Come to Me, and I will show you the Way out!
A Message from the Lord to
April/May 2019
The Lord wants you to understand what Germany will be facing if the Church –the Body of Messiah – does not wake up and get up.
“Your only safety is by abiding in Me and for my words to abide in you. Do not put your trust in any man, and do not lean on the arm of flesh. Lean on and trust in Me alone. Repent of your idolatry of ministers and ministries. I am a jealous God, I give my glory to no other. Repent of giving my tithe and offerings to glorify ministries and buildings while my servants in countries lacking your wealth have barely a roof of their head and food on their table.”
“Be alert, be filled with my Holy Spirit and the knowledge of the Truth, abide in my love, believe, trust and obey, for there is no other way in Yeshua, My Son, Your Savior and Lord.”
“Have ears to hear. Do not beat my warnings in the wind. Keep Germany from drowning in blood and violence.”
Instead of bringing Muslims to Yeshua (for now is the time of salvation for Ishmael), because God has heard the prayer of His friend Abraham for this son, and therefore the harvest among his descendants is great, the Church and the German people have bowed to Islam. The consequence of this is that Muslims murder, rob and rape, whether they are Christians, Jews, or just Germans. All and everything that does not bow to Islam will be exposed to this violence because they are in the Dar al-Harb (House of War) and not in Dar al-Islam (House of Islam). Islamic law demands that the world be converted to Islam, if necessary with violence, murder and manslaughter.
But while the churches of Jesus/Yeshua are still slumbering and content with a Sunday-morning happy hour, the Hitlerite monster of neo-Nazism has woken up. As neither the government nor the church ensure that violent Muslims are expelled from the country and other violent Muslims are denied entry to Germany, the number of right-wing extremists (like white supremacist forces; not people who stand for justice and righteousness; they are not “right-wing extremists”) has increased, enjoying great financial support. Under SS-like leadership, the various branches have begun to band together to crack down on Islamic immigrants and refugees, and expel them from Germany.
The Lord showed me terrible images of bloody battles by extreme right-wing radicals against refugees, or against anything that is not German –as Germans are quickly becoming the “minority” in their own country – Muslims and Jews, but also against Christians. The Muslims, on the other hand, are against everything that is not Islamic. Ultimately, no one will be able to tell who is who, including the police, whose involvement in the violence will only increase the violence. The country will plunge into a bloodshed and violent madness, unless the living Body of Jesus in Germany takes the call of God deadly serious and acts accordingly.
“WAKE UP! YOUR HOUSE IS ON FIRE! Come to Me, and I’ll show you the way out.”
God’s call is to the Body of Christ, not to the German people. Germany needs the Body of Christ to stand in the gap and make up the breach. It is the LORD Who calls you to Repentance and Penance.
- Repent of your sexual immoralities. Repent of tolerating those among you who engage in adultery and fornication. It has become common practice and is wholly tolerated in the churches for young couples to live together as husband and wife outside of the sanctifying covenant of marriage. It has been accepted as a “trial” time. Repent of these practices, of your tolerating them and mend your ways.
- You know My Word that says that husband and wife shall cleave together until death shall part them. You know that I hate divorce (Mal. 3:16), yet it is as rampant in the churches as in the world. Repent of and forsake your compromising ways.
- What is worse yet, that you have abandoned the love you had at first. Remember then from what you have fallen, repent and do the works you did at first. If not, I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place, unless you repent.
- You have not kept My commandment to love each other as I have loved you except for a small remnant.Repent for your failures and obey my commandment, that it may be well with you.
- You have disregarded My prayer to the Father that the you who believe in and follow Me should be one in Me with one another as I and the Father are one.
Repent of your failure and strive for unity with each other.
- In the time of the Nazi persecution of the Jewish people the Body of Christ (except for individuals honored at Yad Vashem) did not stand between them and the Nazis, although Christians are fellow citizens and co-heirs in the commonwealth of Israel and no longer pagans (Ephesians 2: 12-13, 19). But the Church did what the Prophet Obadiah describes:
Obadiah 10-15 Living Bible (TLB)
10 “And why [judgment]? Because of what you did to your brother Israel. Now your sins will be visible to all; ashamed and defenseless, you [the organized church] will be cut off forever. 11 For you [the church, except for individuals] have forsaken Israel [the Jews] in [their] times of need. You [the Church] stood aloof and refused to move a finger to help him [them] as the invaders [Nazis] took away his [their] wealth and divided Jerusalem [their possessions] among themselves. You were like one of his [their] enemies.12 You should not have done it, you should not have been glad when they brought him [them] far away to foreign lands [to the death camps]; You should not have rejoiced in the day of his misfortune [because you believed that God rejected the Jews and you are now His New Israel]; You should not have mocked them in the time of their despair [and shown yourself merciless]. 13 On the day of his misfortune, you yourself went to the land of Israel [in the houses of the Jews] and plundered it [them]. You have made yourself rich at his expense. 14 You stood at the crossroads and killed them who were trying to escape. You captured the survivors and returned them to their enemies in this terrible time of their distress.
15 The vengeance of the Lord will soon fall upon all nations of the Gentiles. As they have done with Israel, it will happen to them. Their actions will return on their own heads [return like a boomerang].”
Bringing you this WAKE UP! YOUR HOUSE IS ON FIRE! warning message, I would like to tell you about an incident in 1979 that concerns Germany, in order to underscore the urgency of the message of the Lord and make it become more visible to your mind’s eyes. Otherwise you may not understand why and and how come the Lord warns so urgently. At that time, as a Jewish woman who grew up in Germany, I was a student at Christ For The Nations (CFNI), a Bible School in Dallas, Texas.
Every year, on the anniversary of Gordon Lindsay’s call from this life to the Lord, no classes were held but the entire student body in the main auditorium together for worship, praise and worship (praise & worship).
‘Mom’ Freda Lindsay, Gordon’s widow, has been head of the institute ever since. On this day, she gave the students the assignment to pray for nations; either for your own nation or for another, via the Microphone. I went up to the podium to pray for Israel and waited for my turn.
But there came ‘Mom’ Lindsay, took me by the hand and led me to the microphone.
“Well, my dear, you’re praying for Germany now,” she said with a smile.
“But Mom Lindsay, I want to pray for Israel,” I countered.
“It’s all right,” she said, patting my hand. “It’s all right. You pray for Germany. The Holy Ghost knows what He is doing. “And she returned to her chair.
I did not know how to start. So I began with the Lord’s Prayer in German. Immediately such a strong anointing came over the whole hall, that one would have heard a pin dropping even on a carpet. Even years later, graduates still remembered this powerful anointing.
As I prayed the Lord’s Prayer, I had a vision: a big hand reached down from heaven and picked up something that had covered all of Germany. It was a blanket of innocent blood that Germany had shed – that was what the Holy Spirit gave me to understand. He did not go into details about whose blood it was and when. Only that it was innocent blood. And I, a German Jewess who had lost almost her entire family in the Holocaust and who had suffered rejection, abuse and defamation throughout her childhood and early youth for nothing but being Jewish, should now pray for this people ?!
So I prayed what I saw, and what the Holy Ghost showed, that for a time God removed that blanket of innocent blood from His sight to stretch His scepter of grace over the whole German people (for how long was not revealed; see Ecclesiastes 3: 1). The time for “the judicial decision and the verdict” had not come yet. All the souls who belong to God, who are foreknown, predestined and called to be redeemed, shall be called together, and those who are to serve Him in the future as citizens of His kingdom.
Deeply moved with compassion, with tears flowing, I had asked God to continue to be merciful. Here and there we heard sobs, hallelujah shouts, praise the Lord, thank God and Amen from the assembly of students.
About a week or two later, Reinhard Bonnke held a revival meeting in a big stadium in Frankfurt. Amazingly enough, the whole stadium filled up, even though Bonnke was still a little-known evangelist in Germany at the time. He was called to Africa. Shortly thereafter, there was a spiritual awakening throughout Germany. Germans of all ages, born again and filled with the Holy Spirit, began streaming to Israel. They sought forgiveness and wanted to pray for the young nation and the Jewish people and for Jerusalem.
A few years later, the Lord led me through the “Gate of Forgiveness” in Altensteig in the Black Forest. Pastor Wolfgang Wangler, who built a bridge between his church and Israel, had invited me. The hall was crowded, with only standing room left – thanks to the Lord’s love pouring out of me and the anointing that was so strong “as if you could cut it with a knife,” the Youth Pastor said back then. Since then, I’ve also talked about Israel in other cities in Germany and how Christians should belong to Israel and participate in the well-being of Israel.
To emphasize once again the urgency of time and this message, I would like to illustrate some of the situations here, two examples of which have really happened.
Let’s say it’s night and you’re sleeping, and somebody’s knocking on your door like crazy. But you are tired and sleepy and because you are so comfortable in bed, you do not want to get up. It only pisses you off that someone woke you up with the stupid knocking. But suddenly something else wakes you up – smoke has penetrated your room. Now you jump out of bed, run to the door and, whoomm, flames hit you in the face. The entire hall and the staircase are in flames. How to get out now? How to escape the flames?
Or, you’re at work, and the phone rings and someone shouts excitedly, “Your house is on fire!” But you think that’s just a joke, a fax, as is often the case now, and you hang up the phone. When you come home, the house is almost burned down, the fire department was alerted too late.
To stress once more the urgency of the time and this message, I would like to illustrate it with two true happenings here in Israel, where Hamas in the south and Hezbollah in the north shoot missiles at our cities and settlements:
It was the middle of the night when the sirens began howling, warning of a rocket attack. A mother in the city of Ashdod, alone with her two young sons, lept out of bed, rushed into her children’s room, grabbed them by the hand, and dragged them into the shelter. No sooner had she closed the iron door behind her than there was a deafening noise and a rocket fell on her house and smashed it. If she had taken her time and the warning as not so important – as unfortunately many young Israelis think -, then she would have been killed with her sons by this rocket, buried under the rubble of their destroyed house.
Another example: a single woman in Beer-Sheva did not ever take the sirens seriously, because missiles never actually reached where she lived. But this time, when the sirens howled again, she decided to go to the shelter. No sooner had she closed the window and the door than there was a terrible boom, and her apartment became rubble. If she had not followed the siren this time, she would have been dead under the rubble of her apartment.
I am such a “siren,” sent by God with a strong warning call. I serve the Lord in the prophetic ministry [03-Biographies] since August 1976. The Lord is showing the Church, the Body of Christ, how to prepare, stand up and become active. Because only she stands between salvation and destruction.
It is written, “Whatever you have done it shall happen to you as well.” The Lord warns that the blanket of innocent blood, which in 1979 He had lifted out of His sight is about to descend upon Germany again. The church of Yeshua must wake up, and stand up as one man and come together in absolute unity, with fasting and praying before the Lord, repenting with true, profound repentance and pleading the Lord and imploring Him to grant one more time of grace. And then to travel all over Germany, from city to city, from place to place, to find opportunity for one more time grace upon the German people.Surely there are at least 1,000 righteous in Germany, disciples of Yeshua, for whose sake God will avert the Holocaust from Germany. Or at least 500, of whom there are without a doubt in Germany.
Yes, the divine judgment will eventually come to all of Europe, to all nations who persecuted His people Israel, who murdered, robbed, tortured them, and treated them as cast aways to be exterminated. But now is the time of redemption. The heavenly court has issued an extension of the time of grace. May the church of Jesus not take this lightly and treat it as a hoax, but make every effort to spread these urgent, immediate measures requiring message in the Christian communities of Germany. There is no time to lose, else she and her nation will pay dearly for it.
Posted: Monday, August 26, 2019 at 22:10
From: “Father House of Olives” < >
Subject: Angela Merkel: Our house is burning and we can not remain silent!
“Yet even now, says the Lord, return to me with all your heart, and with fasting, and with weeping and with mourning And rend your heart and not your garments, and turn unto the Lord your God; For he is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and of great kindness, and can be the mischief repent. Who knows, maybe he will reverse and it can be relent and blessing to leave behind: grain offering and drink offering for the Lord your God! Blow the trumpet in Zion, sanctify a fast, call from a holiday! “Joel, 2, 12-15
Dear friends of the father’s house,
Angela Merkel said on Saturday (24.08.) At the G7 summit in Biarritz / France in connection with the serious forest fires in Brazil: “Our house is burning and we can not remain silent. “Has been reported in minute 2.30 to 33 about in the news at 20 o’clock, see:
The same words: The German Chancellor used the exact same words as the Messianic Jewish prophetess Annelore [“Elinor”] Rasco from Eilat / Israel, whose prophetic word was, “WAKE UP! YOUR HOUSE IS IN FIRE! ” This word was confirmed inter alia by brother Benjamin Berger from Jerusalem.
Our German house is on fire! What is that supposed to mean? During our daily prayer time with the Israeli brothers and sisters last week in Berlin brother Siegfried / Israel got the impression that the destructive burning of our German house has something to do with the destruction of the biblical core values in our German legislation. In other words, without biblical values our country will burn up, unless the fire is extinguished in time!
Therefore, we encourage you to continue also during the three weeks of fasting and prayer from 15:08. – 07.09. to remain in prayer and to storm the throne of God for mercy for our country.
Please pray:
1. First for a national repentance in Germany as soon as possible in our capital Berlin
2. Second, for hallowing the priesthood and its ordination, i.e. being the interceding petitioner (1 Peter 2, 9) for the Lord to bring about a national Repentance Assembly.
3. Third that the body of Jesus hears the shofar/trumpet and the alarm call, wake up and stand up.
4. For unity in the body of Jesus in this matter of national repentance, especially in leadership,
5. For the pouring out of the spirit of grace and supplication (Zech. 12, 10).
Be richly blessed by the Lord, and more fervent in spirit of prayer,
Your Andreas and Frau Bauer
Father’s house on the Mount of Olives – prayer network for Israel and Germany / Europe
Dear friends of the father’s house,
The house is on fire: it burns in Germany and it has come a time for our country and for the body of Jesus in Germany where we cannot save ourselves in our own strength. We need more than ever before in all areas the helping, saving arm of the Lord. He alone can still change the destiny of our country and turn things around.
Born in Germany, the 76-year-old Messianic-Jewish Annelore (Elinor) Rasco received in the first months of 2019, a haunting prophetic word: “WAKE UP! YOUR HOUSE IS ON FIRE!” Sent by God, she then declared this Word in early May at various locations in Germany, including in Berlin-Mitte the 2nd and 3rd of May.
Tested word: Several brethren examined this Word and are convinced of its authenticity. Among others it was also tested by our Israeli brother Benjamin Berger, who has written his opinion of it on June 19. We refer you to it in this e-mail as part of this message, and with a file attachment.
When a house is burning, you have to act immediately and not procrastinate with putting out the fire. We pray that the Body of Jesus stands in the gap for Germany as Abraham did for Lot. And we pray that the churches of Christ realize that the “house” Germany will burn down if they do not finally wake up and stand up. We must follow Abraham’s example and stand in the gap for Germany like he did for Lot, so that no further Holocaust comes, this time on Germany itself.
The situation is very serious, and we ask you to reflect on the way in which you are praying, especially during the 21 days of fasting and prayer, from 15 August to 7 September so that it leads to repentance and a turning back, and to a breakthrough for Germany above and beyond what we hope for. We will give you tomorrow, or by E-Mail, practical guidelines for these 21 days of prayer and fasting
We commit you unto the blessings of our Heavenly Father, together with the love of Jesus and prayer,
Your Andreas Bauer, and Frau
Father’s house on the Mount of Olives – prayer network for Israel and Germany / Europe
Statement by Benjamin Berger, Jerusalem,
of 22 June 2019. prophecy of Annelore Rasco, Eilat / Israel:
“I read the whole prophecy carefully and can only say: Everything Annelore Rasco wrote is true.”
“She mentioned many points that have to do with the history of Germany. She saw a blanket coming down on Germany. It is a blanket of innocent blood, which Germans have shed. She gives us some examples from the Bible such as Noah who built the ark in an area away from the Sea, and at a time when no one had ever heard of or knew anything about rain, what it was. People thought it was ridiculous what Noah was doing, and did not take his warnings with the building of the ark serious nor his preaching of 120 years. The prophetess gives us the example of Lot, who made no efforts to leave Sodom, heeding the warning, until the angels seized him, his daughters and his wife by the hand and dragged them out of Sodom. These are examples by which God warns us men, and also tries to save us.”
“This is compared with the situation in Germany. Most of the communities of believers in Germany are still sleeping. Although there are many friends of Israel in Germany, and also a relatively large number of volunteers who go to Israel to serve, and despite the fact that many Israel services are available in Germany, and that the annual march of life is held in the nation, it has still not led in all these years to national repentance for the many sins Germany committed against other nations, especially in World War II, and not for the great sin of the Holocaust, whose blood still cries out to heaven. Nazism was a national movement and it was pure evil. There is nothing good to be said about the National Sozialismus.Yet there are neo-Nazis in Germany which, as a Democracy, has not prohibited this movement. The danger of this is that the house, the German “house,” may burn down.”
“Yes, God has granted a lot of grace after the Holocaust. There should have been at once a national movement of repentance. The German people should have repented, and realized not long after the Second World War that the bombing and the destruction of Germany’s cities was God’s judgment. But the Germans felt ashamed, or hardened their heart, so that much of what was done to the innocents has been swept under the carpet.”
“Yes, Jesus is looking at his churches in Germany, most of whom are still sleeping. Our God is a forgiving God, but he is also a God who judges. Jesus took God’s judgment upon himself and carried it to the cross. But Germany as a nation is far from the cross. Many were astonished that Germany received so much grace after the Second World War with the reconstruction. The reason is that our God is a merciful God Who forgives. If the community of believers in Germany is not making up the breach for the entire German people and country, I am convinced that a great judgment will come upon Germany, and that this prophecy of this faithful sister is a true prophecy. However, today this certainly relates not only to Germany but to all of Europe, Germany being at the center of it. One could say a lot more, but I think what this prophecy makes clear is, that the time of grace is coming to an end.”
“We as Jews do know this, having seen the time of grace coming to an end when we did not accept, as a people, the gospel the apostles preached. We experienced 2,000 years of dispersion among the nations and suffered persecution over and again. We Jews also share in the sins of the peoples, but thank God there are Messianic congregations in Israel who fulfill the role of ten righteous men. God was ready to save Sodom even if there were only ten righteous persons. Yet, not even ten were found. If there were communities of believers throughout Germany, which would be willing to stand in the gap for their people, they could be in the place of the ten righteous. The question is: are the believing communities in Germany awake? I always pray that there be in Germany truthful prophetic voices that are being heard across the country. I hope that this will be the case with the prophecy of this sister from Israel. There is a limit, a “border” situation. Germany stands on the border. Either there will be deep repentance, or the judgment of God will come as Annelore Rasco has warned. Personally, I owe Germans a lot and pray that Germany will not come under God’s judgment.” Benjamin Berger, Jerusalem
From the first to the last meeting, with the exception of the USA, all contacts, all doors that opened, began in our home, the Eilat Prayer Tower.
“Can’t you change your coming to September?” my friends Johnannes & Silvia Senst asked me, the 3rd German couple who had stayed with us for 1 week and offered to help me with bringing the God’s Wake Up Call.
“Nobody is willing to receive you. There are just no doors opening.”
“No,” I answered them. “This is the time the Lord has appointed, and it is not up to me to change that. What’s more, September is the worst month, with everybody busy with school begin.”
“God is sending me.Hence, He is in charge. He already said that I don’t need to know of open doors in advance. It is enough I will have them when I get there. So, don’t worry, it will all be alright.”
The first door opened when I was still in Israel.Pastor Ingeborg Barker of the “FelsGemeinde…”Bingen”, calledand requested me to come with God’s prophetic warning of which she had heard. We agreed on May 7th, my last day in Germany her first day back from Israel.
She met with me, Silvia and my friend evangelist BeateKleberfirst in her home to get an idea of who I am. I delivered the WACHT AUF message to a room full with people who paid close attention and recognized the warning to be from God. It was both video and audio taped, and is available from Pastor Barker. Prior to the meeting I, Silvia and Beate, and 3 of her friends enjoyed a short boat trip on the river Rhine.
The 2nd door opened when I was on my “1st leg” of the 2-months assignment: while praying in the chapel of the Arnold’s office building in Ferry, Michigan, Pastor Andreas Bauer from Berlin, Germany, called and requested me to speak at his Jerusalem Gemeinde. He had heard of the “Wacht Auf! EuerHausStehtIn Brand!”message for the Church in Germany.
Thus I continued straightto Berlin Tegel airportupon my arrival from Dallas in the Frankfurt airport on Wednesday, May 1st.I ministered from Wednesday through Friday. God warned the Body of Christ in Germany with a rather stern wordof the consequences should they fail to heed and obey His instructions. A holocaust of violence and bloodshed would descend upon the nation unless the saints united in repentance, and made up the breach.
The Lord compared it with the tsunami in Indonesiain 2005, when one saw people carelessly frolicking on the beach, unaware of the deadly danger which would sweep them away. Another comparison He gave was when in the middle of the night sirens howled in the city of Ashdod (not Beer Sheva) in Israel, warning of rockets launched from Gaza. One has 2-3 minutes time to get into safety. A mother of 3 sons jumped out of bed, ran into the boys room, grabbed them by their hands, dragged them into the safety room and – BOOM! A rocket fell on her house and destroyed it. Had she taken her time and gently tried to waken her sons, all 3 of them would have been killed and buried under the rubble of their house.
Three days of admonition, teaching and exhorting culminated in personal prophetic ministry until 0:30 am. Pastor Andreas [1] – a man of prayer – wanted everybody to get blessed by me. The Holy Spirit did just that – His way.
Saturday, May 4th, was the 60th birthday of Carmen Paul, friend of Johannes & Silvia Senst. She had died and come back to life, and wrote about this miracle in her book, Pferdefuß und Himmelsglück (A Horse’s Foot And Heavenly Bliss). The Senst picked me up from the Frankfurt airport with their RV, so I could sleep during the long ride to Carmen’s birthday party in Friedrichsroda. Carmen and several others were interested in the WACHT AUF message.
Johannes & Silvia hosted me in their lovely home in Altenstadt, where I slept in a room with a picture-book view. They took me to a large home fellowship/intercessory ministry in Linden. Deep repentance and fervent prayers followed the message which got taped.
The Senst also organized a meeting with the Darmstaedter Marienschwesternschaft (Ecunemical Lutheran sisterhood[2]), who strongly support Israel. Being a 1st generation Holocaust survivor (born March 1943) they warmly welcomed me. Our meeting was most interesting as they told me of the MENORAH PROJECT [3], in which they had been involved. CBN News reported on June 6th, ‘Unbelievable’: German Christians Bring Life-Sized Temple Menorah to Jerusalem As Peace Offering to Jewish People (Please go to the link of the “Menorah Project” to read the full story).
A group of 11 German Christians who call themselves “The Menorah Project” brought a life-size gold-plated replica to Jerusalem to seek forgiveness for the Church’s long history of anti-Semitism and violent persecution of Jews.
The 5-foot, 265-pound menorah is a peace offering and plea for reconciliation to the Jewish people.
The life-size gold-overlaid Menorah copy even traveled on the first Ebenezer Operation ExodusAliyah ship of Gustav Scheller (a Swiss Christian business man) to Haifa, as though making “Aliyah,” i.e. “going up,” returning home to Jerusalem.
Everywhere I spoke in Germany, the message was received with great attention and the recognition that it was from God.
Before I left, Pastor Andreas resolutely maintained that I needed to return for the 70th anniversary [4] of the founding of the Federal Republic of Germany. He flew me from Rome – where I already was ministering – back to Berlin for 2 days, 23-24 of May. I stayed in the same apartment as before, above the Gebetshaus, allegedly guarded by several companies of angels.
While having a lively time of worship, dancing before the Lord with many different banners, the church filled up, with pastors and apostolic ministers present who spoke to the 70th anniversary. I shared again the Wake Up! Your House is on Fire!, took them step for step through the Lord’s Prayer, taught on Total Forgiveness with life examples.For the Intercessors I elaborated on the Altar of Incense, which may be approached only with a pure heart and conscience. Andreas insisted once again on blessing everybody. Seated on a chair – I could stand no longer – I anointed and blessed all present who had formed a long line, none wanting to miss out on getting blessed by this prophetess from Israel. We concluded with worship and dancing before the Lord, and with fellowship over dinner.
Because I had already scheduled meetings awaiting me in Italy, Pastor Andreas Bauer paid my flight to Milan and from there to Naples.
Annelore Rasco
(also known as “Mama Israel” and Elinor)
Email: Email:
Websites: OR TZION, Inc.ministry –
Prayer service: Eilat Prayer Tower
[1] Pastor Andreas – Vaterhausauf demÖlberg in Jerusalem / Fatherhouse on the Mt. of Olives in Jerusalem
[2] Evangelical Sisterhood of Mary
[3] Of course, the Menorah was only overlaid with gold but not a fully gold hammered. The gift of this Menorah replica was to be an act of true repentance and reconciliation. Read CBN’s news article about it.
[4] 70th year of the founding of the Federal Republic of Germany. Also see:
(Note: clicking on a photo will open it full size with description)