Revelation 9:13-21/The 6thTrumpet; 16:12-19/The 6th Bowl
The world is speeding in a downward vortex like a car’s speed accelerates going downhill without brakes on.
The time has come to remember Who Yeshua is, why He came, what He left, how much He humbled Himself and endured for our sake. While He, the Master and King Whom we profess to love and serve did not even own a donkey but had to borrow one, and ate the Passover Meal with His disciples in a lent upper room in a stranger’s house, many of His servants go about bejeweled, own private planes, fleets of cars, mansions and expensive suits and dresses, and hold entertaining performances and conferences.
Let me awaken you now to what will shortly follow this covid-19 pandemic. There are awful world wars coming. WWIII is not very far off. It will start at the Euphrates precipitated by 4 angels.
The key to the release of those 4 extremely evil angels is found in Revelatiion 9:15: they have been PREPARED for the year, month, day and hour. Such precise dating would indicate that a planned project will be completed in a certain year, fully functional in a certain month of that year, and will be inaugurated on a certain day and hour in that month and year.
There remains one huge Turkish project known as GAP[1], a project which affects not only Turkey, but also Syria, Iraq, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait. The GAP[2] project includes 13 irrigation and hydropower schemes, involving the construction of 22 dams and 19 hydroelectric power plants on both the Tigris and the Euphrates. Upon completion it is expected to provide up to 25 percent of the country’s electricity. This project may lead to a political and water crisis[3], as the above mentioned nations and especially the Kurdish people are going to be affected by it. Syria and Iraq have been at odds with Turkey about the GAP[4] project as they were not consulted even though the Euphrates and Tigris[5] are of utmost importance to both nations. The basin[6] those 2 rivers flow through into the Persian Gulf have been for thousands of years the main food, economic supply and cultural development, the area known as Mesopotamia and as “the cradle of civilization.”
Hence, it is of vital importance to follow the GAP project, and for what year the completion of the 22nd dam is projected and the 19th hydroelectric power plant; in what month of that year the 22nd dam and the 19th power plant will be fully functional, and what will be the publicized h
our and day when the completion of the GAP project will be announced and inaugurated. This disastrous day and dreadful hour will trigger the catastrophic, calamitous WWIII, terrible, devastating, ruinous, leading to the death of 1/3 of mankind (in 2018 – 7.594 billion), about 2.53 billion people. The military alliance to fight against the implementation o
f the GAP project shall number 200 million fighting forces. Turkey is member of NATO[7], and America has a base of vital importance[8] in Turkey. Syria, Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia and Kuweit are members of the Arab League[9]. If these nations enter into military confrontation over the water crisis conflict between Turkey and the Kurds, Syria, Iraq, with Iran, Saudi Arabia and Kuweit being
affected as well, their mustered forces can easily make up 200 million. Someone claimed this will be China because of the number of their troops, which, however, is 2.8 million and not 200. China is part of the South-East Asian alliance of 10 nations – ASEAN[10]– ten member nations[11] with the “ASEAN Plus Three,” consisting of ASEAN, China, Japan, and South Korea, created in 1997. These ASEAN nations, whose emblem consists of 10 rice stalks bound together, sharing in a united goal and interests, are referred to in Revelation 16:12 as the “Kings of the East.”
Three World Wars: WWIII – WWIV And WWV
This terrible WWIII war starting at the Euphrates and its major involvement in the GAP project, released by the 6th angel sounding the shofar, precedes WWIV, released by another 6th angel who pours the 6th bowl on the Euphrates, when a military alliance of the nations mentioned in Ezekiel 38:1-6[1] will invade Israel to take the Galilee from her and make it part of Palestine, which is the so-call
ed Armageddon war[2]. However in Revelation 16:10 we are told that the 5th angel pours his (5th) bowl on the throne of Satan which was/is in former Pergamon, today’s Bergama, plunging that part or all of Turkey into darkness. It seems to be followed nearly immediately by the 6th angel pouring his bowl on the Euphrates making a way for a military coalition of the ASEAN alliance nations proceeding to the Persian Gulf and inland, able to cross the Euphrates dry shod because the river can be turned off like a faucet thanks to the 22 dams project. This multitude of nations is to converge on the area where Har Megiddo is located, where historically many battles have been fought in the Jezreel valley.
Whether the Ezekiel 38 invasion of Israel and the Revelation 16:12-16 by the “kings of the East” refers to WWIV, the “Armageddon” war, is difficult to say. It refers to it as “the Great Day of G-d, the Almighty,” yet it is not the final war, which is waged over Jerusalem, WWV.
WWIII will apparently waged mainly with highly developed tanks[3] which shoots flames through one cannon and poisonous, deadly gases (biological and chemical warfare) through another device, because mankind gets killed from the fire, the gases and what
is called “brimstone,” the sulfur and poisonous smoke, perhaps being part of the chemicals proceeding from the “mouth” of those tanks[4], their rotating turrets described as looking “like” a lion’s head, as large and shaped similar to a lion’s head. The “tail” being one cannon, the other end of the tank’s a “mouth” through which those plumes of gaseous, poisonous biological and chemical material is launched on the opposing armies.
WWIV will be fought over the whole region and over the Galilee to take it from Israel.
Now is the time for praying into those wars. Although Scripture cannot be broken, G-d taught us that we can pray INTO those wars and events with Word prayers that express His eternal, perfect will. Already NOW we can pray into WWIII and for those nations which will get involved in it, from NATO and the ARAB LEAGUE, pitted against each other. With the USA and European nations of a vast military capacity involved in fighting Arab League nations despite peace and alliance agreements, perhaps Russia getting involved siding with Syria, this war will consume the region and the invading armies – but not Israel.
Inbetween those wars will come to pass some or all of the seals, natural catastrophes on earth and from space, genocide, mass murder and ethnical cleansing in various countries. But most importantly, the 2 Witnesses will become public who will warn the unrepentant nations about the coming trials and disasters. Yet when the two get killed after 2 1/2 years, the unrepentant nations will celebrate their death and refuse to have them buried. The hour in which G-d will raise them up and translate them to heaven a terrible earthquake will strike Israel causing 7000 to get killed in Jerusalem alone, not mentioning other cities nor the injured.
It is time to pray already now for the Name, blood and cross of Yeshua creating a chasm between those nations, from this WWIII war, and erect a high, impenetrable wall of protection and safety for the nation, Land and people of Israel by fierce warrior angels being stationed round about Israel, her borders, cities and towns. This war must not spill over into Israel before WWIV is going to be fought in the very heart of Israel.
Let us abide in Yeshua and His words in us, be watchful at all times, seek G-d’s counsel and walk in it, and take our salvation serious and the power of Yeshua’s cross and blood, none of which were meant to serve vanity and shallow entertrainment. Let us be sober, praying and unafraid, for He shall not leave us nor forsake us.
Yours in Him,
[aka Elinor aka Mama Israel]
[1] The region N and NE of the Black Sea and East of the Caspian Sea, aka Russia, Ukraine, Khasakstan, modern Iran (Rosh) and modern Turkey (Mesheck-Tubal), then there’ll be Lybia, northern Sudan, and East-European nations (Gomer, E-Turkey and Ukraine?), and part of Turkey near the Syrian border
[2] scroll down to page 136 on the bottom of the page; the title of the page is THE GALILEE
[3] ; the following article claims that not all vehicles which look like tanks are actually tanks, and expounds on the difference. The MI Abrams however IS a tank –
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