Come to Me, and I will show you the Way out!
A Message from the Lord to
(Received and written: Tuesday, March 12, 2019)
“You were the Empire over which the sun never sat. You were small in number yet ruled over many. Two of your queens were the most powerful monarchs who turned your island kingdom into an empire and ruler of the seas. Your language which was spoken nowhere else but in your own land connected the world.Peoples of all races and cultures were able to communicate with each other.”
“This was my doing. English is spoken from one end of the globe to the other, like formerly Greek and Latin when the Good News of my Kingdom travelled through the whole Roman Empire. But you became very proud and conceited. You connected the world, but you did not connect them to My Son. You had a church that opposed the Pope, you did not accept the Church of Rome to rule over you, but you also did not accept My Son to rule over you. Your royal House spread lies about Him, as did the House of Steward of Scotland. You actually were in competition over the throne of David which belongs to One only, the true Son of David, My Son.”
“It was little Wales, the one no one thought of being of any importance, who affected the world with the Gospel. From her came the mighty men of God, by whom spread revival fires throughout Europe and even across the Atlantic. From her came the man who changed history with prayer and intercession, My servant Rees Howells. It was by him that the power of prayer and intercession was rediscovered in the churches. But it was by means of your Empire, by means of your language, by means of your King James I [1] that My Word finally became accessible also to the common man. You have influenced the modern world more than any other nation. Men like Smith Wigglesworth impacts Christianity even until now. Your controversial John Wesley, largely rejected, became one of the most ardent, far reaching preachers of salvation by grace through faith, who did not submit to the rule of the Church of England. Without you the spreading of the Good News of my salvation would not have reached even the remotest parts of the world.”
“Therefore I speak to you, to you and your Church, you men and women of Britain and Wales:WAKE UP! Know and understand that it is I, and I alone, who sets up kings and kingdoms, and who brings them down [2]. It was I who made of you a mighty Empire. You, one of the smallest of the people I made one of the greatest, that you may do my will and purpose in the earth, while staying humble. It was your government system that sat an example, after which to follow. It was your educational system, your universities, who inspired other nations to imitate. But it was also you who sat an example how to exploit the poor, even children who labored many hours in your dark factories.”
“Oh Britain, Britain! I was the One who made you great! Wake up and repent of your pride, of your arrogance, of your exploitation of the peoples over whom I set you to rule. Yes, you taught them many good and practical ways of government, commerce and banking. But instead of being the blessing I intended you to be, you exploited the peoples. They admired you, but they also hated and feared you.”
“WAKE UP! Repent of your arrogance, repent of having used your might mainly for your own interests. I am a God of mercy and great kindness. I am speaking to you, for I am prepared to give you ONE MORE TIME the chance, the opportunity, to be a blessing to and in this world which is descending rapidly into the terrible times of the final days. I want you to be a facilitator together with Finland, Germany and Italy, to lift Europe out of the quagmire of her corruption. One more time a chance for the nations of Europe to affect the other 4 continents with the Good News of My Kingdom, of My salvation.”
“ONE MORE TIME, before it is too late! My servant Rees Howell has shown you how to change the course of history. He has shown you the power of faith, prayer and intercession to affect cities, peoples, nations. The men I mentioned have set examples for you to follow to lift Britain out of her lethargy, to remember again what you were capable of, how you even served me in founding my nation, of delivering my land and my city Jerusalem from her occupiers.One of your great leaders, Sir Winston Churchill, who was an enemy of the Turkish tyranny, stood with the hope of my people for their own land from the beginning. You even joined my fighters and the Australian horse brigades to drive the occupier out of the South.You did all of that, yet then you turned and became double-faced. First you supported the founding of a Jewish national homeland, then you turned against my people in support of the Arab’s peoples’ strife for independence. You delivered my people only to imprison them. You supported the founding of their national homeland only to prevent my people escaping from Nazi death camps to enter into the safety of their own land.”
“Therefore I speak to you ONE MORE TIME, to you the Church of this great nation, the living Church on the brink of death: repent of the double standard your leaders had practiced. Repent, you as my church, as the true Body of Christ, of the evil and the wickedness those rulers carried out against my fledgling nation. It is you, and you alone, who can stand between the judgments to come upon Britain, upon the United Kingdom, and the people. Repent from what you have fallen, the great revivals that set churches in many countries on fire. Repent of the rampant anti-Semitism in your country because you, the Church, are not standing as fellow-citizens and co-heirs with the Commonwealth of Israel. You let Islam take over, indifferent to their activities, as though it does not concern you. If you continue keeping a blind eye it soon will turn also against you.”
“I, the Holy One of Israel, want you to awake and stand with Israel, such as you did in the beginning, before the betrayal by liars. You divided up my land after the League Of Nations had entrusted you with it, calling it the British Palestine Mandate, adopting the Latin Name the Romans had given my own Land to divest it from national sovereignty as the Land of Israel. It was not your “mandate” to go ahead and excise 2 artificial nations from My own Land, Iraq and Trans-Jordan. This was not the vision of your great man, Sir Winston Churchill, nor of Baron Arthur Balfour, the author of the famous Balfour Declaration of Independence. [3]”
“It is to you that I call for repentance. It is to you that I call to WAKE UP and make up the breach. It is not the sinners in your land nor your politicians who can stand in the gap and make up the breach for Britain, for the UK. IT IS YOU!!! Set yourself with fasting and praying to seek My Face! Humble yourself with repentance, fasting and praying for Me to hear your supplications! Remember from what you have fallen, repent of it and stand with Israel as true fellow-citizens and co-heirs. Honor your Jewish citizens with the honor that is their due for how faithful and generous they have served your nation, your people.”
“If you will not head my WAKE UP call and ignore my calling you to repentance, to return from what you have fallen and serve Me on behalf of Europe and Israel, it shall be with the British Isles as with all the other islands: in that Great Day of my wrath it shall happen to the British Isles like what happened to Hiroshima, yet not by a man-made bomb, and disappear under the waters never to be seen again. For my prophet has called to you in My Name, My messengers have warned you from Me, but you did not heed. My messenger was told, ‘they don’t hear you!’ And she could not prevent the destruction of your island, although she was weeping for you and speaking to you in My Name.”
“Oh Britain, Britain, you church of the United Kingdom. May you have ears to hear and hearken to My Voice, that I may bless you and use you again as a blessing. Brit-ish means in Hebrew, ‘Man of the covenant.’ May you be a Church who keeps covenant with me, in steadfast love, obedience, faith and faithfulness, that I may bless you again and use you once more as a blessing. Do not be a double-faced Body of Christ, but united in the New move of a double portion I shall send from Israel even into the remotest parts of the world, you being one of my facilitators.”
[1] The King James Version (KJV), also known as the King James Bible (KJB) or simply the Authorized Version (AV), is an English translation of the Bible for the Church of England, begun in 1604 and completed as well as published in 1611 under the sponsorship of King James I of England.
[2] Dan. 2:21; Ps 75:7
[3] The Balfour Declaration.
May 8-15
The last meeting on May 7 in Germany, at the Fels Gemeinde Bingen (Rock Community), was attended by several ministers and mature saints taking notes as I delivered, fully anointed with the Holy Spirit, God’s Wake Up! Your House is on Fire! Message. I began and ended with sounding the shofar.
My last night was spent with Johannes & Silvia Senst who drove me to the airport the next day.
At every airport I boarded and alighted the plane with wheelchair service. When the stairs to the plane were too high for me to climb, a special bus with a mini-elevator lifted me up to the back door of the plane. Once I came to terms with moving about in a wheelchair, I saw great advantages: priority treatment – no standing and waiting in long lines at the passport and security control; no walking for miles with luggage and being the first to board the plane. But to disembark, I was always last, with no opportunity for duty free shopping.
Brother Ben Culbertson picked me up at the huge Heathrow Airport. This was a long way from our destination, Weston-Super-Mare, where I would stay at the GCU Chaplancy Academy headquarters in the LODGE run by Ron Griff and Carly Griffin. [1]
My quarters were a comfortable suite with bathroom, mini fridge, dining area, TV and internet connection. The whole Griffin family and I quickly warmed up to each other especially after I did a little gourmet cooking of my own in their big kitchen. Not a crumb remained of my dish, after a careful first tasting.
Besides parenting 2 sons and a cute daughter, Ron serves as both chef and worship leader in addition to being Senior Chaplain and GCU Academy Superintendent. Carly is kept busy with running the Lodge, a spacious place that hosts not only guests but also meetings and evenings of musical entertainment. It offers a perfect setting for more intimate, private conferences.
As I discovered, the Lodge is only minutes away from the seashore and a lovely countryside that is graced with winding roads and beautiful, shady trees.
My first “assignment” was at a Christian radio station, Lancashire Lighthouse Internet Radio Station, in Blackpool, whose owner, Peter Cunningham, wanted to send the Wake Up!call into the 72 countries his station reaches. GCU Chancellor, Instructor and Rev. Ben Culbertson (“brother” Ben to me) drove 4 ½ hours to bring me there, and after a typical British “fish & chips” lunch with Cunningham and family members we did the broadcast in his small studio. Afterwards Ben drove us back to the Lodge. I never imagined such distances in Britain. Wherever Ben took me to minister the Wake Up!call, it was a long drive.
Before this Britain assignment from the LORD, I knew little about Ben. He was part of the April 2017 Negev conference and the prophetic Assignment, and was quiet, laid-back and unassuming. How surprised and taken-aback I was to receive the prophetic Word God had for him. Ben is one of Abba’s “Manger” people : the meek and lowly, like Yeshua in the manger and the shepherds to whom the angelic host delivered the Good News. My brother Ben may be insignificant in the eyes of many but not in the eyes of God. Surely Ben’s driving me all over and attending all my meetings, hearing my teachings and especially the Wake Up!call repeatedly was God’s perfect will and plan for him. My meetings and this message are evidently the “kick-off” to a great call of God on this “little” man – to arouse and wake up ONE MORE TIME the Body of Christ [Messiah] not only in Britain but in all of the UK.
Next were the scheduled meetings at the Lodge. Some were attended by just a few who then received personal ministry, especially for building up, delivering from self-rejection, insecurity and doubting. The two Sunday services saw full houses with not one empty seat. I faithfully delivered the Lord’s warning message, as fresh and new as ever, stirred up by the Holy Spirit.
For the evening service I was torn between the so very much needed teaching on “Total Forgiveness leads to Total Freedom,” and the revelation of “The Life of the Son of Man – Yeshua the Messiah.” Trusting the Lord knows exactly who will attend and who needs most to hear the one or the other, I leaned to the latter. While a couple took offense at the brutal reality of Yeshua’s life as a child and youth (Isaiah 53 is quite straight forward about it as is Ps 22), most were deeply touched as they identified with what was done to and said about Yeshua and His mother. The Lord focused particularly on two young men sitting up front, addressing them repeatedly with much compassion and understanding.
Pastor Michael Safferry and his wife, having heard me at the Sunday service, requested me to share the Wake Up! Call also at his house, a pretty mansion, to which he invited the members of their fellowship. I left a written copy with him.
An apostolic acquaintance of Ben, Pastors Gary & Lorita Bryden, of “Living Stones Birmingham,” [2] who had mentored him and whom Ben held in high esteem, attended the morning service with his wife. They wholly confirmed the message as being from God and I being a true, prophetic messenger. Afterwards, as a special lunch treat, Ronnie took all of us to his favorite BBQ restaurant way out in the countryside.
The last meeting was at “Stirring of the Waters” church in Penryn, Cornwall, with Pastor Richard Edwards [3], who loves Israel and leads tours to the beloved Land. After a time of worship, I opened with prayer and my shofar, and likewise closed the service.
As a special treat, Ben drove me all the way to where the Ferry goes over to Weston-Super-Mare.
There remained one last evening of sweet, loving fellowship with the Griffin family and Ben at Ronnie’s dinner. It was late, and I still had to pack and shower. Ben decided to leave for Heathrow at 3:00 in the morning. I slept perhaps at the most two hours, too stirred up to fall asleep. The Lord had opened great doors and assembled wonderful people, many being true disciples.
And as it had been in Michigan and Texas and in Germany, all seven days in Britain were rather cold. Throughout the entire time, everything I wore was layered: two sweaters over a shirt plus a jacket, two pairs of pants and very warm socks. All my nice clothes were far too cool to wear.
But, it was worth it all! Seeing God at work, His hand everywhere and in everything, His perfect provision, meeting every need super-abundantly and receiving so much love and honor, all I could see was God – Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
God was in total control. All praise, all glory and all thanksgiving goes to Him, this most amazing, most wonderful and glorious God, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the Holy One of Israel, the only Living, Eternal God of a triune nature. Hallelujah!
[1] Ronnie’s & Carly’s Lodge look almost identical to the Grove Lodge in this link
[2] Address: Unit 1, Tamebridge Industrial Estate, Aldridge Road, Perry Barr, Birmingham, B42 2TX ;;;
Email: | Tel: 0121 356 2575 | Mob: 0797 722 0182
[3] The Old Carpenter’s Shop, Islington Wharf, Penryn, Cornwall TR10 8AT ; Tel.: 01326 376818
Britain photos
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