Come to Me, and I will show you the Way out!
A Message from the Lord to
(Received and written:10-03-2019)
Dear brothers and sisters in the Lord,
It is 45 years ago that I lived in Italy and spoke Italian. It was exactly Oct. 10, 1974, when I and my husband left beloved Italy. We very much loved and enjoyed your beautiful country, your food, your hospitality. We have been dreaming for years to make a nostalgic trip to Italy, but it just never worked out.
Italy holds a special place in my heart. The first time I came to your country I soon made friends with Italians, Americans and French. When I came a second time to Italy I fled again Germany and a bad fiancé. I came as a sinner, lost, sick, without friends, no place to stay, and it was cold and raining. A Suicide spirit told me (I did not know then that there is such a thing as a suicide spirit) to make an end of my life and of all the pain and misery, to finally have peace.
I had 2 bottles of 78 sleeping pills. It is impossible to swallow that many pills, so I got me a glass of water, dissolved the pills and swallowed that whole pulp. Three days later I woke up in the hospital in Formia.
It was in Italy that I had wanted to end my life, and it was in Italy that I got miraculously saved from sure death. It was impossible to have survived 78 sleeping pills, to have been found in time, for every minute mattered. I was an atheist, I did not believe in God. This miraculous rescue from sure death got me started looking, searching for God.
And He met me, when Jesus Christ (Yeshua the Messiah) appeared to me three times. First in a vision of the night where He told me not to ask His Name and where He came from and I answered “I don’t need to, I know who you are. You are the One I have always loved.” The 2nd time that He appeared to me I was wholly awake, sitting at the dining table, reading the story of Sodom and Gomorrah. I was shown a landscape, the landscape of my life, a terrible, dead, dry waste. I was in panic when a Man appeared into this wasteland of my life. I immediately recognized His Face. It was He Whom I had always loved. He raised His arms, beckoning me to come to Him, when I saw the marks in His hands. Then I knew His Name and where He came from.
I fell down like I felled tree, begging, pleading for forgiveness, weeping rivers of tears, creating a whole puddle, kissing the wounds on His imaginary feet. I mourned as is written in Zechariah 12, when they shall see Him Whom they have pierced. It was like all the generations of my people from Abraham until now were mourning over Him for whom we have been counted as sheep for the slaughter, and we did not know that He was our promised Messiah.
I battled for my soul for three days and nights, the devil telling me that I was beyond hope even for Jesus (I did not know it was the devil who said this) until in desperation I cried out in my turmoil, “JESUS, HELP ME!” Immediately the tossing turmoil stopped like calming the tossing waves of the Sea. It suddenly got all bright, but nobody had turned on lights. I did not know that He Who has saved my soul three times from the pit, Who lights all men with the light of life, had come into me (Jn 1:4-5, 9; Job 33:27-30). Then, suddenly, I got flooded with something so wonderful I had never experienced before – LOVE! It was like a healing balm that rinsed every molecule of my wounded being.
“It is YOU Who is this love I have been searching for all my life! Why has nobody ever told me?” From this I know that the standard measure by which He will judge all of us is His new commandment, to love one another as He loved us. The old one is to love one’s neighbor as oneself.
It was there, in Gaeta, Italy, that I came from death to life, from being a great sinner to becoming a believer in and follower of Yeshua. And it was in Gaeta, Italy, that I met my husband and where we got married.
I tell you all of this that you may see and know why God has chosen me to come to you with His WAKE UP call. I am not only His messenger to you, but for me it is also a redemptive act, because of God’s purpose of redemption for the Church in Italy, the Church of Rome, and because of the great, deep love I have for Italy, for you the Italians. So, before I can go into the message I needed to share this with you, very much shortened, that you may see the great grace and mercy of our God and Savior.
The Catholic Church has reached and is in more countries than any other Church. She has sent out more missionaries than any other church. She has influenced more nations with the Cath. Christian faith than any other church. And she is also the church which has committed more crimes than any other church.
God the Father and His Son are not sending me to the established, old church, caught forever in her man-made traditions and politics, who carried out crusades, occupied Jerusalem, was responsible for the Spanish Inquisition and many other terrible deeds. No, God is sending me to you, the “charismatic” Catholics. It is for you, that WAKE UP! call! Let me tell you, why. And again, why God chose me as His messenger to you, beloved of the LORD.
I am a 1st Generation Holocaust survivor. My family had lived in Spain and lost everything in the infamous Spanish Inquisition. Under Hitler we lost again everything, including most of my family of about 400 persons perished, but God kept me, my mother, her mother and aunt alive and save from the Nazis. God saved us out of Breslau on the very last train leaving that city, on January 18th, 1945, with minus 18C, shoved into the only heated car by the station master. January 19th Breslau was declared “Fortress Breslau,” with 90,000 civilians perishing because of the severity of the winter and no transportation except by foot.
When the Americans broke up the displaced persons camp in Traunstein, South Bavaria, they force settled us into an attic room over a smithery in Chieming am Chiemsee. The village was ruled over by a very mean Catholic Priest who infested the whole village with the hatred of my mother and me, the “dirty Jews.” I suffered 9 years from their persecution, but they did let me attend their Mass in May.
I had no affection for the cath. Church, and became eventually a Lutheran, since as a “heretic” I was not allowed into the cath. Religion class. But God! His ways and plans are so amazing!
First of all I, the German Jewess, got baptized with the Holy Spirit and with fire (the experience was getting consumed by a flame which made me vibrate as fast as having been stuck to an electric wire) in a black church with a white Pastor couple, Victory Temple, in Ewing, Dallas, Texas. In search of a church I found a Lutheran one, St. Paul in Farmers Branch, since of course, I was not going to join a catholic one. Through that Church’s Bible summer school I got to meet a group of Spirit filled catholics who were members of a charismatic community known as “The Children of God’s Delight,” led by the late Bobbie Cavnar, a former pilot and hero. The community became our “nest” and home for at least 2 years.
Never have I known a greater love, joy in the Lord, holy praise and worship, and true fellowship and brotherhood than in this community. They were like little children who finally had gotten their favorite toy. They LOVED reading in the Bible, it so thrilled them. Up until the charismatic renewal the priest would read the Scriptures in Latin during service, which no one understood. The “layman” was being kept ignorant and in the dark. The charismatic renewal changed that.
I was present, together with other members of the Community, when Bobbie Cavnar, several elders of the community and several priests from the university of Notre Dame made a life-time covenant. The mission for this community and the charismatic renewal as a whole was stated and confirmed prophetically:
- A) To be alight in the darkness of this Church which has not moved forward in centuries.
- B) To bring a fresh breath and air into this stifling, molded and oppressive church system
- C) To bring the revelation of the Scriptures and the joy of the Lord to the people
- D) To no longer submit to man-made regulations and pagan practices
- E) To curb and weaken the absolute rule of the cardinals
In short, the mission of the charismatic catholic Christians was to transform that moldy, stale, musty old church – He sees it as a “dungeon” – and bring it into the new, Spirit filled life in Christ Jesus (Messiah Yeshua), into the 20th century.
“WAKE UP!” says the LORD. “You have not completed your mission. Half way through you have let your sails come down.You have not opened yourself to the Holy Spirit as before. You have returned to the old traditions and practices of this church, like a dog returns to its vomit. You have submitted yourself again to the hierarchy of this church, a hierarchy that is man-made and not established by Me. You were to be my light bearers into this “dungeon,” that I may safe and rescue out of it what can still be saved and rescued.”
“Therefore repent,” says the LORD, “and return to what you have fallen. What has become of that love, that joy, that thankfulness that had filled you? Moreover you have abandoned worshiping Me in Spirit and in Truth, such as you did to my delight? You were truly children of God’s Delight, an assembly of true believers in this apostate organization called Church of Rome. Who has beguiled you to abandon the newness of life, that gift of love, faith, joy and hope I gave you, and return into the tomb of old, rotting bones of a church as good as dead?”
“Repent, wake up, return to the works you did at first, and fulfill your mission. Stand in the gap for this old church and make up the breach, repenting with fasting and weeping for the gross sins and crimes of this church. Humble yourself before Me and repent of the replacement theology with which this church has infested all of Christianity, claiming that I have rejected my natural people Israel and that Gentile Christianity is now my new, spiritual Israel.”
Jer. 33:24-26 “Have you not observed what these people are saying, ‘The Lord has rejected the two families which he chose’? Thus they have despised my people so that they are no longer a nation in their sight. 25 Thus says the Lord: If I have not established my covenant with day and night and the ordinances of heaven and earth, 26 then I will reject the descendants of Jacob and David my servant and will not choose one of his descendants to rule over the seed of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. For I will restore their fortunes, and will have mercy upon them.” (Revised Standard Version) (RSV)
“The Church of Rome has always had those who did not soil their garments and clung to me with love and faithfulness. They shall walk with me in white, for they are worthy. Those whom I love I reprove and chasten. So, be zealous and repent. Behold, I stand at the door and knock: if any man hear my voice and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.”
“Come out of her, in whom is the blood of the saints, the blood of the martyrs, the blood of my people, their blood calling out to me day and night. You were not to rejoin her but to transform her in the power with which I filled you. Repent for the Pope who made common cause with the nation who tried to annihilate my people; the Pope who instituted the idolatry of worshiping the human mother of My Son. He has brought great guilt upon this church, as have some of the other popes and her priests. Repent of your failure and go and stand in the gap and make up the breach for this great church which affects more nations, more peoples than any other church. I am giving her a time to repent, and therefore will not as yet remove her lampstand and not blot her name out of the book of life.”
“But if you will not repent and return to the works you did at first; if you will not go and obey Me and fulfill your mission and stand in the gap and make up the breach, then it shall be worth for you than for her who has been in deep darkness. For I filled you with the gift of life, and love, and light, with the Holy Spirit to rescue out of her my people, those who have not defiled themselves with her works.”
“Therefore, WAKE UP AND REPENT! And fulfill the mission I assigned to you on behalf of this great church, the Church of Rome, in the Spirit known as ‘Edom,’ the brother of Jacob, whom he has hated with a perpetual enmity. I speak to you, the ‘charismatic’ Catholics, and not to Edom. He is already under judgment except for those who shall hear your voice and obey and come out of her who is drunk with the blood of martyrs and my people.”
“I do not wish that any man should perish. Therefore believe, trust and obey, repent and carry out your mission, that I may save out of the Church of Rome those whose names are written in the Book of life of the Lamb. The rest who do not hearken will go down the broad way that leads to perdition.”
May 21-22, 25-June 02, 2019
From the first to the last meeting, with the exception of the USA, all contacts, all doors God opened were initiated in our home, the Eilat Prayer Tower.
The assignment to five nations was entirely God’s doing. He alone was in charge, had absolute control. I was utterly dependent on Him. All I could do was book my flights for April 1-Jun 3, 2019, trusting God. My travel agent thought me crazy since I had no invitations, no scheduled itinerary – nothing.
I went under the covering of my husband’s blessings and 2 banners.
Banner 1:
- WHAT–The work Abba prepared in advance for me to walk in (Eph. 2:10); a work He has already finished from before the foundation of the world (Heb. 4:3) and then assigned to me.
- WHEN– His appointed time for this work.
- WHERE – His assigned place/ country.
- HOW – How to proceed. His precise instructions and the anointing of the Holy Spirit.
Banner 2:
With these 2 banners, it is impossible to fail as they are the secret of success to carrying out God’s assignments prepared in advance for us to walk in (Eph. 2:10; Heb. 4:3). And as a woman sent to minister the Word of God or prophesy with authority, I make certain I am “under authority” – like the centurion’s words to Yeshua (Matt. 8:9) – namely, “that my husband (1 Cor. 11:3, 5-10).
The first Italian couple to visit our tower was Giovanni and Valeria Melchionda from Ancona, that beautiful city on the Adriatic Sea. They came to us by way of a friend, Valeria, who also referred me to Guiseppe and Deborah Polignone from San Marco in Lamis, near Foggia. The Polignone’s referred me to Stefania Perciball in Rome.
Stefania’s friends, Claudia & Bruno Crociani, met me at the Fiumicino Airport in Rome. It poured at the airport and my transfer from Finnair Airline to the airport’s exit was a major task due to lack of logistics. As I waited in the rain for a couple I had never seen, thank God, Claudia found me thanks to a picture she had of me. She, her husband and I bonded immediately. After a tasty lunch, I rested for a while in their lovely, spacious apartment and then we drove to Stefania’s.
Stefania had arranged 3 meetings for me. Thank you so much, Stefania.
The first meeting was Tuesday evening, May 21st, at a “House of Prayer” at Via Foligno led by Stefano Zingaretti (nephew of same name pastor of “Chiesa Di Grano”) and his wife, who welcomed me warmly. I delivered the Wake Up! call in Italian – SVEGLIATEVI!
The LORD insisted on delivering His warning message in Italian to ensure they would not only hear but also take it to heart, as they would recognize His great care and love for them. I could still read and understand Italian but could no longer speak it. Arturo Triperi, the Italian husband of Finnish Sinikka (the 3rd Italian couple who came visit us) translated the message into Italian. Zingaretti taped the message.
And it was as the Lord had said: my effort to give the message in Italian in obedience to Him had them take His warning to heart.
Sinikka and others had advised me not to address the believers as Catholics or the Church of Rome, as the saints I would see were independent of that Church. They called themselves either Pentecostals, or Charismatics, or Evangelicals, all of which does not matter to the Lord. He sees but One Body of Messiah, irrespective of their divisions as believers.
The second meeting was on Wednesday morning, May 22nd, at another “Casa Di Preghiera” (“House of Prayer”), led by Pastor Emmanuele Di Martino. This service also was taped. Gabriele Crociani, praise & worship leader, interpreted for me when needed. Gabriele is the cousin of the Pastor in Pescara, where I would have my last meeting. Gabriele recommended me to his cousin.
I gave the SVEGLIATEVI message for the third time on Wednesday evening at a house church led by Lucia & Jesse Schäfer. Upon request, I also taught on “The 8 Stages Of The 1st Resurrection, 7 Of Which Are Raptures.” [1]
The next morning an acquaintance of Stefania drove me to the airport to fly to Berlin for the 2-day conference organized by Pastor Andreas Bauer of the Jerusalem Gemeinde. The conference celebrated the 70th anniversary of the founding of the Federal Republic of Germany. [2]
On Saturday, May 25th, Sinikka & Arturo met me at the Milano Malpensa Airport, and the next day took me to “Bethel Milano,” a large Pentecostal church led by Pastor Guiseppe Piccolo. I delivered the full message SVEGLIATEVI, [3], translated by his son, Marco Piccolo. Afterwards Piccolo & his wife took me, Sinikka & Arturo, to lunch.
On May 27th, Arturo put me on a bus to the Malpensa Airport to fly to Naples. There, Giancarlo Giancano picked me up, although I had been expecting Lia Hertig, a German-speaking disciple from Switzerland. Giancarlo drove by Naples along the Mediterranean Sea where I was overcome with emotion, reminiscing while taking pictures everywhere. I was utterly surprised to learn that I would stay in his house high up in the mountains, above VicoEquense.
Lia had invited me to the Centro Levitico Ghilgal Mondragone [4] in Caserta where I was eagerly awaited. Lia is a member of the Casa Di Preghiera [House of Prayer] HOP Italia team led by Guiseppe Conte, who was greatly looking forward to the SVEGLIATEVI! Message. However, the meetings were canceled due to heavy rain. The place was closed and I was greatly disappointed.
Giancarlo started lecturing me about his beliefs regarding Israel’s statehood. I voiced my disagreement and left. Afterwards he showed himself very caring. He prepared and served all the meals, took me around VicoEquense and the marina in his ramshackle car which he drove like speedy Gonzales up and down those narrow mountain paths. The view from his house is magnificent and I slept as if I were in Abraham’s bosom, so deeply and uninterrupted.
Finally, there was a late evening meeting at Guiseppe Conte’s home in Caserta. Pastor Biagio Narducci, Senior pastor of Centro Cristiano Ecclesia, attended, as well as a leading woman. Lia informed me that these were three key people with whom I had the privilege of sharing the SVEGLIATEVI message.
I was to take the train at a very early hour from VicoEquense to the Naples Central Bus Station – a rather complicated undertaking from the mountain, especially being alone. It scared me a little. Lia offered to accompany me. She was sorry about the canceled meetings at the Centro. That morning, however, Giancarlo generously offered to drive us. No train needed.
From Naples, I rode the Flix bus to Foggia to meet up with Deborah &GuiseppePolignone.Lovely-looking Deborah, all in white, picked me up in Foggia. It was a long ride to their pretty, secluded house in San Marco Lamis, a small town/village in the Province of Foggia. San Marco Lamis lies nestled between mountains of the Gargano massif. Just before sundown, we drove to one of the Gargano peaks where Guiseppe sounded the Word of God through his shofar into every direction of Italy for the awakening of the Body of Messiah, for the salvation of Italy.
I lodged in the Polignone’s spacious attic with a fabulous view, partook of family meals, and shared the SVEGLIATEVI! message one evening with their friends who had come from near and far, all of them prayer warriors and lovers of Israel. This wonderful time was topped off with a yummy, Italian specialties-potluck dinner. One brother sang for me several well-known songs in Hebrew, and recited the BircatCohanim / High Priestly Blessing over me. My three days with the Polignone family was a time of joy and peace, all the while accomplishing my mission. Moreover, I got to bless Deborah with a “Daily Word Diet” the Lord gave me for her.
Early the next morning I took the train to Pescara where, on Sunday, May 2, I would deliver, for one last time, the Lord’s SVEGLIATEVI! warning message to Italy. Pietro Evangelista, Sr. Pastor of the Christian Center “The Good Samaritan,” met me.
Everywhere I went, it had been cold and necessitated layers of warm, not-so-elegant clothing. Pescarawas suddenly summery-warm, being situated on the Adriatic Sea. Arriving from cold San Marco, I was pleasantly surprised and stripped off some “layers” in the church bathroom. I apologized for being so inappropriately dressed as a speaker, but everyone just chuckled good-heartedly; I was right “in style” with my tight leggings.
The very moment I approached the pulpit, the Holy Spirit came down on me so powerfully I nearly fell. This happened to me frequently. Sometimes a flame would anoint me, making me very hot to the point of perspiring. The anointing on me was particularly strong in Italy, markedly in this Good Samaritan Church. Something special was happening there.
The SVEGLIATEVI [5] Word went forth with impact and conviction. The pretty interpreter was outstanding,” preaching” alongside me rather than merely “translating.” Gabriele Crociani and Marco Piccolo also did very well. Perhaps this is a special “Italian talent’.
Pastor Pietro closed the service with a powerful confirmation of the message. He challenged the saints as the Body of Christ to spread this Wake Up! call and obey it.
The Italian brethren I met strongly pursue unity, with many pastors from throughout Italy gathering to pray, forming an effective bond of brotherhood to spread the Gospel outside of the hierarchy and doctrines of the Church of Rome, despite the brothers’ limited finances.
Prayer houses (Casa Di Preghiera) have sprung up to bring change to the Body of Christ and salvation to Italy; this in opposition to religiosity and Catholicism. The Italian Wake Up! Call was more of a confirmation than an alarm, giving direction rather than stern warning. No wonder the message was so well received.
My Italian assignment had started with Stefania in Rome and concluded in Rome with Christina, one of Stefania’s many acquaintances. After a long bus ride from Pescara, over high bridges through a mountainous region I never knew existed, I arrived at the huge bus station next to the Tiburtina Railway Station with no Christina in sight. My phone had no internet connection. Had it not been for a young girl giving me her internet code so I could contact Christina, we might never have found each other as we were at opposite ends of the station.
While I rested a little she prepared a whole menu to be enjoyed with the guests she had invited to hear the “Svegliatevi” message. Although a very small group, all of whom involved in prayer houses, they listened intently, plus we had a question-answer time. It was a good conclusion in a lovely place. Thank you, Cristina. In the morning a taxi she had ordered the evening before took me to Fiumicino.
Considering all the places, all the believers God took me to in those 2 months, and how I was received with so much honor and love, treated like an angel of the Lord and getting pampered, I can clearly see the Hand of the Lord in all of it. Because I obeyed in total trust this Word of God came true during those 2 months: 2 Chr 16:9 – “For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is perfect toward Him.”
May He accomplish His perfect will, plan and purpose with this WAKE UP! YOUR HOUSE IS ON FIRE! call, with other prophets going forth as well with that Wake Up call. It is a great act of divine grace. May it bring forth the promised new move of a double portion, His army of harvesters going forth in His power and authority to reap the earth’s harvest of golden ripeness.
Come, Lord Yeshua, King of Israel, Savior of the world! Amen!
[1] God’s Unchangeable Calendar – beginning with page 79, CHAPTER VI, (pg 38), until page 109/2: THE THREEFOLD REMNANT OF ISRAEL AND THE TABERNACLE IN THE RAPTURE
[2] 70° anniversario della fondazione della Repubblica Federale Tedesca
[3] Predicazione della sorella Eleonor (Italiano, on YouTube).
[4] Italy journey’s photos (+ videos)
[5] Click to watch the recorded message (with Italian translator) on YouTube.
Italy photos
(Note: clicking on a photo will open it full size with description)