifting He Himself had created in me. It is a necessary anointing and power in spiritual battle such as the one we engaged in.
For this reason God did the same with the number of my team as He did with Gideon, because God does His work whether by many or by few. What was required was faith, trust and obedience, each team member being so qualified.
After I had sounded forth Robyn and Martin’s battle cry, the intercessors VOICED their selected prayer into their shofar and we then sent forth the Word prayer with strong blasts of the shofars into every direction of the desert. I concluded at every stop with the high priestly blessing sung [Birkat Cohanim] by Avrumi Weinberg and 300 Rashi Yeshiva Tivrach students, singing together with them, sending forth the divine blessing of God over the Negev as well as over the team and drivers.
No power, whether angelic or demonic, can overcome the power of the Blood of the Son of God, nor His cross nor the power and authority of His Name. We were sent by God with precise instructions from Him, when we agreed to serve Him in clearing and cleansing the Negev. We did exactly that, and His angels hearkened to the VOICE of God’s Word going forth from us and did what they were told by us and commanded by Yeshua.
It is Done! Amen and Amen!
[1] The same darkness with which the prophetic minstrel and psalmist, my friend Robyn Green, bound the spirits that had occupied the Negev and blocked its development.
[2] The Differences Between Empathy and Sympathy: Empathy is shown in how much compassion and understanding we can give to another. Sympathy is more of a feeling of pity for another. Empathy is our ability to understand how someone feels while sympathy is our relief in not having the same problems.