Come to Me, and I will show you the Way out!
A Message from the Lord to
April/May 2019
The Lord wants the Body of Messiah to understand what the USA and Canada will be facing if the Church – consisting of millions, not just a few groups of hundreds, or thousands of even hundreds of thousands – does not wake up and get up.
“Your only safety is by abiding in Me and for my words to abide in you. Do not put your trust in any man, and do not lean on the arm of flesh. Lean on and trust in Me alone. Repent of your idolatry of ministers and ministries. I am a jealous God, I give my glory to no other. Repent of giving my tithe and offerings to glorify ministries and buildings while my servants in countries lacking your wealth have barely a roof over their head and food on their table.”
“Be alert, be filled with my Holy Spirit and the knowledge of the Truth, abide in my love, believe, trust and obey, for there is no other way in Yeshua, My Son, Your Savior and Lord.”
“Now hear my warning: if you, the Church, the Body of Christ [Messiah] will not heed my warnings and not act upon them, your nation and Canada will get engulfed in violence and bloodshed. An increasing number of Moslems will become Mayors and even Governors. Consequently the number of right-wing extremists will also be increasing, their branches uniting under SS-like leadership and with great financial support to combat Islamic immigrants and refugees in order to expel them from the US and Canada. The CIA, FBI and other homeland security forces are well aware of the threat those groups pose to the American people and their security. But you, the Church, the followers of My Son, Jesus Christ [Messiah Yeshua], seem still to be wholly unaware of the bulging wall about to collapse on your nation.”
“WAKE UP! YOUR HOUSE IS ON FIRE! Come to Me, and I’ll show you the way out.”
My call is to you, the Body of Christ, not to the American people. America and Canada need the Body of Christ to stand in the gap and make up the breach. I am He Who calls you to Repentance and Penance.
1. Repent of your sexual immoralities. Repent of tolerating those among you who engage in adultery and fornication. It has become common practice and is wholly tolerated in the churches for young couples to live together as husband and wife outside of the sanctifying covenant of marriage. It has been accepted as a “trial” time. Repent of these practices, of your tolerating them and mend your ways.
2. You know My Word that says that husband and wife shall cleave together until death shall part them. You know that I hate divorce (Mal. 3:16), yet it is as rampant in the churches as in the world. Repent of and forsake your compromising ways.
3. You have those among you who adhere to the teachings of the Nicolaitans [1], such as once forgiven always forgiven past, present and future, and therefore does not require any confessing of sins and repenting of them and asking for forgiveness. Because of my righteousness imputed to the believer makes no further confessing of sins and repentance necessary. This is the error of the Nicolaitans, which I hate, who taught what you do in the body cannot affect your spirit man. There is no automatic forgiveness and salvation. You are admonished to work out your salvation with fear and trembling; not to walk after the flesh but after the spirit, because the ways of the flesh lead to death. Yet you have allowed and tolerated some of those among you. Repent, and rectify your error.
4. You have also tolerated some Nicolaitan apostles among you who like to dominate the people, insist they are always right and do not tolerate being questioned nor submit to the authority of true apostles. They like to have themselves adored and praised, almost creating a personality-cult of themselves. They do not promote the adoration and worship of G-d but of self. And you have accepted a number of them, including false prophets, into your midst, adoring them, idolizing them, letting yourself be entertained by their self aggrandizing performance. Repent of your idolatry and your tolerating and believing them, and rectify your error.
5. What is worse yet, is that you have abandoned the love you had at first. Remember then from what you have fallen, repent and do the works you did at first. If not, I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place, unless you repent.
6. There are those who have become lukewarm. I spit out what is lukewarm.
7. You have not kept My commandment to love each other as I have loved you except for a small remnant.
8. You have disregarded My prayer to the Father that the you who believe in and follow Me should be one in Me with one another as I and the Father are one.
9. In the time of the Nazi persecution of the Jewish people the Body of Christ (except for individuals honored at Yad Vashem) did not stand between them and the Nazis, although Christians are fellow citizens and co-heirs in the commonwealth of Israel and no longer pagans (Ephesians 2: 12-13, 19). But the Church in Germany and the US did what the Prophet Obadiah describes:
Obadiah 10-15 Living Bible (TLB)
10 “And why [judgment]? Because of what you did to your brother Israel. Now your sins will be visible to all; ashamed and defenseless, you [the organized church] will be cut off forever. 11 For you [the church, except for individuals] have forsaken Israel [the Jews] in [their] times of need. You [the Church] stood aloof and refused to move a finger to help him [them] as the invaders [Nazis] took away his [their] wealth and divided Jerusalem [their possessions] among themselves. You were like one of his [their]enemies.
15 The vengeance of the Lord will soon fall upon all nations of the Gentiles. As they have done with Israel, it will happen to them. Their actions will roar on their heads [return like a boomerang].”
To emphasize again the urgency of the time and message, I would like to illustrate a few situations here besides the examples already mentioned, examples which have really happened:
This is a true story that happened in Israel, where Hamas in the south and Hisballah in the north launch rockets at our cities and settlements: it was the middle of the night when the sirens began howling, warning of a rocket attack. A mother in the city of Ashdod, alone with her two young sons, lept out of bed, rushed into her children’s room, grabbed them by the hand, and dragged them into the shelter. No sooner had she closed the iron door behind her than there was a deafening noise and a rocket fell on her house and smashed it. If she had taken her time and the warning as not so important – as unfortunately many young Israelis think -, then she would have been killed with her sons by this rocket, buried under the rubble of their destroyed house.
Another example: a single woman in Beer-Sheva did not ever take the sirens seriously, because missiles never actually reached where she lived. But this time, when the sirens howled again, she decided to go to the shelter. No sooner had she closed the window and the door than there was a terrible boom, and her apartment became rubble. If she had not followed the siren this time, she would have been dead under the rubble of her apartment.
I am such a “siren,” sent by God with a strong warning call. I serve the Lord in the “prophetic ministry” [03-Biographies] since August 1976. The Lord is showing the Church, the Body of Christ, how to prepare, to stand up and become active. Because only she stands between salvation and destruction.
It is written, “Whatever you have done it shall happen to you as well.” The Lord warns that the innocent blood shed by the United States is calling to Him from the ground. The souls which have been cast to Moloch when their forming bodies were destroyed in their mother’s wombs are calling to Him to rescue them. Not only that, but the monster ‘Nazism’ dressed up as New World Order is about to wake up again and raise its head. The Presidents George W. Bush, Clinton, and Obama opened the door for it, for the One-World Government to take America over, and the one-world faith while the Church slept.
The only ‘shelter’ to escape from terrible violence and dreadful bloodletting and being taken over by the anti-Christ forces is for the Church to wake up, to get up like one man, and come together in absolute unity, fasting and praying before the Lord, repenting with true, deep contrition, and ask and implore the Lord to allow yet another time of grace.
And then to take this WAKE UP call and warning of the Lord into all 50 States and into Canada.
The Lord will show practical ways how to maintain and spread that WAKE UP unity that God may grant the American and Canadian people yet ONE MORE TIME of grace.[2].
Yes, the Divine Judgment will eventually come to all nations. But now is still the time of redemption, of salvation. The heavenly court has issued an extension of the time of grace. May the Church not take this lightly and treat it as a hoax, otherwise she and her nation will pay dearly for it.
[1] The basics of their teaching, which even prevails in our days in many believers, was “once saved always saved,” and that forgiveness covers all sins, past, present and future, without our changing our ways and moral character into Christ likeness. They do not believe in working out our salvation with fear and trembling, and because we live still in a mortal body of sinful flesh it is therefore impossible to attain to Christ likeness. But that we have become Christ like when His faultless righteousness was imputed to us.
Nicolaitans separated their earthly from their spiritual life, and therefore allowed for it and freely practiced sexual immorality because they believed and taught that what they did in the body did not effect their spiritual being.
Once forgiven always forgiven, and therefore no need to confess sins committed and repent of them is an error to be found spreading in the churches. As is the rise of Nicolaitan apostles who tend to dominate the people, insist they are always right and do not tolerate being questioned. They like to have themselves adored and praised, like almost creating a personality-cult of themselves.
[2] One more dangerous matter that is again threatening on the horizon, although barely visible like the tsunami that ravaged Indonesia in 2005, is President Donald Trump’s “Peace plan” to “solve” the Israel-Palestinian “conflict.” This is what the LORD says:
“A conflict is a dispute between 2 or more parties, that can be resolved with negotiations, sometimes with violence. The state of affairs with Israel and the Palestinians is not a conflict. This mixed Arab people want all of My Land (Ez 36:5; 38:16; Joel 3:2; Zech. 9:16), the whole of Israel. They want to annihilate My people whom I am regathering into their own land (Amos 9:15) from all the lands where I have driven them, and call My Land, ‘Palestine,’ even though I never had named it that. Rome named it Palestina, and Britain Palestine. This people and their name is the invention of that despicable liar and bloody man of lawlessness, Yasir Arafat, and of the Arab League.”
“Watch and be alert, hear and understand. Don’t be deceived.”
“I am the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. I covenanted this land to Abraham, confirmed it to Isaac and established it with Jacob (Ps 105:8-1; Gen. 17:8). It is their OWN Land (Ez 36:24, 33-36; 37:14, 21; 39:28). Furthermore, Jerusalem has been My city from the beginning, for I chose her out of all the places in Israel for My Name to dwell (Ps. 132:13; 48:1-2; 2 Chron. 7:16), and to which My Son shall return (Zech. 13:4, 8), whom I have already set upon Mount Zion, my holy hill (Ps 2:6). The Land of Israel is Yeshua’s inheritance, and Jerusalem is HIS city. Who has the authority to give it away to an alien people?”
“Tell me then: do I need a human king to recognize Jerusalem being my eternal city, the capital of Israel? Every country has their capital recognized by all, except for My city. Is it not customary among nations having diplomatic relations to place their Embassy into each other’s capital? Has your nation not diplomatic relations with Israel? Am I and my people to be grateful to your President for having recognized Jerusalem and moved your Embassy into our capital?”
“You are fellow-citizens of and co-heirs (Eph. 2:19; 3:6) with the commonwealth of Israel. How then did you fail to perceive the humiliation in this? I, the Holy One of Israel, King of the universe, am to agree to the dividing up of My Land and of Jerusalem out of gratitude to your President for his ‘kind deed’? Your President thinks he has done such a clever move that Israel will have no choice but agree to his “deal of the century.”
“Cyrus my servant not only recognized Jerusalem, he helped my people to rebuild it, supported and blessed them to establish Jerusalem as their capital. He did not demand anything in return for it. Therefore pray that your President will be a true Cyrus to Israel.”
“However, I sit in the heavens and laugh, holding the nations in derision who scheme and plot against Me, My Son, My Land and My people. I have warned their leaders. If they do not heed I will speak against them in my anger and terrify them in my fury (Ps 2). If your nation does divide up my Land, your own land shall get divided.”
“In view of that, repent of your blindness, of not having been jealous for Me and for your Savior, whom you love, and for His inheritance in which you are destined to share as co-heirs. Repent, and pray and make petition that it will not be America who divides up My Land and city.”
I first flew to the Detroit airport where my friends Denise & Ron Edwards were nowhere to be seen. I took out my shofar and I blew. Ron heard my shofar call and found me. Glory!
Once again I was a welcome guest in their pleasant house in Novi, MI. At Denise’s 9:00-10:00 am EST National Prayer Call Monday – Friday, I gave a preview of God’s warning to America along with intercessory tidbits. Many took my message to heart.
On Shabbat, April 6, Denise invited me to share the WAKE UP call at “Intercessors Encounter,” of C.O.M.E. Ministry (Christ Overcoming Ministry Everyday). The hall filled to the last chair with the presence of an apostle, intercessors, and a prophet. I was thrilled. I could not have wished for a better assembly. May they heed the call, obey and act upon it.
At the same time a wedding took place next door. The bride & bridegroom gave us their entire flower arrangement. Their center pieces graced our tables, and every woman got a small bouquet. We felt like being at Yeshua’s wedding rehearsal.
This glorious manner blessed my entire stay in the US. Who but the LORD opens such doors and gathers His chosen ones? He alone could pamper me in such beautiful homes with loving, wonderful saints and delicious meals.
In Ferry, Michigan, Steve & Marilyn Arnold hosted me for 6 days in their cozy, rustic home at Shechem Ridge in a forest, where God blessed me with a radiant winter glory I hadn’t seen in decades as 6 inches of snow fell in one day. At GCU Academy at the Arnold’s big office building (formerly an Elementary school) in Ferry, I taught an intercessory class and 2 chaplaincy classes. On Sunday, April 7th, I shared The Life Of The Son Of Man – Yeshua the Messiah [a intimate, personal revelation], and ministered to people who were deeply touched.
While praying in the chapel and warming myself at the gas fire, a Pastor from Berlin, Germany, called and invited me to his Jerusalem Gemeinde. He had heard of the Wake Up! Your House Is On Fire! message for the Church in Germany.
Doors opened April 12th in Montague at the “Christ the Rock World Harvest Church,” with Pastor Gary Kozicky. The Wake Up! Your House Is On Fire! message led to a time of repentance and glorious worship in Spirit and in truth during the next Sunday morning service.
On April 18th, I exhorted intercessors at Ellen Pye’s “Eagle’s Nest” in Plymouth. We also held a memorial for Ellen’s husband, Bill Pye, who went to be with the Lord on January 24, 2019 at the age of 74. A full house of mature saints stood with Apostle Bill Hodge and me as we commissioned them with the Word and the Shofar to share God’s Wake Up call.
On Friday, April 19th, Apostle Bill Hodge, Denise Edwards and I led a Messianic Passover Seder in Monroe, MI, at the River Raisin Worship Center, hosted by Carolyn Abrams. It was the first Seder for many who received new insight of Yeshua inaugurating the New Covenant at just such a Seder.
In Holland, Michigan, April 20th, we taught at Marge and James Newhouse’s who offered their lovely home for another GCU headquarters meeting after hearing Bill teach 2 chaplaincy classes. I delivered the Wake Up! call which was taken seriously by chaplains, pastors and intercessors. I taught on “Adam & Enosh,” the 2 divisions of mankind, referred to in Romans ch. 11 as the “wild olive tree” (Enosh; the root being Yaphet, Ham & Canaan), and the “cultivated, noble olive tree” (Adam; the root being Abraham, Isaac & Jacob).
Much was accomplished, and not surprisingly, the adversary tried to harm us with a huge turkey suddenly smashing into the windshield and grill of Bill’s car. Nevertheless, we arrived safely at our next destination at the Edwards in Novi, where I shared The Life Of The Son Of Man, and spoke once again at Denise’s morning National Prayer call. On the 23rd I left for Dallas, Texas.
On April 25th I flew to San Angelo, where Cathy Brown, her sister Robin, Mary Ann Wilson and friends received me with much love and honor. I lodged in Robin’s beautiful home, and was treated by the ladies to an awesome time of fellowship and dinner with a spectacular view. They all had arranged for the LORD’s message to be heard in San Angelo, and for whatever else He might have for them.
Once again, only the Lord could have assembled the people who came. None of them were the “Sunday-morning-Jesus-Christ-
Due to the weakness assailing me, I sat in a comfortable easy chair by the pulpit while ministering. The Holy Spirit took over, as always, strengthening me.
On the evening of the 25th, I delivered the Lord’s warning to a full house of intercessors with not one chair empty. In the morning of the 26th, I gave the Wake Up call to “all who would hear”. And in the afternoon I shared The Life Of The Son Of Man, which led to personal ministry and a desire to receive the baptism of fire that was evident in me.
After teaching on the baptism of fire, we ministered the impartation of this amazing baptism. After proclaiming the Word of God into our 2 shofars, we sounded this Voice of God back and forth over all those who had come running to the altar. In these last days of this closing age, we indeed need the fire of the Holy Spirit, that flaming seal of unquenchable, enduring love which cannot be quenched.
The next day, Saturday, April 27th, Robin drove me to Ft. Worth for a special visit with my grandson David, his wife Abra and their precious new baby girl, my great granddaughter. Three days later, David drove me to the DWV airport.
I was soon on my way to Frankfurt, Germany, with Lufthansa, flying the Transatlantic route business class, where I put up my legs and rested. I can no longer endure Economy nor Premium class.
The end for the North American Assignment.
USA/Canada Photos
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